Crown GLM-100, PZM-10, MB-3, PZM-11, PZM-11LL Application Manual

© 2001 Crown Audio, Inc. All rights reserved PZM® is a registered trademark of Crown International. Also exported as Amcron®
102100-2 11-01
Crown International P.O. Box 1000, Elkhart, Indiana 46515-1000 (574) 294-8200 Fax (574) 294-8329
This guide offers tips on using Crown microphones to safeguard areas such as warehouses, offices, park­ing garages, and building entries. Using these micro­phones, a security officer can detect break-ins or other undesirable activities. We’ll also describe how to pick up police i nterviews and ps ychiatric sessions.
First let’s look at Crown’s line of mics for security applications. All the mics are very small, and are designed NOT to look like microphones, so they are nearly invisible. They provide clear pickup of speech.
In all these microphones, th e low frequencies below the voice r ange a re f iltered ou t to r educe rumble f rom trucks, machinery and air conditioning. At high fre­quencies, the response is boosted to help articulation. Because of their tailo red re spo ns e, the Crow n secu ­rity mics pick up conversations or other de sired sounds with extra clarity.
Some of the model s are Pressure Zone Microphones (PZMs) . The y use a min ia tu re m ic cap su le m o unte d very near a sound-reflecting plate or boundary, in the Pressure Zone . In this zone, di rect sound from the sound source combines in phase at all frequ encies with reflected sound off the boundary. The benefits are many :
• 6 dB more sensitivity
• 6 dB les s no i s e
• a wide smooth frequency response free of phase interference
• excellent clarity and “reach”
• hemispherical (half-omni) pickup pattern
• consistent pickup anywhere around the micro­phone.
Other models are Mini Boundary (MB) mics. They use a miniature, unidirectional mic capsule mounted very near a boundary. Because they are directional, MB mics can pick up less room reverb than PZMs do. The result is an even clearer sound.
Below are notes on each Crown microphone model:
This is a miniature PZM that looks like a light switch. The m ic ha s built-in elec tronics, which are in an attached tu be. The tube mou nts in a ceiling, panel, wall or table. It comes with an XLR-type connector and requires 12-48V phantom power.
Like the PZM-10, the PZM-11 resembles a light switch. It mounts in a standard electrical outlet box. The mic comes with a screw-terminal connector and requires 12-48V phantom power.
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