• Always wear safety eye protection.
• Always wear tong pants, long sleeves, boots and
gloves. Wearing safety leg guards is recom-
mended. Do not gq barefoot or wear sandah, jew-
e_try,short pants, short sleeves, loose clothing, or
cIothing with looselyhangingties, straps,tassels,
etc.;they can be caughtinmoving parts.
•. Secu_. hair soitisabove shoulder length.
• Do not operate this unit when you are tired, ilI)or
under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medica.
• Wear hearing protection ff you use this unit for
more than I- 1/2 hours per da_
• Never start or nm t_e e_ne insiide ad_ room
or build_. Breathing _st Runes can
• Keep han_lesfreeof oil and fu_.
• Move atleast10feet(3meters)awayfrom fueling
_te before startingengine,
• Stopengineand allowunittocoolbeforeremov-
• Empty the fuel tank before storing the unit. Use
• Store unit and fue! in an area where fuel vapors
,cannot reach sparks or open flames from water
heaters, electric motors or switches, Rtrnaces, et_
* In_ theareatohe cutbeforeeachuse,Remow
objects (rocks, brokenglass, nails,wire,stag,
etc.) which can be thrown or become entangled in
the trimmer head.
• Look for and replace damaged or loose parts be.
fore each use. Look for and repair fuel leaks before
use. Keep the unit in good working condition.
, Replace trimmer head psrts that are chipped,
cracked, broken, or damage in any other way be-
* Use only _._0 _ diameter SEARS Laser Line e,
Never use wire, _pe, s_ng, e_
* Make sure the unit is assembled coreectly as listed
in this nmnual,
. Make carburetoradjustmentswiththelowerend
supported to prevent the trimmer line from con-
tactingany objec_
, Keep o_e_ away when making _e_ ad-
. Discm_nectt_e spark _plug be.fo_re_fforn_.
n_n_nan_ except carburetor adjustments.
* Use only _nume SEARS accesso_ and _p_ce-
ment parts ss recommended for _ umt.
• Mix and pour fuel outdoors.
• Keep away from sparks or flsmes.
• Use a contsiner approved for fuel.
• Do not smoke or _]]ow smoking near fuel or the
° Wipe _ aH fuel spills before starting engine.
* Always keep the engine on the right - hand side of
your bo_.
* Hold the unit firmly with both hands.
. .]_eep_flrm,_ footingand bslance.Do not over-
*..Keepthe trimmer headbelowwaistlevel
• Do not raise the engiue above your
, _Keep _l] parts of your body away from trimmer
head and muffler when engine is running.
, Cut from your right to your left.
* -Use only for jobs ex_]alned in this manttal,
• Stop the unit before carrying.
* Keep the muffler away from your body.
° AIIow the engine to cool, and secure the unit be-
. forestoringorU-amporting in a vehicle.
, Empty the fuel tank before storing or transport-
ing the unit. Use up fuel let_ in the carburetor by
starting the engine and lettingthe engine run un-
til it stops.
• Store unit and fuel in an area where fuel vapors
cannot reach sparks or open flames f_vm water
heaters, electricmotorsor switches,furnace,etc.
° Store unit so line_ cannot accidentally
cause injury. The unit can be hung by the bracket
below the engine orby drive shaft housing.
- Store the unit out of the ree_ of children.
F situa_ns oeeur whleh are not eom_d in tSis nmnu_ use care and goodj_t.
lf you need asslstanee, eon_t _ur "An#hor_zed.Service Dealer or the
CUb"TOMER AS_STAN6'E HO_, 1-800-236-6878.
L • .
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