Daikin EPRA14DAV3, EPRA16DAV3, EPRA18DAV3, EPRA14DAW1, EPRA16DAW1 Installer reference guide

Installer reference guide
Daikin Altherma 3 H HT F

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 About the documentation 6
1.1 About this document ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Meaning of warnings and symbols................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Installer reference guide at a glance .............................................................................................................................. 8
2 General safety precautions 10
2.1 For the installer............................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.2 Installation site ............................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.3 Refrigerant — in case of R410A or R32.......................................................................................................... 11
2.1.4 Water .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.1.5 Electrical ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
3 Specific installer safety instructions 16
4 About the box 22
4.1 Overview: About the box ................................................................................................................................................ 22
4.2 Outdoor unit ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.1 To handle the outdoor unit ............................................................................................................................ 22
4.2.2 To unpack the outdoor unit ........................................................................................................................... 24
4.2.3 To remove the accessories from the outdoor unit........................................................................................ 25
4.3 Indoor unit ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.3.1 To unpack the indoor unit .............................................................................................................................. 26
4.3.2 To remove the accessories from the indoor unit .......................................................................................... 26
4.3.3 To handle the indoor unit............................................................................................................................... 26
4.4 Domestic hot water tank kit ........................................................................................................................................... 27
4.4.1 To remove the accessories from the domestic hot water tank kit ............................................................... 27
4.5 Checklist for the required DHW accessories.................................................................................................................. 27
5 About the units and options 29
5.1 Overview: About the units and options.......................................................................................................................... 29
5.2 Identification ................................................................................................................................................................... 29
5.2.1 Identification label: Outdoor unit .................................................................................................................. 29
5.2.2 Identification label: Indoor unit ..................................................................................................................... 30
5.3 Combining units and options.......................................................................................................................................... 30
5.3.1 Possible combinations of indoor unit and outdoor unit................................................................................ 30
5.3.2 Possible options for the outdoor unit ............................................................................................................ 30
5.3.3 Possible options for the indoor unit............................................................................................................... 31
6 Application guidelines 34
6.1 Overview: Application guidelines ................................................................................................................................... 34
6.2 Setting up the space heating/cooling system ................................................................................................................ 35
6.2.1 Single room ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
6.2.2 Multiple rooms – OneLWT zone ................................................................................................................... 40
6.2.3 Multiple rooms – Two LWT zones.................................................................................................................. 44
6.3 Setting up an auxiliary heat source for space heating ................................................................................................... 49
6.4 Setting up the domestic hot water tank......................................................................................................................... 52
6.4.1 System layout – Integrated DHW tank........................................................................................................... 52
6.4.2 Selecting the volume and desired temperature for the DHW tank .............................................................. 52
6.4.3 Setup and configuration – DHW tank ............................................................................................................ 53
6.4.4 DHW pump for instant hot water .................................................................................................................. 54
6.4.5 DHW pump for disinfection ........................................................................................................................... 54
6.5 Setting up the energy metering...................................................................................................................................... 55
6.5.1 Produced heat ................................................................................................................................................ 55
6.5.2 Consumed energy........................................................................................................................................... 56
6.5.3 Normal kWh rate power supply ..................................................................................................................... 56
6.5.4 Preferential kWh rate power supply .............................................................................................................. 58
6.6 Setting up the power consumption control ................................................................................................................... 58
6.6.1 Permanent power limitation .......................................................................................................................... 59
6.6.2 Power limitation activated by digital inputs .................................................................................................. 60
6.6.3 Power limitation process................................................................................................................................ 61
6.6.4 BBR16 power limitation.................................................................................................................................. 62
6.7 Setting up an external temperature sensor ................................................................................................................... 62
7 Unit installation 64
7.1 Preparing the installation site......................................................................................................................................... 64
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7.1.1 Installation site requirements of the outdoor unit........................................................................................ 64
7.1.2 Additional installation site requirements of the outdoor unit in cold climates............................................ 67
7.1.3 Installation site requirements of the indoor unit .......................................................................................... 67
7.2 Opening and closing the units ........................................................................................................................................ 68
7.2.1 About opening the units................................................................................................................................. 68
7.2.2 To open the outdoor unit ............................................................................................................................... 68
7.2.3 To remove the transportation stay ................................................................................................................ 69
7.2.4 To close the outdoor unit ............................................................................................................................... 69
7.2.5 To open the indoor unit ................................................................................................................................. 70
7.2.6 To lower the switch box on the indoor unit .................................................................................................. 72
7.2.7 To close the indoor unit ................................................................................................................................. 73
7.3 Mounting the outdoor unit............................................................................................................................................. 73
7.3.1 About mounting the outdoor unit ................................................................................................................. 73
7.3.2 Precautions when mounting the outdoor unit .............................................................................................. 73
7.3.3 To provide the installation structure ............................................................................................................. 73
7.3.4 To install the outdoor unit ............................................................................................................................. 74
7.3.5 To provide drainage........................................................................................................................................ 75
7.3.6 To install the discharge grille.......................................................................................................................... 77
7.3.7 To remove the discharge grille, and put the grille in safety position............................................................ 78
7.4 Mounting the indoor unit ............................................................................................................................................... 80
7.4.1 About mounting the indoor unit .................................................................................................................... 80
7.4.2 Precautions when mounting the indoor unit................................................................................................. 80
7.4.3 To install the indoor unit ................................................................................................................................ 80
7.4.4 To connect the drain hose to the drain ......................................................................................................... 81
8 Piping installation 83
8.1 Preparing water piping ................................................................................................................................................... 83
8.1.1 Water circuit requirements............................................................................................................................ 83
8.1.2 Formula to calculate the expansion vessel pre-pressure .............................................................................. 87
8.1.3 To check the water volume and flow rate ..................................................................................................... 87
8.1.4 Changing the pre-pressure of the expansion vessel...................................................................................... 89
8.1.5 To check the water volume: Examples .......................................................................................................... 90
8.2 Connecting water piping................................................................................................................................................. 90
8.2.1 About connecting the water piping ............................................................................................................... 90
8.2.2 Precautions when connecting the water piping ............................................................................................ 90
8.2.3 To connect the water piping .......................................................................................................................... 91
8.2.4 To connect the water piping for domestic hot water.................................................................................... 93
8.2.5 To connect the recirculation piping ............................................................................................................... 96
8.2.6 To fill the water circuit ................................................................................................................................... 96
8.2.7 To protect the water circuit against freezing ................................................................................................ 97
8.2.8 To fill the domestic hot water tank ................................................................................................................ 100
8.2.9 To insulate the water piping .......................................................................................................................... 100
9 Electrical installation 101
9.1 About connecting the electrical wiring .......................................................................................................................... 101
9.1.1 Precautions when connecting the electrical wiring....................................................................................... 101
9.1.2 Guidelines when connecting the electrical wiring......................................................................................... 102
9.1.3 About electrical compliance........................................................................................................................... 103
9.1.4 About preferential kWh rate power supply ................................................................................................... 104
9.1.5 Overview of electrical connections except external actuators ..................................................................... 104
9.2 Connections to the outdoor unit.................................................................................................................................... 105
9.2.1 To connect the electrical wiring to the outdoor unit .................................................................................... 105
9.2.2 To reposition the air thermistor on the outdoor unit ................................................................................... 111
9.3 Connections to the indoor unit ...................................................................................................................................... 112
9.3.1 To connect the main power supply................................................................................................................ 115
9.3.2 To connect the backup heater power supply ................................................................................................ 117
9.3.3 To connect the shut-off valve ........................................................................................................................ 120
9.3.4 To connect the electricity meters .................................................................................................................. 121
9.3.5 To connect the domestic hot water pump .................................................................................................... 122
9.3.6 To connect the alarm output ......................................................................................................................... 123
9.3.7 To connect the space cooling/heating ON/OFF output................................................................................. 124
9.3.8 To connect the changeover to external heat source..................................................................................... 125
9.3.9 To connect the power consumption digital inputs........................................................................................ 126
9.3.10 To connect the safety thermostat (normally closed contact)....................................................................... 127
9.3.11 To connect a Smart Grid................................................................................................................................. 128
9.3.12 To connect the WLAN cartridge (delivered as accessory)............................................................................. 132
9.4 After connecting the electrical wiring to the indoor unit .............................................................................................. 132
10 Configuration 134
10.1 Overview: Configuration ................................................................................................................................................. 134
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10.1.1 To access the most used commands ............................................................................................................. 135
10.1.2 To connect the PC cable to the switch box.................................................................................................... 137
10.2 Configuration wizard....................................................................................................................................................... 138
10.3 Possible screens .............................................................................................................................................................. 139
10.3.1 Possible screens: Overview............................................................................................................................ 139
10.3.2 Home screen................................................................................................................................................... 140
10.3.3 Main menu screen.......................................................................................................................................... 143
10.3.4 Menu screen................................................................................................................................................... 144
10.3.5 Setpoint screen............................................................................................................................................... 144
10.3.6 Detailed screen with values ........................................................................................................................... 145
10.3.7 Schedule screen: Example.............................................................................................................................. 145
10.4 Weather-dependent curve ............................................................................................................................................. 150
10.4.1 What is a weather-dependent curve? ........................................................................................................... 150
10.4.2 2-points curve................................................................................................................................................. 150
10.4.3 Slope-offset curve........................................................................................................................................... 151
10.4.4 Using weather-dependent curves.................................................................................................................. 153
10.5 Settings menu ................................................................................................................................................................. 155
10.5.1 Malfunctioning ............................................................................................................................................... 155
10.5.2 Room............................................................................................................................................................... 155
10.5.3 Main zone....................................................................................................................................................... 159
10.5.4 Additional zone............................................................................................................................................... 169
10.5.5 Space heating/cooling.................................................................................................................................... 174
10.5.6 Tank................................................................................................................................................................. 183
10.5.7 User settings................................................................................................................................................... 190
10.5.8 Information..................................................................................................................................................... 195
10.5.9 Installer settings ............................................................................................................................................. 196
10.5.10 Commissioning ............................................................................................................................................... 218
10.5.11 User profile ..................................................................................................................................................... 218
10.5.12 Operation........................................................................................................................................................ 219
10.5.13 WLAN .............................................................................................................................................................. 219
10.6 Menu structure: Overview user settings ........................................................................................................................ 222
10.7 Menu structure: Overview installer settings .................................................................................................................. 223
11 Commissioning 225
11.1 Overview: Commissioning .............................................................................................................................................. 225
11.2 Precautions when commissioning .................................................................................................................................. 226
11.3 Checklist before commissioning ..................................................................................................................................... 226
11.4 Checklist during commissioning ..................................................................................................................................... 227
11.4.1 Minimum flow rate......................................................................................................................................... 227
11.4.2 Air purge function........................................................................................................................................... 228
11.4.3 Operation test run.......................................................................................................................................... 229
11.4.4 Actuator test run ............................................................................................................................................ 230
11.4.5 Underfloor heating screed dryout ................................................................................................................. 231
12 Hand-over to the user 235
13 Maintenance and service 236
13.1 Overview: Maintenance and service .............................................................................................................................. 236
13.2 Maintenance safety precautions .................................................................................................................................... 236
13.3 Yearly maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................ 237
13.3.1 Yearly maintenance outdoor unit: overview ................................................................................................. 237
13.3.2 Yearly maintenance outdoor unit: instructions............................................................................................. 237
13.3.3 Yearly maintenance indoor unit: overview.................................................................................................... 237
13.3.4 Yearly maintenance indoor unit: instructions ............................................................................................... 237
13.4 To drain the domestic hot water tank............................................................................................................................ 241
13.5 To inspect the inside of the domestic hot water tank ................................................................................................... 242
13.6 About cleaning the water filter in case of trouble ......................................................................................................... 242
13.6.1 To remove the water filter............................................................................................................................. 243
13.6.2 To clean the water filter in case of trouble.................................................................................................... 243
13.6.3 To install the water filter................................................................................................................................ 244
14 Troubleshooting 246
14.1 Overview: Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................ 246
14.2 Precautions when troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ 246
14.3 Solving problems based on symptoms ........................................................................................................................... 247
14.3.1 Symptom: The unit is NOT heating or cooling as expected........................................................................... 247
14.3.2 Symptom: Hot water does NOT reach the desired temperature.................................................................. 248
14.3.3 Symptom: The compressor does NOT start (space heating or domestic water heating) ............................ 248
14.3.4 Symptom: The system is making gurgling noises after commissioning........................................................ 248
14.3.5 Symptom: The pump is blocked..................................................................................................................... 249
14.3.6 Symptom: The pump is making noise (cavitation)......................................................................................... 249
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14.3.7 Symptom: The pressure relief valve opens.................................................................................................... 250
14.3.8 Symptom: The water pressure relief valve leaks........................................................................................... 251
14.3.9 Symptom: The space is NOT sufficiently heated at low outdoor temperatures........................................... 251
14.3.10 Symptom: The pressure at the tapping point is temporarily unusually high................................................ 252
14.3.11 Symptom: Tank disinfection function is NOT completed correctly (AH-error)............................................. 252
14.4 Solving problems based on error codes ......................................................................................................................... 253
14.4.1 To display the help text in case of a malfunction.......................................................................................... 253
14.4.2 Error codes: Overview.................................................................................................................................... 253
15 Disposal 258
15.1 To recover refrigerant..................................................................................................................................................... 258
15.1.1 To manually open the electronic expansion valves....................................................................................... 259
15.1.2 Recovery mode............................................................................................................................................... 260
16 Technical data 262
16.1 Service space: Outdoor unit ........................................................................................................................................... 263
16.2 Piping diagram: Outdoor unit ......................................................................................................................................... 264
16.3 Piping diagram: Indoor unit ............................................................................................................................................ 265
16.4 Wiring diagram: Outdoor unit ........................................................................................................................................ 266
16.5 Wiring diagram: Indoor unit ........................................................................................................................................... 271
16.6 Technical specifications: Domestic hot water tank........................................................................................................ 277
16.6.1 Test results in accordance with EN12897 (2016).......................................................................................... 277
16.6.2 Warning label.................................................................................................................................................. 277
16.7 ESP curve: Indoor unit..................................................................................................................................................... 278
17 Glossary 279
18 Field settings table 280
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1 | About the documentation

1 About the documentation

In this chapter

1.1 About this document.............................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Meaning of warnings and symbols......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Installer reference guide at a glance...................................................................................................................................... 8

1.1 About this document

Target audience
Authorised installers
Documentation set
Make sure that the user has the printed documentation and ask him/her to keep it for future reference.
This document is part of a documentation set. The complete set consists of:
General safety precautions:
- Safety instructions that you must read before installing
- Format: Paper (in the box of the indoor unit)
Operation manual:
- Quick guide for basic usage
- Format: Paper (in the box of the indoor unit)
User reference guide:
- Detailed step-by-step instructions and background information for basic and
advanced usage
- Format: Digital files on http://www.daikineurope.com/support-and-manuals/
Installation manual – Outdoor unit:
- Installation instructions
- Format: Paper (in the box of the outdoor unit)
Installation manual – Indoor unit:
- Installation instructions
- Format: Paper (in the box of the indoor unit)
Installer reference guide:
- Preparation of the installation, good practices, reference data,…
- Format: Digital files on http://www.daikineurope.com/support-and-manuals/
Addendum book for optional equipment:
- Additional info about how to install optional equipment
- Format: Paper (in the box of the indoor unit) + Digital files on http://
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1 | About the documentation
Latest revisions of the supplied documentation may be available on the regional Daikin website or via your dealer.
The original documentation is written in English. All other languages are translations.
Technical engineering data
A subset of the latest technical data is available on the regional Daikin website
(publicly accessible).
The full set of latest technical data is available on the Daikin Business Portal
(authentication required).
Online tools
In addition to the documentation set, some online tools are available for installers:
Daikin Technical Data Hub
- Central hub for technical specifications of the unit, useful tools, digital
resources, and more.
- Publicly accessible via https://daikintechnicaldatahub.eu.
Heating Solutions Navigator
- Digital toolbox that offers a variety of tools to facilitate the installation and
configuration of heating systems.
- To access Heating Solutions Navigator, registration to the Stand By Me
platform is required. For more information, see https://
Daikin e-Care
- Mobile app for installers and service technicians that allows you to register,
configure and troubleshoot heating systems.
- The mobile app can be downloaded for iOS and Android devices using the QR
codes below. Registration to the Stand By Me platform is required to access the app.
App Store Google Play

1.2 Meaning of warnings and symbols

Indicates a situation that results in death or serious injury.
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Indicates a situation that could result in electrocution.
Indicates a situation that could result in burning/scalding because of extreme hot or cold temperatures.
1 | About the documentation
Indicates a situation that could result in explosion.
Indicates a situation that could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a situation that could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a situation that could result in equipment or property damage.
Indicates useful tips or additional information.
Symbols used on the unit:
Symbol Explanation
Before installation, read the installation and operation manual, and the wiring instruction sheet.
Before performing maintenance and service tasks, read the service manual.
For more information, see the installer and user reference guide.
The unit contains rotating parts. Be careful when servicing or inspecting the unit.
Symbols used in the documentation:
Symbol Explanation
Indicates a figure title or a reference to it.
Example: " 1–3 Figure title" means "Figure 3 in chapter 1".
Indicates a table title or a reference to it.
Example: " 1–3 Table title" means "Table 3 in chapter 1".

1.3 Installer reference guide at a glance

Chapter Description
General safety precautions Safety instructions that you must read before
About the documentation What documentation exists for the installer
About the box How to unpack the units and remove their
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1 | About the documentation
Chapter Description
About the units and options How to identify the units
Possible combinations of units and options
Application guidelines Various installation setups of the system
Unit installation What to do and know to install the system,
including information on how to prepare for an installation
Piping installation What to do and know to install the piping of the
system, including information on how to prepare for an installation
Electrical installation What to do and know to install the electrical
components of the system, including information on how to prepare for an installation
Configuration What to do and know to configure the system
after it is installed
Commissioning What to do and know to commission the system
after it is configured
Hand‑over to the user What to give and explain to the user
Maintenance and service How to maintain and service the units
Troubleshooting What to do in case of problems
Disposal How to dispose of the system
Technical data Specifications of the system
Glossary Definition of terms
Field settings table Table to be filled in by the installer, and kept for
future reference
Note: There is also an installer settings table in the user reference guide. This table has to be filled in by the installer and handed over to the user.
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2 | General safety precautions

2 General safety precautions

In this chapter

2.1 For the installer....................................................................................................................................................................... 10

2.1 For the installer

2.1.1 General

If you are NOT sure how to install or operate the unit, contact your dealer.
2.1.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.2 Installation site ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.3 Refrigerant — in case of R410A or R32 ................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.4 Water ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.5 Electrical ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Do NOT touch the refrigerant piping, water piping or internal parts during and
immediately after operation. It could be too hot or too cold. Give it time to return to normal temperature. If you MUST touch it, wear protective gloves.
Do NOT touch any accidental leaking refrigerant.
Improper installation or attachment of equipment or accessories could result in electrical shock, short-circuit, leaks, fire or other damage to the equipment. ONLY use accessories, optional equipment and spare parts made or approved by Daikin.
Make sure installation, testing and applied materials comply with applicable legislation (on top of the instructions described in the Daikin documentation).
Wear adequate personal protective equipment (protective gloves, safety glasses,…) when installing, maintaining or servicing the system.
Tear apart and throw away plastic packaging bags so that nobody, especially children, can play with them. Possible risk: suffocation.
Provide adequate measures to prevent that the unit can be used as a shelter by small animals. Small animals that make contact with electrical parts can cause malfunctions, smoke or fire.
Do NOT touch the air inlet or aluminium fins of the unit.
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2.1.2 Installation site

2 | General safety precautions
Do NOT place any objects or equipment on top of the unit.Do NOT sit, climb or stand on the unit.
In accordance with the applicable legislation, it might be necessary to provide a logbook with the product containing at least: information on maintenance, repair work, results of tests, stand-by periods,…
Also, at least, following information MUST be provided at an accessible place at the product:
Instructions for shutting down the system in case of an emergency
Name and address of fire department, police and hospital
Name, address and day and night telephone numbers for obtaining service
In Europe, EN378 provides the necessary guidance for this logbook.
Provide sufficient space around the unit for servicing and air circulation.
Make sure the installation site withstands the weight and vibration of the unit.
Make sure the area is well ventilated. Do NOT block any ventilation openings.
Make sure the unit is level.
Do NOT install the unit in the following places:
In potentially explosive atmospheres.
In places where there is machinery that emits electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic waves may disturb the control system, and cause malfunction of the equipment.
In places where there is a risk of fire due to the leakage of flammable gases
(example: thinner or gasoline), carbon fibre, ignitable dust.
In places where corrosive gas (example: sulphurous acid gas) is produced.
Corrosion of copper pipes or soldered parts may cause the refrigerant to leak.

2.1.3 Refrigerant — in case of R410A or R32

If applicable. See the installation manual or installer reference guide of your application for more information.
Make sure refrigerant piping installation complies with applicable legislation. In Europe, EN378 is the applicable standard.
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Make sure the field piping and connections are NOT subjected to stress.
During tests, NEVER pressurise the product with a pressure higher than the maximum allowable pressure (as indicated on the nameplate of the unit).
2 | General safety precautions
Take sufficient precautions in case of refrigerant leakage. If refrigerant gas leaks, ventilate the area immediately. Possible risks:
Excessive refrigerant concentrations in a closed room can lead to oxygen
Toxic gas might be produced if refrigerant gas comes into contact with fire.
Pump down – Refrigerant leakage. If you want to pump down the system, and there
is a leak in the refrigerant circuit:
Do NOT use the unit's automatic pump down function, with which you can collect
all refrigerant from the system into the outdoor unit. Possible consequence: Self­combustion and explosion of the compressor because of air going into the operating compressor.
Use a separate recovery system so that the unit's compressor does NOT have to
ALWAYS recover the refrigerant. Do NOT release them directly into the environment. Use a vacuum pump to evacuate the installation.
After all the piping has been connected, make sure there is no gas leak. Use nitrogen to perform a gas leak detection.
To avoid compressor breakdown, do NOT charge more than the specified amount
of refrigerant.
When the refrigerant system is to be opened, refrigerant MUST be treated
according to the applicable legislation.
Make sure there is no oxygen in the system. Refrigerant may ONLY be charged after performing the leak test and the vacuum drying.
Possible consequence: Self-combustion and explosion of the compressor because of oxygen going into the operating compressor.
In case recharge is required, see the nameplate of the unit. It states the type of
refrigerant and necessary amount.
The unit is factory charged with refrigerant and depending on pipe sizes and pipe
lengths some systems require additional charging of refrigerant.
ONLY use tools exclusively for the refrigerant type used in the system, this to
ensure pressure resistance and prevent foreign materials from entering into the system.
Charge the liquid refrigerant as follows:
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2 | General safety precautions
If Then
A siphon tube is present
Charge with the cylinder upright.
(i.e., the cylinder is marked with "Liquid filling siphon attached")
A siphon tube is NOT present Charge with the cylinder upside down.
Open refrigerant cylinders slowly.
Charge the refrigerant in liquid form. Adding it in gas form may prevent normal
When the refrigerant charging procedure is done or when pausing, close the valve of the refrigerant tank immediately. If the valve is NOT closed immediately, remaining pressure might charge additional refrigerant. Possible consequence: Incorrect refrigerant amount.

2.1.4 Water

2.1.5 Electrical

If applicable. See the installation manual or installer reference guide of your application for more information.
Make sure water quality complies with EU directive 2020/2184.
Turn OFF all power supply before removing the switch box cover, connecting
electrical wiring or touching electrical parts.
Disconnect the power supply for more than 10minutes, and measure the voltage
at the terminals of main circuit capacitors or electrical components before servicing. The voltage MUST be less than 50VDC before you can touch electrical components. For the location of the terminals, see the wiring diagram.
Do NOT touch electrical components with wet hands.Do NOT leave the unit unattended when the service cover is removed.
If NOT factory installed, a main switch or other means for disconnection, having a contact separation in all poles providing full disconnection under overvoltage categoryIII condition, MUST be installed in the fixed wiring.
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2 | General safety precautions
ONLY use copper wires.Make sure the field wiring complies with the applicable legislation.All field wiring MUST be performed in accordance with the wiring diagram
supplied with the product.
NEVER squeeze bundled cables and make sure they do NOT come in contact with
the piping and sharp edges. Make sure no external pressure is applied to the terminal connections.
Make sure to install earth wiring. Do NOT earth the unit to a utility pipe, surge
absorber, or telephone earth. Incomplete earth may cause electrical shock.
Make sure to use a dedicated power circuit. NEVER use a power supply shared by
another appliance.
Make sure to install the required fuses or circuit breakers.Make sure to install an earth leakage protector. Failure to do so may cause
electrical shock or fire.
When installing the earth leakage protector, make sure it is compatible with the
inverter (resistant to high frequency electric noise) to avoid unnecessary opening of the earth leakage protector.
When connecting the power supply: connect the earth cable first, before making
the current-carrying connections.
When disconnecting the power supply: disconnect the current-carrying cables
first, before separating the earth connection.
The length of the conductors between the power supply stress relief and the
terminal block itself MUST be as such that the current-carrying wires are tautened before the earth wire is in case the power supply is pulled loose from the stress relief.
Precautions when laying power wiring:
Do NOT connect wiring of different thicknesses to the power terminal block (slack
in the power wiring may cause abnormal heat).
When connecting wiring which is the same thickness, do as shown in the figure
For wiring, use the designated power wire and connect firmly, then secure to
prevent outside pressure being exerted on the terminal board.
Use an appropriate screwdriver for tightening the terminal screws. A screwdriver
with a small head will damage the head and make proper tightening impossible.
Over-tightening the terminal screws may break them.
Install power cables at least 1 meter away from televisions or radios to prevent interference. Depending on the radio waves, a distance of 1 meter may NOT be sufficient.
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2 | General safety precautions
After finishing the electrical work, confirm that each electrical component and
terminal inside the electrical components box is connected securely.
Make sure all covers are closed before starting up the unit.
ONLY applicable if the power supply is three‑phase, and the compressor has an ON/ OFF starting method.
If there exists the possibility of reversed phase after a momentary black out and the power goes ON and OFF while the product is operating, attach a reversed phase protection circuit locally. Running the product in reversed phase can break the compressor and other parts.
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3 | Specific installer safety instructions

3 Specific installer safety instructions

Always observe the following safety instructions and regulations.
Handling the unit (see
"4.2.1To handle the outdoor unit"[422]
To avoid injury, do NOT touch the air inlet or aluminium fins of the unit.
Application guidelines (see
"6Application guidelines"[434]
If there is more than one leaving water zone, ALWAYS install a mixing valve station in the main zone to decrease (in heating)/increase (in cooling) the leaving water temperature when the additional zone has demand.
Installation site (see
"7.1Preparing the installation site"[464]
Follow the service space dimensions in this manual for correct installation of the unit. See "16.1Service space: Outdoor unit"[4263].
Special requirements for R32 (see
outdoor unit"[464]
Do NOT pierce or burn.Do NOT use means to accelerate the defrosting process or to clean the
equipment, other than those recommended by the manufacturer.
Be aware that R32 refrigerant does NOT contain an odour.
"7.1.1Installation site requirements of the
The appliance shall be stored in a room without continuously operating ignition sources (example: open flames, an operating gas appliance or an operating electric heater).
Make sure installation, servicing, maintenance and repair comply with instructions from Daikin and with applicable legislation and are executed ONLY by authorised persons.
Mounting the outdoor unit (see
Fixing method of the outdoor unit MUST be in accordance with the instructions from this manual. See "7.3Mounting the outdoor unit"[473].
Mounting the indoor unit (see
Fixing method of the indoor unit MUST be in accordance with the instructions from this manual. See "7.4Mounting the indoor unit"[480].
"7.3Mounting the outdoor unit"[473]
"7.4Mounting the indoor unit"[480]
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3 | Specific installer safety instructions
Opening and closing the units (see
Do NOT leave the unit unattended when the service cover is removed.
Piping installation (see
"8Piping installation"[483]
Field piping method MUST be in accordance with the instructions from this manual. See "8Piping installation"[483].
The discharge pipes from the pressure relief valves MUST terminate in a safe and visible position without forming any risk to persons in the vicinity.
"7.2Opening and closing the units"[468]
Discharge piping, tundish, drain valves, etc. must be positioned away from any
electrical components.
The discharge pipe away from the tundish must terminate in a safe, visible
position without forming any risk to persons in the vicinity.
Do not install any valves between the domestic hot water tank and relief valves/
expansion vessel.
Do not install shut-off valves between the expansion relief valve and the domestic
hot water tank.
Install the tundish away from any electrical device. Possible consequence: Electrical shock or fire.
In case of freeze protection by glycol:
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3 | Specific installer safety instructions
Due to the presence of glycol, corrosion of the system is possible. Uninhibited glycol will turn acidic under the influence of oxygen. This process is accelerated by the presence of copper and high temperatures. The acidic uninhibited glycol attacks metal surfaces and forms galvanic corrosion cells that cause severe damage to the system. Therefore it is important that:
the water treatment is correctly executed by a qualified water specialist,a glycol with corrosion inhibitors is selected to counteract acids formed by the
oxidation of glycols,
no automotive glycol is used because their corrosion inhibitors have a limited
lifetime and contain silicates which can foul or plug the system,
galvanized pipes are NOT used in glycol systems since the presence may lead to
the precipitation of certain components in the glycol's corrosion inhibitor.
Ethylene glycol is toxic.
Electrical installation (see
Electrical wiring connection method MUST be in accordance with the instructions from:
This manual. See "9Electrical installation"[4101].The wiring diagram, which is delivered with the unit, located at the inside of the
service cover. For a translation of its legend, see Wiring diagram: Outdoor unit.
ALWAYS use multicore cable for power supply cables.
All wiring MUST be performed by an authorised electrician and MUST comply
with the applicable legislation.
Make electrical connections to the fixed wiring.All components procured on-site and all electrical construction MUST comply
with the applicable legislation.
"9Electrical installation"[4101]
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3 | Specific installer safety instructions
If the power supply has a missing or wrong N-phase, equipment might break
Establish proper earthing. Do NOT earth the unit to a utility pipe, surge absorber,
or telephone earth. Incomplete earthing may cause electrical shock.
Install the required fuses or circuit breakers.Secure the electrical wiring with cable ties so that the cables do NOT come in
contact with sharp edges or piping, particularly on the high-pressure side.
Do NOT use taped wires, stranded conductor wires, extension cords, or
connections from a star system. They can cause overheating, electrical shock or fire.
Do NOT install a phase advancing capacitor, because this unit is equipped with an
inverter. A phase advancing capacitor will reduce performance and may cause accidents.
Rotating fan. Before powering ON the outdoor unit, make sure that the discharge
grille covers the fan as protection against a rotating fan. See "7.3.6 To install the
discharge grille"[477].
The backup heater MUST have a dedicated power supply and MUST be protected by the safety devices required by the applicable legislation.
If the supply cord is damaged, it MUST be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
Do NOT push or place redundant cable length in the unit.
To guarantee the unit is completely earthed, always connect the backup heater power supply and the earth cable.
Details of type and rating of fuses, or rating of circuit breakers are described in
"9Electrical installation"[4101].
Configuration (see
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Be aware that the domestic hot water temperature at the hot water tap will be equal to the value selected in field setting [2-03] after a disinfection operation.
When the high domestic hot water temperature can be a potential risk for human injuries, a mixing valve (field supply) shall be installed at the hot water outlet connection of the domestic hot water tank. This mixing valve shall secure that the hot water temperature at the hot water tap never rise above a set maximum value. This maximum allowable hot water temperature shall be selected according to the applicable legislation.
3 | Specific installer safety instructions
The disinfection function settings MUST be configured by the installer according to the applicable legislation.
Be sure that the disinfection function start time [5.7.3] with defined duration [5.7.5] is NOT interrupted by possible domestic hot water demand.
Commissioning (see
Commissioning method MUST be in accordance with the instructions from this manual. See "11Commissioning"[4225].
Maintenance and service (see
The water in the tank can be very hot.
If the internal wiring is damaged, it has to be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons.
Water coming out of the valve may be very hot.
Although the water circuit is drained, some water may be spilled when removing the magnetic filter/dirt separator from the filter housing. ALWAYS clean up spilled water.
"13Maintenance and service"[4236]
To protect the piping connected to the magnetic filter/dirt separator from damage it is recommended to perform this procedure with the magnetic filter/dirt separator removed from the unit.
Opening the magnetic filter/dirt separator is ONLY required in case of severe issues. Preferably this action is never to be done during the complete lifetime of the magnetic filter/dirt separator.
Check the condition of the O-rings and replace if needed. Apply water to the O-rings before installation.
Make sure to open the valve (if equipped) towards the expansion vessel, otherwise the overpressure will be generated.
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3 | Specific installer safety instructions
Troubleshooting (see
When carrying out an inspection on the switch box of the unit, ALWAYS make
sure that the unit is disconnected from the mains. Turn off the respective circuit breaker.
When a safety device was activated, stop the unit and find out why the safety
device was activated before resetting it. NEVER shunt safety devices or change their values to a value other than the factory default setting. If you are unable to find the cause of the problem, call your dealer.
Prevent hazards due to inadvertent resetting of the thermal cut-out: power to this appliance MUST NOT be supplied through an external switching device, such as a timer, or connected to a circuit that is regularly turned ON and OFF by the utility.
Air purging heat emitters or collectors. Before you purge air from heat emitters or
collectors, check if or is displayed on the home screen of the user interface.
If not, you can purge air immediately.If yes, make sure that the room where you want to purge air is sufficiently
ventilated. Reason: Refrigerant might leak into the water circuit, and subsequently into the room when you purge air from the heat emitters or collectors.
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4 | About the box

4 About the box

In this chapter

4.1 Overview: About the box

4.1 Overview: About the box........................................................................................................................................................ 22
4.2 Outdoor unit ........................................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.1 To handle the outdoor unit.................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.2 To unpack the outdoor unit ................................................................................................................................... 24
4.2.3 To remove the accessories from the outdoor unit ............................................................................................... 25
4.3 Indoor unit .............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.3.1 To unpack the indoor unit...................................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.2 To remove the accessories from the indoor unit .................................................................................................. 26
4.3.3 To handle the indoor unit ...................................................................................................................................... 26
4.4 Domestic hot water tank kit ................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.4.1 To remove the accessories from the domestic hot water tank kit ....................................................................... 27
4.5 Checklist for the required DHW accessories.......................................................................................................................... 27
This chapter describes what you have to do after the boxes with the outdoor and indoor unit are delivered on-site.
Keep the following in mind:
At delivery, the unit MUST be checked for damage. Any damage MUST be
reported immediately to the claims agent of the carrier.
Bring the packed unit as close as possible to its final installation position to
prevent damage during transport.
Prepare the path along which you want to bring the unit inside in advance.

4.2 Outdoor unit

4.2.1 To handle the outdoor unit

To avoid injury, do NOT touch the air inlet or aluminium fins of the unit.
Keep the slings within the marked area to not damage the unit.
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Forklift or pallet truck
Enter the pallet from the heavy side.
4 | About the box
After unpacking, carry the unit using the slings attached to the unit.
See also:
"4.2.2To unpack the outdoor unit"[424]
"7.3.4To install the outdoor unit"[474]
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4 | About the box
1 2

4.2.2 To unpack the outdoor unit

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4.2.3 To remove the accessories from the outdoor unit

4 | About the box
a Shut-off valve (with integrated filter) b O-ring for drain socket
c Drain socket d Thermistor fixture (for installations in areas with low ambient temperatures) e Installation manual – Outdoor unit
f Disposal manual – Recovering refrigerant g Energy label h Discharge grille (upper + lower part)
i Installation manual – Discharge grille
Unpacking. When you remove the top packaging/accessories, hold the box
containing the discharge grille to prevent it from falling.

4.3 Indoor unit

At delivery, the unit MUST be checked for damage. Any damage MUST be
reported immediately to the claims agent of the carrier.
Bring the packed unit as close as possible to its final installation position to
prevent damage during transport.
Unpack the indoor unit completely according to the instructions mentioned on
the unpacking instructions sheet.
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4 | About the box
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4.3.1 To unpack the indoor unit

4.3.2 To remove the accessories from the indoor unit


4.3.3 To handle the indoor unit

a Shut-off valves for water circuit b Overpressure bypass valve
c Tundish (to mount onto the pressure relief valve discharge pipe) d Brass compression coupler e Discharge pipe (for pressure relief valve)
f General safety precautions g Addendum book for optional equipment h Indoor unit installation manual
i Operation manual
j WLAN cartridge k Sealing rings for shut-off valves (space heating water circuit)
l Sealing rings for field-supplied shut-off valves (domestic hot water circuit)
m Sealing tape for low voltage wiring intake
Use the handles at the back and at the bottom to carry the unit.
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a a
a Handles at the back of the unit
b Handles at the bottom of the unit. Carefully tilt the unit to the back so that the
handles become visible.

4.4 Domestic hot water tank kit

4.4.1 To remove the accessories from the domestic hot water tank kit

4 | About the box

4.5 Checklist for the required DHW accessories

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a Pressure reducing valve/pressure relief valve combination. Water inlet and water
outlet 22mm connection, discharge piping connection 15mm
b Adaptor 22mm×3/4" Female BSP
c T-piece 22mm×22mm×22mm d Tundish 15mm inlet, 22mm outlet e Wall mounting set for expansion vessel
f Instruction sheet
g Expansion vessel of 18l – 3/4" Male BSP
All piping MUST be installed according to section G3 of the Building Regulations.
For installation compliant with section G3 of the Building Regulations, you must verify that the following accessories are present.
Delivered with indoor unit:
Tundish 15mm inlet, 22mm outlet
4 | About the box
Delivered with domestic hot water tank kit:
Pressure reducing valve/pressure relief valve combination
Adaptor 22mm×3/4" Female BSP
T-piece 22mm×22mm×22mm
Tundish 15mm inlet, 22mm outlet
Wall mounting set for expansion vessel
Instruction sheet
Expansion vessel of 18l – 3/4" Male BSP
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5 About the units and options

In this chapter

5.1 Overview: About the units and options ................................................................................................................................. 29
5.2 Identification........................................................................................................................................................................... 29
5.2.1 Identification label: Outdoor unit .......................................................................................................................... 29
5.2.2 Identification label: Indoor unit ............................................................................................................................. 30
5.3 Combining units and options.................................................................................................................................................. 30
5.3.1 Possible combinations of indoor unit and outdoor unit ....................................................................................... 30
5.3.2 Possible options for the outdoor unit.................................................................................................................... 30
5.3.3 Possible options for the indoor unit ...................................................................................................................... 31

5.1 Overview: About the units and options

This chapter contains information about:
Identifying the outdoor unit
Identifying the indoor unit
Combining the outdoor unit with options
5 | About the units and options
Combining the indoor unit with options

5.2 Identification

5.2.1 Identification label: Outdoor unit

Model identification
Example: EPRA14DAV3
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Code Explanation
EP European hydro-split outdoor pair heat pump
R High water temperature – ambient zone 2 (see operation
A Refrigerant R32
14 Capacity class
DA Model series
V3 Power supply
5 | About the units and options

5.2.2 Identification label: Indoor unit

Model identification
Example: ETVH16SU23EA6V
E European model
TV Floor-standing hydro-split unit with integrated tank
H H=Heating only
16 Capacity class
S Integrated tank material: Stainless steel
Code Description
U UK model
23 Integrated tank volume
EA Model series
6V Backup heater model

5.3 Combining units and options

Certain options might NOT be available in your country.

5.3.1 Possible combinations of indoor unit and outdoor unit

Indoor unit Outdoor unit

5.3.2 Possible options for the outdoor unit

Mounting stand (EKMST1, EKMST2)
In colder regions where heavy snowfall can occur, it is recommended to install the outdoor unit on a mounting frame. Use one of the following models:
EKMST1 with flange feet: to install the outdoor unit on a concrete foundation
where drilling is allowed.
EKMST2 with rubber feet: to install the outdoor unit on foundations where
drilling is not allowed or possible, such as flat roofs or pavements.
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the mounting stand.
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