• "rumoffallcontrolsandallowthemo-
tor to stop beforedisconnectingthe
• Disconnect the unit from the power
source when not inuse. Do notleave
the unitwhen it _ plugged intooutlet.
• Do notset th_unit downv_ile the mo-
tor is running. Debds such as gravel,
sand, dust, grass, etc., could be
pickedup by the air intakeendthrown
out through the d_schargeopening,
damaging the unit, property, or caus-
ingserious injurytobystandersorop
• Donotoverreach oruse fromunstable
surfacessuchas ladders, trees,steep
slopes, rooftops, etc. Use extra care
when cleaning on stairways. Keep
firm footing and balance at all times.
Keep hands out of tubes.
• Inspectthe entire unitbeforeeach use
forworn, loose, missing,or damaged
pads. Do not use untilthe unit is in
• Disconnect unit frompower source
maintenance, or stonng.
This unit is DoubleInsulated. See the
Have all internalse_ce performedby
quarrfiedservice repair personnel to
avoid creating a hazard or voiding
• Store the unit unplugged in a high,
cool,dry,indoorarea out ofthe reach
of children.
i Uce onlyrecommended attachments
and replacement padsto avoid creat-
_g a hazard an_or voi_ng warranty.
Maintainme uniteccoroingto recom-
• mended procedures.
• Use only for jobs explained in this
• Use onlyindaylightoringood artificial
light. . .
• Inspectthe area .beforeusingtheunit.
Remove all debns and hard objects
such .as rocks, glass, wire, etc., that
can ncochet, be thrown, or otherwise
cause injun/or dama.ge.
• Avoida.ccide.ntalstarting.Be surethe
switchis in the "offfpassionand keep
your har_.,and ringersaway from the
switchwhdeoonneoring the unittothe
powersource orwhen carrying a unit
connected to the .powersource.
• Never run the unitwithoutthe proper
equipmentattached. When used as a
blower, always install a blower tube.
Use only recommendedattachments.
Do not usewithany oponin_lblocked,
Keepfree fromdust, lint:ha=rand any-
. thingthat may reduceair flow.
To avoid spreading fire, do not use
blower near leaf or brush fires, fire-
your warranty, p!aces, barbecue pits,ashtrays, etc,
• Have all maintenance other than the • Never place objectsinsidethe blower
recommended pro_Jdures desoribed • tubes; always direct the blowing de-
in the Operator's Manual performed brisawayf.rompeople,animals,glass,
by your Sears Service Center. and solid objectssuch astrees, auto-
. Always see your Sears Sennce Can- mobiles,walls,etc.Theforceof alrcan
ter to replace a damaged impeller, cause rocks,dirt,orstickstobethrown
Pads that are chipped, cracked, bro- ortoricochetwhichcan hurtpeople or
ken, ordamaged inanyotherway can animals, break glass, or cause other
fly apartand cause sedous Inlury,Re- damage. . . . .
placedamaged pads before usingthe Never use for sprecoing cnemmak%
und. fertfllzers, or any other substances
whichmay contain toxicmaterials.
• Ne_'erplace anyobject inthe airintake
- -opening as this could restrict proper VACUUM SAFETY (ifapplicable)
• alrflowandcause_amagetotheunit. • Stop the motor and disconnect the
Never dousethe unitwithwateroroth
er liquids or squirt with a water hose.
Clean with a damp s_onge and mild
soal_.,See "STORAGE;
• Check air intake openingsand tubes
frequently, always with the unit
stopped and power source discon.
nected. Keep vents and tubes free
from debris which can accumulate
and restrictproper air flow.
• Donotbum, incinerate, or expose this
unitto extreme heat.
po.wersource before opening the air
,nletdoor or attemptingto insertor re-
move the vacuum tuSes. The motor
must be stopped and the impeller
blades no longertummg to avoidseri-
ous injuryfrom the rotatingblades.
• Hard obj.e_-tscan be thrown through
the collectionbag or the housingand
become dangerous, missiles which
cancause serious injuryto the opera-
tor or others.
• When.usinp _e vacuum attachment,
the unitisdesignedto pickup dryma-
terial such as leaves, grass, small