Cue Site Manager / Programmer’s Manual / Introduction
Cue Site Manager (CSM) is a software solution for IT staff and asset management allowing to remotely
monitor and control boardrooms, offices, auditoriums, classrooms, private homes, flats, etc. and their
associated controlled devices. Each site can be identified by name, group and location.
The system monitors any system attribute - lights, room temperature, volume, projector lamp life and
power, etc. For each attribute the threshold value and condition can be defined and if this condition is
reached one of the following actions will be triggered
▪ Help request informs administrator that someone on site needs a help. Typically this action can be
triggered using Help button on the touch panel.
▪ Maintenance request informs administrator that some site needs a maintenance. For example projector
air lter needs to be cleaned.
▪ Service request informs administrator that some service is required. For example projector lamp needs
to be replaced.
▪ Security alert informs administrator about some security issue. For example projector lost network
connectivity. It can indicate, that projector has been stolen.
All actions described above can be customized to perform the following tasks
▪ Display on administrator application▪ Send information to predened e-mail addresses▪ Write to log le
Each site has set of predefined commands which can be executed by administrator. For example
administrator can switch on / off the projector, set room preset or light scene, etc.
Cue Site Manager / Programmer’s Manual / Introduction
▪ Communication is secured by password and unique transaction ID to avoid unauthorised access.▪ Each site offers additional information for administrator - owner, phone number, prestige, equipment
list, number of seats, etc.
▪ Administrator can sort site view according site name, group, location, identication, connection, power
and actions.
▪ Each Monitored Site can be independent CVC project.
PartProduct CodeDescription
CSM BaseCS0424
CSM Data Provider Site LicenseCS0425License for each site beeing monitored by CSM Base.
Administrator (operator) application running on appropriate
CUEunit - see section Hardware Compatibility of Software
Components. It includes a
CSM incl. application template and required number of CSM Data
Provider Site Licenses.
ll necessary software blocks for
Order and Registration
One CSM Base is necessary for administrator application and number of CSM Data Provider Site Licenses
depends on number of monitored sites. All necessary hardware (touch panels, controllers) and / or runtimes
(pcCUE, iCUE, aCUE) have to be ordered separately.
The following steps are necessary to order and register.
Step 1
Send the order for Cue Site Manager with the desired number of CSM Data Provider Site License to your sales
partner. Use the appropriate product code CS0424 for CSM Base and CS0425 for CSM Data Provider Site
Step 2
You will receive delivery note with serial numbers for CSM Base (CS0424) and all CSM Data Provider Site
Licenses (CS0425). Send serial number of your hardware product (Central Station where CS0424 CSM Base is
connected) and all serial numbers (for CS0424 and CS0425, from delivery note) to
Step 3
You will receive a license key file CueSiteManager_CS0424.LicenseKey which includes desired number of site
Copy this file to filestorage area of your CUEunit (touch panel, controller, pcCUE, ...) which is used as Central
Station. Use Admin Web for controllers and touch panels or Configuration window, section Folders for pcCUE.
You can check the number of registered room licenses in hardware debug mode of Central Station CUEunit in
debug messages immediately after the start of debug mode. The following message will be displayed: “CSM
license is valid for total number of X site(s)”. If license file is missing or corrupted, message “CSM license is
not valid” will be displayed.
Step 4
If you need to increase the number of site licenses, contact your sales partner.
Cue Site Manager / Programmer’s Manual / How CSM Works
How CSM Works
Block Diagram
CSM consists of the following software components as described below.
CSMDataProvider driver is used in monitored site project and it serves for bi-directional communication
between site application and Central Station.
CSMDataCollector is used in Central Station and it communicates with all monitored sites. Central Station can
be standalone unit or it can be combined with Operator Console, which is provided by CSMOverviewUI graphic
object. More Operator Consoles cab be used with one Central Station.
Important note
▪ Each Monitored Site can be independent CVC project.▪ Central Station / Operatore Console must be included in one CVC project. This project can be
independent on Monitored Site projects.
Monitored Site 1
Site Application
Monitored Site 2
Site Application
Central Station / Operator Console 1
Operator Console 2
Monitored Site n
Site Application
Monitored SitesCentral Station / Operator Console(s)
Cue Site Manager / Programmer’s Manual / How CSM Works
Software Components
Monitored Site
CSMDataProvider (driver)
This driver provides communication between site application and CSM. It is used in site project and it allows
to collect monitored parameters and to start operator commands.
Central Station / Operator Console
CSMDataCollector (driver)
This driver is the core of CSM – it communicates with all monitored sites using LAN/WAN connection and
provides data to all opearator user interfaces CSMOverviewUI. It also automatically sends e-mail notifications
and writes data to log files.
The instance of this driver is typically created in Central Station and it needs six TCP Client channels.
CSMOverviewUI (graphic object)
This graphic window type object is used to display the data of all monitored sites, for example parameter
values, online/offline states, security alerts, service requests etc. It also allows to send commands to sites
and configure all necessary parameters.
The instance of this graphic object has to be created in Operator Console. CSMOverviewUI can run on
touchpanel or other CUE units with graphic output minimum resolution 768 x 480 pixels. Recommended
resolution is 1280 x 800 pixels or higher.
This graphic object requires the CSMOverviewInterface module.
The number of displayed monitored sites depends on monitor resolution. If it is not possible to show all site
lines on the screen, site lines can be scrolled.
CSMOverviewInterface (module)
CMSOverviewInterface joins the functions of graphic object and driver CSMDataCollector.
Cue Site Manager / Programmer’s Manual / Basic Terminology
Basic Terminology
Parameter can be any site application value important for monitor and display on Operator Console (data type
Double). It can be for example room temperature, lamplife of projector, etc.
All parameters are defined by properties of driver CSMDataProvider (monitored site CVC project) and
information about parameters and their values are displayed on Operator Console.
Parameter Properties
This is name of the parameter and it is displayed on Operator Console. For example “Lamplife“, “Room
This is name of the parameter unit and it is displayed on Operator Console. For example “hour”, “oC“.
Threshold Value
The Threshold Value is the value for which this Parameter is considered to trigger Threshold Action. It is used
together with Threshold Operator.
Threshold Operator
This is condition for comparison of Parameter And Threshold Value. If this condition is reached, the
Threshold Action is triggered.
Following operators are available
▪ Less Then means if Parameter < Threshold Value then Threshold Action is triggered▪ Less Then Or Equal To means if Parameter <= Threshold Value then Threshold Action is triggered▪ Greater Then means if Parameter > Threshold Value then Threshold Action is triggered▪ Greater Then Or Equal To means if Parameter >= Threshold Value then Threshold Action is triggered▪ Equal To means if Parameter = Threshold Value then Threshold Action is triggered▪ Not Equal To means if Parameter <> Threshold Value then Threshold Action is triggered
Threshold Action
The Threshold Action is triggered if threshold condition is spent (parameter value is out of range).
Following Threshold Actions displayed on Operator Console are available
▪ Security Alert indicates that there is some security problem. For example loosing of communication
with projector can indicate them.
▪ Help Request indicates request of site stuff for help. It is typically used for user interaction with
operator via Operator Console.
▪ Service Request indicates needs for service intervention. For example projector lamplife is exceeded.▪ Maintenance Request indicates request of site stuff for maintenance. For example too high temperature
of projector can indicates need for dust lter cleaning.
All actions described above are also automatically written to log file and every action sends e-mail. For e-mail
functions see section Central Station Configuration.
In case of necessity all these actions can be triggered without change of parameter value using driver
functions. In that case actions are called User Security Alert, User Help Request, User Service Request and
User Maintenance Request.
Cue Site Manager / Programmer’s Manual / Basic Terminology
Following Threshold Actions are not displayed on Operator Console
▪ Log means that if threshold condition is spent (parameter value is out of range), this information is
written to log le.
▪ None means that Threshold Action is not triggered.
Advice When Return To Normal Range
Following actions can be make when parameter value returns to normal range
▪ Log means that if parameter returns to normal range, this information is written to log le.▪ None means that nothing is done.
This example describes projector lamplife monitoring.
Set of parameter properties
▪ Parameter Name: “Projector LampLife”▪ Parameter Unit: “hours“▪ Threshold Value: 2000 (depends of type of projector)▪ Threshold Operator: Greater Then Or Equal To▪ Threshold Action: Service Request▪ Advice When Return To Normal Range: Log
When projector lamplife (read by driver from projector) exceeds 2000 hours, Service Request will appear on
Operator Console, e-mail to service e-mail address is sent and information is written to the log file. When
lamplife is reseted (after lamp replacement), information is written to the log file using Advice When Return
To Normal Range.
CUEunit is any site controller or touch panel beeing monitored. CSM monitores if the CUEunit is offline or
online. Name for every CUEunit can be defined by property CUEunitXXName.
CSMDataProvider Host Unit
This is the CUEunit where CSMDataProvider driver is connected.
Site Description
Each monitored site has set of values (properties) for easy identification and navigation in Operator Console.
This property defines name of the site displayed on Operator Console where all monitored sites can be sorted
using this value.
This property defines location of the site displayed on Operator Console where all monitored sites can be
sorted using this value. For example town, country, etc.
This property defines group of the site displayed on Operator Console where all monitored sites can be
sorted using this value. For example faculty, companies, private houses, etc.
Cue Site Manager / Programmer’s Manual / Basic Terminology
This property defines name of the site owner (responsible person, user, etc.). This information is displayed on
Operator Console.
Phone Number
This property defines phone number of the site. This information is displayed on Operator Console and it can
be used by operator for contact with the site.
This property defines prestige level of the site. This value can help operator to sort priorities od monitored
site requests.
Number of Seats
This property describes number of seats in the site.
Web Control Address
This property defines address of site web control pages if web control is applied (for example WebGUI
Every monitored site can be controlled from Operator Console using commands. There are two types of
▪ Predened Commands are x commands implemented by CSM.▪ User Commands can be customized for each site. That means the programer can dene functionality of
each command using standard XPL2 programming tools.
Predened Commands
Send Message
This command allows to send message from operator to monitored site. Message content is entered by
operator using onscreen keyboard.
Power On
This command starts process defined by monitored site programm. It is dedicated for system power on. For
example it can be sequence of commands for projector on, screen down, audio system on, etc.
Power Off
This command starts process defined by monitored site programm. It is dedicated for system power off.
For example it can be sequence of commands for projector off, screen up, audio system off, lights off,
airconditon off, etc.
Clear User Security Alert
Clear User Help Request
Clear User Service Request
Clear User Maintenance Request
These commands clears user requests / alerts from Operator Console. It can be used in case that operator
solves situation caused request / alert.