Architectural & Engineering Specications
The audio system shall utilize a separate component dedicated specically
to prevent IQ loop signal degradation by reconstructing the incoming data
signal and repeating the reconstructed signal out to the next component on
the IQ loop. The repeater unit shall be capable of extending the operating
distance of an IQ loop by as much as 1,000 feet (305 m) or more, depending upon IQ loop wire capacitance. The repeater unit shall suport both the
original IQ and the newer IQ2 protocols.
The repeater unit shall provide one RJ-45 connector for input, and one
RJ-45 connector for output. The repeater unit shall provide Power indicators on the front and rear panels to indicate that the AC supply is connected
and that power is applied. The repeater unit shall provide yellow Data Send
and green Data Recieve indicators on the front and rear panels to indicate
IQ loop data activity.
The repeater unit shall contain its own universal power supply for operation
from 100VAC to 240VAC, and 47 Hz to 66 Hz. A standard IEC inlet shall be
provided for AC line cord-set connection.
The repeater unit shall meet or exceed the following general specications:
Power Consumption: 100VAC, 60 Hz: 3.70W, 50 Hz: 3.71W; 120VAC,
60 Hz: 3.92W, 50 Hz: 3.92W; 220VAC, 60 Hz: 5.03W, 50 Hz: 5.03W;
230VAC, 60 Hz: 5.23W, 50 Hz: 5.18W; 240VAC, 60 Hz: 5.59W, 50 Hz:
The repeater unit shall meet or exceed the following IQ Bus data com-
munication specications: Protection: The auto-reset feature is controlled
by the microprocessor. Optically coupled 20-milliamp current loop receivers provide ground isolation. Data Rate: 38.4 K baud. Data Format: Asynchronous binary serial data with 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits and
no parity check. Interface Type: 20-milliamp current loop. Operation: Half
duplex. Intelligence: 16-bit microprocessor. Transmission Distance: Variable from 200 to 3,000 feet (61 to 914 meters) depending on wire capacitance. 1,000 feet (305 meters) is typical with shielded 26 AWG twisted pair
wire. More IQ repeaters or ber optic transceivers can be used to cover
greater distances.
The repeater unit shall meet or exceed the following mechanical specications: Finish: Charcoal powder-coated steel chassis and front panel with
Lexan® front and rear overlays. Dimensions: 19-inch (48.3 cm) standard
rack mount width (EIA RS-310-B), 1.75-inch (4.4 cm) height and 6.5-inch
(16.5 cm) depth. Weight: 6 lbs., 4 oz (2.8 kg) net; 9 lbs., 5 oz (4.2 kg)
The repeater unit shall be designated the Crown IQ-RPT-3 .
Crown International
P.O. Box 1000
Elkhart, IN 46515-1000
TEL: 219-294-8200
FAX: 219-294-8FAX
Specications subject to change without prior notice. Latest
information available at www.crownaudio.com.
© 2001 Crown Audio, Inc. Crown, IQ and IQ System
are registered trademarks of Crown International. Other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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