• +
.........A ___- II __I iiiiL _ I ii IIIL. _.Jl
L ways wear a safety face shield or safety goggtes. See
2. Keep hair, fiagees, and all other parts of the body
away from openings and moving parts. Air,rays wear
+ heavy, long pants, boots, and gloves. Do not go
barefoot or wear sandals, jewelry, short pants, loose
dottfing, or clothing with loosely hanging straps, ties,
tassels, el_. Secure hair so it is above slao_Aderlength.
Being fully coveted will help protect you from pieces
of toxic plantssuch as peison ivy thrown by the Trim-
mer Head, which could be more of a hazard than
touching the plant itself.
3. Do not operate this tool whenyou are tired,iU .or under
the influence of alcohol, drags, or medication.
4. Always use the assist handle. See "_.rnbly:'
5. Wearhearingprotectionifyouusethistoolformore
than I_ hoursper day.
6. Never start or run the engine inside a dosed room or
building. Breathing exlk.a,ast fumes can kill.
7. Keep handles free of oil and fuel.
1. Inspect endretool before each use. Replace damaged
parts. Check forfuel leaks and make sure all fasteners
.... are in place and securely fa.qened.
2. Replacetdmmerhihdpartsdaatareemcked,ehipped,
broken,ordamagedinanyotherway beforeusingthe
3. Use only .080" diameter Sears Laser Line. Never
use wire, rope, string, etc.
7tTBi_gffre--i]a-es_eld is pmperiy_.
5. Useordythespecifiedtfimmerhead. See"Specifica-
tions7 Makesare Ihetriramerhead is pmpeflyinstalled
and fastened. Refer to "Assembly:'
6. Be sure the trimmer head stops turning when engine
idles. See "'Carburetor Adjustments.'"
7. Make cattxwetor adjustments with the drive shaft hous-
ingsupported top,vent thetrimmerline fromcontac-
ting any object: Hold the toolby:hand;_do,not use the
optional shoulder strap for support.
8. Keep odg_ away when rnaldng carburetor adjusanents.
9. Useonly accessories or attachments as recommended
for this toot by Sears.
& EiT/m
L Mix and pour fuel outdoors and where them ar e no
sparks or flames.
2. Usea container approved for fuel.
3. Donot smoke or allow smoking near fuelor thetooi or
while using the tool.
4. Wipe up all fuel spills before starting engine.
5- Move at least 10 feet away from fueling site before
....... e.
6. Stop engine be[ore removing fuei _.
7, Run fuel out of the fuel tank before storing the tool.
4 K Storetoot and fuel in an ;uea where fuel vapors cannot.
reach sparks or open iiame, from water heaters, elec-
tric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
im II
1. Inspect the area to be cut before each use. Remove
objects (rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, string, etc.)
which cart bethrown or become ent,aagled in the trim-
mer head.
2. Keep others including children, animals, _ers,
and hellxrs outside the 60 fcot'_ Zone. Stop
the engine immediately if you are approached.
3. Always keep the engine ou tim right side of your body-
4. Hold the tool firmly with both hands.
5. Keep firm footing ard balance. Do not over-reach.
6. Keep trimmer head below waist level. -" ' "
Z DOnot raise the engine above yourwaist. The trimmer
head can come dangerously close toyour body.
8. Keep all parts ofyourbody awayfrom thetrimmer head
and muffler when the engine is running.
9. Use only for jobs explained inthismanual.
A MMrO' A/ $Agg/T
1. Maintain the tool according to recommended pro-
cedures. Keep the trimmer line at the proper length.
2. Never start the engine with the clutch shroud
removed. The dutch can fly apart and cause serious
3. Disconnect the spark plug before performing mainte-
nance except for carburetor adjustments.
4. Make_retor adj__h9 us"
mg sup_tled top_ithe trimmer line from contac-
Ling any object. Hold the tool by hand; do not use the
optional shotflder strap for support.
5. Keep ot,hersaway when maki.ng carbtaetor adjustments,
6. Use only genuinereplacement partsas recommended
L Hand carry the tool with the engine mopped and the
muffler away from y_ur Ixxly.
2. Allow the engine to cool, empty the fuel tank, and
secure the tool before transporting in a vehicle or
3. Before stodng th_ tool, us_ up fuel left in the carbure-
torby starting the engine and letting the engine runtmdl
it s_ops.
4. Store tool and fttel in an area where fuel vapors cannot
reach sparks oropen flames from water heaters, elec-
tric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
5. Store the tool so the line iimiter cannot accidentally
cause injury. The tool can be hung by the drive shaft
housing or bythe bracket below the engine.
..6+..Store-tooloat of+reac4aofchildren =_
[f si_a/ions occur which are not covered in thls rnanual,
use_ and goodjudgement. Contact your Sears Serdce
Center/Depar_ent if you need ass_tance.