tankcap securely and wtpe up spilled
• Never remove the fuel tank cap or add
fuel to a runmng or hot engme
• Never store fuel or edger/Lnmmer wtth
fuel in the tank inside a building where
fumes may reach an open flame
• Never allow children or young teenagers
to operate the edger/_rtmmar Keep them
away whtle _tis operating Never allow
adults to operate the edger/tnmmer
wrthout proper instruction
• Do not operate this machine d you are
taking drugs or other medlcat_on which
can cause drowsiness or affect your
ablhty to operate thrs machine
• Do not use this machine if you are
mentally or physically unable to operate
this machtna safely
• Always wear safety glasses or eye
shields dunng operation or while perform-
rng an adjustment or repair to protect
your eyes from foreign obleCts that may
be thrown from the edger/tnmmer
• Do not put hands or feet near or under
rotating parts
• Exercise extreme ceut_on when operating
on or crossing gravel drives, walks, or
roads Stay alert for h_dden hazards or
• Exercise caution to avoid slipping or
• Never operate the edger_rrmmer without
proper guards, plates, or other safety
protective devices m place
• Never operate the edgerttnmmer at htgh
transport speeds on shppery surfaces
Look behind and use care when backing
• Never allow bystanders near the edger/
• Keep ohddren and pets away wh_le
• Never operate the edgerrt nmmer without
good wslbd_ty or hght
• Do not run the engine indoors The
exhaust fumes are dangerous, contalmng
• Take all possible precautions when
leaving the edger/trimmer unattended
Stop the engine
• Do not overload the edger/trammer
capacity by attempting to edge too deep
at too fast a rate
• Always refer to the owner's manual
instructions for important deta,{s ,{ the
edgert[nmmer is to be stored for an
extended period
• Never store the edger/trimmer wJth fuel _n
the fuel tank inside a budding where
ignition sources are present such as
water and space heaters, clothes dryers.
and the hke Allow the engpne to cool
before stonng in any enotosure
• Keep the edger/trimmer tn safe working
condihon Check all fasteners at frequent
intervals for proper tightness
• After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine (motor) Remove the wJre from the
spark plug, and keep the wrre away from
the plug to prevent acctdenta! startmg
Thoroughly inspect the edger_tnmmer for
any damage, and repair the damage
before restarting and operating _t
• If edger/Lnmmer should start to vtbrate
abnormally, stop engine (motor) and
check tmmedlately for the cause
Vibrabon ts generally a warmng of
• Stop the blade whenever you leave the
operating pes=tton Also. dtsconnect the
spark plug wire before unclogging the
blades and when makrng any repairs,
adlustments, or mspecttons
• When cleamng, repamng, or _nspechng.
shut off the engine and make certain all
mowng parts have stopped
• Neverattempttomakeanyadjustments
while the engine is runmng except when
spec,ficaliy recommended by the manu-
Z_ WARNING: The engine exhaust
from this product contains chemicals
known to the State of California to cause
cancer, b=rth defects or other reproductive
Z_ WARNING: This umt Rsequipped
with an internal combustion engine and
should not be used on or near any unim-
proved forest-covered, brush-covered or
grass-covered land unless the engme's ex-
haust system is equipped wdh a spark at-
rester meeting apphceble local or state laws
(_fany) If a spark arrester is used ttshould
be maintained in effective workJng order by
the operator
In the state of Cahforma the spark arrester
_s required by law (Sect,on 4442 of the Cah-
fornla Pubhc Resources Code) Other
states may have slmriar laws Federal laws