party USB host device
DANTE network
Unbalanced Input Wiring
Ground Signal Shield
Unbalanced Output Wiring
Crestron AviaTM Digital Signal Processors
The Crestron Avia™ DSP-860, DSP-1280, DSP-1281, DSP-1282, and DSP-1283 series of digital signal processors are functionally similar with varying
capabilities. For simplicity within this guide, the term “DSP” is used except where noted.
DO Install the Device
These devices occupy 1U of rack space. Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to attach the two included rack ears to the device, and then mount the device into the
rack using four mounting screws (not included).
DO Check the Box
2 Bracket, Rack Ear, 1U 2032122
1 Cable, USB 2.0, A - B, 6’ (1.83 m) 20149 6 6
1 Power Cord, 6' 7" (2 m) 20 0113 4
DSP-860 Only
14 Connector, 3-Pin 2003575
DSP-1280, DSP-1281, DSP-1282 , and DSP-1283 Only
20 Connector, 3-Pin 2003575
From microphone or
other audio sources
To audio ampliers or
other mixer inputs
To VOIP network
ac power outlet
DO Connect the Device
Make the necessary connections as called out in the following diagrams. Connect power last.
Rear Panel
From microphone or
other audio sources
From microphone or
other audio sources
To audio ampliers or
other mixer inputs
To audio ampliers or
other mixer inputs
Ethernet to LAN
Ethernet to LAN
ac power outlet
ac power outlet
To Crestron RL
From microphone or
other audio sources
NOTE: Ensure that the computer that is running the Crestron Avia Audio tool and the DSP are on the same subnet.
Observe the following when connecting devices that are equipped with Dante® network capability (DSP-1281 and DSP-1283):
• DANTE PRI ports should be connected to a gigabit switch serving the primary Dante network.
• (Optional) DANTE SEC ports should be connected to a gigabit switch serving the secondary Dante network.
• The primary Dante network should never mix with the secondary Dante network.
If unbalanced connections are required, refer to the following diagrams.
To audio ampliers or
other mixer inputs
To Crestron RL system or third-
system or third-party
To secondary
To primary
DANTE network
To phone line
To VOIP network
To phone line
ac power outlet
From microphone or
other audio sources
To audio ampliers or
other mixer inputs
To primary
DANTE™ network
To secondary DANTE network
Ethernet to LAN
ac power outlet
Front Panel
CAUTION : When connecting a Windows® 7 or Windows 8 computer to the COMPUTER port for the rst time, make sure the computer has a live connection
to the Internet. For more information, refer to Answer ID 5745 in the Online Help section of the Crestron website (support.crestron.com).
NOTE: The front panel’s COMPUTER port can be used to directly connect a computer running the Crestron Avia Audio tool, bypassing the LAN connection.
Direct computer connection to device
DSP-1281 and DSP-1283

DO Download the Crestron Avia Audio Tool
DSPs use the Crestron Avia Audio tool for conguration and operation. Download the Crestron Avia Audio tool from www.crestron.com/software.
DO Congure the Device
Once the DSPs are connected to the same subnet as the host PC running the Crestron Avia Audio tool, start the Crestron Avia Audio tool and perform the
1. Click Add New Network DSP, located in the left-hand work space.
2. Click Ethernet to launch the device discovery function. A list of units found on the subnet is displayed.
NOTE: If a DSP is not listed, verify that all connections have been made and that all devices and the computer running the Crestron Avia Audio tool are on the
same subnet.
DO Operate the Device
Apply Power
When power is applied to the device, the PWR LED on the front panel displays the following:
• Green - Normal operation.
• Amber - Device is booting up.
• Amber/Green (Cycling) - No network connection.
Adjust Settings
Use the Crestron Avia Audio tool to control the device.
NOTE: When connecting to the DSP over Ethernet, ensure that the computer and device are on the same subnet.
Monitor Input and Output Levels (DSP-1281 and DSP-1283 Only)
Use the front panel’s analog VU meters to monitor input and output levels.
Reset the Device
Press RESET on the front panel to restart the device.
DO Connect to Crestron XiO Cloud Service (Optional)
The Crestron XiO Cloud™ service allows supported Crestron devices across an enterprise to be managed and congured from one central and secure
location in the cloud. Supported devices are precongured to connect to the service. Use of the service requires a registered Crestron XiO Cloud account.
NOTE: The device can be disconnected from the service from the Cloud Services tab in Crestron Toolbox™ software (Functions > Device Info > Cloud
Services). For details, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help le.
To connect the device to the Crestron XiO Cloud service:
1. Record the MAC address and serial number that are labeled on the shipping box or rear panel of the device. The MAC address and serial number
are required in order to add the device to the Crestron XiO Cloud environment.
2. Do either of the following:
• Access the Crestron XiO Cloud service at https://portal.crestron.io.
• Register for a Crestron XiO Cloud account at www.crestron.com/xiocloud.
For detailed information about using the Crestron XiO Cloud service, refer to the Crestron XiO Cloud Service User Guide (Doc. 8214) at
As of the date o f manufacture, th e produc ts have bee n tested an d found to comply with s pecications f or CE mark ing.
This pro duct is Li sted to app licabl e UL® Stand ards and r equire ments tes ted by Underwrit ers Lab oratories Inc.
Ce produ it est hom ologué s elon les n ormes et l es exige nces UL ap plicab les par Un derwr iters Laborato ries Inc.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Compliance Statement
This devi ce compl ies with pa rt 15 of the FCC Rules. Op eration is subje ct to the foll owing con ditions:
(1) This device m ay not cause harmf ul inter ferenc e and (2) this d evice mus t accept any inter ference receive d, including inte rfere nce that ma y cause un desire d
CAUTION: Changes or mo dicati ons not exp ressly approved by t he manufacture r respon sible for c ompliance coul d void the us er’s author ity to operate the
NOTE: This eq uipment has bee n tested an d found to co mply with t he limits f or a Class A d igital d evice, pur suant to part 15 of the FC C Rules. T hese limi ts
are desi gned to prov ide reasonable p rotection again st harmful inter ference in a resid ential install ation. Th is equip ment gen erates, u ses and can radiat e radio
freque ncy ener gy and, if no t installed and us ed in accordanc e with the in struct ions, may c ause har mful interfere nce to radio commun icatio ns. However, the re is
no guara ntee that i nterfe rence will not occu r in a particular i nstall ation.
If this equ ipment d oes caus e harmful inter ference t o radio or te levisio n recept ion, whic h can be dete rmined by turning t he equipment off a nd on, the user is
encour aged to try to corre ct the interfere nce by one or more of the f ollowing m easures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increa se the sepa ration betwee n the equip ment and receive r.
• Connec t the equipment into a n outlet on a circui t differ ent from th at to which the recei ver is connected.
DO Learn More
Visit the website for additional information and the latest rmware updates. To learn more about this product, use a QR reader application on
your mobile device to scan the QR images.
Crestron Electronics
15 Volvo Drive, Rockleigh, NJ 07647
888.CRESTRON | www.crestron.com
FCC Compliance Information (DSP-1283 and DSP-1282 only)
• Consul t the deale r or an experienc ed radio/ TV technici an for help.
• This equ ipment c omplies w ith Part 68 of Feder al Communicati ons Comm ission ( FCC) rule s and requ irement s adopted by Americ a’s Carri ers
Telecommu nicatio ns Association ( ACTA). Each r egister ed interface ha s a label th at conta ins, amo ng other in formati on, a product iden tier in th e format
US: CTUMM 00BDM PS3300 AEC. If requ ested, provide thi s information to the te lephone compan y.
• If this equ ipment c auses ha rm to the telephone ne twork, the telep hone comp any may temporari ly disco ntinue se rvice. If possi ble, advan ce notication is
given; othe rwise, notica tion is given as soon a s possible. The tel ephone company wi ll advise the custom er of the right to le a co mplaint w ith the FCC.
• The telep hone company may ma ke change s in its facilities , equipm ent, ope rations , or procedures th at could affect t he prope r operat ion of this e quipme nt.
Advance n oticat ion and th e oppor tunity to m aintain uninter rupted servic e are given .
• If experi encing difcul ty with this equip ment, pl ease con tact man ufacturer for rep air and warrant y informa tion. The telepho ne compa ny may requi re this
equipm ent to be dis connec ted from the networ k until the problem i s corre cted, or it i s cert ain the equ ipment is not malfu nctioning.
• This unit c ontains no user-s ervic eable parts.
• This equ ipment is d esigned to conne ct to the telephone n etwork o r premis es wiring u sing an FCC-com patible m odular ja ck, which is compl iant with Pa rt
68 and req uirements adopte d by ACTA.
• The ring er equiva lence number (RE N) is useful in deter mining the quanti ty of devic es you may connect to yo ur telephone line a nd still have all of thos e
devices r ing when your numbe r is called. In most a reas, the sum of the RE Ns of all devi ces should not exce ed ve. To be cer tain of the number of d evices
you may conn ect to your line as dete rmined by the REN, ca ll your telephone c ompany to de termine the maxi mum REN for yo ur calling area.
• This equ ipment m ay not be use d on coin service p rovided by the telep hone company. Conne ction to pa rty lines is subj ect to state tarif fs. Contact your
state public utility commission or corporation commission for information.
Industry Canada (IC) Compliance Statement
REN IC 0.1 (DSP-1283 and DSP-1282 onl y)
This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical specications.
The Ring er Equival ence Number (REN ) is an indication of t he maximum numbe r of devices allowed t o be conne cted to a telephone in terface. The ter mination of
an inter face may consist of a ny combination of de vices su bject on ly to the req uireme nt that the s um of the REN s of all the dev ices not exceed ve.
Le prése nt matériel est co nforme au x specication s techniques app licable s d’Industrie Can ada. L’indice d’équ ivalenc e de la sonnerie (IES ) sert à in diquer le
nombre ma ximal de termin aux qui peu vent être raccord és à une interfac e télépho nique. La termina ison d’une interfa ce peut consiste r en une combinais on
quelco nque de dis positifs, à la seu le condi tion que la s omme d’indi ces d’équivalence d e la sonne rie de tous les dispo sitifs n’excède pas cin q.
ACTA Compliance Information
REN US 0.1B (DSP-1283 and DSP-1282 only)
The Ring er Equival ence Number (REN ) indicates the ma ximum number of dev ices all owed to be con nected to a telepho ne inter face. The termina tion of an
interf ace may co nsist of an y combina tion of devices sub ject onl y to the requ irement t hat the sum of the RENs of a ll the devices not exce ed ve.
Rack Mounting Safety Precautions
• Elevated Operating Ambient Temperature: If installed in a cl osed or mu lti-unit rack as sembly, the o perati ng ambie nt temper ature of the rack envi ronmen t
may be grea ter than room ambie nt temperature. T herefore, consi deration should b e given to installin g the equipment in an e nvironment comp atible with
the maxi mum ambient tempe rature (Tma) speci ed by the manufact urer.
• Reduced Airow: Insta llation of the equip ment in a rack shoul d be such th at the amou nt of airow requi red for saf e operation of the eq uipment is not
• Mechanical Loading: Mounting of the equipment in the rack should be such that a hazardous condition is not achieved due to uneven mechanical loading.
• Circuit Overloading: Conside ration should be g iven to the co nnecti on of the equ ipment to the suppl y circuit a nd the effect that o verload ing of the ci rcuits
might have on overcurrent protection and supply wiring. Appropriate consideration of equipment nameplate ratings should be used when addressing this
• Reliable Earthing: Reliable earthing of rack-mounted equipment should be maintained. Particular attention should be given to supply connections other
than dire ct connection s to the bran ch circui t (e.g., use of power strip s).
Electrical Connection
“This pr oduct mu st be connected to a n earth ed mains s ocket-outlet.”
• Finland: “Laite on liitettävä suojamaadoituskoskettimilla varustettuun pistorasiaan.”
• Norway: “Appar atet må tilkoples jo rdet stik kontakt.”
• Sweden: “Apparaten sk all anslutas til l jordat ut tag.”
The speci c patents that c over Crestron pro ducts are listed a t www.crestron.com/legal/patents.
The produ ct warranty ca n be found at www.crestron.com/legal/sales-terms-conditions-warranties.
Certa in Crestron pro ducts contain op en source soft ware. For speci c information, vi sit www.crestron.com/legal/open-source-software.
Crestr on, the Crestron l ogo, Crestron Av ia, Crestron R L, Crestron Toolb ox, and Crestro n XiO Cloud are eith er trademarks or re gistered tradema rks of Crestro n Electronics, I nc., in the United St ates
and/or ot her countries. Da nte is either a trad emark or registere d trademark of Audi nate Pty Ltd. in t he United State s and/or other coun tries. Windows i s either a trademar k or registered tra demark
of Micros oft Corpora tion in the United S tates and/or ot her countries. U L and the UL logo ar e either trademar ks or registered t rademarks of Und erwriters La boratories, I nc. in the United St ates and/
or other cou ntries. Othe r trademarks, re gistered tradem arks, and trade n ames may be used in this do cument to refer to ei ther the entiti es claiming the mark s and names or their pro ducts. Crest ron
disclaims a ny proprietary i nterest in the mark s and names of other s. Crestron is no t responsible for er rors in typogra phy or photograph y.
This docum ent was written by t he Technical Publicat ions departmen t at Crestron. ©2 018 Crestron Elec tronics, Inc.
DOC. 7647G (2040694) 06.18
Specic ations subject to c hange without not ice.