Daktronics All Sport 100 Contro User Manual

All Sport® 100
Control Console
Operations Manual
ED-13432 Rev 3 – 10 October 2007
Product 1196
Rev 3 – 10 October 2007
Copyright © 2003-07
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the p ublisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electron ic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
All-Sport® is a trademark of Daktronics, Inc
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction....................................................................................................1
1.1 How To Use This Manual..........................................................................................................1
1.2 Daktronics Nomenclature..........................................................................................................3
Section 2: Controller Overview ......................................................................................5
2.1 All Sport 100 Overview.............................................................................................................5
2.2 Display Connection....................................................................................................................6
2.3 Replacement Parts List ..............................................................................................................6
2.4 Daktronics Exchange and Repair and Return Programs............................................................6
Exchange Program..............................................................................................................6
Before Contacting Daktronics ............................................................................................7
Repair & Return Program...................................................................................................8
Shipping Address................................................................................................................8
Section 3: Basic Operation.............................................................................................9
3.1 Console Operation..................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 All Sport® 100 Inserts and Codes ..............................................................................................9
3.3 Sport Insert Operation Concepts..............................................................................................10
3.4 Startup......................................................................................................................................10
3.5 Common Sport Keys................................................................................................................11
Clear/Alt ...........................................................................................................................11
Set Time............................................................................................................................11
Count Up/Down................................................................................................................12
Auto Horn.........................................................................................................................12
Manual Horn.....................................................................................................................13
Section 4: Clock/Score Operation................................................................................15
4.1 Clock Keys...............................................................................................................................15
Set Time............................................................................................................................15
Period +1...........................................................................................................................16
4.2 Score Keys...............................................................................................................................17
Home/Guest Score Keys...................................................................................................17
Bonus Keys....................................................................................................................... 17
Possession Key.................................................................................................................18
Table of Contents i
Section 5: Segment Timer Operation...........................................................................19
5.1 Segment Timer Information.....................................................................................................19
5.2 Segment Timer Keys................................................................................................................20
Main Screen......................................................................................................................20
First/Last Segment............................................................................................................20
Segment Number/Time.....................................................................................................20
Set Program ......................................................................................................................21
Interval Time.....................................................................................................................21
Copy Range ......................................................................................................................22
Auto Stop..........................................................................................................................22
Warning Time...................................................................................................................22
Reset Current Segment .....................................................................................................23
Edit Current Segment........................................................................................................23
Reset to First Segment......................................................................................................23
TI-2025/2026 Segment Timer...........................................................................................23
Send Program Information to Display..............................................................................23
TI-2025/2026 Play Clock (Segment Timer Program 6)....................................................24
TI-2025/2026 Two-Minute Drill (Segment Timer Program 7).........................................24
RC-50 Segment Timer......................................................................................................25
Controls (Programs 1-5) ...................................................................................................25
RC-50 Play Clock Controls (Program 6)..........................................................................25
RC-50 Two-Minute Drill Controls (Program 7)...............................................................25
Section 6: Baseball Operation...................................................................................... 27
6.1 Baseball Keys...........................................................................................................................27
Out +1, Inning +1..............................................................................................................27
Ball, Strike, Clear Ball/Strike ...........................................................................................28
Hit, Error...........................................................................................................................28
Home/Guest Score +1, -1..................................................................................................28
Appendix A: Reference Drawings ..................................................................................... 29
ii Introduction
Section 1: Introduction

1.1 How To Use This Manual

Important Safeguards:
1. Read and understand these instructions before installing the display.
2. Do not drop the control console or allow it to get wet.
3. Properly ground the scoreboard with a grounding electrode at the scoreboard
4. Disconnect power when the scoreboard is not in use.
5. Disconnect power when servicing the scoreboard.
6. Do not modify the scoreboard structure or attach any panels or coverings to the
scoreboard without the express written consent of Daktronics, Inc.
Figure 1 illustrates the
Daktronics drawing numbering system. Daktronics identifies individual engineering drawings by their drawing number (7087-P08A-69945 in the example), which is located in the lower right corner of the drawing. This manual refers to drawings by their last set of numbers and the letter preceding them. The example would be Drawing A-69945.
Reference drawings are grouped and inserted in alphanumeric order in the Appendix.
Listed below are a number of drawing types commonly used by Daktronics, along with the information that each is likely to provide.
System riser diagrams: overall system layout from control room to display,
power and phase requirements
Shop drawings: fan locations, transformer locations, mounting information,
power and signal entrance points and access method (Front or rear)
Schematics: power wiring, signal wiring, panelboard or power termination
panel assignments, signal termination panel assignments and transformer assignments
Final assembly: component locations, part numbers, display dimensions and
assembly/disassembly instructions
Figure 1: Daktronics Drawing Label

Introduction 1

All references to drawing numbers, appendices, figures, or other manuals are presented in bold typeface, as in this example: “Refer to Drawing A-66945 for the location of the driver enclosure.” Additionally, any drawings referenced within a particular subsection are listed at the beginning of that subsection in the following manner:
Reference Drawing:
Segmentation, 7 Seg Bar Digit................................................................ Drawing A-69945
Daktronics identifies manuals by their engineering document (ED) number, which is located on the cover page of the manual. For example, this manual would be referred to as ED-13432.
The serial and model numbers of a Daktronics scoreboard can be found on the ID label on the display. The label will be similar to the one shown in Figure 2. When calling Daktronics Customer Call Center, please have this information available to ensure quick service. For future reference, note the scoreboard model number serial number, and installation date on the second page of this manual.
Figure 2: Scoreboard ID Label
Daktronics displays are built for long life and require little maintenance. However, from time to time, certain display components will have to be replaced. The Replacement Parts List in Section 2.3 provides the names and part numbers of components that may require replacement during the life of this display.
Following the Replacement Parts List is an explanation of Daktronics Exchange and Repair and Repair Programs. Refer to these instructions if replacement components or repair is needed.
2 Introduction
1.2 Daktronics Nomenclature
To fully understand some Daktronics drawings, such as schematics, it is necessary to know how various components are labeled in those drawings. This information is useful when trying to communicate maintenance or troubleshooting efforts.
The label “A” on a drawing item typically denotes an assembly. An assembly can be a single circuit board or a collection of components that function together, usually mounted on a single plate or in a single enclosure.
In addition, the following labeling formats might be found on various Daktronics drawings:
“TB _ _” denotes a termination block for power or signal cable. “F _ _” denotes a fuse. “E _ _” denotes a grounding point. “J _ _” denotes a power or signal jack. “P _ _” denotes a power or signal plug for the opposite jack.
Finally, Daktronics part numbers are commonly found on drawings. Those part numbers can be used when requesting replacement parts from Daktronics Customer Call Center. Take note of the following part number formats. (Not all possible formats are listed here).
“0P- _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _” denotes an individual circuit board, such as a driver board. “0A-_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _” denotes an assembly, such as a circuit board and the plate or bracket
to which it is mounted. A collection of circuit boards working as a single unit may also carry an assembly label.
“W- _ _ _ _ ” denotes a wire or cable. Cables may also carry the assembly numbering
format in certain circumstances. This is especially true for ribbon cables.
“F- _ _ _ _ ” denotes a fuse. “T- _ _ _ _ ” denotes a transformer. “PR- _ _ _ _ _ - _” denotes a specially ordered part.
“M- _ _ _ ” denotes a metal part, and “0M-_ _ _ _ _ _” typically denotes a fabricated metal assembly.
Introduction 3

Section 2: Controller Overview

Section 2 includes the following subsections:
All Sport 100 Replacement Parts List: includes the components of the All Sport 100 that may need to be replaced Daktronics Exchange and Repair and Return Programs: covers the procedure for returning
equipment to Daktronics and/or requesting new parts

2.1 All Sport 100 Overview

Overview: identifies the control equipment and how it operates the displays
The All Sport® 100 Series controller, shown in Figure 3, is a hand-held controller designed to operate Daktronics BB-114 portable basketball scoreboard. This lightweight, 6" high by
/4" wide controller is encased in ABS plastic, making it a durable as well as convenient control option. The console’s liquid crystal display (LCD) will guide you through the operation of the system.
The All Sport 100, identified by the series number AS-100, can be configured to display game time, game scores and possession and bonus information. For details on configuring the All Sport 100 to operate a display, refer to Section 3: Basic Operation.
When opening the packages, inspect for shipping damage such as rattles and dents. See that all equipment is included as shown on the packing slip. Immediately report any deficiencies to Daktronics. Save all packing materials for shipping if warranty repair or exchange is needed.
Figure 3: All Sport 100
Controller Overview 5
2.2 Display Connection
A 2-pair, shielded cable at 22 AWG connects the All Sport 100 controller to Daktronics BB-114 portable basketball scoreboards.
The cable extends from the XLR jack at the rear of the BB-114 to the 9-pin jack on the top of the controller, as shown in Figure 4.
For more information regarding the BB­114 portable basketball display, refer to ED-13315, the BB-114 Portable LED Basketball Scoreboard Installation, Maintenance, and Operation Manual

Figure 4: Display Connection


2.3 Replacement Parts List

The following is a list of possible replacement parts for the All Sport 100 controller. When re-ordering a part, be sure to use its corresponding part number
Part Part Number
All Sport 100 controller 0A-1196-0094 Cable 0A-1196-0095 Clock/score insert LL-2550 Segment timer insert LL-2648 Wall pack transformer T-1118

2.4 Daktronics Exchange and Repair and Return Programs

To serve customers’ repair and maintenance needs, Daktronics offers both an Exchange Program and a Repair and Return Program.

Exchange Program

Daktronics unique Exchange Program is a quick service for replacing key parts in need of repair. If a part requires repair or replacement, Daktronics sends the customer a replacement, and the customer sends the defective part to Daktronics. This decreases display downtime.
6 Controller Overview

Before Contacting Daktronics

Identify these important part numbers:
Display Serial Number: Display Model Number: Contract Number: Date Installed: Location of Sign (Mile Marker Number): Daktronics Customer ID Number:
To participate in the Exchange Program, follow these steps.
1. Call Daktronics Customer Service:
Market Description Customer Service Number
Schools (primary through community/junior colleges), religious organizations, municipal clubs and community centers Universities and professional sporting events, live events for auditoriums and arenas Financial institutions, petroleum, sign companies, gaming, wholesale/retail establishments Department of Transportation, mass transits, airports, parking facilities
2. When the new exchange part is received, mail the old part to Daktronics.
If the replacement part fixes the problem, send in the problem part which is being replaced.
a. Package the old part in the same shipping materials in which the replacement
part arrived.
b. Fill out and attach the enclosed UPS shipping document. c. Ship the part to Daktronics.
3. A charge will be made for the replacement part immediately, unless a qualifying
service agreement is in place.
In most circumstances, the replacement part will be invoiced at the time it is shipped.
4. If the replacement part does not solve the problem, return the part within 30
working days or the full purchase price will be charged.
If, after the exchange is made the equipment is still defective, please contact Customer Service immediately. Daktronics expects immediate return of an exchange part if it does not solve the problem. The company also reserves the right to refuse parts that have been damaged due to acts of nature or causes other than normal wear and tear.
Controller Overview 7

Repair & Return Program

For items not subject to exchange, Daktronics offers a Repair & Return Program. To send a part for repair, follow these steps:
1. Call or fax Daktronics Customer Service:
Refer to the appropriate market number in the chart listed on the previous page.
Fax: 605-697-4444
2. Receive a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number before shipping.
This expedites repair of the part.
3. Package and pad the item carefully to prevent damage during shipment.
Electronic components, such as printed circuit boards, should be placed in an antistatic bag before boxing. Daktronics does not recommend Styrofoam peanuts in packaging.
4. Enclose:
your name
phone number
the RMA number should be written clearly on the outside of the box
a clear description of symptoms

Shipping Address

Daktronics Customer Service PO Box 5128
331 32 Brookings, SD 57006
8 Controller Overview
+ 25 hidden pages