stArt up CheCKlIst ........................................................... 51
imPoRtant saFety instRuCtions
The following symbols and labels are used throughout this
manual to indicate immediate or potential safety hazards. It is
the owner’s and installer’s responsibility to read and comply
with all safety information and instructions accompanying
these symbols. Failure to heed safety information increases
the risk of personal injury, property damage, and/or product
dIsConneCt All powerbeforeservICIng.
ultIplepowersourCesmAybepresent. fAIlure
todosomAyCAusepropertydAmAge, personAl
Always keep the unit upright; laying the unit on its side or top
may cause equipment damage. Shipping damage, and subsequent investigation is the responsibility of the carrier. Verify
the model number, speci cations, electrical characteristics,
and accessories are correct prior to installation. The distributor
or manufacturer will not accept claims from dealers for transportation damage or installation of incorrectly shipped units.
Codes & Regulations
This product is designed and manufactured to comply with
national codes. Installation in accordance with such codes
and/or prevailing local codes/regulations is the responsibility
of the installer. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility
for equipment installed in violation of any codes or regulations.
Rated performance is achieved after 72 hours of operation.
Rated performance is delivered at the specied airow. See
outdoor unit specication sheet for split system models or
product specication sheet for packaged and light commercial
models. Specication sheets can be found at www.daikin- for Daikin products. Within the website, please
select the products menu and then select the submenu for
the type of product to be installed, such as air conditioners,
to access a list of product pages that each contain links to
that model’s specication sheet.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) has issued various regulations regarding the introduction and disposal of refrigerants. Failure to follow
these regulations may harm the environment and can
lead to the imposition of substantial nes.
Should you have any questions please contact our local EPA
If replacing one of the component of the system, the system
must be manufacturer approved and Air Conditioning, Heating
and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) matched.
NOTE: The installation of an inverter air conditioner with
unmatched system units will not allow for proper operation.
Inverter A/C modelsCAnonlybemAtChedwIthACApeA** And
Outdoor inverter units are approved for operation above 0°F
in cooling mode with no additional kit necessary.
Damage resulting from operation of the unit in a structure
that is not complete (either as part of new construction or
renovation) is not covered by our warranties.
This air conditioner is part of a system that uses inverter
technology to more efciently remove heat and achieve the
target cooling setting. System may ONLY be installed using
a ComfortNet™ thermostat with model number CTK04AE or
newer as part of the digital communicating system. The ComfortNet system reduces the number of required thermostat
wires, provides additional setup features and enhanced active
diagnostics. Due to components using inverter technology, the
air conditioner will not function properly if used with a CTK03,
02 or 01 ComfortNet thermostat.
PReCautionsFoR seleCtinga loCation
1. Choose a place solid enough to bear the weight and
vibration of the unit, where the operating sound will
not be amplied.
2. Choose a location where the hot air discharged
from the unit or the operating sound will not cause a
nuisance to the neighbours of the user.
3. Avoid places near a bedroom and the like, so that the
operating sound will cause no trouble.
4. There must be sufcient spaces for carrying the unit
into and out of the site.
5. There must be sufcient space for air passage and no
obstructions around the air inlet and the air outlet.
6. The site must be free from the possibility of ammable
gas leakage in a nearby place.
7. Do not install the air conditioner in the following
(a) Where a mineral oil mist or oil spray or vapor is produced,
for example, in a kitchen.
Plastic parts may deteriorate and fall off and thus may
result in water leakage.
(b) Where corrosive gas, such as sulfurous acid gas, is pro-
Corroding copper pipes or soldered parts may result in
refrigerant leakage.
(c) Near machinery emitting electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic waves may disturb the operation of the
control system and cause the unit to malfunction.
(d) Where ammable gas may leak, where there is carbon -
ber, or ignitable dust suspension in the air, or where vola-
tile ammables such as thinner or gasoline are handled.
Operating the unit in such conditions may result in a re.
NOTE: Cannot be installed suspended from ceiling or stacked.
Install the unit high
enough off the ground
to prevent burying in
shoulduse CtK04Ae ornewer.
otApprovedforusewIthA CtK01, CtK02, CtK03,
CtK04Ad orolder.
PReCautionsFoR installation
• Check the strength and level of the installation ground
so that the unit will not cause any operating vibration or
noise after installed.
• Fix the unit securely by means of the foundation bolts.
(Prepare 4 sets of 3/8” or 7/16” foundation bolts, nuts and
washers; all separately available.)
• It is best to screw in the foundation bolts until their ends
are 1 inch from the foundation surface.
At ground oor level, the unit must be on a solid, level foun-
dation that will not shift or settle. To reduce the possibility
of sound transmission, the foundation slab should not be in
contact with or be an integral part of the building foundation.
Care should be taken to ensure the unit is installed away
from noise sensitive locations such as bedrooms, windows
and outdoor living areas. Ensure the foundation is suf cient
to support the unit. A concrete slab raised above ground level
provides a suitable base.
installation CleaRanCes
• Where a wall or other obstacle is in the path of the out-
door unit’s intake or exhaust air ow, follow the installation
space requirements below.
• For any of the below installation patterns, the wall height
on the outlet side should be 47” or less.
Wall facing one side
More than 4”More than 14”
of air
Walls facing two sides
47” or
Side view
than 4”
RooFtoP installations
If it is necessary to install this unit on a roof structure, ensure
the roof structure can support the weight and that proper
consideration is given to the weather-tight integrity of the roof.
Since the unit can vibrate during operation, sound vibration
transmission should be considered when installing the unit.
Vibration absorbing pads or springs can be installed between
the air conditioner unit legs or frame and the roof mounting
assembly to reduce noise vibration.
eleCtrICAl noIse
The unit should be well grounded so that potential effects of
electrical noise from the inverter to surrounding equipment
can be minimized.
When selecting an installation location, keep suf cient dis-
tance from the air conditioner unit and wiring to radios, per-
sonal computers, stereos, uorescent lamp, etc., as shown
in the following gure.
To Indoor Unit and
High voltage
power cable
than 14”
than 4”
More than 2”More than 2”
Walls facing three sides
More than 2”
than 14”
Top view
More than 4”
More than 14”
Top view
This unit can be located at ground oor level or on at roofs.
unit: inch
Radio, TV
Placement to Minimize Electronic Noise
60” or more
60” or more
saFety ConsideRations
Read these Safety considerations for Installation carefully
before installing an air conditioner. After completing the installation, make sure that the unit operates properly during the
system start-up operation.
Instruct the customer on how to operate and maintain the unit.
Inform customers that they should store this Installation
Manual for future reference.
Always use a licensed installer or contractor to install this
Improper installation can result in water or refrigerant leakage,
electrical shock, re, or explosion.
WARNING .......
CAUTION ........
NOTICE .........
Indicates imminently or potentially
hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury. It
may also be used to alert against
unsafe practices.
Indicates situations that may result
in equipment or property-damage
accidents only.
refrIgerAntsAreheAvIerthAnAIr. theyCAn “pushout” the
damping material. Avoid suspending refrigerant tubing from
joists and studs with rigid wire or straps that would come in
contact with the tubing. Use an insulated or suspension type
hanger. Keep both lines separate and always insulate the
suction line.
Insulation is necessary to prevent condensation from forming
and dropping from the suction line. Insulation tube with 3/8”
min. wall thickness is recommended. In severe conditions
(likely to exceed 86°F and a relative humidity of 80%) 1/2”
insulation may be required. Insulation must be installed in a
manner which protects tubing and connections from damage
and contamination.
Please use a HVAC ushing solvent to clean lineset of any
oil or debris from the existing system.
NOTE: If changing refrigerant, the indoor coil and metering
device must be replaced.
Allowable line set diameter
x: Allowable combination
*: For marked combinations, if normal ambient op-
eration temperature is less than 14°F, limit line set
length to 50 ft. max.
Use only refrigerant grade (dehydrated and sealed) copper
tubing to connect the air conditioner with the indoor evaporator. After cutting the tubing, install plugs to keep refrigerant
tubing clean and dry prior to and during installation. Tubing
should always be cut square keeping ends round and free
from burrs. Clean the tubing to prevent contamination. The
liquid line must be insulated if more than 50 ft. of liquid line will
pass through an area that may reach temperatures of 30°F
or higher than outdoor ambient. Never attach a liquid line to
any uninsulated portion of the suction line.
Do NOT let refrigerant lines come in direct contact with plumb-
ing, ductwork, oor joists, wall studs, oors, and walls. When
running refrigerant lines through a foundation or wall, openings should allow for sound and vibration absorbing material
to be placed or installed between tubing and foundation. Any
gap between foundation or wall and refrigerant lines should
be lled with a pliable silicon-based caulk, RTV or a vibration
Condenser BELOW Evaporator
Mounting the evaporator coil above the
air conditioner will require an inverted loop
in the suction line adjacent or near the
connection to the evaporator.
The top of the loop must be slightly higher
than the top of the coil. The trap can prevent
liquid compression of the compressor for
start- up period.
Liquid Line
Suction Line
of 90 ft.
Maximum line set equivalent length 125 ft*.
The maximum line set actual length is 100 ft.
*Includes pressure losses of any elbows, bends, etc.
(See page #13 for calculations)
Condenser ABOVE Evaporator
Mounting the air conditioner above the evaporator coil will require an
oil trap that is vertically centered between the air conditioner and
indoor unit the vertical elevation exceeds 80 ft.
The trap can be constructed from standard refrigerant fittings as shown
in the figure (bottom left).
Maximum line set
equivalent length of 125 ft*.
The maximum line set
actual length is 100 ft.
Maximum vertical
elevation of 100 ft.
Trap Construction
*Included pressure losses of any elbows, bends, etc.
(See page #13 for calculations)
ReFRigeRant line ConneCtions
leak testing (nitRogenoR nitRogen-tRaCed)
To avoid overheating the service valve, sensors, or lter
drier while brazing, wrap the component with a wet rag,
or use a thermal heat trap compound. Be sure to follow
the manufacturer’s instruction when using the heat trap
Note: Remove Schrader valves from service valves before
brazing tubes to the valves. Use a brazing alloy of 2%
minimum silver content. Do not use ux.
Torch heat required to braze tubes of various sizes is
proportional to the size of the tube. Tubes of smaller size
require less heat to bring the tube to brazing temperature
before adding brazing alloy. Applying too much heat to any
tube can melt the tube. Service personnel must use the
appropriate heat level for the size of the tube being brazed.
NOTE: The use of a heat shield when brazing is recom-
mended to avoid burning the serial plate or the nish on
the unit.
1. The ends of the refrigerant lines must be cut square,
deburred, cleaned, and be round and free from nicks
or dents. Any other condition increases the chance of
a refrigerant leak.
2. Purge with nitrogen at 2 to 3 psig during brazing
to prevent the formation of copper-oxide inside
the refrigerant lines. The PVE oils used in R-410A
applications will clean any copper-oxide present
from the inside of the refrigerant lines and spread it
throughout the system. This may cause a blockage or
failure of the metering device.
3. After brazing, quench the joints with water or a wet
cloth to prevent overheating of the service valve.
4. A bi-ow lter drier is shipped with the unit as a
separate component and must be brazed on by the
installer on-site. Ensure the bi-ow lter drier paint
nish is intact after brazing. If the paint of the steel
lter drier has been burned or chipped, repaint or treat
with a rust inhibitor.
The recommended location of the lter drier is before the
expansion device at the indoor unit.
toAvoIdtherIsKoffIreorexplosIon, neveruseoxygen, hIgh
To locate leaks, pressure test the system using dry nitrogen
or leak detector uid per Daikin’s recommendation. If you wish
to use a leak detector.
• Charge the system to 10 psi using the appropriate refrigerant.
• Use nitrogen to nish charging the system to working
• Apply the detector to suspect areas.
If leaks are found, repair them. After repair, repeat the pressure test. If no leaks exist, proceed to System Start-up
system staRt-uP PRoCeduRe
Adequate refrigerant charge for the matching indoor coil and
line set is supplied with the air conditioner. If liquid line set
exceeds factory charge length, refrigerant should be added
at 0.6 ounce (Liquid line diameter 3/8”) or 0.23 ounce (Liquid
line diameter 1/4”) of refrigerant perfoot of liquid line.
Air conditioner liquid and suction valves are closed to contain
the charge within the unit. The unit is shipped with the valve
stems closed and caps installed. Do not open valves until
1. Connect the vacuum pump with 250 micron capability
to the service valves.
2. Evacuate the system to 500 microns or less using
suction and liquid service valves. Using both valves
is nec essary.
3. Close pump valve and hold vacuum for 10 minutes.
Typically pressure will rise during this period.
• If the pressure rises to 500 microns or less and
remains steady the system is considered leak-free;
proceed to start-up.
• If pressure rises above 500 microns moisture and/
or noncondensibles may be present or the system
may have a small leak. Return to step 2: If the same
result is encountered check for leaks as previously
indicated and repair as necessary then repeat
• If pressure rises above 500 microns, a leak is present. Check for leaks as previously indicated and
repair as necessary then repeat evacuation.
eleCtRiCal ConneCtions
dIsConneCt All powerbeforeservICIng.
ultIplepowersourCesmAybepresent. fAIlure
todosomAyCAusepropertydAmAge, personAl
InjuryordeAthduetoeleCtrICshoCK. wIrIngmust
ConformwIth neC or CeC AndAllloCAlCodes.
The air conditioner rating plate lists pertinent electrical data
necessary for proper electrical service and overcurrent protection. Wires should be sized to limit voltage drop to 2% (max.)
from the main breaker or fuse panel to the air conditioner.
Consult the NEC, CEC, and all local codes to determine the
correct wire gauge and length.
Local codes often require a disconnect switch located near
the unit; do not install the switch on the unit.
overCurrent proteCtIon
The inverter control system software provides suf cient time
delay to protect from overcurrent conditions and permit the
compressor and fan motors to adjust their rotational speed.
hIgh voltAge ConneCtIons
Route power supply and ground wires through the high voltage port and terminate in accordance with the wiring diagram
provided inside the black plastic cover over control box.
• When using residual current operated circuit breakers, be
sure to use a high-speed type (0.1 seconds or less) 200
mA rated residual operating current.
• Use copper conductors only.
• Use insulated wire for the power cord.
• Select the power supply cable type and size in accor-
dance with relevant local and national regulations.
DX17VSS241AA17.4 A20 A
DX17VSS301AA22.7 A25 A
DX17VSS361AA22.7 A25 A
and fre-
1 Phase
12.7 A15 A
sion line
18 AWG
low voltAge ConneCtIons
The unit is designed to work as part of a fully communicating
HVAC system, utilizing a ComfortNet™ CTK04 thermostat,
ComfortNet compatible indoor unit, and up to four wires. Route
control wires through the low voltage port and terminate in accordance with the wiring diagram provided inside the top plate.
Tie high voltage wire with
clamp material (accessory)
Strip wire end
to this point.
Excessive strip length
may cause electric shock
or current leakage.
• Make sure to apply the rated voltage of 208/230V for the
• A power circuit (see the following table) must be provided
for connection of the unit. This circuit must be protected
with the required safety devices.
Voltage Ports
NOTE: The communicating thermostat is able to search and
identify the indoor and outdoor units when power is applied to
the system. Refer to the communicating thermostat’s installation instruction manual for more information.
Connect low voltage communication wires (1, 2) to low voltage pigtail provided.
CommuniCation WiRing
NOTE: A removable plug connector is provided with the
control board to make thermostat wire connections. This
plug may be removed, wire connections made to the plug,
and replaced. It is STRONGLY recommended that you do not
connect multiple wires into a single terminal.
Typical 18 AWG wire may be used to wire the system components. However, communications reliability may be improved
by using a high quality, shielded, twisted pair cable for the
data transmission lines.
Please read carefully before installing this unit.
Two-wire ouTdoor, Four-wire indoor wiring
Low voltage wiring consists of two wires between the indoor
unit and outdoor unit and four wires between the indoor unit
and thermostat. The required wires are data lines 1 and 2,
“R” (24 VAC hot) and “C” (24 VAC common).
Never connect the power wiring to communication terminal.
(1, 2, R, C)
125 Ft.
250 Ft.
12 R C
12 R C
12 R C
System Wiring
Integrated Control Module
Compatible AC
Integrated Control Module
• For DX17VSS, do NOT install the 24 Volt Transformer
that is included with the CTK04 Thermostat.
• Do not attach any wires to the R & C Terminals on the
Air Conditioner, as they are not needed for inverter
• Data line terminal #1 from outdoor unit must connect
to terminal #1 on indoor unit and thermostat and data
line terminal #2 from outdoor unit must connect to
terminal #2 on indoor unit and thermostat. Verify wires
are not reversed.
STep 1. CalCulaTe reFrigeranT Charge BaSedon line SeT lengTh
The condenser unit is shipped with a predetermined factory charge level as shown below. For longer line sets greater than
15 ft., with CAPEA or 12 ft. with CHPE (Detail shown in tables on page 12) add 0.6 ounce (Liquid line diameter 3/8”) or 0.23
After the refrigerant charge has bled into the system, open
the liquid service valve. The service valve cap is the secondary seal for the valves and must be properly tightened to
prevent leaks. Make sure cap is clean and apply refrigerant
oil to threads and sealing surface on inside of cap. Tighten
cap nger-tight and then tighten additional 1/6 of a turn to
properly seat the sealing surfaces.
Break vacuum by fully opening liquid and suction base valve.
NOTE: Units have front seating valves. These are not backseating valves. It is not necessary to force the stem tightly
against the rolled lip.
NOTE: The following table lists the equivalent length gained
from adding bends to the suction line. Properly size the suction line to minimize capacity loss.
Type of Elbow Fitting
90° short radius1 3/42
90° long radius1 1/21 3/4
Inside Diameter (inches)
possIble refrIgerAnt leAK!
toAvoIdApossIblerefrIgerAntleAK, opentheservICevAlves
untIlthetopofthestemIs 1/8” fromtheretAIner.
Charge additional refrigerant calculated by STEP formula &
table from liquid service valve. (NOT from suction side.)
When opening service valves, open each valve only until the
top of the stem is 1/8” from the valve. To avoid loss of refrigerant, DO NOT apply pressure to the retainer. When opening
valves without a retainer, remove service valve cap and insert
a hex wrench into the valve stem and back out the stem by
turning the hex wrench counterclockwise.
sIgnAlIngthAtInItIAl system testmustberun. follow
the Comfortnet™ setupsCreentoenterApplICAtIon-unIque
InformAtIon. see ComfortnetthermostAtmAnuAlfordetAIled
A system test is now required to check the equipment settings
and functionality. Once selected, it checks the equipment for
approximately 10 - 15 minutes. System test may exceed 15
minutes if there is an error. Refer to the Troubleshooting section, if error code appears.
Before starting the SYSTEM TEST, turn off the electric heater
or gas furnace.
1. Ensure the thermostat is installed.
2. Apply power to outdoor and indoor units.
3. Start-up.After the application information is entered,
the initial system test must be run.
The “HOME” screen will be displayed showing
information similar to one of the adjacent screens.
Select “MENU”. Make sure the thermostat is in “OFF” and
select “SYSTEM” menu. Choose “OFF” before “SYSTEM
“SYSTEM TEST” must be run for all installations.
System will not operate without a completed initial
4. From the “MENU” screen, scroll down and select
“ComfortNet User Menu”.
5. Enter Installer password. (The password is the Date
Code located on the thermostat and is available
by entering the “EQUIPMENT STATUS” menu and
scrolling to the bottom.)
6. Conrm message, then select “YES” to continue.
7. From the “ComfortNet User Menu”,
select “Outdoor Unit”.
Indoor Unit
Outdoor Unit
8. Next, scroll down and select “EQUIP TEST”.
Outdoor Unit
Cool Set-up
9. Select “SYSTEM TEST”.
NOTE: If unit has “E15” Error during system test, please
check charging/leaking of refrigerant.
10. Select “ON” to run the “SYSTEM TEST”.
Press “DONE” to initiate test.
Outdoor Unit
Outdoor Unit
11. Allow the system test to run for its duration (10-15
minutes). “EQUIP TEST” screen will show the system
test is “ON” once selected.
System test will operate the outdoor unit and the indoor
unit through a series of startup tests.
Please proceed to the next step and allow for startup
tests to complete. Do not interrupt power to outdoor
unit, indoor unit, or thermostat during system test.
Outdoor Unit
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