CTEK M 100 User Manual

Battery charger
For lead-acid batteries 14–225Ah
User Manual and guide to
professional battery charging for
Starter and Deep Cycle batteries.
Model 1007
Congratulations on your purch ase of your new p rofessional M100 Swit ch Mode Charger with Pulse Maintenance, F loat, Anal ysis and Rec ond. M100 is a member of a family of prof essional chargers from CTEK SWEDEN AB. It represents the state-of-t he-art tech nology for battery charging. A M100 will pr olong the lifetime of your batter y. Read this u ser manual and follow the instructions ca refully before using the charger.
• The char ger is designed for lead-acid batteries from 14–225Ah. Do not use the charger for any other purpose
• Use safet y glasses and turn your head away w hen connecting or dis connect ing a battery.
• Batter y acid is corrosive. Rinse immediatel y with water if acid comes into contact with skin or eyes. Seek m edical advice.
• Make sure that the cable is not pinch ed or in contact with warm sur faces or sharp edges.
• While ch arging, a bat tery can emit explosive gases, so it is important to avoid sparks in the immediate area.
• Always pr ovide for proper ve ntilation during charging.
• Avoid covering the charger.
• Make sure that the elec trical c able does not com e into contact with water.
• Never charge a frozen battery.
• Never charge a damaged battery.
• Do not place the charger on the bat tery while charging.
• The elec trical connection must fulfil th e national heavy curr ent requirements.
• Check charger cabling before use. Make sure t here are no cracks in the c abling or in the protective covering. A charge r with damaged cables may not be used.
• Always check that the charger ha s gone over to maintenance c harging mode bef ore leaving the char ger unatte nded and co nnected for long periods. If the c harger had n ot gone over to maintenance char ging withi n 3 days, this is an indicati on of a problem. In this case the charger must be disc onnected manually.
• All batteries fai l sooner or later. A batt ery that fails during charging is normally t aken care of by the char gers advanced c ontrol, but certai n uncommon errors in t he batter y can still arise. Don’t leave the battery charger unattended for a long er period o f time.
• Only mount the charg er on a flat surface.
• This equipment may not be used by children or by thos e who can not read and understand the manual if they are not supervi sed by a responsible per son who can guarantee that the batter y charger is bein g used in a safe manner. Store an d use the battery char ger out of the reach of children. Make sure that children do not play with th e batter y charger.
M100 can easily be conf igured to charge many diffe rent type s of 12V lead-acid batteries; wet batter ies, MF, AGM and for most GEL-batteries . The foll owing recommendations should, however, only be seen as guidelines. When in doubt, always co nsult the bat tery manufac turer for further instructi ons. Settin gs are made by pressi ng the “MO DE-button” an d stepping forward by pressing th e button one step at a time, releas ing the but ton when the required mode is reached. After approx. 2 seconds, the charger activat es the chosen mode. The s elected mode is saved in t he charger’s memor y and remains even whe n the charger is switched off.
”NORM AL” (14.4V)
Normal setting for wet batter ies, MF and for most Gel batteries.
Mode ”AGM” (14.7V)
This set ting is recommended f or batteries at te mperatur es below 5°C. It is also reco mmended for many AGM batteries. This set ting is not recommended for mainte nance charging when t he temperature at times exceeds +5°C. I n this case, the NORMAL mod e is recommended.
Mode ”SUPPLY” (13.6V)
In this mo de, the charger provides a constant voltage of 13. 6V. This is the best maintenance mode for batterie s where max imum capac ity is import ant. It is not appropriate to charge a completely discharged battery in Supply mode, since this will not result in a complete ly charged batter y. The M100 can also be used as a power supp ly without a battery attached in this setting. No counter voltage is required to start the charger in t his mode. Note that the ch arger is not spark fr ee in this mode.
Mode ”R ECOND” (15.7V, 1.5A 0.5 –4h)
This mode is used to rec ondition very discharged batteries where you could expe ct a stratified acid (high acid weight in the bott om, low on top). Use this mode wi th care because i t can cause some water loss. 15.7V is normally n ot a problem f or electr onics, but consult th e manufact urer when in doubt. Life of light bulbs can be reduced by higher voltages. Try to avo id using 12V lamps co nnected to t he battery during this phase. Maximum effect and minimum risk for electr onics is achieved by disconne cting the battery before charging.
Chargi ng batteries mo unted in a ve hicle:
1. The power c ord should be disconn ected befo re connecting or disconne cting the battery leads.
2. Identify the pole that is grounded (attached to the chassis). Grou nd is normally connec ted to the negative terminal.
3. Chargi ng a negatively grounded batter y. Connec t the red cable to th e positive p ole of the batter y and the black cable to the vehicle’s chassis. Be caref ul not to connect the black cable in the vici nity of a fue l pipe or the battery.
4. Charging a positively grounded batter y. Connec t the black cable to the negati ve pole of the batter y and the red cable to the vehicle's chassis. Be caref ul not to conn ect the red cable i n the vicinity of a fuel pipe or the battery.
Chargi ng of a battery not connected to a vehi cle:
1. The power c ord should be disconn ected befo re connecting or disconne cting the battery leads.
2. Connect the red cable to the positive pol e of the batte ry and the b lack cabl e to the negat ive pole.
Connecting th e provided cab les with eyelet terminals:
Make sure that the cable is not pinch ed or in contact with warm sur faces or sharp edges. When the cable is mounted o n the battery, it should not be connec ted to the charger. Co nnect the eyelet ter minals to the battery's po les - the red c able to the positive pole and the black cable to the negative pole. Af ter this, the quick connector can be co nnected.
Reverse Polarit y Protectio n
If the bat tery cab les are connected incorr ectly, the reve rse polar ity protection will make sur e that neit her the charger nor the battery are dama ged. In this c ase, the red warni ng lamp (0) will be lit.
Star t charging
1. Connect the power co rd to the power outlet.
2. Set the proper char ging mode for the batte ry by pushing the Mode button until the correct settin g is lit. Choo sing settings fo r your battery is describe d under ”BATTERY T YPES AND SETTINGS”.
3. The lamp for Deep Discharged b attery (1) will i ndicate if t he battery volt age is low. If lamp 1 blinks, this indicates that the battery is lightly sul phated. Read more under ” CHARGI NG PHASES ”
4. Norma l charging i s indicate d by the following lamps: D eep Disch arged (1), Bulk Charge (2), Absor ption Charge (3) or Mainten ance Charging (4). When the maintenanc e lamp is lit, t he bat­tery is f ully charged. The charge will restart if th e voltage dr ops. The charger can be connecte d for months. SUPPLY or RECOND are indic ated when the lamp s for these settings ar e lit (5 or 6).
5. If the bat tery cables are connected incor rectly, the reverse pola rity protection wi ll make sure that neit her the charger nor the battery are dama ged. In this case, the red warni ng lamp (0) will be lit.
6. If nothing happens . If the sett ing lamp is lit but no other li ght comes on, the connection to the battery or to the chassis may b e poor, or the batter y may be faulty. Star t by improving the contac t between the bat tery and the charger.
7. Charging can be interrupted at any time by disconnecting the power cord from the wall socket or by p utting th e charger in " Standby" mode ( lamp A). Alway s disconnect the power cord from the s ocket before removing the bat tery cab les. When yo u interrupt char ging of a battery mounted in a vehicle, al ways disconnect t he battery cab le from the chass is before removing the other bat tery cable.
Mode chosen: ”NORMAL” or ”AGM”
M100 is a multi stage fully automatic charger. Lamp B for chosen s etting ”NOR MAL” and lamp C for chos en setting ”AGM”.
Desulphation (Lamp 1, bli nking)
Desulphation with pulsing for sulphated batteries. Indicated by blinking lamp 1.
Star t (Lamp 1)
Starting phase for charging. The star ting phase conti nues until the batter y’s terminal volt age has risen over a preset level. At this po int, charging goes into the bulk phas e. If the terminal voltage has not reached the pres et level within 8 hours, ch arging is suspended. The error mo de is indicated. This in dicates a battery wh ich is fault y or has too large ca pacity. If a large battery is charged that has been severely di scharged, it may be n ecessar y to restart th e charger af ter 8 hours. Start is indicated by lamp 1.
Bulk (La mp 2)
Primar y charging wher e approximately 80% of the charging happens. The charger d elivers maximu m voltage until the terminal volta ge has risen to the pr eset level. After a number of hours, the charger g oes on to the next pha se, even if maximum voltage is not reached. Bulk is indicated by lamp 2.
Absor ption (Lamp 3)
Final cha rging, voltage is kept at the preset leve l. During this phase, the voltage is gradually reduce d. If the maximum le ngth of time f or Absorption is exceeded, t he charger automatically continues with Analysis. Absorption is indicated by lamp 3.
Analysis (Lamp 3)
Chargin g is suspended for a shor t period and the battery vo ltage measured. If it fa lls too quickly, the batter y is probabl y faulty. Char ging is suspended and an error i s indicate d (lamp 0).
Maint enance c harging - float (Lamp 4)
During t he first 10 days of maintenance ch arging the b attery is maint ained with const ant volt­age, 13.6V. Float -maintenance is indi cated by lamp 4.
Maint enance c harging - pulse (La mp 4)
The state of charge var ies between 95% and 100%. The b attery r eceives a pu lse when the voltage sinks, keepi ng the battery in good shape when it is not being used. The charger can be connec ted for months at a time. If the bat tery is charged and/or the batte ry’s term inal voltage drops, the char ger starts a charge pulse until the volta ge has reach ed the preset level, 14.4V or 14.7V. The c harge pulse is then interr upted and the cycle is repeated as long a s the charger is in pulse maintenance phase. If the term inal voltage drops even lower, the charg er automatically reverts to the beginning of t he charging curve. Pu lse maintenance phase i s indicate d by lamp 4. If pos sible, check the water level in the battery.
Chosen mode: ”SUPPLY”
M100 has a Supply mode set ting which has a co nstant volt age of 13.6V and curr ent up to 7A. This mode can also be used for maintenance charging of an already fully charged battery, called Float maintenance. This type of cha rging keeps t he battery at 100 % charge. Th e con­stant sma ll overchar ge can also increase water loss. A bat tery does not have to be connec ted for the ch arger to del iver voltage. This mean s that the spark protect ion is not active in this mode. It is n ot appropriate to charge a completely di scharged battery in Supply mode, since this will not result in a c ompletely char ged battery. In this mode, M100 can also be used as a power gen eration un it for operating equipment that requires 13.6V an d a maximum of 7A. If the selected current exceeds 7A, the o utput volt age will dro p as the load increases. The charger has electronic over load protection in this mode, which is activated if th e charge is so great that the output voltage f rom the charger falls b elow around 9V and the cur rent ís around 7A. In the event of an over load, the charge r goes into error mode (lamp 0). Supply mode is indicated w ith lamp D and la mp 5.
Chosen mode: ”RECOND”
M100 has a Rec ond mode which is used to r econdition a battery that has been severely discharged. The bat tery is first c harged using the m ode ”NORMAL”. When the analysis phase is complete, the charger begins reconditioning the battery by providing a c onstant current of 1.5A and a maxi mum voltag e of 15.7V. After 0. 5–4 hours, the battery is comp letely reconditioned and the charger goes into pulse maintenance. The batter y is ready to be used, o r store it wit h pulse mai ntenance active until you are ready to u se the battery. Recond is indicated by lamp E and lamp 6. N ote that the recon d phase begins with nor mal charging and that th e charger therefore will indicate the ch arging phases accor ding to the de scripti ons above first. Lamp 6 is first lit when the reconditioning begins.
M100 is protected from being overheated. The power will be re duced if the ambient temperature is raised.
The char ger is mainte nance fre e. Note that disassembly of the charger is not per mitted and will void the warranty. If the power c ord is damaged, th e charger must be left to t he reseller for maintenance. The case can be cleaned with a s oft damp cl oth and mild cleanser. The charg er should be disconne cted from t he power supply whi le cleaning.
M100 is delivered with a set of batter y cables with bat tery pole clamps and a set of battery cables with eyelet terminals.
CTEK SWED EN AB, Rostugnsvägen 3, 776 70 VIK MANSHYT TAN, SWED EN provides a lim­ited warranty to the o riginal purcha ser of this pr oduct. This limited warranty is n ot transferable. The unit is warranted a gainst defective work manship or materials for 5 year s from the date of purchase. The custo mer must return the product together with the o riginal purchase receipt to the plac e of purchase. This warranty is void if the unit is handled carelessly, opened or repaired by anyone oth er than CTEK SWEDEN AB or its auth orized representative. CT EK SWEDEN AB makes no war ranty other than this limite d warranty and expressly excludes any implied warranty including any warranty for consequential damages. This is the only expressed limited warranty and CTEK SW EDEN AB neither assumes nor autho rizes anyon e to assume or m ake any other obligat ion towards the product other than his limited warranty.
Model 1007 Voltage AC 220–240VAC, 50–60Hz Back cur rent drain* < 1mA Voltage Chargin g Voltage Nominal: 12V
13.6V; 14.4V; 14.7V or 15.7 V Ripple* * Max 150mV r ms, max 0.3 A (=4%) Current 7A max Ambient Temperature -20°C to +50°C, power is re duced auto matically at
Coolin g Natur al convection. Chargin g cycle M100 is a multi stage fully automat ic charger Type of batter ies All types of 12 V lead-acid bat teries (Wet, MF, AGM and G EL). Batter y Capacity 14 –225Ah Dimensions 191 x 89 x 48 mm (L x W x H) Insulation IP65 Weight 0.8kg
*) Back Cur rent Drain is what the charger uses to drain the batter y if the power cord is disconnected. **) Quality of the current and vo ltage are very important. High current rippl e heats up the batter y and makes the posi tive electrode age pr ematurely. High voltage ripple co uld harm other equipme nt connected to the bat tery. M100 produce s a high quality current and voltag e with very low ripp le.
increased ambient t emperature.
CTEK SWED EN AB, Rostugnsvägen 3, 776 70 VIK MANSHYT TAN, SWED EN. Declares under sole responsibility that the battery charger M45, to which this de claration relates is in confor mity with the following LVD sta ndards: EN60335 -1, EN60335-2-29 according to the terms of directive 2006/95/EC. This product also is in ag reement with the following EMC st andards: EN55011, EN 61000-3- 3, EN 61000-3 -2, EN55014-1 and EN5 5014-2 according to the term s of directive 2004/108/EC.
VIKMANSHY TTAN, SWEDEN 2008 -12-12 Börje M aleus, VD CTEK SWED EN AB, Rostugnsvägen 3 776 70 VIKMANSHYTTAN, SWEDEN Fax: +46 2 25 30793 www.ctek.com
The tabl e shows the length of time for bulk charging.
Battery size (Ah) Time to ~ 80% charge (h)
Indic ation Descripti on
0 Error mode, the charger suspends the charging / volt age maintenance. See furt her
1 Start mode. 2 Bulk charging, max imum voltage. 3 Absor ption char ging, voltage lim ited to chosen voltage. 4 Pulse maintenance charging 5 Supply mode, fixed output voltage, no counter voltage requirement. 6 Recond c harging
A STANDBY B Mode ”NORM AL” (14.4V) C Mode ”AGM ” (14.7V) D Mode ”S UPPLY” (13.6V) E Mode ”RECON D” (15.7V, 1.5A 0.5–4h)
Error m ode
The char ger enters error mode b efore start in th e following situations:
• The battery is con nected with poles reve rsed to the c harger's terminal s.
• The term inals on the c harger are shor t-circuited. Error mo de before st art is reset by removing the error situation. The charger restarts in the latest selected mode.
The char ger enters steady erro r mode in the following situations:
• The char ger’s analysis funct ion has inter rupted charging.
• The char ger is overloaded in Supply mode.
• The char ger has been i n start mo de longer than maximu m time. Steady er ror mode is acknowledged/reset by pressing the ” MODE” button. The charge r restar ts in the late st selecte d mode.
description below.
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20013258A M100 Manual EU, Print 001.indd 1 2011-06-20 10:50:31