R-32 rooftop series – Base,
2-,3- and 4-damper versions
Made-To-Stock models
Made-To-Order models
Operation manual
Rooftop Packaged Unit
Mode d’emploi
Roof top unité de type monobloc
Eenheid monoblok-rooftop
Manual de operación
Unidad monobloque Roof Top
Manuale d'uso
Rooftop unità monoblocco
Εγχειρίδιο λειτουργίας
Μονάδα οροφής μονομπλόκ
Manual de operação
Rooftop unidade monobloco
Návod k použití
Rooftop monolitní jednotka
Használati útmutató
Tetőtéri egység
1 Introduction 5
1.1 General 5
1.1.1 c.pCO controller functions 5
2 Quick commissioning 6
2.1 Main functions 6
2.2 Switching the unit on and o6
2.2.1 Switch the unit on and o from the display. 6
2.2.2 Switch the unit on and o from external OK signal6
2.2.3 Switch the unit on and o from the BMS6
2.3 Change of set points 7
2.3.1 Setpoint editing from display7
2.3.2 Setpoint editing from BMS7
2.4 Change language 7
2.5 Changing the date and time 8
2.6 Setting of time bands 8
3 Graphics on the display 9
3.1 Graphic conventions 9
3.1.1 Icons and symbols9
4 The screens 11
4.1 Screen tree 11
4.1.1 Screen menu12
4.2 Menu browsing 13
4.2.1 Info 13
4.2.2 Demand13
4.2.3 Synoptic panel14
4.2.4 Login15
5 Software functions 16
5.1 Introduction 16
5.2 Set point management 17
5.2.1 Dynamic Set Point17
5.2.2 Dynamic setpoint from external air probe in cooling mode18
5.2.3 Dynamic setpoint from external air probe in heating mode19
5.3 Temperature control 20
5.3.1 Thermoregulation in cooling mode21
5.3.2 Thermoregulation in heating mode23
5.3.3 Disabling heating sources depending on external air temperature25
5.4 humidity control 26
5.4.1 Relative humidity control with proportional control27
5.5 Air humidication28
5.5.1 Ancillary built-in humidier functions28
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5.6 Air dehumidication28
5.7 Power supply control 29
5.7.1 Phase sequence29
5.7.2 Min. / Max. voltage29
5.7.3 Fast Restart 29
5.8 Damper management 30
5.8.1 Damper control31
5.8.2 Damper management31
5.8.3 Unit start-up 31
5.8.4 Washing31
5.8.5 Recirculation 32
5.9 Auxiliary heating 33
5.9.1 Controlled devices 34
5.9.2 Post heating34
5.9.3 Activation according to time bands35
5.1 Introduction 36
5.2 Alarm table 36
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1.1 General
Some information on the use of this manual.
The purpose of this manual is to provide all the necessary information for the use of the controller and relevant
software application in the units indicated on the cover.
Information regarding installation of the units and relevant tests and checks for the rst starting is not given in this
We thank in advance all those who will wish to let us know of any errors, omissions, sections requiring further
explanation or operations that have not been included.
1.1.1 c.pCO controller functions
The software application for the electronic microprocessor controller, series c.pCO, was designed to manage Rooftop
Through appropriate conguration, this gives the possibility of managing a wide range of units with relevant specic
Management of Rooftop units means monitoring that all component parts operate safely throughout the various
operating cycles.
The family of c.pCO electronic microprocessor controllers includes various module sizes. The software is exible to
the extent that the use of modules is optimized, meaning the modules used for reach application are those having the
necessary number of inputs and outputs.
The c.pCO board is connected to the various modules and communicates with them via a high speed, highly reliable
eld bus.
The controller user interface consists in a colour, 4.3” touch-screen display.
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2.1 Main functions
The necessary instructions for working on the controller, with regard to the main functions of the unit, are given below.
Use the “On/O” icon on the main screen to go to the page where the buttons to start and stop the unit are featured.
The top area of the screen shows the status of the unit: the “On/O” icon is provided in the central area.
A tap on the icon changes the status of the unit from “on” to “o” and vice versa.
In order to switch the unit on and o from external OK signal, make sure the feature is active.
To switch the unit on, close the external OK signal. To switch it o, open it.
The external OK signal should be connected to terminals "1" and "56" in the terminal board.
In order to switch the unit on and o from external OK signal, make sure the feature is active.
To switch the unit on, close the external OK signal. To switch it o, open it.
The external OK signal should be connected to terminals "1" and "2" present in the terminal board.
The external OK signal must be a potential-free contact.
2.2.3 SwitchtheunitonandofromtheBMS
In order to switch the unit on and o from the BMS, make sure the feature is active.
See dedicated BMS management document.
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2.3 Change of set points
2.3.1 Setpoint editing from display
Go to the main menu and press “Setpoint” to access the screens where functions are displayed whose setpoints
need to be managed.
Go to the “Setpoint” sub menu and select the function whose setpoint is to be changed.
Scroll the parameters until the desired parameter setpoint is achieved.
Select the setpoint parameter to enable the edit keypad.
Set the new value and apply the green tick to conrm.
Units featuring mode switching have a setpoint for cooling “ST7” and a setpoint for heating “STH7”.
The setpoint for cooling “ST7” must necessarily be higher than the setpoint for heating “STH7”.
If values that do not meet this condition are set by mistake, the controller activates alarm “AL183”.
Alarm “AL183” is displayed for warning purposes only.
2.3.2 Setpoint editing from BMS
Setpoints can be edited from the BMS only if this function is enabled.
See dedicated BMS management document.
2.4 Change language
When in the main menu, press “Languages” to access the screens in which the available languages are displayed.
If the language you are looking for is not in the screen, use the arrows to nd it.
The selected language becomes active as soon as it is selected.
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2.5 Changing the date and time
Scroll the main menu until you nd the “Congurations” group and select it.
Select “Date and Time” in the “Congurations” menu and access the screen where it is possible to edit the date and
time setpoints.
Select the write icon in the bottom right-hand side to access the edit screen.
When a green value is tapped, a virtual keypad appears: use the keypad to set the new values. After entering the
new value, tick it to conrm it.
After changing the values, tap the Save icon on the bottom right-hand side to save the new setpoints.
The arrow on the left is used to go back to the previous screen without saving the changed parameters.
2.6 Setting of time bands
Access to the screen where the time bands are set up requires entry of a password.
Scroll the main menu until you nd the “Parameters” group and select it.
Scroll the “Parameters” menu until you nd the “ES Energy saving” group.
After selecting “ES Energy saving”, access is gained to the group of parameters used to set up the time bands.
Refer to the relevant chapter for more information on the parameter setup logic.
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During development of the application, particular attention was given to intuitive use of the user interface.
3.1 Graphic conventions
The touch-screen display is designed to browse the interface.
Provision has been made for some intuitive icon buttons that are tapped to easily browse the featured screens and
Other user-friendly symbols are used to locate parts and active functions.
Below is a list of the icons used as buttons and the symbols featured in the various screens of the interface.
3.1.1 Icons and symbols
Icons are used as physical buttons in the touch-screen display to browse the menus and screens. The featured icons
“Home” - this icon is pressed to go back to the Home page. The arrow buttons are pressed to move within
the given loop;
“Info” - this icon gives access to the screens containing information on both the software and the unit; The
arrow buttons are pressed to move within the given loop;
“On/O” - this icon gives access to the screen used to switch the unit on or o from the user interface;
“Cooling/Heating” This icon gives access to the screen where the unit operating mode is switched from
cooling to heating using the user interface.
“Menu” - pressing of this icon on the Home page gives access to the “Menu” screen. If this icon is pressed on
any other screen, the system moves back by one level;
“Demand” - this icon gives access to the screens where the various demands from the system are displayed;
The arrow buttons are pressed to move within the given loop;
“Dampers” This icon gives access to the screens where the operating status of the dampers is displayed. The
arrow buttons are pressed to move within the given loop;
“Synoptic panel” - this icon gives access to the screen where the layout showing the operating principle of
the circuit featured in the unit is displayed. A tap on the circuit components gives access to the relevant information
and parameters.
A click on this icon gives access to the Alarms menu. If the icon is red, at least one alarm is active; no alarm
is active if it is grey.
A click on this icon either enables or disables the function it is associated with.
A click on this icon enables movement to the left within one screen loop.
A click on this icon enables movement to the right within one screen loop.
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This icon appears in the “login” screen after entering the “password”.A click on this icon conrms the entered
This icon appears in the “login” screen and it is accessed with the correct credentials.A click on this icon
enables moving back to the “loop” of the previous menu, gaining access to it with the active credentials.
Some symbols help easily understand the functions featured in the unit and their status. Symbols include:
this symbol is featured in all units and it indicates the ventilation function. When it is grey, the ventilation unit
is not operational and it is when the symbol is coloured.
this symbol indicates the cooling function. When it is grey, the cooling unit is not operational and it is when
the symbol is coloured.
this symbol indicates the humidication function. When it is grey, the humidication unit is not operational and
it is when the symbol is coloured.
this symbol indicates the de-humidication function. When it is grey, the de-humidication unit is not operational
and it is when the symbol is coloured.
this symbol indicates that access is now active after login to pages containing protected parameters. Access
to some parameters requires entry of a password which depends on the prole for which the user is accredited.
this symbol indicates the connection with a USB pen drive. The symbol appears when data transmission is
in progress.
This symbol indicates that the unit is operating in heating mode. The symbol is common for both main and
auxiliary sources. If the symbol is orange it means that the main source is working. If the symbol is yellow it means
that the auxiliary source is working. If the symbols are gray it means that the sources are not working.
This symbol indicates that total fresh air is enabled.
This symbol indicates that total air recycling is enabled.
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- Setpoint
* Unit
* Ventilation
* Humidification Dehumidification
* Dampers
* Auxiliary heating
* Post-heating gas
* Environment air renewal
- Probes
- I/O
* Universal inputs
* Digital inputs
* Driver 1
* Analog outputs
* Digital outputs
* Driver 2
- Language
* English
* Italian
* Swedish
* German
* French
* Spanish
* Polish
- Alarm history
- Charts
- Login
- Configuration
* Date hour
* Backlight
* Network
* Led
* Font
- Parameters
* ST - Mechanical cooling
* STH - Mechanical heating
* SFA - Temperature control ventilation
* SP - Setup
* FA - Supply ventilation
* RFA - Return ventilation
* PAL - Alarms
* CF - Configuration
* CO - Compressors
* ET - Electronic thermostatic valve
* PID - PID parameters
* ES - Energy Saving
* UN - Unloading
* DF - Defrost
* HU - Humidity
* PD - Pump Down
* SD - Dynamic setpoint
* DA - Dampers
* EFA - External ventilation
* CA - Calibration probes
* RA - Transducer probe full scale
* ENV - Envelope
The user interface gives access to all information and setup parameters relating to unit operation. The manual
describes the access procedure to the desired information and to the parameter pages where the various functions
can be set up.
4.1 Screen tree
The user interface gives access to all information and setup parameters relating to unit operation. The manual
describes the access procedure to the desired information and to the parameter pages where the various functions
can be set up.
As explained in the description of icons, the home page gives direct access to the most signicant information and
functions. Most parameters and settings are featured in the screen, which are broken down in one main menu and
various sub-menus.
A tree diagram of the screens is provided below to help the user browse and easily locate the screens of the user
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4.1.1 Screen menu
A click on the “Menu” button in the home page gives access to the main menu.
The arrow icon buttons featured in the main menu are used to scroll all lower level menus.
Access to lower level menus is allowed based on the user’s credentials. Some users have free access, while others
have to log in with the prole they are accredited for.
Access to the various menus is gained by clicking the colour area containing the menu description.
For easier understanding and use, texts are shown to explain the meaning of the values and parameters featured in
the screens.
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4.2 Menu browsing
The screen tree helps the operator to browse the menus.
Some other suggestions are given to help use the icon buttons to browse the screens.
The home page is the starting point.
Refer to the chapter titled “Graphic Conventions” for the interpretation and use of the icon buttons.
In addition to the “On/O” icon, the main page features icons such as “Info”, “Demand” and “Synoptic Panel”, which
give direct access to information loops. The page also features the “Menu” icon which gives access to the main menu
contained in the screen tree.
The arrow icon buttons are pressed to scroll screens of the same level, while a click on the “Menu” icon brings back
to a higher level.
Parameter screens show editable parameters with white wording and view-only parameters with cyan wording.
A click on white parameters calls up the relevant edit screen. The parameter value is conrmed when ticked and it is
deleted when marked with symbol “x”, in which case the last setpoint is restored.
Parameters referred to function enabling/disabling are activated/de-activated by moving the white circle. The status
conrmation is visible along the parameter.
For easier consultation, many parameters and measured values are featured in multiple screen loops, grouped by
uniform functions.
4.2.1 Info
The “Info” icon on the home page gives access to a screen loop containing information on the unit.
4.2.2 Demand
The “Demand” icon on the home page gives access to a screen loop containing information on the demand status
of the active functions in the unit.
The relevant setpoints are visible in the various demand screens.
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4.2.3 Synoptic panel
The “Synoptic Panel” icon gives access to the corresponding menu.
The synoptic panel is designed to show an overview of the operating status and of the main parameters.
Screens vary according to the features of each unit.
The “Info” icons in the screens give access to the information and parameters of the corresponding component.
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4.2.4 Login
The user must log in with his own prole in order to access reserved menus and to edit the featured parameters.
Below is the login procedure.
- Select the access level corresponding to the given credentials.
- Click “password” and enter the value corresponding to the given access level, then tick to conrm.
- Conrm the password tapping the green arrow icon button on the bottom right-hand side.
User "password" is "100"
Service "password" is "4321"
If the entered password is correct, the padlock opens and the access symbol appears, based on the level.
Tap the green arrow icon button on the bottom left-hand side to go back to the main menu.
The little man icon with the arrow on the left causes the system to exit the access level.
The symbol stays on the top right-hand side of all screens, except for the home page, until access is active.
The system exits the login automatically after an idle time shown on the display.
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5.1 Introduction
For management of the units, special software is loaded into the controller.
The software consists of a combination of functions dedicated to the conditions in which the units may have to work.
The following chapters describe all the functions managed by the software, ranging from ordinary functions featured
in all units to functions dedicated to specic versions or models.
Some of the functions described here may be available only on specic versions or sizes, or
according to the selected accessories.
In describing the various functions, competence in operation of the units and knowledge of the relevant hydraulic or
refrigerant circuits are taken for granted. All the descriptions, settings and parameters given refer to units that are
correctly installed as described in the relevant documentation.
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5.2 Set point management
The control setpoint mainly depends on parameters “ST1” and “STH1”.
The relevant settable minimum and maximum setpoint parameters are shown below.
ST1ST2ST3°CMechanical cooling - Temperature setpoint
Provision has been made for ancillary functions that are designed to either add or subtract an oset value to/from
these setpoints.
Any automatic variation of the setpoint must be within the corresponding limits.
Parameter “SD2” is used to set the operating mode in which setpoint variation is enabled. There is
only one function available and this is the function enabled at the factory.
5.2.1 Dynamic Set Point
The dynamic set point is a function enabled by the manufacturer.
The reference parameters in managing the dynamic set point are described below.
ST1ST2ST3°CMechanical cooling - Temperature setpoint
SD202-States of the unit in which it is active
Mechanical heating / Auxiliary heating in winter mode - Temperature
Mechanical heating / Auxiliary heating in winter mode - Temperature
Mechanical cooling - External air temperature - Activation threshold
for compensation
Mechanical heating - External air temperature - Activation threshold
for compensation
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When this function is enabled, the setpoint value that the controller uses to manage the air temperature in cooling
mode is as follows:
- if the external air temperature is lower than the setpoint in parameter “SD10”, the value of the control setpoint is
the value stored in parameter “ST1”;
- if the external air temperature is higher than the setpoint in parameter “SD10”, plus the value in parameter
“SD11”, the value of the control setpoint is given by the sum of the values stored in parameters “ST1” and “SD12”;
- if the external air temperature is between the values of parameter “SD10” and the sum of the values stored in
parameters “SD10” and “SD11”, the value of the control setpoint varies proportionally between the value stored
in parameter “ST1” and the sum of the values stored in parameters “ST1” and “SD12”.
Parameter “SD12” can have positive or negative values. When the value is negative, parameter
“SD12” has to be subtracted from the value of parameter “ST1”.
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When this function is enabled, the setpoint value that the controller uses to manage the air temperature in heating
mode is as follows:
- if the external air temperature is higher than the setpoint in parameter “SD20”, the value of the control setpoint is
the value stored in parameter “STH1”;
- if the external air temperature is lower than the setpoint in parameter “SD20”, minus the value in parameter
“SD21”, the value of the control setpoint is given by the sum of the values stored in parameters “STH1” and
- if the external air temperature is between the values of parameter “SD20” and the dierence of the values stored
in parameters “SD20” and “SD21”, the value of the control setpoint varies proportionally between the value stored
in parameter “STH1” and the sum of the values stored in parameters “STH1” and “SD22”.
Parameter “SD22” can have positive or negative values. When the value is negative, parameter
“SD22” has to be subtracted from the value of parameter “STH1”.
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5.3 Temperature control
SdR °C
Cooling and heating devices are controlled according to the temperature value measured by a reference probe.
The proportional band identies the control range of the air conditioner system and it can be set up with independent
values for heating and cooling mode.
The dead zone identies the range around the setpoint within which the devices are not enabled (it is used to prevent
oscillations in the setup value).
The diagram below shows the behaviour of heating and cooling devices.
Fig. 3 Graphical representation of temperature control devices
ST1ST2ST3°CMechanical cooling - Temperature setpoint
ST40.025.0°CProportional control - Cooling - Activation dierential
ST50.025.0°CProportional control - Cooling - Neutral activation area
ST60.025.0°CProportional control - Cooling - Oset
ST907-Control probe
ST1102-Type of temperature control
PID70010000-Mechanical cooling - Kp
PID71010000-Mechanical cooling - Ki
PID72010000-Mechanical cooling - Kd
PID760.025.0°CMechanical cooling - Dead band
PID7802-Mechanical cooling - Dead band position
Mechanical heating / Auxiliary heating in winter mode - Temperature
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The values set in parameters “ST9” for cooling and “STH9” for heating determine the control probe type, as follows:
- 0 = temperature probe on air delivery line;
- 1 = temperature probe on air return line;
The values set in parameters “ST11” for cooling and “STH11” for heating determine the type of temperature control,
as follows:
- 0 = proportional.
- 1 = "Cascade";
- 2 = PID.
5.3.1 Thermoregulation in cooling mode
The thermoregulation of the unit depends on parameter “ST9”, which identies the reference probe for the temperature
setpoint (parameter “ST1”), and on parameter “ST11” which determines the type of temperature/humidity control.
In proportional control mode, the controller activates the available resources as the value read by the reference probe
increases in comparison to the setpoint value.
When “Cascade” temperature/humidity control is selected, the controller uses it to enable the resources and at the
same time monitor the air temperature in the delivery line.
In PID control mode, the controller activates the available resources as the demand increases. The controller
calculates the demand and checks the value measured by the probe against the setpoint value and according to its
variation over time using the parameters set in the PID.
Proportional temperature control
If parameter “ST11” is set to “0”, proportional control is enabled.
The parameters involved in proportional temperature control are shown in the table.
The values of the parameters are representative. In specic cases, dierent values can be set.
ST124.0°CTemperature setpoint
ST42.0°CProportional control - Cooling - Activation dierential
ST50.1°CProportional control - Cooling - Neutral activation area
ST60.1°CProportional control - Cooling - Oset
A graphical representation is shown below.
Fig. 4 Graphical representation of cooling demand
SdR °C
In addition to the parameters listed in the table, the abbreviations in the graph are:
- SdR = reference probe;
- % = percentage demand value.
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Spd °C
Tra °C
If parameter “ST11” is set to “1”, “Cascade” control is enabled.
This function fulls the system demand and keeps the air temperature in the delivery line within comfort values.
For this purpose, a virtual setpoint is calculated from the stored setpoint, as corrected with the air temperature in the
return line.
The setpoint is corrected dynamically as the air temperature changes in the delivery line.
The parameters involved in cascade temperature control are shown in the table.
The values of the parameters are representative. In specic cases, dierent values can be set.
ST4224.0°CCascade control - Unit setpoint
ST430.5°CMechanical cooling - Cascade control - Mode switching oset
ST444.0°CMechanical cooling - Cascade control - Operating dierential
ST4515.0°CMechanical cooling - Cascade control - Min. delivery setpoint
The graph below illustrates cascade control.
Fig. 5 Change of air delivery setpoint with “cascade” control in cooling mode
In addition to the parameters listed in the table, the abbreviations in the graph are:
- Spd = air setpoint in delivery line;
- Tra = air temperature in return line;
- AOC = automatic mode switching.
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5.3.2 Thermoregulation in heating mode
SdR °C
The thermoregulation of the unit in heating mode depends on parameter “STH9”, which identies the reference probe
for the temperature value in the setpoint (parameter “STH1”), and on parameter “STH11” which determines the type
of temperature control.
In proportional control mode, the controller activates the available resources as the value read by the reference probe
decreases in comparison to the setpoint value.
When “Cascade” control is selected, the controller enables the resources and at the same time monitors the air
temperature in the delivery line.
In PID control mode, the controller activates the available resources as the demand increases. The controller
calculates the demand and checks the value measured by the probe against the setpoint value and according to its
variation over time using the parameters set in the PID.
Proportional temperature control
If parameter “STH11” is set to “0”, proportional control is enabled.
The parameters involved are shown in the table.
The values of the parameters are representative. In specic cases, dierent values can be set.
Fig. 6 Graphical representation of stepped heating demand
In addition to the parameters listed in the table, the abbreviations in the graph are:
- SdR = reference probe;
- % = percentage demand value.
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Temperature monitoring with Cascade control
Spd °C
Tra °C
If parameter “ST11” is set to “1”, “Cascade” control is enabled.
This function fulls the system demand and keeps the air temperature in the delivery line within comfort values.
For this purpose, a virtual setpoint is calculated from the stored setpoint, as corrected with the air temperature in the
return line.
The setpoint is corrected dynamically as the air temperature changes in the delivery line.
The parameters involved in cascade temperature control are shown in the table.
The values of the parameters are representative. In specic cases, dierent values can be set.
ST4224.0°CCascade control - Unit setpoint
STH460.5°CMechanical heating - Cascade control - Mode switching oset
STH474.0°CMechanical heating - Cascade control - Operating dierential
STH4930.0°CMechanical heating - Cascade control - Max. air setpoint in delivery line
The graph below illustrates cascade control.
Fig. 7 Change of air setpoint in delivery line with “cascade” control in heating mode
In addition to the parameters listed in the table, the abbreviations in the graph are:
- Spd = air setpoint in delivery line;
- Tra = air temperature in return line;
- AOC = automatic mode switching.
If the air temperature in the return line is lower than the dierence between the setpoints in parameters “ST42” -
“STH46”, the value of the air setpoint in the delivery line is increased gradually from the value in parameter “ST42” to
the value in parameter “STH49”, within the dierential set in parameter “STH47”.
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The value of the external air temperature is used as reference to disable the heating sources in the unit. The heating
sources are disabled when the temperature is either high or low.
The parameters involved are shown in the table.
The values of the parameters are representative. In specic cases, dierent values can be set.
STH14-20.0°CMechanical heating - Deactivation threshold for low external air temperature
STH1530.0°CMechanical heating - Deactivation threshold for high external air temperature
STH123-30.0°CAuxiliary heating - Deactivation threshold for low external air temperature
STH12450.0°CAuxiliary heating - Deactivation threshold for high external air temperature
Heating generated using the refrigerant circuit is disabled when:
- the external air temperature is low - it drops below the setpoint in parameter “STH14”; heating is enabled again
when the temperature value rises above the setpoint in parameter “STH14”, plus +1°C;
- the external air temperature is high - it rises above the setpoint in parameter “STH15”; heating is enabled again
when the temperature value drops below the setpoint in parameter “STH15”, minus +1°C.
Auxiliary heating is disabled when:
- the external air temperature is low - it drops below the setpoint in parameter “STH123”.Auxiliary heating is
enabled again when the temperature value rises above the setpoint in parameter “STH123”, plus +1°C;
- the external air temperature is high - it rises above the setpoint in parameter “STH124”. Auxiliary heating is
enabled again when the temperature value drops below the setpoint in parameter “STH124”, minus +1°C.
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5.4 humidity control
SdR %-g/kg
Humidity control devices are managed according to the value measured by the reference probe. The measured value
is compared with the desired value (setpoint), after which the system calculates the dierence between these values
and then enables the most suitable devices based on this dierence.
The proportional band identies the control range of the air conditioner system and it is set up with the same values
for both humidication and de-humidication.
The dead zone identies the range around the setpoint within which the devices are not enabled (it is used to prevent
oscillations in the setup value).
The diagram below shows the behaviour of humidication and de-humidication devices.
Fig. 8 Graphical representation of humidity control devices
The parameters involved are shown in the table.
HU1HU2HU3%Relative humidity setpoint
HU40.025.0%Relative humidity control dierential
HU50.010.0%Relative humidity control neutral area
HU6HU7HU8g/kgAbsolute humidity setpoint
HU90.010.0g/kgAbsolute humidity control dierential
HU100.010.0g/kgAbsolute humidity control neutral area
HU1101-Humidity value control type
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The value set in parameter “HU11” identies the reference humidity value, as follows:
- 0 = relative humidity;
- 1 = absolute humidity.
5.4.1 Relative humidity control with proportional control
If parameter “HU11” is set to “0”, humidity control is performed according to the relative humidity value.
Relative humidity is managed according to parameter “HU14”, which identies the probe on which the controller
must guarantee maintenance of the entered setpoint, and on parameter “HU12” that determines the type of humidity
The parameters involved are shown in the table.
The values of the parameters are representative. In specic cases, dierent values can be set.
HU45.0%Relative humidity control dierential
HU50.5%Relative humidity control neutral area
A graphical representation is shown below.
Fig. 9 Relative humidity control
SdR %
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The controller can manage air humidication using a built-in humidier in the unit.
The controller is set up at the factory with all the parameters required to control the installed humidier.
5.5.1 Ancillarybuilt-inhumidierfunctions
Humidier control includes some ancillary functions, a description of which is given below. Manual water drain
The manual water drain function is designed to fully empty the cylinder in the humidier. This function is enabled
only through the web page. Access to this page requires the operator to log in with a Service level password. If the
humidier is producing steam, enabling of the function causes steam production to be stopped instantly. Pre-washing
The pre-washing function is used to wash the water lines and the humidier cylinder. The cylinder is lled and then
emptied 3 times in order to wash away impurities from the pipes and cylinder, if any. We recommend enabling this
function especially after connecting the water lines or after cylinder replacement. This function is enabled only through
the web page. Access to this page requires the operator to log in with a Service level password. If the humidier is
producing steam, enabling of the function causes steam production to be stopped instantly. Water drainage before machine shutdown
The function for water drainage before a machine shutdown is enabled in order to avoid water stagnation in the
humidier cylinder, which may lead to the formation of algae or bacteria (e.g. Legionella), if the cylinder is lled with
water for over 72 consecutive hours without producing steam. The cylinder is drained and remains as such until it
receives a signal requesting the production of steam. The function is always active and the shutdown interval is xed.
Air dehumidication is required during the cooling cycle, where it occurs naturally.
If dehumidication is required simultaneously with cooling, the controller starts the compressors, based on which of
the two demands is greater.
The possibility exists that the temperature setpoint is reached before the humidity setpoint is achieved. If this is the
case, the controller pushes cooling even further so as to cause the temperature to drop below the setpoint.
However, to prevent an excessive drop of the air temperature in the room, the controller uses the heating devices
tted in the unit to post-heat the air.
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5.7 Power supply control
Units may be supplied with devices for protection against incorrect connections of the phase sequence or voltage
variations outside the required limits during operation.
Protections consist in relays which output an alarm signal to one digital input in the controller through an electric
contact (the digital input concerned is shown in the wiring diagram).
The unit can be tted with one relay to monitor correct phase sequence or one relay to monitor the power voltage or
one relay to manage both these functions.
5.7.1 Phase sequence
A dedicated relay is tted to manage incorrect connection of the phase sequence to the unit. If the phase sequence
is connected incorrectly, the relay opens an electric contact that triggers alarm “AL55” on the controller display.
Incorrect connection of the phase sequence may be experienced upon unit installation or when work is performed
on the power supply line.
Power must be cut out to the unit to make the connection correctly. The alarm is cleared as soon as the unit is
switched on again.
5.7.2 Min./Max.voltage
The controller is designed to manage potential conditions where the variation of the power voltage to the unit
experiences a signicant deviation from the expected values.
5.7.3 Fast Restart
Activation of the “Fast Restart” function, provided that an “ultracap” is tted to keep the controller electrically powered,
is designed to minimise as much as possible the delay experienced in restarting the compressors tted in the unit.
This is possible because the controller starts counting the minimum time to OFF as soon as a switch-o is started
due to a blackout.
The controller detects problems with the main power supply through a digital input and manages them as alarms.
To protect the integrity of the compressors, the controller manages the maximum number of starts per hour by means
of the delay between two consecutive starts.
Quick restart after a blackout depends on the thermoregulation demand. It requires a demand for cooling or
dehumidication and the o-set for the activation of at least one compressor.
The “Fast Restart” function does not jeopardise the conditions of the compressors as it limits the number of quick
starts over the space of an hour or a day.
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5.8 Damper management
In addition to air change in the room, the controller can also manage other functions connected to comfort enhancement
and system economy.
The functions the controller can handle vary according to the number of dampers tted in the unit:
- units with 2 dampers, for fresh air only;
- units with 3 dampers, when free cooling / free heating is featured;
- units with 4 dampers, when a heat recovery system is tted in addition to free cooling / free heating.
Dampers can be set either linearly or proportionally.
Units with two dampers
The dampers featured in 2-damper units include: a damper for fresh external air and a damper for recirculated air.
Normally, their operation is complementary, i.e. the percentage opening of the external air damper is equal to the
percentage closing of the recycled air damper.
Units with three dampers
The dampers featured in 3-damper units include: a damper for fresh air, a damper for exhaust air and a damper for
recirculated air.
Normally, the external air damper opens at the same percentage as the exhaust air damper and the recycled air
damper is complementary to the other two. So, the percentage opening of the external air damper and the exhaust
air damper is equal to the percentage closing of the recycled air damper.
Units with four dampers
Units with four dampers feature the same dampers as 3-damper units plus one. The fourth damper is used for
external air.
It is used to cause the external air to ow through the heat recovery system, when heat recovery is enabled, and it is
closed in free cooling mode.
If the heat recovery system is not sized to provide for a 100% air ow in the unit, a fth damper is actually tted. This
is an extra exhaust damper that is used by the unit in free cooling mode to bypass the heat recovery system.
The parameters involved are shown in the table.
DA5203-External air - Start up - Conguration
DA540999minExternal air - Start up - Wash duration
External air - Opening reduction for external air temperature Summer temperature threshold
External air - Opening reduction for external air temperature - Winter
temperature threshold
External air - Opening reduction for external air temperature - Min
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