Daikin FAQ100CVEB Operation manuals

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Air Conditioner


(Wall mounted type)











Thank you for purchasing this Daikin air conditioner. Carefully read this operation manual before using the air conditioner. It will tell you how to use the unit properly and help you if any trouble occurs. After reading the manual, file it away for future reference. Furthermore, make certain that this operation manual is handed to a new user when he takes over the operation.

This operation manual is dedicated for the indoor unit. Also refer to the operation manuals provided with the outdoor unit and remote controller.

Vielen Dank für den Kauf einer Klimaanlage von Daikin. Lesen Sie dieses Betriebshandbuch vor Inbetriebnahme der Klimaanlage sorgfältig durch. Sie erfahren hier, wie die Einheit korrekt genutzt wird, und es ist lhnen bei Störungen behilflich. Wenn Sie das Handbuch durchgelesen haben, bewahren Sie es gut auf, damit Sie auch später noch nachschlagen können. Stellen Sie außerdem sicher, dass diese Betriebsanleitung an neue Benutzer ausgehändigt wird, wenn diese die Kontrolle über die Anlage übernehmen.

Diese Betriebsanleitung hat das Innenaggregat zum Gegenstand. Bitte beachten Sie auch die mit dem Außenaggregat und der Fernbedienung gelieferten Betriebsanleitungen.

Nous vous remercions pour votre acquisition de ce système de climatisation Daikin.

Lisez attentivement ce manuel avant d’utiliser le climatiseur. Il vous expliquera comment vous servir correctement de l’appareil et vous guidera en cas de problème. Lorsque vous aurez lu le manuel, rangez-le afin de pouvoir vous y référer ultérieurement. Veillez également à ce que le présent manuel d’utilisation soit remis au nouvel utilisateur avant qu’il commence à travailler.

Le présent manuel d’utilisation porte sur l’unité intérieure. Reportez-vous également aux manuels d’utilisation fournis avec l’unité extérieure et la télécommande.

Le agradecemos la compra de este acondicionador de aire Daikin.

Lea cuidadosamente el manual de funcionamiento antes de utilizar el acondicionador de aire. Dicho manual le indicará cómo utilizar adecuadamente la máquina y le ayudará en caso de avería. Después de leer el manual, consérvelo para consultas futuras. Además, asegúrese de que cuando un nuevo usuario asume el funcionamiento se le proporciona este manual de instrucciones.

Este manual de instrucciones está dirigido a la unidad interior. Consulte también los manuales de instrucciones proporcionados con la unidad exterior y el mando a distancia.

La ringraziamo di aver acquistato questo condizionatore d’aria Daikin.

Leggere attentamente questo manuale prima di utilizzare il condizionatore. Contiene le istruzioni per usare correttamente l’unità e per rimediare ad eventuali problemi di funzionamento. Dopo averlo letto, conservare il manuale per consultazioni future. Inoltre, non dimenticare di consegnare questo manuale d'uso al nuovo utente che dovesse subentrare.

Il presente manuale d'uso è riservato all'unità interna. Consultare anche i manuali d'uso forniti insieme all'unità esterna ed al comando a distanza.

Σαò ευχαριστοýìε που αγορÜσατε αυτÞ την κλιìατιστικÞ συσκευÞ τηò Daikin. ÄιαβÜστε προσεκτικÜ αυτü το εγχειρßδιο χρÞσηò πριν χρησιìοποιÞσετε την κλιìατιστικÞ συσκευÞ. Θα σαò εξηγÞσει πωò να χρησιìοποιεßτε τη ìονÜδα σωστÜ και θα σαò βοηθÞσει αν παρουσιαστεß κÜποιο πρüβληìα. Αυτü το εγχειρßδιο περιγρÜφει ìüνο την εσωτερικÞ ìονÜδα. ΧρησιìοποιÞστε το ìαζß ìε το εγχειρßδιο λειτουργßαò για την εξωτερικÞ ìονÜδα. Αφοý διαβÜσετε το εγχειρßδιο, φυλÜξτε το για ìελλοντικÞ χρÞση. Λειτουργßα: δεßτε τιò οδηγßεò λειτουργßαò του τηλεχειριστηρßου για λεπτοìÝρειεò σχετικÜ ìε τα ονüìατα και τιò λειτουργßεò των διακοπτþν και των οθονþν του τηλεχειριστηρßου. ΕπιπλÝον, ìην παραλεßψετε να παραδþσετε αυτü το εγχειρßδιο λειτουργßαò σε Ýναν νÝο χρÞστη, üταν αυτüò θα αναλÜβει τη λειτουργßα τηò ìονÜδαò. Αυτü το εγχειρßδιο προορßζεται αποκλειστικÜ για την εσωτερικÞ ìονÜδα. Επßσηò, συìβουλευτεßτε τα εγχειρßδια λειτουργßαò που παρÝχονται ìε την εξωτερικÞ ìονÜδα και το τηλεχειριστÞριο.

Wij danken u voor de aankoop van deze Daikin airconditioner.

Lees deze bedrijfshandleiding aandachtig door voordat u de airconditioner gebruikt. Het omvat uitleg over het correcte gebruik van de unit en biedt hulp in geval een storing mocht optreden. Gebruik deze handleiding voor verdere raadpleging. Zorg er tevens voor dat deze gebruiksaanwijzing aan elke nieuwe gebruiker overhandigd wordt.

Deze gebruiksaanwijzing behandelt specifiek de binnenunit. Raadpleeg tevens de gebruiksaanwijzingen van de buitenunit en de afstandsbediening.

Obrigado por ter adquirido este aparelho de ar condicionado Daikin.

Leia atentamente este manual de operação antes de utilizar o ar condicionado. Este indicar-lhe-á como utilizar correctamente a unidade e fornecer-lhe-á ajuda caso ocorra algum problema. Após a leitura, guarde este manual num local onde qualquer utilizador o possa ler a qualquer altura. Além disso, certifique-se de que este manual de operação é entregue a cada novo utilizador que assumir o controlo da operação.

Este manual de operação destina-se à unidade interior. Consulte também os manuais de operação fornecidos com a unidade exterior e o controlo remoto.

Блаãодарим за поêóпêó êондиционера Daikin. До начала работы с êондиционером внимательно

изóчите данное рóêоводство по эêсплóатации. В нем излаãаются правила пользования и приводятся реêомендации по поисêó и óстранению неисправностей. После изóчения рóêоводства сохраните еãо для справêи. Более тоãо, следóет óбедиться, что новый пользователь, пристóпая ê работе, полóчил настоящее рóêоводство. Настоящее рóêоводство предназначено для внóтреннеãо блоêа. Смотрите таêже рóêоводство для нарóжноãо блоêа и пóльта дистанционноãо óправления.

Daikin klima satýn aldýðýnýz için teþekkür ederiz. Klimanýzý kullanmadan önce bu kullanma kýlavuzunu dikkatlice okuyunuz. Bu kýlavuz ünitenin nasýl uygun olarak kullanýlacaðýný anlatýr ve herhangi bir problem olduðunda size yardým eder. Kullanma kýlavuzunu okuduktan sonra ilerde tekrar faydalanmak üzere saklayýnýz. Ayrýca, bu kullaným kýlavuzunun çalýþmayý devralan yeni kullanýcýlara da verildiðinden emin olun. Bu kullaným kýlavuzu, iç ünite için hazýrlanmýþtýr. Ayrýca, dýþ ünite ve uzaktan kumandayla birlikte verilen kullaným kýlavuzlarýna da bakýn.

Daikin FAQ100CVEB Operation manuals







































In case of





























Disposal requirements

Your air conditioning product is marked with this symbol. This means that electrical and electronic products shall not be mixed with unsorted household waste.

Do not try to dismantle the system yourself: the dismantling of the air conditioning system, treatment of the refrigerant, of oil and of other parts must be done by a qualified installer in accordance with relevant local and national legislation.

Air conditioners must be treated at a specialized treatment facility for re-use, recycling and recovery. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help to prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. Please contact the installer or local authority for more information.

Batteries must be removed from the remote controller and disposed of separately in accordance with relevant local and national legislation.

Vorschriften zur Entsorgung

Ihre Klimaanlage ist mit diesem Symbol gekennzeichnet. Das bedeutet, dass elektrische und elektronische Produkte nicht mit unsortiertem Haushaltsabfall entsorgt werden dürfen. Versuchen Sie auf keinen Fall das System selbst zu demontieren. Die Demontage des Klimaanlagensystems sowie die Handhabung von Kältemittel, Öl und möglichen weiteren Teilen muss von einem qualifizierten Monteur gemäß den entsprechenden örtlichen und staatlichen Bestimmungen vorgenommen werden.

Klimaanlagen müssen bei einer fachkundigen Einrichtung für Wiederverwendung, Recycling und Wiedergewinnung aufbereitet werden. Indem Sie dieses Produkt korrekt entsorgen, helfen Sie potenzielle negative Folgen für die Umwelt und die Gesundheit der Menschen zu vermeiden. Nehmen Sie bitte hinsichtlich weiterer Informationen Kontakt auf mit dem Monteur oder den örtlichen Behörden.

Die Batterien müssen aus der Fernbedienung entfernt werden und gemäß den entsprechenden örtlichen und staatlichen Vorschriften separat entsorgt werden.

Instructions d’élimination

Cet appareil de conditionnement d’air porte le symbole ci-joint. Ce symbole signifie que les appareils électriques et électroniques doivent être éliminés séparément des ordures ménagères non triées.

N’essayez pas de démonter vous-même l’appareil : le démontage de l’appareil de conditionnement d’air ainsi que le traitement du réfrigérant, de l’huile et d’autres composants doivent être effectués par un installateur qualifié, en accord avec les réglementations locales et nationales en vigueur.

Les appareils de conditionnement d’air doivent être traités dans des installations spécialisées de dépannage, réutilisation ou recyclage. En vous assurant que cet appareil est éliminé correctement, vous contribuez à éviter les conséquences potentiellement néfastes sur l’environnement et la santé. Veuillez contacter votre installateur ou les autorités locales pour plus d’information.

Les piles de la télécommande doivent être enlevées et éliminées séparément, conformément aux réglementations locales et nationales en vigueur.

Requisitos para la eliminación

Su acondicionador de aire está marcado con este símbolo. Esto significa que los productos eléctricos y electrónicos no deben mezclarse con el resto de residuos domésticos no clasificados.

No intente desmontar el sistema usted mismo: El desmantelamiento del acondicionador de aire, así como el tratamiento del refrigerante, aceite y otros componentes, debe ser efectuado por un instalador competente de acuerdo con las normas locales y nacionales aplicables. Los acondicionadores de aire deben ser tratados en instalaciones especializadas para su reutilización, reciclaje y recuperación. Al asegurarse de desechar este producto de la forma correcta, está contribuyendo a evitar posibles consecuencias negativas para el entorno y para la salud de las personas. Contacte, por favor, con el instalador o con las autoridades locales para obtener más información.

Las pilas del control remoto deben extraerse y eliminarse por separado y de acuerdo con la normativa local y nacional aplicable.

Specifiche di smaltimento

Il climatizzatore è contrassegnato con questo simbolo, ciò significa che i prodotti elettrici ed elettronici non possono essere smaltiti insieme ai rifiuti domestici non differenziati.

Non cercare di demolire il sistema da soli: la demolizione del sistema di condizionamento, nonché il recupero del refrigerante, dell’olio e di qualsiasi altra parte devono essere eseguiti da un installatore qualificato in conformità alla legislazione locale e nazionale vigente in materia. I climatizzatori devono essere trattati presso una struttura specializzata nel riutilizzo, riciclaggio e recupero dei materiali. Il corretto smaltimento del prodotto eviterà le possibili conseguenze negative all’ambiente e alla salute dell’uomo. Per maggiori informazioni contattare l’installatore o le autorità locali.

Le batterie devono essere tolte dal telecomando e smaltite separatamente conformemente alla legislazione locale e nazionale vigente in materia.

ΠροϋποθÝσειò απüρριψηò

Το κλιìατιστικü σαò επισηìαßνεται ìε αυτü το σýìβολο. Αυτü σηìαßνει üτι οι ηλεκτρικÝò και ηλεκτρονικÝò συσκευÝò πρÝπει να απορρßπτονται χωριστÜ απü τα οικιακÜ απορρßììατα. Μην προσπαθÞσετε να αποσυναρìολογÞσετε ìüνοι σαò το σýστηìα: Η αποσυναρìολüγηση τηò ìονÜδαò κλιìατισìοý, ο χειρισìüò του ψυκτικοý ìÝσου, του λαδιοý και των Üλλων ìερþν θα πρÝπει να γßνεται απü κÜποιο ειδικευìÝνο τεχνικü, σýìφωνα ìε τη σχετικÞ τοπικÞ και εθνικÞ νοìοθεσßα.

Για την εκ νÝου χρÞση, την ανακýκλωση και την επισκευÞ, οι ìονÜδεò κλιìατισìοý θα πρÝπει να υφßστανται επεξεργασßα σε ειδικÝò εγκαταστÜσειò. Επιβεβαιþνονταò üτι αυτü το προϊüν απορρßπτεται σωστÜ, θα αποφýγετε ενδεχüìενεò αρνητικÝò συνÝπειεò για το περιβÜλλον και την υγεßα. Παρακαλþ επικοινωνÞστε ìε τον τεχνικü εγκατÜστασηò Þ τιò τοπικÝò αρχÝò για περισσüτερεò πληροφορßεò.

Οι ìπαταρßεò θα πρÝπει να αφαιροýνται απü το τηλεχειριστÞριο και να απορρßπτονται ξεχωριστÜ, σýìφωνα ìε τη σχετικÞ τοπικÞ και εθνικÞ νοìοθεσßα.

Vereisten voor het opruimen

Uw airconditioningproduct draagt dit symbool. Dit betekent dat u geen elektrische en elektronische producten mag mengen met niet-gesorteerd huishoudelijk afval.

Probeer niet zelf het systeem te ontmantelen: het ontmantelen van het airconditioningsysteem, behandelen van het koelmiddel, olie en andere onderdelen moet worden uitgevoerd door een bevoegd installateur in overeenstemming met de relevante lokale en nationale reglementeringen.

Airconditioners moeten bij een gespecialiseerd behandelingsbedrijf worden behandeld voor hergebruik, recyclage en terugwinning. Door ervoor te zorgen dat dit product op de correcte manier wordt opgeruimd, helpt u potentiële negatieve gevolgen voor het milieu en de gezondheid te voorkomen. Voor meer informatie, gelieve contact op te nemen met de installateur of de lokale overheid.

De batterijen moeten uit de afstandsbediening worden verwijderd en afzonderlijk opgeruimd in overeenstemming met de relevante lokale en nationale reglementeringen.

Requisitos para a eliminação

O equipamento de ar condicionado que possui está marcado com este símbolo. Significa que os produtos eléctricos e electrónicos não devem ser misturados com o lixo doméstico indiferenciado.

Não tente desmontar pessoalmente o sistema: o desmantelamento do sistema de ar condicionado e o tratamento do líquido de refrigeração, do óleo e de outros componentes têm de ser feitos por um instalador qualificado, cumprindo a legislação nacional relevante e regulamentos locais aplicáveis.

Os equipamentos de ar condicionado têm de ser processados numa estação de tratamento especializada, para reutilização, reciclagem ou recuperação. Ao certificar-se de que este produto é eliminado correctamente, está a contribuir para evitar as potenciais consequências negativas para o ambiente e para a saúde humana. Contacte o seu instalador ou as autoridades locais, para obter mais informações.

As pilhas do controlo remoto têm de ser retiradas e eliminadas separadamente, cumprindo a legislação nacional e os regulamentos locais aplicáveis.

RUS Требования ê óтилизации

Ваш êондиционер помечен этим символом. Это значит, что элеêтричесêие и элеêтронные изделия не следóет смешивать с несортированным бытовым мóсором. Не пытайтесь демонтировать системó самостоятельно: демонтаж системы, óдаление холодильноãо аãента, масла и дрóãих частей должны проводиться êвалифицированным монтажниêом в соответствии с местным и общеãосóдарственным заêонодательством. Кондиционеры необходимо сдавать на специальнóю перерабатывающóю станцию для óтилизации, переработêи и вторичноãо использования. Обеспечивая надлежащóю óтилизацию настоящеãо изделия, вы способствóете предотвращению настóпления возможных неãативных последствий для оêрóжающей среды и здоровья людей. За более подробной информацией обращайтесь ê монтажниêó или в местные орãаны власти. Аêêóмóляторные батареи необходимо извлечь из пóльта дистанционноãо óправления и óтилизовать отдельно в соответствии с действóющим местным и общеãосóдарственным заêонодательством.

TR Bertaraf gereksinimleri

Klimanýz bu sembolle iþaretlenmiþtir. Bu da elektrikli ve elektronik ürünlerin, ayrýlmamýþ evsel atýklarla karýþtýrýlmamasý gerektiði anlamýna gelir. Sistemi kendi kendinize sökmeye çalýþmayýn: klima sisteminin sökülmesi ve soðutucu akýþkan, yað ve diðer parçalarla ilgili iþlemler yerel ve ulusal mevzuata uygun olarak bir montaj görevlisi tarafýndan gerçekleþtirilmelidir. Klimalar yeniden kullaným, geri dönüþtürme ve kazaným için özel bir iþleme tesisine gönderilmelidir. Bu ürünün doðru þekilde bertaraf edilmesini saðlayarak, çevre ve insan saðlýðý için olasý olumsuz sonuçlarýn önlenmesine yardýmcý olursunuz. Lütfen, daha fazla bilgi için montaj görevlisi veya ilgili kurum ile irtibata geçin. Uzaktan kumandadaki piller çýkartýlmalý ve ilgili yerel ve ulusal mevzuat uyarýnca ayrý olarak bertaraf edilmelidir.



ILLUSTRATION ...................................................


1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ..............................




3. OPERATION RANGE ....................................


4. INSTALLATION SITE ....................................


5. OPERATION PROCEDURE ..........................




7. OPTIMUM OPERATION ................................




(FOR SERVICE PERSONNEL) .....................




CONDITIONER ............................................


10. TROUBLE SHOOTING ................................


The original instructions are written in English. All other languages are translations of the original instructions.

Important information regarding the refrigerant used

This product contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol.

Refrigerant type:R410A GWP(1) value: 1975

(1) GWP = global warming potential

Periodical inspections for refrigerant leaks may be required depending on European or local legislation. Please contact your local dealer for more information.


To gain full advantage of the air conditioner’s functions and to avoid malfunction due to mishandling, please read this operation manual carefully before use.

This product comes under the term “appliances not accessible to the general public”.

This appliance is intended to be used by expert or trained users in shops, in light industry and on farms, or for commercial use by lay persons.

This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and

understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall only be done by persons described in manual.

The appliance is not intended for use by unattended young children or persons who are incompetent to operate air conditioners.

It may result in injury or electric shocks.

This manual classifies the precautions into WARNINGS and CAUTIONS. Be sure to follow all the precautions below: They are all important for ensuring safety.

WARNING....... Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION........ Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.

After reading, keep this manual in a convenient place so that you can refer to it whenever necessary. If the equipment is transferred to a new user, be sure also to hand over the manual.


When the air conditioner is malfunctioning (giving off a burning odor, etc.), turn off the power to the air conditioner and contact your local dealer.

Continued operation under such circumstances may result in a failure, electric shocks or a fire.

Consult your local dealer regarding modification, repair and maintenance of the air conditioner.

Improper workmanship may result in water leakage, electric shocks or a fire.

Be sure to use fuses with the correct ampere reading.

Do not use improper fuses, copper or other wiring as a substitute, as this may result in electric shocks, a fire, injury or damage to the air conditioner.

Consult your local dealer if the air conditioner submerges owing to a natural disaster, such as a flood or typhoon.

Do not operate the air conditioner in that case, or otherwise a malfunction, electric shocks, or a fire may result.

Start or stop the air conditioner with the remote controller. Never use the power circuit breaker for this purpose.

Otherwise, it may cause a fire or water leakage. Furthermore, if an automatic restart control is provided against power failure and the power is recovered, the fan will rotate suddenly and may cause injury.

Do not use the air conditioner in the atmosphere contaminated with oil vapor, such as cooking oil or machine oil vapor.

Oil vapor may cause crack damage to the air conditioner, electric shocks, or a fire.



Do not use flammable materials (e.g., hairspray or insecticide) near the air conditioner.

Do not clean the air conditioner with organic solvents such as paint thinner.

The use of organic solvents may cause crack damage to the air conditioner, electric shocks, or a fire.

Do not use the air conditioner in places with excessive oily smoke, such as cooking rooms, or in places with flammable gas, corrosive gas, or metal dust.

Using the air conditioner in such places may cause a fire or air conditioner failures.

Beware of a fire in case of refrigerant leakage.

If the air conditioner is not operating correctly, i.e. not generating cool or warm air, refrigerant leakage could be the cause. Consult your local dealer for assistance. The refrigerant used for the air conditioner is safe and normally does not leak. However, if the refrigerant leaks and gets in contact with a naked burner, heater or cooker, it may generate hazardous compounds. Turn off the air conditioner and call your local dealer. Turn on the air conditioner after the qualified service person makes sure to confirm that the leakage is repaired.

Do not place objects, including rods, your fingers, etc., in the air inlet or outlet.

Injury may result due to contact with the air conditioner’s highspeed fan blades.

Consult your local dealer regarding cleaning the inside of the air conditioner.

Improper cleaning may cause breakage of plastic parts, water leakage and other damage as well as electric shocks.

Be aware that prolonged, direct exposure to cool or warm air from the air conditioner, or to air that is too cool or too warm can be harmful to your physical condition and health.

Consult your local dealer about installation work.

Doing the work yourself may result in water leakage, electric shocks or a fire.

Contact professional personnel about attachment of accessories and be sure to use only accessories specified by the manufacturer.

If a defect results from your own workmanship, it may result in water leakage, electric shocks or a fire.

Consult your local dealer regarding relocation and reinstallation of the air conditioner.

Improper installation work may result in leakage, electric shocks or a fire.

Be sure to earth the air conditioner.

Do not earth the air conditioner to a utility piping, lightning conductor or telephone earth lead.

Imperfect earthing may result in electric shocks or a fire. A high surge current from lightning or other sources may cause damage to the air conditioner.

Be sure to install an earth leakage breaker.

Failure to install an earth leakage breaker may result in electric shocks or a fire.

Be sure to use a dedicated power supply for the air conditioner.

The use of any other power supply may cause heat generation, a fire, or air conditioner failures.

Consult your local dealer regarding what to do in case of refrigerant leakage.

When the air conditioner is installed in a small room, it is necessary to take proper measures so that the amount of any leaked refrigerant does not exceed the concentration limit in the event of a leakage. Otherwise, this may lead to an accident due to oxygen depletion.

CAUTION Children should be watched so that they do not play with the indoor unit or its remote controller.

Accidental operation by a child may result in injury or electric shocks.

Do not allow a child to mount on the outdoor unit or avoid placing any object on it.

Falling or tumbling may result in injury.

Do not let children play on or around the outdoor unit.

If they touch the unit carelessly, injury may be caused.

Be sure that children, plants or animals are not exposed directly to airflow from the indoor unit, as adverse effects may ensue.

Do not place flammable sprays or operate spray containers near the air conditioner as this may result in a fire.

Do not wash the air conditioner or the remote controller with water, as this may result in electric shocks or fire.

Do not place water containers (flower vases, etc.) on the indoor unit, as this may result in electric shocks or a fire.

Do not put flammable containers, such as spray cans, within 1 m from the air outlet.

The containers may explode because the warm air from the indoor or outdoor unit will affect them.

Turn off the power when the air conditioner is not used for long periods of time.

Otherwise, the air conditioner may get hot or catch on a fire due to dust accumulation.

Do not place objects in direct proximity of the outdoor unit and do not let leaves and other debris accumulate around the unit.

Leaves are a hotbed for small animals which can enter the unit. Once in the unit, such animals can cause malfunctions, smoke or a fire when making contact with electrical parts.

Before cleaning, be sure to stop the air conditioner operation, turn the power circuit breaker off.

Otherwise, an electric shocks and injury may result.

To avoid electric shocks, do not operate with wet hands.

Never touch the internal parts of the remote controller.

Touching certain internal parts will cause electric shocks and damage to the remote controller. Consult your local dealer about checking and adjustment of internal parts.

To avoid oxygen deficiency, ensure that the room is adequately ventilated if equipment such as a burner is used together with the air conditioner.

Do not leave the remote controller wherever there is a risk of wetting.

If water gets into the remote controller there is a risk of electrical leakage and damage to electronic components.



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