Craftsman 358.797290 Operator's Manual

Operator's Manual
1.4 2-Cycle
205 MPH/410 CFM
Model No.
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before first use ofthis product.
For answers to your questions about this product:
Call 7 am-7 pm, Mon.---Sat., or 10 am-7 pm, Sun.
1-800-235-5878 (.o==_._=._..=,_m)
Sears J_oebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
530-087632 07/10/98
Warranty Statement 2 Storage 10 Safety Rules 2 TroubleshootingChart 11 Assembly 4 Pads Ust 13
Operation 6
Maintenance 8 Spanish 16
Service & Adj_,stments - 9 Parts and Ordering Back
FULL TWO YEAR WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN ® GAS BLOWER Fo_o (2) years from date of purchasa,when this Gas Blower is maintained,
lubncatad, and tuned up accordingto the instructionsinthe operator'smanual, Sears will repair,free of charge, any defects in material orworkmanship.
Thb warran_j excludes blowertubes, spark plug,and aircleaner, which are ex- pe_dabl9 parts and become worn dudng normaluse.
IftM_-:bl0wer__ forcommemial purposes,thiswarrantyappliesfor 90 daysfrom
the date.ofpumhase. Ifthis Bloweris usedfor rentalpurposes,this warrantyapplies for 30 days from the date of pumhase. Thiswarranty appliesonly whilethisproduct
is inuse inthe United States.
This warrdntygives you specificlegal rights,and you may also have otherrights
whichvary from state tostate. Sears, Roebuck and Co. D/S17WA Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Failure tofollow all Safety Rules and Pre-
cautionscan result inseriousinjury.
Read your Operator's Manual care- fullyuntilyoucompletely understand and can followall warningsand safety rulesbefore operatingthe unit.
Restrict unitto userswho understand
and will follow all warningsand safety
rules inthis manual.
Alwayswear eye pmteclionwhen op-
-era_ng,servicing,or performingmain- tenance on unit.Woaringeye protec-
tion v_llhelpto praOentrocksor debris from'being blownor ricochetingInto
eyes and face which can resultin blindnessand/or seriousinjury.
Always wear respirator or face mask iwhen workingwith unit in dusty envi-
Secure hair above shoulder length.
Secure or remove jewelry, loose
clothing, or Clothing_th loosely hanging straps, ties, tassels, etc. They can be caught in moving pads.
Do notoperate unitwhen youare tired,
ili,upset,or ifyou are underthe influ- ence of alcohol,drugs,or medication.
Keep children,bystanders, and ani- mals away from work area a mini-
mum of 50 feet (15 m) when starting
or operatingunit.
Inspectarea beforestarlingunit.Re-
move all debrisand hard objectssuch
as rocks,glass,wire,etc.thst canrico- chet,he thrown, or otherwisecause injuryordamage duringoperal_n,
Eliminateall sources ofsparks or flame (includingsmoking,open flames, or workthat can cause
sparks) inthe areas where fuel is
mixed,poured, or stored.
Mixand pourfuel in an outdoorarea; store fuel in a cool,dry,well ventilated
place;use an approvecl,marked con- taber for all fuelpurposes.
Do notsmoke while handlingfuel or
while operating the unit.
Do notfillfuel tank while engine is
Wipe up fuel spills before starting en- gine.
Move at'least 10 feet (3 meters) away from fuel and fueling site before
starting engine.
Stopthe engine before Openingthe
vacuum inlet door.The engine must be stopped and the impellerblades
nolongerturning to avoidsedous in-
juryfrom the rotatingblades.
Inspect unit bafom each use for
worn, loose, missing,, or damaged
parts.Do not use until unitis in properworkingorder.
Keep outside surfacesfree from oil
and fuel.
Never start or run engine inside a
dosed room or building. Breathing exhaust fumes can Idll.
To avoid static electricityshock, do
notwear rubbergloves or any other insulatedgloves while operating unit.
Do notset uniton any surface except
a clean, hard area while engine is running. Debds such as gravel, sand,
dust, grass, etc. could be picked up by the airintake and thrown out
throughdischarge opening, damag- ing unit,property,or causing serious
injuryto bystanders or operator.
Avoid dangerous environments. Do not use in unventilated areas or
where explosivevapors or carbon
monoxidebuild up could be prssenL
Do notoverreach or use fromunsta-
ble surfaces suchas ladders, trees, steep slopes, rooftops,etc. Keep firm
footing and balance at all times.
Never place objects inside the blower
tubes; always direct the blowing de-
bds away from people, animals, glass__d solid objectssuch as
trees, automobiles, walls_etc. The force of air can cause rocks,dirt, or sticksto be thrown or to dcochet
whichcan hurtpeople or animals, break glass, or cause otherdamage.
Never run unitwithout the proper equipment attached. When using
your unit as a blower, always install
blowertubes. When using the option- al vacuum kit, always installvacuum
tubes and vacuum bag assembly.
Make sure vacuum bag assembly is
coml_lately zipped.
Check air intake opening, blower
tubes, and vacuum tubas frequently,
always with engine stopped and spark plug disconnected. Keep vents
and discharge tubes free of debris which can accumulate and restrict
proper air flow.
Never place any object in air intake opening as this could restrict proper air
flow and causedamage to the unit.
Never use for spreading chemicals
fertilizers,or other substanceswhich
may contain toxicmaterials.
To avoid spreading fire, do not use near leaf or brushfires, fireplaces,
barbecue pits, ashtrays, etc.
Use onlyfor jobe explainedin this manual.
Have all maintenance other than the
recommendedprocedures described in the Operator's Manual performed
by Sears Service.
Disconnectspark plug before per-
forming maintenanceexcept for car-
buretor adjustments.
Use only recommendedCRAFTS- MAN replacement parts;use ofany
other partsmay voidyour warranty and cause damage to your unit.
Emptyfueltank beforestoring the unit. Use up fuelleftin carburetorby starting engineand letiJngit mn untilitstops.
Do notuse any accessoryor attach-
ment otherthanthoserecommended
bymanufacturerfor use withyourunit.
Do not store the unit or fuel in a
closed area where fuel vapors can
reach sparks or an open flame from hotwater heaters, electdc motorsor
switches,fomaces, etc.
Store in a dry area out of reach of
SPECIAL NOTICE: For users on U.S. Forest Land and in some states, in-
Codes 4442 and 4443), Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, and
Washington: Certain internal combus-
tion enginesoperated onforest, brush, and/or grasscovered land in the above
areas are requiredto be equipped with a spark arrestor,maintained in effective
worldngorder,or the engine must be constmoted, equipped, and maintained
for the preventionof fire. Check with
your state or local authoritiesfor regu- lationspertaining to these require-
ment_ Failure to followthese require- ments is a violationof the law. This unit
is not factory equipped with a spark ar- restor;, however, a spark arrestor is available as an optional pad. If a spark arrestor is required in your area, con-
tact Sears Service for the correct kit. The spark arrestor, blower tubes, and
nozzles must be assembled to unit to be in full compliance with regulations.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Exposure to w'ora- tJonsthrough p_longed useof gasoline
powered hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve damage in the fingers,
hands, and joints of people prone to cir- culation disorders or abnormal swelling.
Prclongeduse incold we_ has been linkedto bloodvesseldamage in other- wisehealthypeopla.If _ occur
suchas n4mbnees,pa_, lossof
strength,change in skincoloror texture, or lossof feelingin the fingers,hands, or
joints,discontinuethe use of this tool
and seek medicalattention.An antivibrstionsystemdoes not9uarantse
the avoidanceofthese problems.Users who operatepowertooison a continual and rsgular basis must monitor clssely theirph_'w,al conditionand the condition
Check carton contents against the fol- lowinglist.
Model 358.797290
Blower tube
Vacuum bag
Upper vacuum tube
Lower vacuum tube
2-Cycle Engine Oil
NOTE: Itis normal for the fuel filterto rattle inthe empty fuel tank.
ASSEMBLY WARNING: If received assembled,
repeat all steps to ensure your unit is properlyassembled and all fasteners are secure.
No tools are required for assembly,
Ifyouhave already assembled your
unitfor use as a vacuum, remove the
vacuum tubes and collectionbag.
Align the rib on the blowertube with the groovein the bloweroutlet; slide
the tube into place.
BIt_w_r: Blower
Tighten the tube clamp by tuming the
knob clockwise.
To remove the tube, turn the knob counterclockwise to loosen clamp;
remove tube.
VACUUM BAG ASSEMBLY If you have already assembled your unitfor use as a blower,removethe
Place the smallend of vacuum bag overthe blower outletandclamp knob.
"lightenthe Velcrc strap securely.
Make sure the zipper on the bag is closed completely.
Secure the ends of the shoulder strap by routingthe strap throughthe
buckle as shown.
VACUUM TUBE ASSEMBLY WARNING Stop engine and be sure the impellerblades have stoppedturn-
ing beforeopening the vacuum inlet door or attemptingto insertor remove the vacuum tubes. The rotatingblades
cancause serious injury.
Remove blowertubefrom engine.
Align the lower vacuum tube as shown. Push lower vacuum tube into
upper vacuum tube.
Insert a screwdriver intothe latch
area on the vacuum inletcover.
.,p_.. Blower
Latch Area
Vacuum InletCover
Gently tilt the handle of the screwdriv- er toward the back of the unit while
pulling up on the vacuum inlet cover with your other hand.
Hold the vacuum inlet cover open un- til upper vacuum tube is installed.
Vacuum Inlet
Retaining Post
Cover ....._q
Place the hooks on the vacuum tube
on the retaining posts; pivot tube into
position. Secure vacuum tube by
tuming the knob clockwise until tight.
When conva_ng back to the blower feature, make sure latch on the vacu- um inletcover is securelyfastened.
(for vacuum use only)
Hold the unitas shown.
Pass the shoulder strap over your
head and onto your left shoulder.
Snap the hook onto the retainer on
the top handle.
Extend you right arm toward the rear
of the vacuum bag.
Adjust shoulder strap until the vacu-
um bag/shoulder strap seam lies be- tween your thumb and index finger.
Make sure air flows freely from the elbow tube into bag. If bag is kinked, the unit will not operatar properly.
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