Cub Cadet 310-3000 User Manual

Integrated Hydrostatic Transaxle
Service and Repair Manual
Revision Dec. 2008
Table of Contents
Foreword........................................................................................................................ i
Description and Operation........................................................................................... ii
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1
General Description.................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction................................................................................................................................. 1
Hydraulic Schematic.................................................................................................................... 2
Technical Specifi cations............................................................................................................ 3
Product Identifi cation.................................................................................................................. 3
Safety............................................................................................................................. 4
Personal Safety........................................................................................................................... 4
Tool Safety................................................................................................................................... 4
Work Area Safety......................................................................................................................... 4
Servicing Safety........................................................................................................................... 4
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................ 5
Service and Maintenance............................................................................................. 6
External Maintenance..................................................................................................... 6
Service and Maintenance Procedures............................................................................ 6
Fluids.............................................................................................................................. 7
Brake Maintenance......................................................................................................... 8
Return to Neutral Setting Hand Control.......................................................................... 9
Return to Neutral Setting Foot Control........................................................................... 10
Purging Procedures....................................................................................................... 11
Repair........................................................................................................................... 12
General Instructions...................................................................................................... 12
Required Tools.............................................................................................................. 12
Torque Specifi cations.................................................................................................... 12
Transaxle Removal....................................................................................................... 12
Limited Disassembly..................................................................................................... 12
How to Use This Manual............................................................................................... 13
Brake Assembly..........................................................................................................14,15
Bypass Assembly........................................................................................................... 16
Control Arm Assembly............................................................................................... 17,18
Torque Bracket Assembly.............................................................................................. 19
Fan and Pulley Assembly.............................................................................................. 20
Input Shaft Assembly.................................................................................................... 21
Charge Pump Assembly............................................................................................... 22
Lower Housing/Filter/Manifold Assembly...................................................................... 23
Planetary Differential Assembly............................................................................... 24,25
Motor/Center Section/Pump Assembly............................................................... 26,27,28
Directional Control Assembly........................................................................................ 29
Transaxle Installation.................................................................................................... 30
Assembly After a Complete Tear-down......................................................................... 30
Parts List................................................................................................................. 31,32
Glossary of Terms.................................................................................................. 33,34
310-3000 IHT
Headquartered in Sullivan, Illinois, Hydro-Gear® is a world leader in the design, manufacture, and ser­vice of quality hydrostatic transaxles for the lawn and garden industry. The mission of our company is to be recognized by our customers and the in­dustry as a world-class supplier and the quality leader in everything we do.
This Service and Repair Manual is designed to provide information useful in servicing the 310­3000 Hydro-Gear Integrated Hydrostatic Transaxle (IHT).
Also included is a glossary of terms that are frequently used throughout the industry and in Hydro-Gear service publications. Understanding terminology is very important!!
It is necessary, and good shop practice, that your service area be equipped with proper tools and the mechanics to be supplied with the latest informa­tion available. All repair procedures
illustrated in this guide are suggested, but pre­ferred methods of repair.
Repair procedures require that the transaxle unit be removed from the vehicle.
Some cleaning solvents are fl ammable. To avoid possible fi re, do not use cleaning solvents in an area where a source of ignition may be present.
This is not a certifi cation, test or study guide for a certifi cation test. If a technician is interested in certifi cation they should contact an agent rep- resenting the ESA (Engine Service Association) (610) 363-3844 or their Hydro-Gear Distributor. Many distributors will be hosting certifi cation test- ing. These study guides will cover most of the products and manufacturers in our industry.
For more information about Hydro-Gear or our products, please contact your Central Service Distributor, visit or call our Technical Service Department at (217) 728-2581.
310-3000 IHT i
The purpose of this manual is to provide use­ful information for servicing the Hydro-Gear 310-3000 Integrated Hy dro stat ic Transaxles (IHT). This man u al includes transaxle gen­eral de scrip tion, hy drau lic sche mat ic, tech ni cal spec i fi ca tions, product iden ti fi ca tion, safe ty, trou ble shoot ing, main te nance, and re pair pro­ ce dures.
The transaxle normally will not require servic­ing during the life of the vehicle in which it is in stalled. Should other ser vic ing be required, the transaxle will need to be thoroughly cleaned be fore be gin ning most procedures.
Please refer to the instructions titled “How to Use This Man u al” in the Repair Section for an ex pla na tion of the lay out of the disassembly, in spec tion, and re as sem bly portions of this manual.
The 310-3000 is a self con tained unit de signed for the transfer and con trol of pow er. It provides an in fi nite ly vari able speed range be tween zero and maximum in both forward and re verse modes of operation.
The transaxle uses a variable displacement pump with a max i mum displacement of 10 cc per rev o lu tion, and motor with a fi xed dis- place ment of 21cc per rev o lu tion. The vari able dis place ment pump fea tures a cradle swash­plate with a di rect-pro por tion al displacement con trol. Re vers ing the di rec tion of the swash-
plate re vers es the fl ow of oil from the pump and thus re vers es the di rec tion of the motor output ro ta tion. The pump and motor are of the axial piston de sign and utilize spherical nosed pistons which are held against a thrust race by internal com pres sion springs.
The 310-3000 has a self con tained fl u id sup ply and an in ter nal fi l ter. The fl uid is drawn through the in ter nal res er voir and feeds the fi xed dis- place ment gerotor charge pump. Ex cess fl u id in the charge circuit is dis charged over the charge re lief valve and dumps back to case. Charge check valves in the center section are used to control the make up pres sure side of the loop.
The transaxle is fi lled and tested at the factory and should not re quire fl uid or fi lter changes un less the fl uid be comes con tam i nat ed.
A cam style, block lifting bypass is utilized in the 310-3000 to permit moving the vehicle for a short dis tance at a maximum speed of 2 m.p.h. (3.2 km/hr) with out start ing the engine.
ow of the fl uid to the low
Actuating the bypass will result in the loss of hy dro stat ic braking capacity. The machine must be sta tion ary on a level surface and in neutral when actuating the bypass.
The 310-3000 utilizes an in-line fl oat ing disc brake con trolled by a "cam" style ac tu at ing arm.
310-3000 IHT
310-3000 IHT
Figure 1. 310-3000 Hydraulic Flow Illustration
Figure 1 provides an illustration of the hydrau­lic oil circuit. The oil supply for the hydraulic system of the 310-3000 IHT is also utilized for the lu bri ca tion of the planetary differential drive gears.
The input shaft and pump cylinder block are turned in one direction only by the engine/drive belt/pul ley com bi na tion. Output of the oil fl ow is con trolled by the direction and amount that the swashplate is angled. As the pump pistons com press they force the oil to fl ow through one of two pas sage ways (forward or reverse) in the center section (or valve body) to the motor cylinder block and motor shaft. Since the mo­tor has a fi xed dis place ment angle it is forced to turn with the fl ow of oil. As the angle of the swashplate is in creased the amount of oil being pumped will increase and cause a higher RPM output of the motor. Re vers ing the angle of the pump swashplate will re verse the direction of oil fl ow.
During the operation of the transaxle, fl uid is “lost” from the hydraulic loop through leak paths de signed into the product for lubrication pur pos es (around pistons, under the rotating cylinder blocks, etc.). This “lost” fl uid returns to the trans mis sion housing and must be made up in the loop. A charge pump is included on the 310-3000 IHT to supply this makeup fl ow. The make up fl ow is controlled (or directed) by the check valves. Each check valve will either be held opened or closed (depending upon the direction of vehicle op er a tion) by the system operating pressure (closed) or by charge pres­sure (open) from the charge pump.
The charge pump maintains a continuous fl ow of oil as long as the input shaft is turning. All of the oil being pulled into the charge pump rst must pass through an internal fi lter. Any oil not needed by the transmission for make up fl ow is
310-3000 IHT 1
dis charged through the charge relief valve. The charge relief valve maintains the charge pres­ sure at no more than 40 PSI.
The motor cylinder block mounts onto the splined motor shaft which drives the planetary dif fer en tial gear/dif fer en tial as sem bly.
The bypass feature in the 310-3000 IHT has a me chan i cal le ver which lifts the motor block off of the center section running surface, al­lowing any oil fl owing from the pump block to be dis charged into the housing without turning the mo tor.
Table 1. Technical Specifi cations
Overall Transaxle Reduction
Input Speeds Maximum: 3600 RPM
Minimum: 1800 RPM
Maximum Tire Diameter
23 inch; 584 mm
Axle Shaft Options
Type: Keyed Diameter: 1 inch; 25.4 mm Type: Flanged Diameter: Hub
Technical specifi cations for the 310-3000 IHT are given in Table 1.
The model and confi guration of the 310-3000 IHT can be determined from the la bel shown in Fig ure 2.
OEM Model
Year Built
8 328 T1 476
(unique for that model - for that day)
Brake Type
Weight of Unit
58 lb; 26 kg
Made in U.S.A.
Serial Number
(Julian - day of year)
Type of Product and Build Information
Figure 2. 310-3000 Confi guration Label
310-3000 IHT
This symbol points out important
safe ty instructions which, if not followed, could en dan ger the personal safety and/or property of your self and others. Read and follow all in struc tions in this manual before attempting main te nance on your transaxle. When you see this symbol - HEED ITS WARN ING.
Inattention to prop er safety, operation, or maintenance pro ce dures could result in per son al injury, or dam age to the equip­ ment. Before servicing or re pair ing the 310-3000 IHT, ful ly read and un der stand the safe ty pre cau tions de scribed in this sec tion.
Certain safety precautions must be observed while servicing or repairing the 310-3000 IHT. This sec tion addresses some of these pre cau ­tions but must not be considered an all-inclusive source on safe ty in for ma tion. This section is to be used in conjunction with all other safety ma te ri al which may apply, such as:
Other manuals pertaining to this ma chine
Local and shop safety rules and codes
Governmental safety laws and reg u la tions
Be sure that you know and understand the equip ment and the hazards associated with it. Do not place speed above safety.
Notify your supervisor whenever you feel there is any hazard involving the equipment or the per for mance of your job.
Never allow untrained or unauthorized per­ son nel to service or repair the equipment.
Wear appropriate clothing. Loose or hanging clothing or jewelry can be hazardous. Use the ap pro pri ate safety equipment, such as eye and hear ing protection, and safety-toe and slip-proof shoes.
Never use compressed air to clean debris from yourself or your clothing.
Use the proper tools and equipment for the task.
Inspect each tool before use and replace any tool that may be dam aged or defective.
Keep the work area neat and orderly. Be sure it is well lit, that extra tools are put away, trash and refuse are in the proper containers, and dirt or debris have been removed from the working ar eas of the ma chine.
The fl oor should be clean and dry, and all ex- ten sion cords or similar trip hazards should be re moved.
Certain procedures may require the vehicle to be dis abled in order to prevent possible injury to the servicing tech ni cian and/or by stand ers.
The loss of hydrostatic drive line power may re sult in the loss of hydrostatic braking capabil­ity. Proper brake maintenance is very important should this condition develop.
Some cleaning solvents are fl ammable. Use only approved cleaning materials: do not use ex plo sive or fl am ma ble liquids to clean the equip ment.
To avoid pos si ble fi re do not use cleaning sol- vents in an area where a source of ignition may be present.
Discard used cleaning material in the ap pro ­pri ate containers.
310-3000 IHT 3
Do not attempt any ser vic ing or ad­ just ments with the engine run ning. Use extreme caution while inspecting the drive belt assembly, and all vehicle link age!
Follow all safety pro ce dures out lined in the ve hi cle owner’s manual!
Table 2. Troubleshooting Checklist
Possible Cause
Control linkage bent or out of ad just ment Drive belt slipping or pulley damaged
Oil level low or contaminated oil Excessive loading Brake setting incorrect Loose parts Bypass assembly sticking
Air trapped in hydraulic system
Repair or replace linkage Repair or replace drive belt or pul­ley
Fill to proper level or change oil Reduce vehicle loading Adjust brake to proper setting Repair or replace loose parts Repair or replace valve or linkage Purge hydraulic system
In many cases problems with the 310-3000IHT are not re lat ed to a de fec tive trans mis sion or axle, but are caused by slip ping drive belts, par tial ly en gaged bypass valves, and loose or dam aged control linkages. Be sure to per­form all op er a tion al checks and adjustments outlined in Sec tion 4 be fore as sum ing the unit is mal func tion ing. Table 2 below provides a troubleshooting check list to help determine the cause of op er a tion al prob lems.
Corrective Action Refer To:
Control Linkage Repair, Page 17 Pulley Repair, Page 20
Fluid Maintenance, Page 7 Vehicle Specifi cations Brake Adjustment, Page 8 Appropriate Repair Pro ce dure Bypass Repair, Page 16 Purging Procedure, Page 11
Engine RPM low Control linkage bent or out of ad just ment Brake setting incorrect Drive belt slipping or pulley damaged Oil level low or contaminated oil Excessive loading Bypass assembly sticking Air trapped in hydraulic system
Debris buildup around transaxle Brake setting incorrect Cooling fan damaged Oil level low or contaminated oil Excessive loading Air trapped in hydraulic system
Damaged seals, housing, or gaskets Air trapped in hydraulic system
Adjust to correct setting Repair or replace linkage Adjust brake to proper setting Repair or replace drive belt or pul­ley Fill to proper level or change oil Reduce vehicle loading Repair or replace valve or linkage Purge hydraulic system
Clean off debris Adjust brake to proper setting Repair or replace cooling fan Fill to proper level or change oil Reduce vehicle loading Purge hydraulic system
Replace damaged com po nent Purge hydraulic system
Vehicle Specifi cations Control Linkage Repair, Page 17 Brake Adjustment, Page 8 Pulley Repair, Page 20 Fluid Maintenance, Page 7 Vehicle Specifi cations Bypass Repair, Page 16 Purging Procedure, Page 11
Brake Adjustment, Page 8 Cooling Fan Repair, Page 20
Fluid Maintenance, Page 7 Vehicle Specifi cations Purging Procedure, Page 11
Appropriate Repair Procedure Purging Procedure, Page 11
310-3000 IHT
NOTE: Any servicing dealer attempt­ing a war ran ty re pair must have prior approval be fore con duct ing main te-
nance of a Hydro-Gear less the ser vic ing deal er is a cur rent Authorized Hy dro-Gear Ser vice Center.
product un-
Reference Table 4., Page 13 for tools required in the maintenance of the 310-3000 IHT.
Regular external maintenance of the 310-3000 IHT should include the following:
1. Check the vehicle operator’s manual for the rec om mend ed load ratings. In sure the cur rent ap pli ca tion does not ex ceed load rat ing.
2. Check oil level See Figure 3, Page 7.
3. Inspect the vehicle drive belt, idler pulley(s), and idler spring(s). Insure that no belt slip­ page can occur. Slippage can cause low in put RPM to the transaxle
5. Inspect the axle parking brake and ve hi cle link age to insure proper actuation of the park ing brake.
6. Inspect the vehicle control linkage to the di rec tion al control arm on transaxle. Also, in sure the con trol arm is se cure ly fastened to the trun nion arm of the transaxle.
7. Inspect the bypass mechanism on the trans­axle and ve hi cle linkage to insure it ac tu ates and re leas es fully.
All the service and maintenance procedures pre sent ed on the following pages can be per­ formed while the 310-3000 is mounted on the ve hi cle. Any servicing beyond those giv en must be per formed after the unit has been removed from the ve hi cle. Additional pro ce dures are pro vid ed in Section 5. Repair Procedures.
4. Inspect the transaxle cooling fan for broken or dis tort ed blades and remove any ob struc­tions (grass clip pings, leaves dirt, etc.).
310-3000 IHT 5
The fl uids used in Hydro-Gear® products have been carefully selected, and only equivalent, or better prod ucts should be sub sti tut ed.
Typically, an engine oil with a minimum rating of 9 cSt (55 SUS) at 230° F (110° C) and an API clas­ si fi ca tion of SJ/CD is rec om mend ed. A 20W-50 engine oil has been se lect ed for use by the factory and is rec om mend ed for normal op er ­at ing tem per a tures.
Fluid volume information is provided in Table
Certain situations may require additional fl uid to be added or even replaced. Refer to Figure 3 for the prop er fi ll port and fl uid level port lo ca - tions. Fill the unit until fl uid fl ows out of the fl uid level port. Recheck the fl uid level once the unit has been operated for approximately 1 minute. Purging may be required. Refer to the purging procedures, Page 11.
This transaxle is factory fi lled and does not re quire a regular oil change. In the event of oil con tam i na tion or degradation an oil change may improve performance.
Using the transaxle removal procedure from Sec tion 5, Page 12, remove the transaxle and drain the oil from the top fl uid fi ll port. Fill unit per Table 3, re in stall the transaxle and perform the purging pro ce dures, Page 11.
In the event a fl uid change and fi lter inspection is required, refer to Page 23, Disassembly/As­ sem bly instructions.
Do not overfi ll.
If you overfi ll the transaxle while the unit is "cold", it may overfl ow as it reaches normal op er at ing tem per a tures. The oil level should not be above the man u ­fac tur er’s suggestions out lined in this manual. This will al low the space need ed for the oil to ex pand as it warms up.
Fluid Description
20W-50 engine oil
Table 3. Fluid Volumes for the 310-3000 IHT
0.95 gal. (121.6 oz) (3.59 liters)
Figure 3. 310-3000 Fluid Fill and Level Ports
310-3000 IHT
1. Remove the brake arm bias spring, and then the cotter pin securing the brake castle nut.
2. Insert a 0.015" (.381 mm) feeler gage be­ tween the brake disc and top brake puck, and then set the brake by tightening or loos en ing the cas tle nut.
3. Adjust brake gap to 0.015" (.381 mm) clear­ ance.
4. Install the cotter pin to secure the castle nut, and then install the brake arm bias spring.
The return to neutral mechanism on the trans­ mis sion is designed to set the di rec tion al control into a neutral position. An optional feature, it is available in two versions. One version provides hand con trol, and the other, foot control. Setting pro ce dures are provided on pages 9 and 10.
Certain procedures require the vehicle engine to be operated and the vehicle to be raised off of the ground. To prevent pos si ble injury to the servicing tech­ ni cian and/or by stand ers, insure the ve hi cle is properly secured.
310-3000 IHT 7
4. Apply the vehicle brake, start the engine and increase the throttle to full engine rpm.
Certain procedures re quire the vehicle en gine to be operated and the vehicle to be raised off of the ground. To pre­ vent pos si ble injury to the ser vic ing tech ni cian and/or by stand ers, in sure the ve hi cle is prop er ly se cured.
The return to neutral mechanism on the trans mis sion is designed to set the di rec ­tion al con trol into a neutral position when the vehicle park ing brake is en gaged. Fol low the procedures below to properly adjust the return to neutral mechanism on the transaxle:
1. Confi rm the transaxle is in the operating mode (bypass disengaged). Raise the ve hi cle’s drive tires off the ground to allow free ro ta tion.
NOTE: It may be necessary to remove the drive tire from the axle hub to ac­ cess the linkage control and the trans­axle control arm.
2. Remove the Original Equipment Man u ­fac tur er’s (OEM’s) control linkage at the control arm. Refer to Figure 4.
5. Check for axle rotation. If the axles do not ro tate, go to Step 6. If the axles rotate, go to Step 7.
6. Stop the vehicle engine. Adjust the OEM link age according to the OEM manual. Re­ check ac cord ing to step 4 and 5. Stop the vehicle en gine. Re place the brake pull rod onto the re turn ac tu at ing arm. Install the washer and a new cot ter pin securing the brake pull rod to the ac tu at ing arm. Refer to Figure 4.
7. Note the axle directional movement . Stop the vehicle’s engine. Loosen the adjusting puck screw until the puck can be rotated. Rotate the adjusting puck the opposite di­ rec tion of the wheel rotation on the control link age side in 5 degree increments. Tighten the adjusting puck screw. Refer to Table 5. Required Torque Values, Page 13. Re check ac cord ing to step 4 and 5. Stop the vehicle en gine. Ad just the OEM linkage according to the OEM man u al. Recheck according to Step 4 and 5. Stop the vehicle engine. Re place the brake pull rod onto the return ac tu at ing arm. Install the washer and a new cot ter pin se cur ing the brake pull rod to the ac tu at ing arm. Refer to Figure 4.
3. Remove the cotter pin and washer se cur ing
the brake pull rod to the return actuating arm. Remove the brake pull rod from the return actuating arm. Re fer to Figure 4.
Do not attempt any adjustments with the engine running. Use extreme caution while inspecting all vehicle linkage!
Follow all safety procedures outlined in the vehicle owner’s manual!
Figure 4. Return to Neutral, Hand Control
310-3000 IHT
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