These vehicles may become hazardous if adequate
maintenance is neglected. Therefore, adequate maintenance facilities, trained personnel and procedures
should be provided.
Maintenance and inspection shall be performed in conformance with the following practices:
z A scheduled planned maintenance, lubrication and
inspection system should be followed.
z Only qualified and authorized personnel shall be
permitted to maintain, repair, adjust and inspect
z Before leaving the vehicle:
–Stop the vehicle.
–Fully lower the platform.
Risk of accident!
To prevent serious risk of injury
to yourself and others observe
the following safety instructions.
–Use chocks or other positive positioning de-
–Block load engaging means, inter masts or
chassis before working under them.
–Operation to check performance of vehicle or
attachments shall be conducted in an authorized safe clearance area.
z Before starting to operate the vehicle:
–Be in operating position.
–Place directional control in neutral.
–Before operating the vehicle, check the func-
tions of lift systems, directional control, speed
control, steering, warning devices and brakes.
Fire hazard!
Fire or flame can cause severe
personal injury or property
Do not use an open flame to
check level or for leakage of
electrolyte and fluids or oil.
Do not use open pans of fuel or
flammable cleaning fluids for
cleaning parts.
–Place directional controls in neutral.
–Turn off power (Battery disconnect).
–Remove key.
–Block the wheels if vehicle is on an incline.
z Before working on the vehicle
–Raise drive wheels free of floor or disconnect
power sources.
z Avoid fire hazards and have fire protection equip-
ment present.
z Keep shop well ventilated, clean and dry.
z Brakes, steering mechanisms, control mecha-
nisms, guards and safety devices shall be inspected regularly and maintained in a safe operating condition.
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
02 Rev. 12/01
General maintenance
z Capacity, operation and maintenance instruction
plates or decals shall be maintained in legible condition.
z All parts of lift mechanisms shall be inspected to
maintain them in safe operating condition.
z All hydraulic systems shall be regularly inspected
and maintained in conformance with good practice.
Cylinders, valves and other similar parts shall be
checked to assure that “drift” has not developed to
the extent that it would create a hazard.
z Batteries, motors, controllers, limit switches, pro-
tective devices, electrical conductors and connections shall be maintained in conformance with
good practice. Special attention shall be paid to the
condition of electrical insulation.
z Vehicles shall be kept in a clean condition to mini-
mize fire hazards and facilitate detection of loose
or defective parts.
z Modifications and additions which affect capacity
and safe vehicle operation shall not be performed
by the customer or user without manufacturers
prior written approval. Capacity, operation and
maintenance plates or decals shall be changed accordingly.
z Care shall be taken to assure that all replacement
parts are interchangeable with the original parts
and of equal quality to that provided in the original
z Be sure that any equipment added to the truck (ter-
minal, fan, clipboard, etc.) is positioned so that it
does not block your vision or interfere with safe and
efficient operation of the truck.
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
02 Rev. 12/01
Equipment Cleaning
Equipment Cleaning
WAVE® Vehicle Procedures
z Prefer dry pressured air for cleaning built up dirt
and dust from electric material handling equipment.
z For localized degreasing use of an appropriate sol-
vent such as "TOUGH ON GREASE" (Crown P/N
063009-005) is recommended.
If these methods are not effective and power washing
is the only alternative, extreme care must be exercised.
Risk of damage!
Power washing or cleaning solvents can damage electrical
components including connectors, terminal boards and wiring.
Mineral and chemical residue
left on or in components (i.e. circuit boards, contactors, encoders, switches, potentiometers,
etc.) after washing is a proponent of oxidation and corrosion.
All electronic components including motors must be protected or even removed to eliminate the risk of damage.
Functional integrity of contaminated components may
be questionable. Nuisance fault logging, intermittent
operation or immediate failure could be the resultant of
power washing.
Power washing will also remove and/or destroy lubricants in or on the surface of shafts, unsealed bearings,
hinges, exposed gears, bushings, chains, linkages,
z These items must also be protected before clean-
ing or properly lubricated after cleaning.
Consideration must also be given to metal surfaces.
The cleaning process can strip away paint and protective coatings applied to components (i.e. hydraulic
lines, terminal strips, linkages) for freezer/corrosion environment.
z Paint and/or protective coating must be reapplied
to these areas to reduce the chance of oxidation
and corrosion.
z Remove solvent residue and dry the component
thoroughly before installing removed components,
lubricating or returning the equipment to service.
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
Control of Hazardous Energy
Control of Hazardous Energy
WAVE® Work Assist Vehicle
In the interest of safety and to ensure compliance with
the OSHA Regulations, (Standards - 29 CFR), The
control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout) -
1910.147, Crown has developed guidelines for proper
energy control when performing service and maintenance on the WAVE.
z Review the appropriate sections in this service
manual for additional procedures to be followed,
before performing any service or maintenance on
the WAVE.
In addition, Crown recommends that all mechanics
wear appropriate protective items, such as safety
glasses, work gloves, and steel toed shoes, whenever
performing service or maintenance work on Crown
z If electrolyte comes in contact with eyes, flush im-
mediately and thoroughly with clean water. Obtain
medical attention immediately.
z Should electrolyte be spilled on skin, rinse
promptly with clean water and wash with soap.
z A baking soda solution (one pound to one gallon of
water) will neutralize acid spilled on clothing, floor
or any other surface. Apply solution until bubbling
stops and rinse with clean water.
z Keep vent plugs firmly in place at all times except
when adding water or taking hydrometer readings.
This gas remains in the battery cells long after charging
has stopped.
Risk of explosion!
Gas formed during charging is
highly explosive and can cause
serious personal injury. There
also may be a danger of release
of harmful substances.
Never smoke or bring flame
near the battery.
Safety rules
Risk of injury!
Electrolyte contained in batteries can cause severe personal
injury or property damage if
coming in contact with eyes,
skin, clothing or floor
Avoid any contact of electrolyte
with eyes or skin
Wear protective clothing, such
as, rubber apron, gloves, boots
and full face shield when performing any maintenance on
z Do not allow dirt, cleaning solution or other foreign
material to enter cells. Impurities in electrolyte has
a neutralizing effect reducing available charge.
z If battery repair is planned, follow the battery man-
ufacturer's instructions concerning repair practices
and procedures.
Risk of arcing!
Do not lay metallic or conductive objects on battery. Otherwise arcing will result and
cause property damage.
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
Control of Hazardous Energy
z Make certain the charger being used matches the
voltage and amperage of the truck battery. This
voltage is listed on the truck serial plate.
Risk of property damage!
NEVER operate truck with an
undersized battery, otherwise
the truck can be seriously damaged.
Make certain battery used
meets weight, size and voltage
requirements of truck (refer to
serial plate).
Risk of injury!
Unauthorised component removal or improper maintenance
can result in significant danger
to the user.
Only qualified and experienced
personnel should perform
maintenance and repair on batteries.
Risk of accident!
Current flowing between battery
and charger can cause shock
hazard and result in serious injury to you, the battery and
NEVER connect or disconnect
batteries to a charger while the
charger is “ON”.
Make sure the charger is “OFF”
before disconnecting or connecting batteries.
Never use a match or lighter. Battery fumes are explosive.
z Consult the charger manufacturer’s manual cover-
ing your charger for hints on operation and maintenance.
Risk of injury!
Unauthorised component removal or improper maintenance
can result in significant danger
to the user.
Only qualified and experienced
personnel should perform
maintenance and repair on batteries.
Risk of explosion!
Gas formed during charging is
highly explosive and can cause
serious personal injury. There
also may be a danger of release
of harmful substances.
Never smoke or bring flame
near the battery.
z Make certain battery used meets weight, size and
voltage requirements of truck (refer to serial plate).
NEVER operate truck with an undersized battery.
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
Control of Hazardous Energy
Battery removal
When removing a battery, move truck to area intended
for battery care. Floor must be level.
Turn keyswitch or toggle switch to "off" position and remove key. Disconnect battery and lockout or tagout
truck as described in Battery - Lockout/Tagout in this
section. Lower load engaging means completely.
Risk of short-circuit!
Do not allow any metallic object
to come in contact with the top
of the battery cells. This may
cause a short circuit when removing, transporting a battery.
Use an insulator (such as plywood, plastic caps) to cover the
top of battery posts before and
during removal.
Battery installation
Risk of injury!
A non-stable or rolling truck
may cause injury to you or others.
When installing a battery, move
truck to area intended for battery care.
Floor must be level.
Turn keyswitch or toggle switch
to "off" position and remove
Risk of short-circuit!
Do not allow any metallic object
to come in contact with the top
of the battery cells. This may
cause a short circuit when removing, transporting a battery.
Use an insulator (such as plywood, plastic caps) to cover the
top of battery posts before and
during removal.
1Wet cell battery
2Maintenance free battery
z Lockout or tagout truck as described in Battery -
Lockout/Tagout in this section.
Risk of property damage!
NEVER operate truck with an
undersized battery, otherwise
the truck can be seriously damaged.
Make certain battery used
meets weight, size and voltage
requirements of truck (refer to
serial plate).
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
Control of Hazardous Energy
Battery Lockout/Tagout
1Key switch, OFF
3Key switch, ON
When maintenance is performed and the batteries are
removed from the truck:
z remove the main power fuses,
z install a lockout device on the trucks battery con-
nector if possible,
z or if possible install a tag with a cable tie on the
trucks battery connector so it cannot be removed
easily warning that the truck is not available for operation.
z Always turn key (2) switch to "off" (1), remove key
(2) and apply tag to steering pod with cable tie
warning others truck is being serviced.
When maintenance is performed and the batteries areleft in the truck:
z disconnect batteries,
z remove the main power fuses and
z install a commercially available lockout device on
battery connector.
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
Control of Hazardous Energy
Any fluid injected into the skin under high pressure
should be considered as a serious medical emergency
despite an initial normal appearance of the skin. There
is a delayed onset of pain, and serious tissue damage
may occur. Medical attention should be sought immediately by a specialist who has had experience with this
type of injury.
Risk of accident: high pressure
Escaping fluid under pressure
can penetrate the skin causing
serious injury.
Relieve pressure before disconnecting hydraulic lines.
Tighten all connections before
applying pressure.
Keep hands and body away
from pin holes which eject fluids under high pressure.
Use a piece of cardboard or paper to search for leaks.
Do not use your hand.
When maintenance is to be performed on the hydraulic
system, make sure the hydraulic system is not under
z Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance
area with a level floor.
z No load on load tray (1).
z Completely lower load engaging means or, if re-
quired for maintenance, block truck at appropriate
height as described in Lifting and blocking,
page 11.
z Actuate the hydraulic switch to remove any hy-
draulic pressure that may be present.
z Lockout or tagout truck as described in Battery
Lockout/Tagout in this section.
1Load tray2Platform
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
Control of Hazardous Energy
Lifting and blocking
z Move vehicle to a secure non traffic maintenance
area with a level floor.
ToolPropertiesValueCrown Part
Capacity: 3620 kg (8000 lb)122599
Hydraulik Jack
Hardwood blocks
Collapsed height (min.): 60 mm (2.25 in)
Raised height maximum: 400 mm (16 in)
Dimensions: 100 x 100 x 762 mm
z No load on load tray.
z Lower platform completely.
z Lockout or tagout vehicle as described in Battery -
Lockout/Tagout in this section.
(4 x 4 x 30 in)
1Hydraulic jack2Hardwood block
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
Control of Hazardous Energy
1Straps6Second Stage Mast
3Third Stage Mast8Hardwood Block
4Part of Third Stage Mast9Clamping Tool
5Lifting Tool
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
Control of Hazardous Energy
z Move vehicle to a secure non traffic maintenance
area with a level floor.
z Raise platform (2) to height necessary.
z Block the second stage mast (6) and platform (2)
using the appropriate length and size hardwood
blocks (8).
100 x 100 mm [4 x 4 in]
Hardwood blocks
50 x 100 mm [2 x 4 in])
z Clamp hardwood blocks (8) to chassis (7), lower
platform (2).
z Disconnect electrical and chain connections nec-
essary to remove platform (2), third stage mast (3)
and second stage mast (6).
z Remove guides and shims necessary to remove
platform (2), third stage mast (3) and second stage
mast (6).
z Insert lifting tool (5) into top of third stage mast (3)
to assist in removing third stage mast (3).
z Lockout or tagout vehicle as described in Battery -
Lockout/Tagout in this section.
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
Control of Hazardous Energy
Capacitance voltage is present in the traction motor
controller. When performing maintenance which may
permit contact with the bus bars and associated power
cables, discharge the capacitors.
z Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance
area with a level floor.
z Lockout or tagout truck as described in Battery -
Lockout/Tagout in this section.
z Place a minimum 100
B+ and B- terminals of the controller for three or
more seconds.
Ω, 2 W resistor between the
MA-245015Printed in Germany
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
Printed in Germany
This manual is intended for the service mechanic who
is seeking information about maintenance.
It contains a section on troubleshooting which will enable a qualified mechanic to locate and solve problems
which may occur.
Operator instructions
This manual does not contain
operator instructions. Operator
instructions in booklet form are
sent with each vehicle.
Additional copies can be ordered if required. These
booklets are for you and your personnel to insure years
of safe, trouble free operation.
Service training
Complete Service Training is available to the mechanic
upon request.
Choice of dash number depends on language. When
ordering, refer to chart below and complete the part
number the correct dash number
This manual is arranged by major sections. The first
part of the Control Number, found in the footer of each
page, denotes the section in which a particular form will
be located. The section descriptions are as follows:
M1Lubrication and Adjustments
M3Drive Unit
Copies of publications can be obtained from your
Crown Dealer:
Kronstadter Straße 11
81677 München,
Phone: (089) 930 02 – 0,
Fax: (089) 930 02 – 133,
or from
A Division of Crown Equipment Pty Ltd.
Long & Cooper Streets
Smithfield, N.S.W. 2164
Sydney, Australia
Phone: (61) 29 604 6000
Fax: (61) 29 609 2787
M6Not Used
DIAWiring Diagrams
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
02 Rev. 10/04
Data plate
The data plate is located on the lower rear section of
the third stage mast in the operator compartment and
includes a model number and a vehicle data number.
From these two numbers the vehicle model, series, series updates, vehicle size and specific vehicle data can
be determined. The following will explain the model
and vehicle data numbering system.
Model number example
1Image generator – Work Assist Vehicle
2Series update: Significant change(s) to the product that
would not merit a new series number (generation)
3Version: Characteristic that distinguishes vehicle from other
4Lift height: 2135 mm (84 in) or 2995 mm (118 in)
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
02 Rev. 10/04
Vehicle data number example
The vehicle data number provides you and your dealer
with a wealth of information to ensure the selection of
proper parts for your vehicle.
You may simply provide this number to your dealer, or
use the following breakdown if selecting your own part
numbers or service information from this manual.
1Work Assist Vehicle9Wheel Color
3Truck Version11Meter
4Lift height12Strobe
6Batteries14Aisle Guide
7Battery Charger15System Controller
8Color16Language Code
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
02 Rev. 10/04
Data number information
Lift height
Battery Charger
Wheel Color
84 = 2135mm (84 in)
118 = 2995mm (118 in)
– = Standard
C = Custom
S = Special
1 = Wet 160 A
2 = Wet 205
3 = Maintenance Free 195 A
1 = 15 A
2 = 25 A
1 = Maui Yellow
2 = Seafoam Green
3 = Alpine White
1 = Yellow
2 = Black
A = Forward
B = Reverse
C = Lift
D = Lower
E = Forward Reverse
F = Forward Lift
H = Forward Lower
I = Reverse Lift
J = Reverse Lower
K = Lift Lower
L = Forward Reverse Lift
M = Forward Reverse Lower
N = Reverse Lift Lower
O = Forward Lift Lower
P = Forward Reverse Lift, Lower
Q = None
Aisle Guide
System Controller
Language code
– = No Strobe
1 = Strobe
– = No Storage
1 = One Pocket
2 = Two Pockets
-- = No Guidance
35 = Actual Width
– = No Handset
1 = Handset
A = French
B = German
C = British English
D = Spanish
E = Italian
F = Dutch
MeterHM = Hour Meter
WAVE 50 10/2005 • Printed in Germany
02 Rev. 10/04
Printed in Germany
Printed in Germany
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