Daikin FHK60F, FHC60K, FHK71F, FHYC71K, FHYC100K Service Manual

Skyair R(Y)K Series
Addition of FUY, FVY-L, FAY-FA,
FHYC140KVE Models R71, 100KVAL, R125KTAL Models
[Applied Models]
Skyair : Cooling Only
Skyair : Heat Pump
Table of Contents i
Air Conditioners
Skyair R(Y)K&F Series
Cooling Only
50K 45F 45F 45F 60K 60F 60F 60F
100K 100F 100F 125K 125F 125F 140K FUY71FJ FVY71F FVY71L
FAY71F(A) 100FJ 100F 100L
100F(A) 125FJ 125F 125L
R35G R71K
50G 100K 60G 125K
Heat Pump
50K 45FJ 45F 45F 60K 60FJ 60F 60F
71K 71FJ 71F 71F 100K 100F 100F 125K 125F 125F 140K FUY71FJ FVY71F FVY71L
FAY71F 100FJ 100F 100L
100F 125FJ 125F 125L
50G 100K 60G 125K
ii Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...........................................................................................vii
1.1 Safety Cautions......................................................................................vii
3DUW#4 ,PSURYHG#3RLQWV#DQG#)XQFWLRQV 111111111111111111111111111111111111111114
1. 1999 New Models Functions...................................................................2
1.1 Cooling Only a nd H e a t P u m p......................... ............... ...........................2
2. Present Model’s Functions......................................................................4
2.1 Cooling Only a nd H e a t P u m p......................... ............... ...........................4
3DUW#5 5HPRWH#&RQWUROOHU#2SHUDWLRQ111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111<
1. Wired Remote Controller.......................................................................10
1.1 Wired Remote C o n tro l le r..................... .. ............... ..................................1 0
2. Wireless Remote Controller..................................................................12
2.1 Wireless Remote Controller ...................................................................12
3. Wireless Remote Controller..................................................................14
3.1 Wireless Remote Controller ...................................................................14
3DUW#6 ([SODQDWLRQ#RI#)LHOG#6HW1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114:
1. Method of Field Set (Reset after Maintenance Inspection/Repair) .......18
1.1 Explanation.............................................................................................18
1.2 Field Setting ...........................................................................................19
1.3 Initial Setting Contents ...........................................................................21
1.4 Local Setting Mode No............................. ...................... ...................... ..22
1.5 Detailed Explanation of Setti ng Modes.................... .. ............................24
1.6 Centralized Group No. Setting .................................................... ...........29
2. Settings Concerning Maintenance........................................................30
2.1 Indoor Unit PCB ................................ .....................................................30
2.2 Outdoor Unit Switches / Setting Jumper ................................................40
3. Existence of DIP Switch, Jumper and BS........................... .... ..... .........42
3.1 Reference Table.....................................................................................42
3.2 Emergency Operation............................................................................43
3.3 Maintenance Mode Setting.....................................................................44
3DUW#7 ([SODQDWLRQ#RI#)XQFWLRQ#2SHUDWLRQ 1111111111111111111111111111111111 78
1. Function Outline....................................................................................46
1.1 Indoor Unit................................................................ ..............................46
1.2 Outdoor Unit...........................................................................................48
2. Operation Flowchart (RY71 - 140K)......................................................49
2.1 Cooling/Program Dry Operation.............................................................49
2.2 Heating...................................................................................................51
3. Electric Function Parts....................... ..... .... ..... ................................. ....53
3.1 Indoor Unit................................................................ ..............................53
3.2 Outdoor Unit...........................................................................................56
4. Thermistor Temperature and Resistance Conversion Table ................61
4.1 Table......................................................................................................61
5. Function Details ....................................................................................62
5.1 Indoor Unit................................................................ ..............................62
5.2 Outdoor Unit...........................................................................................65
Table of Contents iii
3DUW#8 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:8
1. Maintenance Inspections......................................................................77
1.1 Optimal Operation Condition..................................................................77
2. How to Handle Request for Maintenance .............................................80
2.1 Flow Chart.............. .. ................ ............................ ................ ..................80
3. Troubleshooting Based on Equipment Condition..................................81
3.1 Troubleshooting Based on Equipment Condition................................. ..81
3.2 Equipment does not Operate..................... .. ..........................................82
3.3 Fan Operates, but Compressor does not...............................................83
3.4 Cooling/Heating Operation Starts but Stops Immediately......................84
3.5 After Equipment Shuts Down, It cannot be Restarted for a While..........85
3.6 Equipment Operates but does not Provide Cooling...............................86
3.7 Equipment Operates but does not Provide Heating. ..............................87
3.8 Equipment Discharges White Mist .........................................................88
3.9 Equipment Produces Loud Noise or Shakes............ .. ............................89
3.10 Equipment Discharges Dust...................................................................90
3.11 Remote Controller LCD Displays "88"....................................................91
4. Procedure of Self-Diagnosis by Remote Controller ..............................92
4.1 The INSPECTION/TEST Button............... .......................................... ....92
4.2 Self-Diagnosis by Wired Remote Controller...........................................93
4.3 Fault Diagnosis by Wireless Remote Controller.....................................94
4.4 Remote Controller Display Malfunction Code and Contents..................96
5. Procedure of Self-Diagnosis by LED.....................................................97
5.1 Troubleshooting by LED on The Indoor Unit’s ............................ ...........97
5.2 Troubleshooting by LED on The Outdoo r Un it’s PC Board. ................. ..97
6. Troubleshooting by Remote Controller Display / LED Display..............98
6.1 Explanation for Symbols.........................................................................98
6.2 Malfunction Code and LED Display Table.......................................... .. ..99
6.3 Failure of Indoor Unit PC Board ...........................................................101
6.4 Malfunction of Drain Water Level System (Float Type)........................102
6.5 Indoor Unit Fan Motor Lock................................... ...............................103
6.6 Swing Flap Motor Malfunction / Lock ...................................................104
6.7 Failure of Capacity Setting...................................................... .............105
6.8 Malfunction of Heat Exchange Temperature Sensor System ..............106
6.9 Malfunction of Suction Air Temperature Sensor System......................107
6.10 Actuation of Safety Device ...................................................................108
6.11 High Pressure System (HPS) Malfunction ...........................................109
6.12 Low Pressure System (LPS) Malfunction.............................................110
6.13 Malfunction o f E le c tronic Expansion Valve .......... ................................11 1
6.14 Discharge Pipe Temperature Malfunction............................................112
6.15 Malfunction of High Pressure Switch....................................................113
6.16 Malfunction of Outdoor Temperature Sensor System..........................114
6.17 Malfunction of Discharge Pipe Temperature Sensor System...............115
6.18 Malfunction of Heat Exchanger Temperature Sensor System.............116
6.19 Lack of Gas Malfunction.......................................................................117
6.20 Reverse Phase.....................................................................................118
6.21 Malfunction of Transmission (Between Indoor and Outdoor Unit)........119
6.22 Malfunction of Transmission
(Between Indoor Unit and Remote Controller).....................................121
6.23 Transmission Error Between Main Remo te Controller
and Sub Remote Controller..................................................................122
iv Table of Contents
6.24 Failure of Field Setting Switch..............................................................123
3DUW#9 5HPRYDO#3URFHGXUH11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111458
1. For FHYC71K......................................................................................127
1.1 Removal of Sw itch Box Cover..................................... .........................127
1.2 Removal of Fan Mo to r...................... ... ............... ............................. .....1 2 8
1.3 Removal of Suction Grille.....................................................................129
1.4 Removal of Air F ilt e r..................... .. .. ............................. ....................... 1 3 0
1.5 Removal of De co ration Cover .............................................................. 1 3 1
1.6 Removal of De co r a tio n P a n el......... ................ ......................................132
1.7 Removal of Horizontal Vane.................................................................133
1.8 Removal of Swing Motor......................................................................135
1.9 Removal of Sw itch Box Cover..................................... .........................137
1.10 Removal of Fan M o to r................................................................ ..........138
1.11 Removal of Dra in P a n ... .. ............................ .........................................139
1.12 Removal of Drain Pump and Drain Hose.............................................140
2. For FHY71F ........................................................................................142
2.1 Removal of Air Filter and Suction Grille...............................................142
2.2 Removal of Electrical Parts and PC Boards.........................................143
2.3 Removal of Horizontal Blade................................................................145
2.4 Removal of Fan Rotor an Motor...........................................................146
2.5 Removal of Fan B e a rin g................................................ ....................... 1 4 8
2.6 Removal of Bottom Panel and Drain Pan.............................................149
2.7 Removal of Swing Motor......................................................................152
3. For FUY71/100/125FJ.........................................................................153
3.1 Removal of Air F ilt e r.................................................. ...........................153
3.2 Removal of Suction Grille.....................................................................154
3.3 Removal of Fan.......... ... ............................ .......................................... .155
3.4 Removal of Fan Mo to r...................... ... ............... ............................. .....1 5 7
3.5 Removal of Dra in P a n ... ............... ............................. ...........................158
3.6 Removal of Dra in P u m p ................. .. ............................. .......................160
3.7 Removal of Swing Motor......................................................................161
3.8 Removal of Air Flow Control Blade ......................................................162
4. For FAY71F (A)...................................................................................163
4.1 Removal of Air F ilt e r.................................................. ...........................163
4.2 Removal of Slide Panel, Operation Display Cover, and Front Grille....164
4.3 Removal of Electrical Parts Box...........................................................165
4.4 Removal of PC Board...........................................................................166
4.5 Removal of Swing Louvre Unit.............................................................167
4.6 Removal of Fan Mo to r...................... ... ............... .................................. 1 6 8
4.7 Removal of Dra in P a n ... ............... .......................................... ..............169
4.8 Removal of Heat Exchanger................................................................171
4.9 Removal of Fan R o to r ... ............... .......................................... ..............172
5. For FVY71L~125L...............................................................................173
5.1 Removal of Suction Grille and Air Filter...............................................173
5.2 Removal of Electric Parts and Remote Contr oller................................175
5.3 Removal of Fan Rotor and Fan Motor..................................................177
5.4 Removal of Swing Motor......................................................................178
5.5 Removal of Heat Exchanger................................................................179
6. For R(Y)71K........................................................................................180
6.1 Removal of Ext e rn a l C a s in g................................................... ..............180
Table of Contents v
6.2 Removal of Outdoor Unit Fan and Fan Motor......................................181
6.3 Removal of Outdoor Unit PC Board.....................................................183
6.4 Removal of Electrical Parts Box...........................................................184
6.5 Removal of Electronic Expansion Valve and Solenoid Valve...............186
6.6 Removal of 4-Way Valve and Coil........................................................187
6.7 Removal of Co m p re s s o r........ ............................. ............................. .....18 8
3DUW#: $SSHQGL[11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114<4
1. Piping Diagrams............................ ..... ..... .... ................................. ..... ..192
1.1 Piping Diagrams...................................................................................192
2. Wiring Diagram ...................................................................................203
2.1 Indoor Unit.................... ................................. ................................. ......203
2.2 Outdoor Units (50Hz) ...........................................................................216
2.3 Outdoor Units (60Hz) ...........................................................................220
2.4 Outdoor Unit (HeaT Pump)..................................................................223
,QGH[ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111L
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vi Table of Contents
Si-71A Introduction
1. Introduction
1.1 Safety Cautions
Cautions and Warnings
Be sure to read the following safety cautions before conducting repair work.
The caution items are c lassified into “
” and “
”. The “
” items are especially important sin ce they can lead to death or serious injury if they are not followed cl osely. The “
” items can also lead to serious accidents under some conditions if they are not fol lo wed.
Therefore, be sure to obser ve all the safety caution item s described below.
About the pictograms
This symbol indicates an item for which caution mus t be exercised.
The pictogram shows the item to which attention must be paid.
This symbol indicates a prohibited action.
The prohibited item or action is shown i nsi de or near the symbol.
This symbol indicates an action that must be taken, or an instruction.
The instruction is shown inside or near th e symbol.
After the repair work is complete, be sure to conduct a test operation to ensure that the equipment
operates normally, and explain the cautions for opera t ing th e product to the customer
1.1.1 Caution in Repa ir
Be sure to disconnect the power cable plug from the plug socket before disassembling the equipment for a repair. Working on the equipment that is connected to a power supply can cause an electrical shook. If it is necessary to supply power to the equipment to conduct the repair or inspecting the circuits, do not touch any electrically charged sections of the equipment.
If the refrigerant gas discharges during the repair work, do not touch the discharging refrigerant gas. The refrigerant gas can cause frostbite.
When disconnecting the suction or discharge pipe of the compressor at the welded section, release the refrigerant gas completely at a well-ventilated place first. If there is a gas remaining inside the compressor, the refrigerant gas or refrigerating machine oil discharges when the pipe is disconnected, and it can cause injury.
If the refrigerant gas leaks during the repair work, ventilate the area. The refrigerant gas can generate toxic gases when it contacts flames.
The step-up capacitor supplies high-voltage electricity to the electrical components of the outdoor unit. Be sure to discharge the capacitor completely before conducting repair work. A charged capacitor can cause an electrical shock.
Do not start or stop the air conditioner operation by plugging or unplugging the power cable plug. Plugging or unplugging the power cable plug to operate the equipment can cause an electrical shock or fire.
Introduction Si-71A
1.1.2 Cautions Regarding Products after Repair
Do not repair the electrical components with wet hands. Working on the equipment with wet hands can cause an electrical shock.
Do not clean the air conditioner by splashing water. Washing the unit with water can cause an electrical shock.
Be sure to provide the grounding when repairing the equipment in a humid or wet place, to avoid electrical shocks.
Be sure to turn off the power switch and unplug the power cable when cleaning the equipment. The internal fan rotates at a high speed, and cause injury.
Do not tilt the unit when removing it. The water inside the unit can spill and wet the furniture and floor.
Be sure to check that the refrigerating cycle section has cooled down sufficiently before conducting repair work. Working on the unit when the refrigerating cycle section is hot can cause burns.
Use the welder in a well-ventilated place. Using the welder in an enclosed room can cause oxygen deficiency.
Be sure to use parts listed in the service parts list of the applicable model and appropriate tools to conduct repair work. Never attempt to modify the equipment. The use of inappropriate parts or tools can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire.
When relocating the equipment, make sure that the new installation site has sufficient strength to withstand the weight of the equipment. If the installation site does not have sufficient strength and if the installation work is not conducted securely, the equipment can fall and cause injury.
Be sure to install the product correctly be using the provided standard installation frame. Incorrect use of the installation frame and improper installation can cause the equipment to fall, resulting in injury.
For integral units only
Be sure to install the product securely in the installation frame mounted on a window frame. If the unit is not securely mounted, it can fall and cause injury.
For integral units only
Be sure to use an exclusive power circuit for the equipment, and follow the technical standards related to the electrical equipment, the internal wiring regulations and the instruction manual for installation when conducting electrical work. Insufficient power circuit capacity and improper electrical work can cause an electrical shock on fire.
Be sure to use the specified cable to connect between the indoor and outdoor units. Make the connections securely and route the cable properly so that there is no force pulling the cable at the connection terminals. Improper connections can cause excessive heat generation or fire.
Si-71A Introduction
1.1.3 Inspection after Repair
When connecting the cable between the indoor and outdoor units, make sure that the terminal cover does not lift off or dismount because of the cable. If the cover is not mounted properly, the terminal connection section can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire.
Do not damage or modify the power cable. Damaged or modified power cable can cause an electrical shock or fire. Placing heavy items on the power cable, and heating or pulling the power cable can damage the cable.
Do not mix air or gas other than the specified refrigerant (R22) in the refrigerant system. If air enters the refrigerating system, an excessively high pressure results, causing equipment damage and injury.
If the refrigerant gas leaks, be sure to locate the leak and repair it before charging the refrigerant. After charging refrigerant, make sure that there is no refrigerant leak. If the leak cannot be located and the repair work must be stopped, be sure to perform pump-down and close the service valve, to prevent the refrigerant gas from leaking into the room. The refrigerant gas itself is harmless, but it can generate toxic gases when it contacts flames, such as fan and other heaters, stoves and ranges.
When replacing the coin battery in the remote controller, be sure to disposed of the old battery to prevent children from swallowing it. If a child swallows the coin battery, see a doctor immediately.
Installation of a leakage breaker is necessary in some cases depending on the conditions of the installation site, to prevent electrical shocks.
Do not install the equipment in a place where there is a possibility of combustible gas leaks. If a combustible gas leaks and remains around the unit, it can cause a fire.
Be sure to install the packing and seal on the installation frame properly. If the packing and seal are not installed properly, water can enter the room and wet the furniture and floor.
For integral units only
Check to make sure that the power cable plug is not dirty or loose, then insert the plug into a power outlet all the way. If the plug has dust or loose connection, it can cause an electrical shock or fire.
If the power cable and lead wires have scratches or deteriorated, be sure to replace them. Damaged cable and wires can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire.
Do not use a joined power cable or extension cable, or share the same power outlet with other electrical appliances, since it can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire.
Check to see if the parts and wires are mounted and connected properly, and if the connections at the soldered or crimped terminals are secure. Improper installation and connections can cause excessive heat generation, fire or an electrical shock.
Introduction Si-71A
1.1.4 U si ng Ic on s
Icons are used to attract the at t ent i on of the reader to specific inform at ion. The meaning of each icon is described in the table bel ow :
1.1.5 U si ng Ic on s Lis t
If the installation platform or frame has corroded, replace it. Corroded installation platform or frame can cause the unit to fall, resulting in injury.
Check the grounding, and repair it if the equipment is not properly grounded. Improper grounding can cause an electrical shock.
Be sure to measure the unsulation resistance after the repair, and make sure that the resistance is 1 Mohm or higher. Faulty insulation can cause an electrical shock.
Be sure to check the drainage of the indoor unit after the repair. Faulty drainage can cause the water to enter the room and wet the furniture and floor.
Icon Type of
Note A “note” provides information that is not indispensable, but may
nevertheless be valuable to the reader, such as tips and tricks.
Caution A “caution” is used when there is danger that the reader, through
incorrect manipulation, may damage equipment, loose data, get an unexpected result or has to restart (part of) a procedure.
Warning A “warning” is used when there is danger of personal injury.
Reference A “reference” guides the reader to other places in this binder or in this
manual, where he/she will find additional information on a specific topic.
Improved Points and Functions 1
1. 1999 New Models Functions...................................................................2
1.1 Cooling Only a nd H e a t P u m p......................... ............... ...........................2
2. Present Model’s Functions......................................................................4
2.1 Cooling Only a nd H e a t P u m p......................... ............... ...........................4
1999 New Models Functions Si-71A
2 Improved Points and Functions
1. 1999 New Models Functions
1.1 Cooling Only and Heat Pump
Cooling Only
: Improved Points and Functio ns
: Holding Functions
: No Functions
1. FAY71, 100FAVE are able to con nect to R71KVAL and R100KVA L only in K series.
Items Improved Points and Functions Ceiling Suspended
Cassette type
Floor Standing Wall Mounted
Note 1
FUY71~125FJV1 FVY71~125LVE FAY71, 100FAVE
Model Type Indoor Units New New New
Outdoor Units Present Present Present
Main Improvement (Indoor Unit)
Appearance Improved
Reduction of Dimensions or Weight
Reduction of Operation sound
For Comfortable Air Conditioning
Auto Restart
Fan Operation Mode
LCD Remote Controller (Option) (LCD = Liquid Crystal Display)
Auto Swing Function
Ceiling Soiling Prevention — Program Dry
High Fan Speed Mode
High Ceiling Application
Low Ambient Temperature Kit (Option)
Timer Selector
For Easy Construction and Maintenance
Drain Pump Kit
—— Urtra Long Life Filter — Long Life Filter
Mold Resistant Treatment for Filter
Filter Sign
Mold Resistant Drain Pan
Emergency Operation
Self Diagnoses Function
For flexible Control Double Remote Control
Group Control by 1 Remote Controller
Control by External Command
Remote/Centralized Control
Si-71A 1999 New Models Functions
Improved Points and Functions 3
Heat Pump
: Improved Points and Functio ns
: Holiding Functions
—: No Functions
Items Improved Points and Functions Ceiling Suspended Cassette Type Floor Standing
FUY71~125FJV1 FVY71~125LVE
Model Type Indoor Units New New
Outdoor Units Present Present
Main Improvement (Indoor Unit)
Appearance Improved
Reduction of Dimensions or Weight
Reduction of Operation Sound
For Comfortable Air Conditioning
Automatic Cool / Heat Change-over
Auto Restart
Fan Operation Mode
LCD Remote Controller (Option)
Auto Swing Function
Draft Preventive Function
— Ceiling Soiling Prevention — Program Dry
High Fan Speed Mode — High Ceiling Application
— Hot Start
Low Ambient Temperature Kit (Option)
Timer Selector
For Easy Construction and Maintenance
Drain Pump Kit
— Urtra Long Life Filter — Long Life Filter
Mold Resistant Treatment for Filter
Filter Sign
Mold Resistant Drain Pan
— Emergency Operation
Self Diagnoses Function
For Flexible Control
Double Remote Control
Group Control by 1 Remote Controller
Control by External Command
Remote/Centralized Control
Present Model’s Functions Si-71A
4 Improved Points and Functions
2. Present Model’s Functions
2.1 Cooling Only and Heat Pump
Cooling Only
: Improved Points and Functio ns
: Holding Functions
: No Functions
Items Improved Points and Functions Ceiling Mounted Cassette Ceiling Suspended
Wired type Wireless type
35~60 71~140 35~60 71~140 35~60 71~125
Model Type Indoor Units New New New New Present Present
Outdoor Units New New New New New New
Main Improvement (Indoor Unit)
Appearance Improved
Reduction of Dimensions or Weight
Reduction of Operation Sound
*60 onlyO*71 onlyO*60 onlyO*71 only
For Comfortable Air Conditioning
Auto Restart
Fan Operation Mode
LCD Remote Controller (Option) (LCD = Liquid Crystal Display)
Auto Swing Function
Ceiling Soiling Prevention
Program Dry
High Fan Speed Mode — High Ceiling Application
Low Ambient Temperature Kit (Option)
Timer Selector
For Easy Construction and Maintenance
Drain Pump Kit
Urtra Long Life Filter
Long Life Filter
Mold Resistant Treatment for Filter
Filter Sign
Mold Resistant Drain Pan
Emergency Operation
Self Diagnoses Function
For flexible Control
Double Remote Control
Group Control by 1 Remote Controller
Cotnrol by External Command
Remote/Centralized Control
Si-71A Present Model’s Functions
Improved Points and Functions 5
: Improved Points and Funct i ons
: Holding Functions
: No Functions
Items Improved Points and Functions Ceiling Mounted Built-in Ceiling Mounted
Cassette Corner
35~60 71~125 35~60 71 71, 100 71~125
Model type Indoor Units Present Present Present Present Present Present
Outdoor Units New New New New New New
Main Improvement (Indoor Unit)
Appearance Improved — Reduction of Dimensions or Weight — Reduction of Operation Sound
For Comfortable Air Conditioning
Auto Restart
Fan Operation Mode
LCD Remote Controller (Option) (LCD = Liquid Crystal Display)
Auto Swing Function
Ceiling Soiling Prevention
Program Dry
High Fan Speed Mode
High Ceiling Application
Low Ambient Temperature Kit (Option)
Timer Selector
For Easy Construction and Maintenance
Drain Pump Kit
—— Urtra Long Life Filter — Long Life Filter
—— Mold Resistant Treatment for Filter
Filter Sign
Mold Resistant Drain Pan
Emergency Operation
Self Diagnoses Function
For Flexible Control
Double Remote Control
Group Control by 1 Remote Controller
Cotnrol by External Command
Remote/Centralized Control
Present Model’s Functions Si-71A
6 Improved Points and Functions
Heat Pump
: Improved Points and Functio ns
: Holiding Functions
: No Functions
Items Improved Points and Functions Ceiling Mounted Cassette Ceiling Suspended
Wired Type Wireless Type
35~60 71~140 35~60 71~140 35~60 71~125
Model Type Indoor Units New New New New Present Present
Outdoor Units New New New New New New
Main Improvement (Indoor Unit)
Appearance Improved
Reduction of Dimensions or Weight
Reduction of Operation Sound
*60 onlyO*71 onlyO*60 onlyO*71 only
For Comfortable Air Conditioning
Automatic Cool / Heat Change-over
Auto Restart
Fan Operation Mode
LCD Remote Controller (Option)
Auto Swing Function
Draft Preventive Function
Ceiling Soiling Prevention
—— Program Dry
High Fan Speed Mode — High Ceiling Application
Hot Start
Low Ambient Temperature Kit
Timer Selector
For Easy Construction and Maintenance
Drain Pump Kit
—— Urtra Long Life Filter
—— Long Life Filter
Mold Resistant Treatment for Filter
Filter Sign
Mold Resistant Drain Pan
Emergency Operation
Self Diagnoses Function
For Flexible Control
Double Remote Control
Group Control by 1 Remote Controller
Cotnrol by External Command
Remote/Centralized Control
Si-71A Present Model’s Functions
Improved Points and Functions 7
: Improved Points and Functio ns
: Holiding Functions
: No Functions
Items Improved Points and Functions Ceiling Mounted Built-in Ceiling Mounted
Cassette Corner
35~60 71~125 35~60 71 “71, 100” 71~125
Model Type Indoor Units Present Present Present Present Present Present
Outdoor Units New New New New New New
Main Improvement (Indoor Unit)
Appearance Improved
Reduction of Dimensions or Weight
Reduction of Operation Sound
For Comfortable Air Conditioning
Automatic Cool / Heat Change-over
Auto Restart
Fan Operation Mode
LCD Remote Controller (Option)
Auto Swing Function
Draft Preventive Function
Ceiling Soiling Prevention
—— Program Dry
High Fan Speed Mode
High Ceiling Application
—— Hot Start
Low Ambient Temperature Kit
Timer Selector
For Easy Construction and Maintenance
Drain Pump Kit
—— Urtra Long Life Filter — Long Life Filter
—— Mold Resistant Treatment for Filter
Filter Sign
Mold Resistant Drain Pan
Emergency Operation
Self Diagnoses Function
For flexible Control
Double Remote Control
Group Control by 1 Remote Controller
Cotnrol by External Command
Remote/Centralized Control
Present Model’s Functions Si-71A
8 Improved Points and Functions
Remote Controller Operation 9
1. Wired Remote Controller.......................................................................10
1.1 Wired Remote C o n tro l le r..................... .. ............... ..................................1 0
2. Wireless Remote Controller..................................................................12
2.1 Wireless Remote Controller ...................................................................12
3. Wireless Remote Controller..................................................................14
3.1 Wireless Remote Controller ...................................................................14
Wired Remote Controller Si-71A
10 Remote Controller Operation
1. Wired Remote Controller
1.1 Wired Remote Controller
Fig.3 BRC1B61
Remote Controller
Fig.4 BRC1B62
Remote Comtroller
Si-71A Wired Remote Controller
Remote Controller Operation 11
Wireless Remote Controller Si-71A
12 Remote Controller Operation
2. Wireless Remote Controller
2.1 Wireless Remote Controller
Si-71A Wireless Remote Controller
Remote Controller Operation 13
Wireless Remote Controller Si-71A
14 Remote Controller Operation
3. Wireless Remote Controller
3.1 Wireless Remote Controller
Si-71A Wireless Remote Controller
Remote Controller Operation 15
Wireless Remote Controller Si-71A
16 Remote Controller Operation
Part 3
Explanation of Field Set 17
Explanation of Field Set
1. Method of Field Set
(Reset after Maintenance Inspection/Repair) 18
1.1 Explanation.............................................................................................18
1.2 Field Setting ...........................................................................................19
1.3 Initial Setting Contents ...........................................................................21
1.4 Local Setting Mode No...........................................................................22
1.5 Detailed Explanation of Setting Modes ..................................................24
1.6 Centralized Group No. Setting ...............................................................29
2. Settings Concerning Maintenance........................................................
2.1 Indoor Unit PCB .....................................................................................30
2.2 Outdoor Unit Switches / Setting Jumper ................................................40
3. Existence of DIP Switch, Jumper and BS .............................................42
3.1 Reference Table.....................................................................................42
3.2 Emergency Operation ............................................................................43
3.3 Maintenance Mode Setting.....................................................................44
Method of Field Set (Reset after Maintenance Inspection/Repair) Si-71A
18 Explanation of Field Set
1. Method of Field Set (Reset after Maintenance Inspection/Repair)
1.1 Explanation
Field set is carried out from the remote controller. At time of instal lat i on, or after m aint enance inspection/ repair, carry out field set according to the explanation below. Incorrect settings w ill cause a malfunction to occur. (The indoor unit sett ings are sometimes changed i f op tion al accessories are mounted on the in door unit. Refer to the optiona l accessory manual.)
Si-71A Method of Field Set (Reset after Maintenance Inspection/Repair)
Explanation of Field Set 19
1.2 Field Setting
1.2.1 Wired Remote Controller
(Field setting must be m ade from the remote control l er in ac cordance with the installat io n conditions.)
Setting can be made by changing the “Mode number”, “FIRST CODE NO.”, and “SECOND CODE NO.”.
Refer to the following procedures for Field setting.
1. Press the “ “ button for 4 seconds or mo re on nomal mode to change to “FIE LD SETTING MODE”
2. Press the “ “ button and choose the desired “MODE NO.”.
3. If the unit is under group co nt ro l , it is un ifi ed s et (fact ory set).However, if setti ng on each indoor unit bases or confirming a fter th e set t i ng, use the MODE NO. in the ( ) for the setting. Under group control, pres s th e “ “ but to n and select the indoor unit no. that you ar e sett in g to set on each indoor unit bases. (Unnecessary at un ified setting of group control and t he UNIT NO. is not displayed)
4. Press the “ “ upper part of the button and select th e “FIRST CODE NO.”.
5. Press the “ “ lower part of the button and select the “SECOND CODE NO.”.
6. Press the “ “ button once to FIX the change of the setting.
7. Press the “ “ button for about one second and return to the “NORMAL MODE”
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