nc FIFOs
fax id: 5414
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation • 3901North First Street • San Jose • CA 95134 • 408-943- 2600
October 1996 - Revised January 15, 1997
1Double CY7C483 1/4
• Double high speed, low power, first-in first-out (FIFO)
• Double 256 x 9 (CY7C4801)
• Double 512 x 9 (CY7C4811)
• Double 1K x 9 (CY7C4821)
• Double 2K x 9 (CY7C4831)
• Double 4K x 9 (CY7C4841)
• Double 8K x 9 (CY7C4851)
• Functionally equivalent to two CY7C4201/4211/4221/
4231/4241/4251 FIFOs in a single package
• 0.65 micron CMOS for optimum speed/power
• High-speed 100-MHz operation (10 ns read/write cycle
• Offers optimal combination of large capacity, high
speed, design flexibility, and small footprint
• Fully asynchronous and simultaneous read and write
• Four status flags per device: Empty, Full, and programmable Almost Empty/Almost Full
• Low power — I
= 60mA
• Output Enable (OEA
/OEB) pins
• Depth Expansion Capabilty
• Width Expansion Capabilty
• Space-saving 64-pin TQFP
• Pin compatible and functionally equivalent to IDT72801,
72811, 72821, 72831, 72841,72851
Functional Description
The CY7C48X1 are Double high-speed, low-power, first-in
first-out (FIFO) memories with clocked read a nd write in terfaces. All are 9 bits wide and operate as two separate FIFOs. The
CY7C48X1 are pin-compatible to IDT728X1. Programmable
features include Almost Full/Almost Empty flags. These FIF Os
provide solutions for a wide variety of data buffering needs,
including high-speed data acquisition, multiprocessor interfaces, and communications buffering.
These FIFOs have two independent sets of 9-bit input and
output ports that are controlled by separate clock and enable
signals. The input port is contr olled by a free-running clock
(WCLKA,WCLKB) and two write-enable pins (WENA1
When (WENA1
,WENB1) is LOW and (WENA2/LDA,
) is HIGH, data is writ ten into the FIFO on the
rising edge of the (WCLKA,WCLKB) signal. While (WENA1
, WENB1, WENB2/LDB) is held active, data is
continually written into the FIFO on each WCLKA, WCLKB
cycle. The output port is controlled in a similar manner by a
free-running read clock (RCLKA, RCLKB) and two read-enable pins ((RENA1
,RENB1), (RENA2,RENB2)). In addition,
the CY7C48X1 has output enable pins (OEA
, OEB) for each
FIFO. The read (RCLKA, RCLKB) and write (WCLKA,
WCLKB) clocks may be tied together for single-clock o peration
or the two clocks may be run independently for asynchronous
read/write appli cations. Clock frequencies up to 100 MHz are
Depth expansion is possible using one e nable input for system
control, while the other enable is controlled by expan sion logic
to direct the flow of data.
The CY7C48X1 provides two sets of four different status pins: Empty,
Full, Almost Empty, Almost Full. The Almost Empty/Almost Full flags
are programmable to single word granularity. The programmable
flags default to Empty+7 and Full–7.
The flags are synchronous, i.e., th ey change state relative to
either the read clock (RCLKA,RCLKB) or the write clock
(WCLKA,WCLKB). When entering or exiting the Empt y and
Almost Empty states, the flags are updated exclusively by the
(RCLKA,RCLKB). The flags denoting Almost Full, and Full
states are updated exclusively by (WCLKA,WCLKB) The synchronous flag architecture guarantees that the flags maintain
their status for at least one cycle
All configurations are fabricated using an advanced 0.65µ
N-Well CMOS technology. Input ESD protection is greater than
2001V , and latch-up is prevented by the use of guard rings.