2700 MAX PSi*
2.3 MAXGPiVi
iViodelNo. 580.752521
,, Safety
HOURS: IVlon.- Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CT)
,, Assembly
,, Operation
Beforeusing this product, readthis
manualand follow all Safety Rules
and Operatinginstructions.
* This pressure washer is rated in accordanceto the PressureWasher Manufacturers Association
(PWMA) standard PWI01 (Testing and Rating Performance of Pressure Washers).
* Esta limpiadora a presiOnest_ clasificada conforme a la norma PWl01 (comprobaciOn y clasificaciOn de rendimiento de limpiadoras
a presiOn)de laAsociaciOn defabricantes de bombas a presiOn(Pressure WasherManufacturers Association, PWMA).
SearsBrands ManagementCorporation,HoffrnanEstates,IL 60179 U.S.A.
Visit our Craftsman website: www.craftsman.com
Part No. 314207GS Draft - (12/06/2010)
Antes de utilizar el producto, leaeste
manualy siga todas las Reglasde
Seguridad e Instrucciones de Uso.
,, Parts
,, Espafiol, p. 34

WARRANTY .......................................... 2
REPAIRPROTECTIONAGREEMENT........................ 2
SAFETYRULES...................................... 3-5
FEATURESAND CONTROLS.............................. 6
ASSEMBLY........................................ 7-11
OPERATION....................................... 12-16
SPECIFICATIONS..................................... 17
MAINTENANCE.................................... 18-22
STORAGE........................................... 23
TROUBLESHOOTING.................................. 24
NOTES............................................. 25
REPLACEMENTPARTS.............................. 26-31
EMISSIONCONTROLWARRANTY ..................... 32-33
ESPANOL......................................... 34-59
HOWTO ORDERPARTS ........................ BACKPAGE
FORTWOYEARSfrom the date of purchase,this product is warranted againstanydefects in material or workmanship.
Defectiveproduct will receivefree repair or replacement if repair is unavailable.
Forwarranty coveragedetails to obtainfree repair or replacement,visit the web site: www.craftsman.com
This warranty does not cover the spray guns, hoses, nozzleextensions,nozzles,filters and spark plugs, which are expendable
parts that can wearout from normal usewithin the warranty period.
This warranty isvoid if this product is ever usedwhile providing commercial services or if rentedto another person.
This warranty gives you specific legalrights, andyou may also haveother rights which vary from state to state.
SearsBrandsManagementCorporation,HoffmanEstates,IL 60179
Congratulations on making a smart purchase.
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Onceyou purchasethe Repair Protection Agreement,a
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You cancall anytimeday or night, or schedulea service
appointment online.
The Repair ProtectionAgreement is a risk-free purchase. If
you cancelfor any reasonduring the product warranty
period,we will provide a full refund.Or, a prorated refund
anytime after the product warranty period expires. Purchase
your RepairProtectionAgreement today!
Some limitations and exclusions apply. Forpricesand
additional informationin the U.S.A. call 1-800-827-6655.
* Coverage in Canada varies on someitems. Forfull
details, call Sears Canadaat 1-800-361-6665.
Sears Installation Service
ForSears professional installation of home appliances,
garagedoor openers,water heaters,and other major home
items, inthe U.S.A.or Canadacall 1-800-4-1VlY-HOIVlE®.
© 2011

Readthis manualcarefully and becomefamiliar
with yourpressurewasher. Knowitsapplications,
itslimitations, and any hazardsinvolved.
Safety Symbols and Meanings
WARNING The engine exhaustfrom this product
contains chemicals known to the Stateof California to
cause cancer,birth defects,or other reproductive harm.
A WARNING This product contains leadand lead
compounds, known to the Stateof Californiato cause
birth defects or other reproductive harm. Washyour
handsafter handling this product.
Operator'sManual ToxicFumes
2 5-
SlipperySurface Fail
MovingParts Flying Objects Hot Surface
,A. Thesafetyalertsymbol indicatesa potential personal
injury hazard.A signalword (DANGER,WARNING,or
CAUTION)is usedwith the alertsymbol to designatea
degreeor levelof hazardseriousness. A safety symbol may
be usedto representthe typeof hazard.The signalword
NOTICEis usedto address practices not relatedto personal
_iLBANGERindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, will
result in deathor serious injury.
_iLWARNINGindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in deathor serious injury.
A. CAUTIONindicates ahazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICEaddress practices not relatedto personal injury.
Explosion Kickback Projectile
,A. WARNING Running engine gives off carbon
monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas.
_ reathing carbon monoxide could result in death,
serious injury, headache, fatigue, dizziness,
vomiting, confusion, seizures, nausea or fainting.
Some chemicals or detergents could be harmful if inhaled
or ingested, resulting in death, serious injury, nausea,
fainting or poisoning.
• Operatethis product ONLY outdoors.
• Keepexhaustgas from enteringa confined areathrough
windows, doors, ventilationintakes,or other openings.
• DO NOToperatethis product inside any building, carport,
porch, mobile equipment, marineapplications, or enclosure,
evenif windows and doors areopen.
• Usea respirator or maskwheneverthere is a chancethat
vapors may be inhaledwhen using chemicals.
• Readall instructions with mask so you arecertain the mask will
provide the necessaryprotection against inhaling harmful
vapors when using chemicals.
,A. WARNING ChemicalBurn Hazard.
Chemicalscould causeburns resulting in death,
_ serious injury, property damage.
• DONOTusecausticliquidwithpressurewasher.
• UseONLYpressurewashersafedetergents/soaps.Followall

,&. WARNING Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) will
pull hand and arm toward engine faster than you
,_can let go which could cause broken bones,
fractures, bruises, or sprains resulting in serious
• NEVERpull starter cord without first relieving spraygun
• When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistance isfelt
andthen pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
• After each starting attempt, where enginefails to run, always
point spray gun insafe direction, press red button and squeeze
spray gun trigger to releasehigh pressure.
• Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high
pressure sprayto avoid injury when spraygun kicks back.
_i_WARNING Risk of electrocution.
'_.ml Contactwith power sourcecould causeelectric
shock or burn resulting in death or serious injury.
• NEVERspraynearpowersource.
_i_WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
this equipment produces could cut through skin
injury and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which could result in
serious injury.
• If cut byfluid, call physician immediately. DONOTtreat as a
simple cut.
• DONOTallow CHILDRENto operatepressure washer.
• NEVERrepair high pressure hose.Replaceit.
• NEVERrepair leaking connections with sealantof any kind.
Replaceo-ring or seal.
• NEVERconnect highpressure hose to nozzleextension.
• Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pump and spraygun
while system is pressurized.
• DO NOTlift or tilt surface cleanerfrom horizontalsurface while
connectedto spray gun. Releasespray gun trigger prior to
lifting or tilting.
• ALWAYS pointspray gun in safedirection, pressred button
andsqueezespray guntrigger to releasehigh pressure, every
time you stop engine.
• NEVERaim spray gun at people,animals, or plants.
• DO NOTsecure spray gun in open position.
• DO NOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machine is running.
• NEVERuseaspray gun which does nothave a trigger lock or
trigger guard in placeand in working order.
• Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare
correctly attached.
,A WARNING Fuel and its vapors are extremely flammable
and explosive which could cause burns,
fire or explosion resulting in death,
serious injury and/or property damage.
• Turn pressurewasher engineOFFand let it cool at least2
minutes before removingfuel cap. Loosen cap slowly to relieve
pressure in tank.
• Fill or drain fuel tank outdoors.
• DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
• If fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
• Keepfuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
• Checkfuel lines, tank, capandfittings frequently for cracks or
leaks. Replaceif necessary.
• DONOTlight a cigaretteor smoke.
• Ensurespark plug, muffler,fuel cap,and air cleanerarein place.
• DO NOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
• DO NOToperatethis product insideany building, carport,
porch, mobile equipment, marineapplications, or enclosure.
• DONOTtip engine or equipmentat angle which causes fuel to
• DONOTspray flammable liquids.
• Transport/move/repair with fuel tank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff
• DONOTtip engine or equipmentat angle which causes fuel to
• Disconnectspark plug wire.
• Store awayfrom furnaces, stoves,water heaters,clothes
dryers, or other appliancesthat have pilot light or other ignition
source becausethey could ignitefuel vapors.
,A. WARNING Exhaust heat/gases could ignite
combustibles, structures or damage fuel
tank in
causing a fire, resulting death,
serious injury and/or property damage.
Contact with muffler area could cause burns resulting in
serious injury.
• DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaust gases.
• Allow equipmentto cool beforetouching.
• Keepat least5 feet (1.5 m) of clearanceon all sides of pressure
washer including overhead.
• it is a violation of CaliforniaPublic ResourceCode, Section
4442, to use oroperate the engine on anyforest-covered,
brush-covered, orgrass-covered landunlessthe exhaust
system is equippedwith a spark arrester,as definedin Section
4442, maintained in effective working order. Otherstates or
federaljurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain a spark arrester designed for the exhaust system
installed onthis engine.
• Replacement parts must bethe same and installed in the same
position as the original parts.

_1_WARNING Use of pressure washer could create
Kickback from spray gun could cause you to fall resulting
in death or serious injury.
• Operatepressurewasher from a stablesurface.
• Thecleaning areashould haveadequateslopes and drainageto
reducethe possibility of a fall due to slippery surfaces.
• Beextremely carefulif you must usethe pressurewasher from
a ladder,scaffolding, orany other similar location.
• Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high
pressure sprayto avoid injury when spraygun kicks back.
puddles and slippery surfaces causing
_ you to fall resulting in death or serious
1- injury.
,& WARNING Riskof eyeor bodily injury.
Spraycould splash back or propel
objects resulting in serious injury.
• Always wear indirect vented (chemical splash) safety goggles
markedto comply with ANSIZ87.1 when usingor in vicinity of
this equipment.
• NEVERsubstitute safety glasses or dry-condition goggles for
indirect vented safety goggles.
• Always wear protectiveclothing such as a long-sleevedshirt,
long pantsand close-toed shoes.
• NEVERoperatepressure washer when barefootor wearing
sandalsor shorts.
_1_WARNING Unintentionalsparking could causefire or
'_,dh electric shock resulting in death or
serious injury.
* Disconnectthesparkplugwirefromthe sparkplugandplace
thewirewhereit cannotcontactsparkplug.
* Useapprovedsparkplugtester.
* DONOTcheckfor sparkwith sparkplugremoved.
_i_WARNING Starter and other rotating parts could
resulting in serious injury.
entangle hands, hair, clothing, or accessories
* NEVERoperate pressure washer without protective housing or
. DO NOTwear looseclothing, jewelry or anything that could be
caught in the starter or other rotating parts.
. Tieup long hairand removejewelry.
,& CAUTION Excessively high operating speeds could
result in minor injury and/or pressure washer damage.
Excessively low speeds impose a heavy load.
• DO NOTtamper with governor spring, links or other partsto
increase enginespeed. Pressurewasher supplies correct rated
pressure and flow when running at governed speed.
• DO NOTmodify pressure washer in any way.
NOTICE High pressurespray could damagefragile items
including glass.
• DONOTpointspraygunat glasswhenusingMAXspraypattern
in selectornozzle.
= NEVERaim spray gun at plants.
NOTICE improper treatment of pressure washer could
damage it and shorten its life.
• If you havequestions about intended use,ask dealeror contact
qualified service center.
• NEVERoperateunits with broken or missing parts, or without
protective housing or covers.
• DO NOTby-pass any safetydevice on this machine.
• DONOTtamper with governedspeed.
• DONOToperate pressurewasher above ratedpressure.
• DONOTmodify pressurewasher in any way.
• Beforestarting pressure washer in cold weather,check all parts of
the equipment to be sure icehas notformed there.
• NEVERmove machine by pulling on hoses.Use handleprovided
on unit.
• This equipment is designedto be used with Searsauthorized parts
ONLY.If equipmentis used with parts that DONOTcomply with
minimum specifications, user assumesall risksand liabilities.

Readthe Operator'sManual and safetyrules before operating your pressure washer.
Compare the illustrations with your pressure washer to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
A- AccessoryTray-- Provides convenient storage for accessories,
such as gun, nozzleextension, etc.
B- HoseWrap and High PressureHose-- Hosewrap provides
easytransport and handling of the high pressure hose.Connect
one endof hose to water pump and the other end to spray gun.
C- Recoil Starter-- Usedfor starting the engine manually.
D - ProjectPro@ PerfectMWMSiphon -- Mixes concentrate with
pressure washer spray.
E- Oil Fill/Dipstick -- Check,addand drain engine oil here.
F - Bottle Bracket -- Cleaning solution bottle fits in wire form
bracket here. Concentratebottle not included.
G - EngineIdentiDcation-- Provides model, type and code of
engine. Pleasehavethese readilyavailable if calling for
H - Water Inlet -- Connection for garden hose.
J - Pump-- Developshigh pressure.
K- AutomaticCool DownSystem -- Cycleswaterthrough pump
when water reaches125°-155°F. Warm water will dischargefrom
pump onto ground. This system preventsinternalpump damage.
L - DetergentSiphoning Tube/Filter-- Useto siphonpressurewasher
safedetergentsintothe low pressurestream.
IVi- EngineRockerSwitch -- Pushthis switch to on position (I or
ON) before using recoil starter. Push switch to off position (0
or OFF)for shutting off engine.
N - Selector Nozzle -- Contains five different spray pattern nozzles
for various applications.
P - Air Filter -- Protects engineby filtering dust and debris out of
R - Fuel Tank-- Fill tank with regular unleadedfuel. Always leave
room for fuel expansion.
S - NozzleExtensionwith QuickConnect-- Allows you to switch
betweenselector nozzleand optional nozzleaccessories.
T - Fold DownHandle-- Handleand accessorytray fold fiat atop
cold engine for space-saving storage.
U- Spray Gun-- Controls the application of water onto cleaning
surface with trigger device,includes trigger lock.
items Not Shown:
identificationLabel (near rear of base plate) -- Provides model
and serial number of pressurewasher. Pleasehavethese readily
available if calling for assistance.
HighPressure Outlet-- Connectionfor high pressurehose.
Warning/Operating instructionsTag-- Identifieshazardsand proper
procedureto start/stop pressurewasher.

Your pressurewasher requires someassembly and is ready
for useonly after it has been properly servicedwith the
recommendedoil andfuel.
If you haveany problemswith theassemblyof your
pressurewasher, pleasecall the pressurewasher helpline
at 1=800-222-3136.
1. Removeeverythingfrom carton except pressurewasher.
2. Opencarton completely by cutting eachcorner from top
to bottom.
3. Removepressure washer from carton.
Checkall contents. If anyparts are missing or damaged,call
the pressure washer helplineat 1-800-222-3136.
• Main Unit
• Handle
• AccessoryTray
• High PressureHose
• Spray Gun
• NozzleExtensionwith QuickConnect Fitting
• Quick Connect Selector Nozzle
• Oil Bottle
• HoseWrap
• DetergentSiphoning Hose/Filter
• Bottle Bracket Wireform
• PerfectMWMSiphoning Unit/Hose
• Parts Bag(which includesthe following):
• Operator's Manual
• Owner's Registration Card
• HandleFasteningHardwareKit (whichincludes):
• HandleBolts (2)
• CarriageBolt (1)
• Rope Guide(1)
• Plastic Knobs for Handle(2)
• Plastic Knob (2)
• TreeClips (4)
Becomefamiliar with eachpiece beforeassembling the
pressure washer, identify all contents with the illustration on
page 6. if any parts are missing or damaged, call the
pressure washer helpline at1-800-222-3136.
6. Connectpressure hose to spray gun and pump.
7. Connectwater supply to pump.
8. Attach nozzleextension to spraygun.
9. Attach quick connect selector nozzleto nozzleextension.
Attach Handleand AccessoryTray
1. Placehandle(A) onto handle supports (B) connectedto
main unit. Make sure holes (C) in handlealign with holes
(C) on handlesupports.
insert handlecarriagebolts (D) through holes from
inside of unit and attach a plastic knob (E) from outside
of unit. Tighten by hand. By loosening both knobs to the
middle section of the attachmentbolt, the upper handle
canfold forward to store fiat atop the cold engine.
NOTICE DONOTfold the handledown while the engine is
3. Placeaccessory tray (F) over holes (6) on handle
(viewing from backof unit). Pushthe tree clips (H) into
the holes until they sit fiat against the accessorytray.
Your Craftsmanpressure washer will needassembly before
1. Fill outand sendin registration card.
2. Attach handle andaccessory tray.
3. Connectdetergent siphon hoseto pump.
4. Add oil to engine crankcase.
5. Add fuel to fuel tank.
insert supplied accessories in spacesprovided in
accessorytray. See How to UseAccessory Tray.

Attach rope guide (A)through handlewith plastic knob
(B). Tighten by hand. Route enginerecoil rope through
Align hosewrap (C)to the backside of accessorytray.
Locate notch with "unlock"icon (B) on hosewrap.
Position notch at top with hosewrap in vertical position.
Clips in the backof accessorytray should slide into the
grooves on the inside surface of hosewrap. Slide hose
wrap on back of accessorytray and rotate 1/8 turn until
"locked"icon (E) is in vertical position. Hosewrap is
easily removed from the accessorytray for wrapping and
unwrapping of the high pressurehose.A clip to secure
the hose on the reel makesit easyto wrap the hose
while it is detachedfrom the accessorytray.
The pressure washeris equipped with two detergent
siphoning hoses.
Project Pro PerfectMW MSiphon
Bluetube with bluebottle cap:
When using the blue PerfectMixTMsiphon, use
the PerfectMixTMExtreme Concentratestraight
from the bottle.
Standard Siphon Tube
Cleartube with filter:
Whenusing the clearsiphon tube, dilute
1 part PerfectlViixTMExtremeConcentrate
to 16 parts water (4 oz of concentrate
makes1/2 gallon of mix.)
Attach Project Pro® PerfectiVIWMSiphon to
Attach the hose endof the blue PerfectMixTMSiphon (J) to
the barbed hose fitting (l{) on the pump.
Attach bottle bracket (F) to handle with carriage bolt (6)
and blackplastic knob (N). Tighten by hand.
Attach PerfectiVlixTMDetergentSiphon to
PlacePerfectMixTMbottle (not included) in the wire-form
bracketon the handle. Removecap from bottleand insertthe
PerfectMixTMSiphon (L). Screwthe siphon unit to the top of
the bottle (M). Usethe clip on the cap (L) to snapsiphon to
wire form bracket when siphon is not in a concentrate bottle.

Add EngineOil
1. Placepressure washer on aflat, levelsurface.
2. Cleanarea around oil fill and remove yellow oil fill
3. Using oil funnel (optional), slowly pour contents of
supplied oil into oil fill opening, frequently checking oil
NOTICE Improper treatment of pressure washer could
damage it and shorten its life.
• DO NOTattempt to crank or start the engine beforeit has been
properly servicedwith the recommendedoil. This could result in
an enginefailure.
4. Replaceoil fill cap/dipstick and fully tighten.
Fuel must meet theserequirements:
• Clean,fresh, unleadedgasoline.
• A minimum of 87 octane/87 AKi (91 RON).High altitude
use, see HighAltitude.
• Gasolinewith up to 10% ethanol (gasohol) or up to 15%
MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) is acceptable.
NOTICE Avoid pressurewasher damage.
Failureto follow Operator's Manualfor fuel
recommendations voids warranty.
• DONOTuseunapprovedgasolinesuchasE85.
• DONOTmixoil in gasoline.
• DONOTmodifyengineto runonalternatefuels.
A WARNING Fuelandits vapors areextremelyflammable
and explosivewhich could causeburns,
fire or explosionresulting indeath,
serious injury and/orproperty damage.
• Turn pressurewasher engine OFFand let it cool at least2
minutes beforeremoving fuel cap. Loosen cap slowly to relieve
pressure in tank.
• Fill fuel tank outdoors.
• DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
• If fuel spills,wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
• Keepfuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
• Checkfuel lines, tank, capandfittings frequently for cracks or
leaks. Replaceif necessary.
• DONOTlight a cigarette orsmoke.
To protect the fuel system from gum formation, mix in a fuel
stabilizerwhen addingfuel. See Storage.All fuel is not the
same.If you experiencestarting or performance problems
after using fuel, switch to a different fuel provider or change
brands. This engine is certified to operateon gasoline.The
emission control system for this engine is EM(Engine
1. Cleanareaaround fuel fill cap, removecap.
2. Slowly add regular unleadedfuel (A) to fuel tank (B). Be
careful not to overfill. To allow for fuel expansion,do not
fill abovethe bottom of the fuel tank neck.
3. Install fuel cap andwait for any spilledfuel to evaporate.
CAUTION! Alcohol-blended fuels (called gasohol, ethanol or
methanol) canattract moisture, which leadsto separation and
formation of acids during storage.Acidic gascandamagethe
fuel system of an enginewhile in storage.
To avoidengine problems, the fuel system shouldbe treated
with a fuel preserveror emptied beforestorage of 30 daysor
longer. If adding a fuel preserver,fill the fuel tank with fresh
fuel. If only partially filled, air in the tank will promote fuel
deterioration during storage. Iffuel preserver is not used,
drain the fuel tank, start the engineand let it run until the fuel
lines andcarburetor are empty. Usefresh fuel next season.
SeeStoragefor additional information.
NEVERuse engineor carburetor cleaner products in the fuel
tank as permanent damagemay occur.
At altitudes over 5,000 feet(1524 meters), a minimum
85 octane / 85 AKi (89 RON)gasolineis acceptable.To
remainemissions compliant, high altitude adjustment is
required. Operationwithout this adjustmentwiii cause
decreasedperformance, increasedfuel consumption, and
increasedemissions. Seea qualified Searsdealerfor high
altitude adjustment information. Operationof the engine at
altitudes below 2,500 feet(762 meters) with the high altitude
kit is not recommended.

FreshStart@ Fuel Cap
The FreshStart@fuel cap (A) is designed to hold a
cartridge (B) which containsfuel preserver. Adding fuel
preserver helps keepfuel fresh and carburetors cleanfor
easierstarting aii season long. The FreshStart@fuel cap, if
equipped with a cartridge, automatically drips concentrated
fuel preserverinto your fuel tank so you don't haveto add it
NOTICE FreshStart@ fuel preservercartridge is availableas
an optional accessory, retail item 7133386. it is not included
with the pressurewasher. Contactthe original equipment
manufacturer, retailer,or dealerto obtain acartridge
designedfor the FreshStart@ fuel cap installed on this
Readand follow all instructions andwarnings given inthe
FreshStart@fuel preservercartridge package.
Lubricate O-Rings
Lubrication of o-rings is extremely important for installation
and operation. The useof a lubricant (petroleum or synthetic
grease)during assembly helpsseat o-rings properly and
provides animproved seal. It also helps protect the o-ring
from damageby abrasion, pinching or cutting and extends
the life of the o-ring.
NOTICE ALWAYSapply a small amount of lubricant on
o-rings prior to assemblingthe gardenhose to the pump (C),
high pressurehose(D), spray gun (E), and nozzle
Lubricateall connectionsshownbelow, following these
1. inspect and clean connecting surfacesprior to
lubrication and assembly.
2. Use lubricants sparingly during assembly; a light film is
all that is required.
3. Use a small brush or cotton swab to apply grease
directly to o-rings wherethey are not accessible(QC
fitting, M22 fitting).

ConnectHoseandWater Supply to Pump
NOTICE DONOTrun the pump without the water supply
connectedand turned on.
= Damagetoequipmentresultingfrom failuretofollowthis
4. Runwater through garden hosefor 30 secondsto flush
it of debris.Turn off water.
NOTICE DONOTsiphon standing water for the water
supply. Use ONLYcold water (less than 100°F).
5. Connectgarden hose(not to exceed50 feet in length) to
water inlet. Tightenby hand.
NOTICE Removeand discardthe shipping capsfrom the
pump's high pressure outlet and water inlet before attaching
1. Uncoil high pressurehose and attachone end of hoseto
baseof spray gun. Tighten by hand.
,& WARNRNG The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
this equipment produces could cut through skin
injury and possible amputation.
= NEVERconnect high pressure hoseto nozzleextension.
= Keep high pressure hoseconnectedto pump and spraygun
while system is pressurized.
= Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare
correctly attached.
2. Attach other end of high pressure hoseto high pressure
outlet on pump. Tightenby hand.
NOTICE Using a OneWay Valve (vacuumbreaker or check
valve) at pump inlet could cause pump or inlet connector
= ThereMUSTbeat leasttenfeetofunrestrictedgardenhose
umbreakeror checkvalve.
• Damageto equipment resultingfrom failure to follow this instruc-
tion will void warranty.
,& WARNING Riskof eyeinjury.
Spray could splash back or propel objects
resulting in serious injury.
• Always wear indirect vented (chemical splash) safety goggles
markedto comply with ANSIZ87.1 when usingor in vicinity of
this equipment.
• NEVERsubstitute safety glasses or dry-condition goggles for
indirect vented safety goggles.
Turn ONthe water, press red button (B) on the gun and
squeezethe trigger to purge the pumpsystem of air and
Beforeconnecting garden hoseto water inlet, inspect
inlet screen (A). Cleanscreenif it contains debris or have
it replacedif damaged.DO NOTrunpressurewasher if
inlet screenis damaged or missing.
Checklist BeforeStarting Engine
Reviewthe unit to ensureyou haveperformedall of the
1. Besure to readSafetyRules and Operationsections
before using the pressurewasher.
2. Makesure handleis in placeand secure.
3. Checkthat oil has beenaddedto proper levelin engine
4. Add properfuel to fuel tank.
5. Checkfor proper hoseconnections (high pressureand
water supply) andthat there are no kinks, cuts, or
damageto the high pressurehose.
6. Provide properwater supply (not to exceed100%).

If you haveanyproblems operating your pressure washer,
pleasecall the pressure washerhelpline at 1-800-222-3136.
PressureWasher Clearance
_1_WARNING Exhaust heat/gasescould ignite
combustibles, structuresor damagefuel tank
causing afire, resultingin death,serious injury
and/or property damage.
= Keepat least5 ft. (152cm)clearanceonallsidesofpressure
Placepressure washer outdoors in an areathat will not
accumulate deadlyexhaust gas. DONOTplacepressure
washer where exhaustgas (A) could accumulate and enter
inside or be drawn into a potentially occupiedbuilding.
Ensureexhaust gas is kept awayfrom anywindows, doors,
ventilation intakes, or other openingsthat can allow exhaust
gasto collect in aconfined area. Prevailingwinds and air
currents should betaken into consideration when positioning
_1_WARNING Running engine gives off carbon
monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas.
_ Breathing carbon monoxide could result in death,
serious injury, headache, fatigue, dizziness,
vomiting, confusion, seizures, nausea or fainting.
• Operatethis product ONLY outdoors.
= Keep exhaustgas from entering a confined areathrough
windows, doors, ventilation intakes,or other openings.
• DO NOToperatethis product insideany building, carport,
porch, mobile equipment, marineapplications, or enclosure,
evenif windows and doors areopen.
To StartYour Pressure Washer
To startyour engine-powered pressurewasherfor the first
time, follow these instructions step-by-step. This information
alsoapplies wheneveryou start the engineafteryou havelet
the pressure washer sit idle for at leasta day.
1. Placepressurewasher outside nearan water source
capableof supplying water at aflow rate greaterthan
3.3 gallons per minute and no less than 20 PSi at
pressurewasher endof garden hose.
2. Checkthat high pressure hose is tightly connectedto
spray gun and pump. SeeAssembly for illustrations.
3. Makesure unit is in a levelposition.
4. Connectgarden hoseto water inlet on pressurewasher
NOTICE DONOTrun the pump without the watersupply
connectedand turned on.
= Damageto equipmentresultingfromfailureto followthis
instructionwill voidwarranty.
5. Turn ONthe water, pressred button on the gun and
squeezethe trigger to purge the pump system of air and
6. Attach nozzleextension to spraygun. Tighten by hand.
Pull backon collar of nozzleextension, insert selector
nozzleand releasecollar. Tug on selector nozzleto make
sure it is securelyin place. See How to UseSelector
Pushengine rocker switch (!) to on position (I or ON).

NOTICE Beforestarting the pressurewasher, be sureyou
are wearing safetygoggles asdescribed below.
A WARNING Risk of eye injury.
Spraycould splash back or propelobjects
resulting in serious injury.
* Always wear indirect vented(chemical splash) safetygoggles
markedto comply with ANSIZ87.1 when usingor in vicinity of
this equipment.
* NEVERsubstitute safety glasses or dry-condition goggles for
indirect vented safety goggles.
NOTICE This unit is equipped with a ReadyStart® engine.A
ReadyStart® engine meansthere is no priming or choking
9. Whenstarting engine, position yourself as
recommendedand grasp starter grip handle and pull
slowly until you feel someresistance. Then pull rapidly
to start engine.
A WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
this equipment produces could cut through skin
injury and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which could result in
serious injury.
* DONOTallow CHILDRENto operatepressure washer.
* Keephigh pressure hoseconnectedto pump and spraygun
while system is pressurized.
* NEVERaim spray gun at people,animals, or plants.
* DO NOTsecure spray gunin open position.
* DO NOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machineis running.
* NEVERuse aspray gun which doesnot have atrigger lock or
trigger guard inplace and in working order.
* Alwaysbe certainspray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare
correctly attached.
A WARNING Exhaust heat/gases could ignite
A WARNING Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) will
puii hand and arm toward engine faster than you
_< can let go which could cause broken bones,
fractures, bruises, or sprains resulting in serious
* NEVERpull starter cord without first relieving spraygun
* When starting engine,pull cord slowly until resistance isfelt
andthen pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
* After eachstarting attempt, where enginefails to run, always
point spray gun insafe direction, press red button and squeeze
spray gun trigger to releasehigh pressure.
* Firmly grasp spray gunwith both hands when using high
pressure sprayto avoid injury when spraygun kicks back.
10. Return recoil starter slowly. DONOT let rope"snap
back" againststarter.
11. Point spray gun ina safedirection, push the red button
to releasethe trigger lock, and pullthe trigger.
._ combustibles, structures or damage fuel
Contact with muffler area could cause burns resulting in
serious injury.
* DO NOTtouch hot parts andAVOIDhot exhaust gases.
* Allow equipmentto cool beforetouching.
* Keepat least5 feet (1.5 m) of clearanceon all sidesof pressure
washer including overhead.
* It is a violation of California PuNic ResourceCode, Section
4442, to use oroperate the engine on anyforest-covered,
brush-covered, orgrass-covered landunlessthe exhaust
system is equippedwith a spark arrester,as definedin Section
4442, maintained in effective working order. Otherstates or
federaljurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain a spark arrester designed for the exhaustsystem
installed onthis engine.
* Replacementparts must bethe same andinstalled inthe same
position as the original parts.
tank causing a fire, resulting in death,
serious injury and/or property damage.
Howto Stop YourPressureWasher
1. Release spray gun trigger and let engine idle for two
2. Pushengine rocker switch to off position (0 or OFF).
3. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction, push red
button andsqueezespray gun trigger to releaseretained
high water pressure.
A WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
this equipment produces could cut through skin
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
injury and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, evenwhen engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which could result in
serious injury.
* Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
* ALWAYSpointsprayguninsafedirection,pressredbutton
andsqueezesprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure,every

How to Use Accessory Tray
The unit is equippedwith an accessorytray with places to
store your spray gun and nozzleextension. Thereis also a
detachablehosewrap atthe back of the accessory tray to
hold your high pressurehose.
1. Placenozzleextension and selector nozzlethrough hole
on accessorytray on left side of unit.
/ / ..................... \" \ _" ',
i zj\', i
2. Placespray gun through hole on accessorytray on right
side of unit.
flOTICE You may also usethe spray gun holder on the
accessorytray to store your spray gun, nozzleextensionand
selector nozzleas shown in Featuresand Controls section.
3. Wrap high pressure hoseon hosewrap then attach hose
wrap to backof accessory tray.
4. Hook providedon back of accessorytrayfor safely
storing safety goggles.
Howto Use Selector Nozzle
Theselector nozzleallows you to switch betweenfive
different spray pattern nozzles.Spray patterns can be
changedwhile pressurewasher is running once spray gun
trigger safety lock is engaged.The spraypatterns vary as
shown below.
A WARNING The high pressurestream of water that
Followthese instructionsto changenozzle patterns:
1. Select desiredspray pattern:
* MAX- For stubborn or hard to reach surfacesuch
assecond story surfaces, paint removal,oil stains,
rust removalor other stubborn substances (tar,
gum, grease,wax, etc.).
GENERAl_- For most all purposecleaning such as
home siding, brick patios, wood decks, driveways
and sidewalks, garagefloors, etc..
DELICATE- Forgentle cleaningof cars/trucks,
boats, RV's, patiofurniture, lawn equipment, etc..
FLUSH- Forquick high flow clean up and long
reachcleaning of second story siding and windows.
SOAP- Forgeneralsoapapplications or to launch
soapto second story siding and windows.
2. Push button on selector nozzle,nozzledial will pop up.
3. Turndial untildesired spray pattern lines up with button
on selector nozzle.
4. Push dial in untilit locks into place.
Usage Tips
* For most effective cleaning,keep selector nozzlefrom
8 to 24 inches (20 to 61 cm) away from cleaning surface.
If you get selector nozzletoo close, especiallyusing a
high pressurespray pattern nozzle,you may damage
surface being cleaned.
DONOTget closer than 6 inches (15 cm) when cleaning
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
this equipment produces could cut through skin
injury and possible amputation.
• NEVERchangespraypatternswithoutthetriggerlockedonthe
• DONOTtwist selectornozzlewhilespraying.

AWARNING Chemical Burn Hazard.
j:_ Chemicalscould cause burns resulting indeath,
serious injury,and/or property damage.
• DONOTusecausticliquidwithpressurewasher.
• UseONLYpressurewashersafedetergents/soaps.Followall
Cleaning and Applying Detergentwiththe
Project Pro(E)PerfectMW MSiphon
To applyundiluted detergentusing the blue
PerfectMixTM siphon,follow these steps:
1. Reviewuse of selector nozzle.
2. Attach PerfectMWMsiphon hoseto
pump and PerfectMixTM concentrate
bottle. //
Cleaning and Applying Detergentwith
the StandardClear Siphon
To applydiluted detergent using the
standard clearsiphon tube, follow these
1. Reviewuse of selector nozzle.
2. Attach clear siphon hoseto barbedfitting on pump.
3. Mix detergentsolution as required by job.
4. Placesmall filter end of clear siphoning tube into
container with diluted solution as describedabove.
NOTICE DONOTinsert standard siphon hose in Extreme
Concentrate.Failure to dilute concentratewill causeexcessive
application and consumption of solution.
NOTICE Makesure the filter is fully submerged in fluid
while applying solution.
NOTICE Contact with the hot muffler could damage
detergent siphoning tube.
• When inserting the siphon into adetergent solution bottle, route
the tube so asto keep it from inadvertently contactingthe hot
3. Make sure SOAPspray pattern nozzleis selectedon
selector nozzle.
NOTICE Detergentcannot beapplied with the MAX,
GENERAL,DELICATEor FLUSHspray pattern nozzles.
4. Make sure gardenhose is connected to water inlet.
Checkthat high pressurehose is connected to spray gun
and pump.Turn on water.
NOTICE You must attach all hoses before you start the
• Starting theengine without all the hoses connected and without
the waterturned ON could damagethe pump.
• Damageto equipment resulting from failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.
5. Start enginefollowing instructions How to Start Your
Pressure Washer.
6. Apply detergent to a dry surface,starting at lower
portion of areato be washedand work upward, using
long, even,overlapping strokes.
7. Allow detergent to "soakin"for 3-5 minutes before
washing andrinsing. Reapplyas neededto prevent
surfacefrom drying. DO NOTallow detergentto dry on
(prevents streaking).
NOTICE Contact with the hot muffler could damage
detergent siphoning tube.
• When inserting the siphon into a detergentsolution bottle, route
the tube so asto keep it from inadvertently contacting the hot
5. Makesure SOAPspray pattern nozzleis selectedon
selector nozzle.
NOTICE Detergentcannot be applied with the MAX,
GENERAL,DELICATEor FLUSHspraypattern nozzles.
6. Makesure garden hose is connectedto water inlet.
Checkthat high pressure hose is connected to spray gun
and pump. Turn onwater.
NOTICE You must attach all hoses before you start the
• Startingthe enginewithout all the hoses connectedand without
the waterturned ONcould damagethe pump.
• Damageto equipment resultingfrom failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.
7. Start engine following instructions How to Start Your
Pressure Washer.
8. Apply detergentto a dry surface,starting at lower
portion of areato be washed and work upward, using
long, even, overlappingstrokes.
9. Allow detergent to "soakin"for 3-5 minutes before
washing and rinsing. Reapplyas neededto prevent
surfacefrom drying. DONOTallow detergentto dry on
(prevents streaking).
NOTICE You must flush the detergentsiphoning system
after eachuse by placing the filter into a bucketof clean
water, then run the pressurewasher in low pressurefor 1-2

1. Select and changeto desired spray pattern nozzleon
selector nozzle. SeeHow To UseSelector Nozzle.
2. Keepspray guna safedistance from areayou plan to
A WARNING Kickbackfrom spray gun could causeyou
to fall resulting in deathor seriousinjury.
• Operatepressurewasherfroma stablesurface.
• Beextremelycarefulif youmustusethepressurewasherfrom
a ladder,scaffolding,orany othersimilarlocation.
• Firmlygraspspraygunwithbothhandswhenusinghigh
pressuresprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygunkicksback.
3. Apply a high pressurespray to asmall areaand then
checksurface for damage, if no damageis found, you
can assume it is okayto continue rinsing.
4. Start attop of areato be rinsed, working down with
same overlapping strokesas you used for cleaning.
Cleaning Detergent SiphoningTube
If you usedthe clear detergent siphoning tube,you must
flush it with cleanwater before stopping the engine.
1. Placedetergent siphoning tube/filter in a bucket full of
2. Select and changeto SOAPspray pattern nozzleon
selector nozzle.See How ToUseSelector Nozzle.
3. Flushfor 1-2 minutes.
4. Shut off engine following instructions How to Stop
Pressure Washerandturn off water supply.
5. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction push red
button andsqueezespray gun trigger to releaseretained
high water pressure.
,A. WARNING The high pressure stream of water that
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
this equipment produces could cut through skin
injury and possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, evenwhen engine is
stopped and water is disconnected, which could result in
serious injury.
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
• ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection,pressredbutton
andsqueezesprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure,every
Automatic Cool Down System(ThermalRelief)
If you runthe engine onyour pressure washer for
3-5 minutes without pressing the trigger on the spraygun,
circulating water in the pump can reachtemperatures above
125°F.The systemengagesto cool the pump by discharging
the warm water onto the ground.

This is a single cylinder, overheadvalve (OHV), air cooled
engine, it is alow emissions engine.
In the State of California, Model 110000engines are certified
by theCalifornia Air Resources Boardto meet emissions
standardsfor 125 hours. Such certification does not grant
the purchaser, owner or operator of this engine any
additional warranties with respectto the performanceor
operational life of this engine.Theengine is warranted solely
according to the product and emissionswarranties stated
elsewherein this manual.
Thegross power rating for individual gas engine models is
labeled in accordancewith SAE(Society of Automotive
Engineers)code J1940 (Small Engine Power &Torque
Rating Procedure),and rating performance has been
obtained and corrected in accordancewith SAEJ1995
(Revision 2002-05). Torquevalues are derived at 3060 RPM;
horsepower values are derived at 3600 RPM. Net power
values aretaken with exhaust and air cleanerinstalled
whereas gross powervalues arecollected without these
attachments.Actual gross engine power will be higher than
net engine power and is affected by, among other things,
ambient operating conditions and engine-to-engine
variability. Giventhe wide array of products onwhich engines
are placed, the gasengine may not developthe rated gross
power when used in a given pieceof power equipment.This
difference is due to a variety of factors including, but not
limited to, the variety of engine components (air cleaner,
exhaust, charging, cooling, carburetor, fuel pump, etc.),
application limitations, ambient operating conditions
(temperature, humidity, altitude), and engine-to-engine
variability. Dueto manufacturing and capacity limitations,
Briggs & Stratton maysubstitute an engine of higher rated
power for this Seriesengine.
Max Outlet Pressure ...................... 2,700 PSI*
Max Flow Rate............................. 2.3 GPM
DetergentMix ........................ Use asdirected
Water SupplyTemperature .......... Notto exceed100°F
Engine Specifications
Bore............................... 2.58 in. (65.6mm)
Stroke ............................. 2.04 in. (51.8mm)
Displacement ........................ 10.69in. (175cc)
Type:...................... Briggs & Stratton 692051
SetGapTo: ...................... 0.020inch (0.50mm)
ArmatureAir Gap:........... 0.010-0.014in.(0.25-0.36mm)
Valveclearancewithvalvesprings installedand piston1/4 in.
(6 mm) pasttop deadcenter(checkwhenengineis cold).
Intake.................... 0.004-0.008in.(0.10-0.20mm)
Exhaust .................. 0.004-0.008in.(0.10-0.20mm)
FuelCapacity............................... 1.6 Quarts
0il Capacity........................ 20 Ounces(0.6 liter)
NOTICE Forpractical operation, the engineload should not
exceed85% of rated power. Enginepower will decrease
3-1/2% for each1,000 feet (300 meters) above sealevel and
1% for each 10° F(5.6° C) above 77° F(25° C). It should
operatesatisfactorily at an angle up to 15°.
* This pressure washer is ratedin accordanceto the
PressureWasher ManufacturersAssociation (PWMA)
standard PW101(Testing and RatingPerformanceof

Follow the hourly or calendarintervals, whichever occurs
first. More frequentservice is required when operating in
adverseconditions noted below.
ii ii _ i iiii iiii ]i i;;iiii_ii_i{ii_i!_i!i}iiiii}}iiiiJii}iiiii_ i{__ii _!Ji}iiii_i_i}_ii iiH_iiiiii i]iiii iiii iiiiii ii ii iiiiii iiii iiii ii iiii iiiiii iiii iiiiii iiii iiiiii iiii iiiiii iiii iiHHHHHHHHH_
• Changeengineoil
Maintenance,replacement,or repairof the emissions
control devices and systemsmaybe performedby any non-
roadengine repair establishment or individual. However,
to obtain "no charge" emissions control service,the work
must beperformed by afactory authorizeddealer. Seethe
Emissions Warranty.
iiiiiiiiii,'_iiiiiiiiii;1; ; ;; ;;; ;;3 ;
• Check/clean water inlet screen'
• Checkhigh pressurehose
• Checkdetergent siphoning hoses
• Checkspray gun and assembly for leaks
• Cleandebris
• Checkengine oil level
!i{i;;iiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii]i/i;;iii iiii _} iii ii_ i{i iiiiiii i HH:::::__i_ii
• Cleanengineair cleaner_
• Changeengineoil_
• inspectmuffler and spark arrester
• Replaceengineair cleaner_
• Replacesparkplug
• Cleancooling system_
Clean if clogged. Replace if perforated or torn.
2Service more often under dirty or dusty conditions.
Regularmaintenance will improve the performanceand
extendthe life of the pressurewasher. Seeany Searsor
other qualified service dealerfor service.
Thepressure washerwarranty does not cover items that
havebeensubjected to operator abuseor negligence.To
receivefull valuefrom the warranty, the operator must
maintain pressurewasher as instructed in this manual
including proper storage as detailed in Storage.
Someadjustments will needto be made periodically to
properly maintain your pressurewasher.
All service andadjustments should be made at leastonce
eachseason. Follow the requirementsin the Maintenance
Schedulechart above.
NOTICE Oncea yearyou should cleanor replace the spark
plug andreplacethe air filter. A new spark plugand clean air
filter assureproper fuel-air mixture and helpyour engine run
better and last longer.
DONOTattempt any oil maintenanceon this pump.The
pump is pre-iubricatedand sealedfrom the factory, requiring
no additional maintenancefor the life of the pump.
1. Checkengine oil level.
2. Cleandebris.
3. Checkwater inlet screenfor damage.
4. Checkhigh pressure hose for leaks.
5. Checkgun and nozzleextension assemblyfor leaks.
6. Purge pump of air and contaminants.
Daily or before use,clean accumulateddebris from pressure
washer. Keeplinkage, spring and controls clean. Keeparea
around andbehind muffler free from any combustible debris.
inspect cooling air slots and openings on the pressure
washer. Theseopenings must be kept clean and
Pressurewasher parts should be kept cleanto reduce the
risk of overheating andignition of accumulated debris.
• Usea damp clothto wipe exterior surfacesclean.
NOTICE improper treatment of pressurewasher could
damageit and shorten its life.
• DONOTinsertanyobjectsthroughcoolingslots.
• Usea soft bristle brush to loosencaked on dirt, oil, etc.
• Usea vacuum cleanerto pick up loosedirt and debris.
CheckandClean Iniel Screen
Examinegarden hoseinlet screen. Cleanif it is clogged or
replaceif it is torn.
CheckHighPressure Hose
High pressurehoses can develop leaksfrom wear,kinking,
or abuse, inspect hose beforeeachuse. Checkfor cuts,
leaks,abrasions, bulging of cover, or damageor movement
of couplings. If anyof these conditions exist, replacehose
,A WARNING The highpressure stream of water that
this equipment produces could cut through skin
and its underlying tissues, resulting in serious
injury and possible amputation.
, NEVERrepairhighpressurehose.Replaceit.
• ReplacementhoseratingMUSTequalor exceedmaximum