Cub Cadet BB 230, BC210, BV228, BV428, CC 212 Brochure

CS202 SS418 ST228 ST428
BV228 BV428
DeSigneD for Trimming anD eDging.
DeSigneD for Trimming anD CuTTing of heaVy BruSh anD graSS.
DeSigneD for all-purpoSe Clean-up of yarD DeBriS.
DeSigneD for pruning anD felling To CuTTing firewooD.
SmarTer feaTureS for a BeTTer experienCe. ThaT’S The Cub Cadet advantage.
power equipmenT
See your local Cub Cadet Independent Dealer for warranty details.
eFFICIenCY at ItS FIneSt
Because the 4-cycle engine (on select models) doesn’t require mixing of oil and gas, you have less prep time and more fuel efficiency. And with lower emissions, it’s better for the environment.
Made tO laSt
With an industry-leading warranty to give you extra assurance this product was built to last, while you enjoy your perfectly manicured lawn.
StaRtIng Made eaSY
There’s no need to struggle with a cord every time you go to work. With the Cub Cadet Lithium Powered Cordless Starter, you’ll be able to start the engine and get to work right away.
tHe POWeR tO SHaPe YOuR YaRd IS In YOuR HandS.
Cub Cadet offers a full line of innovative handheld power equipment. Whether you’re blowing leaves or trimming bushes, you’ll have the power and precision Cub Cadet is known for in the palm of your hand. All while enjoying your time in the yard like never before.
BC210 BC509
loCaTe a Dealer aT
innoVaTionS no one elSe Can DeliVer. an experienCe no one elSe Can maTCh. proVe iT To yourSelf wiTh a TeST DriVe.
SPeCIFICatIOnS CS202 SS418 St228 St428 bC210 bC509
Engine 25cc, 2-cycle 29cc, 4-cycle 27cc PRO, 2-cycle 25cc PRO, 4-cycle 27cc, 2-cycle 29cc, 4-cycle
Power Start Optional No No Yes Yes No No
Crankshaft Half-crank Half-crank Full-crank Full-crank Full-crank Half-crank
Shaft Curved, Steel Straight, Steel Straight, Aluminum Straight, Aluminum Straight, Steel Straight, Steel
Attachment Capable Yes Yes
Cutting Swath 17" 14" 17" 17" 18” 18"
Line Diameter .095 0.105 .095 .095 0.105 0.105
Handle Contour Handle Contour Handle Premium Handle Premium Handle Brushcutter Handle Brushcutter Handle
Feed Head Standard Bump Fixed Line
Premium Bump &
Brushcutter Blade
Premium Bump &
Brushcutter Blade
Large Bump &
Brushcutter Blade
Large Bump Head &
Brushcutter Blade
Hour Rating 50 hour 50 hour 125 hour 125 hour 50 hour 50 hour
3-year limited residential 3-year limited residential
SPeCIFICatIOnS bv228 bv428 bb230
Engine 27cc PRO, 2-cycle 25cc PRO, 4-cycle 27cc PRO, 2-cycle
Crankshaft Full-crank
Blower Type Handheld Handheld Backpack
Power Start Optional Yes
Vac Kit Included Yes Yes N/A
Air Speed up to 150 mph 150 mph 145 mph
Air Volume 450 cfm 450 cfm 445 cfm
Hour Rating 125 hour
3-year limited residential
Engine Displacement 51cc PRO, 2-cycle 55cc PRO, 2-cycle
Choke System Integral
Crank Full
Bar Length 18" 20"
Chain Brake Inertia
Throttle Out No
Auto Oiler Yes
Chain Tensioner Manual –screws
Foot Handle Half wrap
Rear Handle Stirrup
Front & Rear Anti-vibration Yes
Case Included Ye s
Hour Rating 125 hour
3-year limited residential
This brochure is for advertisement purposes only. The product depictions are not meant to be used or relied upon as a substitute for the safety and use information that is published in the respective
manual. Before operating the machine, read, understand and follow all instructions in the manual and on the machine. Specifications and programs are subject to change without notice.
Images may not reflect dealer inventory and/or unit specifications. † See your local Cub Cadet Independent Dealer for warranty details. 773-05150 Printed in U.S.A. 12/12 © 2013 Cub Cadet