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1 Always wear a safety face shield or goggles See
"Accessories ""
2 Always wear heavy, long pants, boots and gloves Do
not wear loose clothing, jewelry, short pants, sandals
or go barefoot Secure hair so it is above shoulder
length Being fully coveled will help protect you from pieces
of toxic plants such as poison ivy thrown by the Trimmer
Head which could be more of a hazard than touching the
plant itself
3 Do not operate this tool when you are tired, illor under
the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication
4 Always use the assist handle See "'Assembly"
5 Wear hearing protection if'you use this tcx:,lfar more
than II/2hours per day
6 Never san' or run theengine inside aclosed room or
building Breathing exhaust fumes can kill
7 Keep handles f'ree of oil and fuel
1 Inspect the entire tool bclorc each u._' Rcn!.=,,:
damaged parts Check tbr rue[ leaks and n_a!.,,_,,urcall
fiasteners are in place and _ccurel) taxtcncu
2 Replace trimmer head parts that arc cracked _:hippcd
or damaged in any wa,, beli_rc using the ux_l
3 Use only 080" diameter' Sears Laser Line ® Never
use wire, rope, string, etc.
4 Be sure the shield is properly attached.
5 Use only thespecified Irimmerhead See' Specifica-
tions ' Make sure the tfimnrer head L',properh installed
and fastened See "Assembly
6 Make carburetor adjustments with the drive shaft
housing supported to prevent the trimmer line from
contacting any object Hold the tool by hand Donor
use the optional shoulder strap for support
7 Keep others away when matdng carburetor adjustments°
8 Use only accessories or attachments recommended
fbr this tool by Sears
& FOg/., SA!_gT1"
1 Mix and pour fuel outdoors and where there arc no
sparks or flames
2 Use acontainer approved for fuel
3 Do not smoke or allow smoking near fuel or the tool or
while using the toot
4 Wipe up all fuel spills before starting engine
5 Move at least 10feet away fi'om fueling site before start-
ing engine
6 Stop engine before removing fuel cap
7 Empty the fuel tank before storing the tool
8 Store tool and fuel in an area where fuel vapors cannot
reach sparks or open flames from water heaters, elec-
tric motors or switches, furnaces, etc
.............. =, ,L,,,,.,,,1,,,
1 Inspect the area to be cu! before each use Remove
objects frocks, broken glass, nails, wire, string, etc )
which can be thrown or become entangled in the Irim-
mer head
2 Keep others including children, animals, bystanders
and helpers outside the 60 foot Hazard Zone Stop the
engine immediately if you are approached
3 Always keep the engine on the fight side of your body
4 Hold the tool firmly with both hands
5, Keep firm footing and balance Do not over-reach
6 Keep the trimmer head below waist level
7 Donotraisetheengineaboveyourwaist "[hetrimmer
head can come dangerously close to your body
g Keep all parts d'your body awa3i,from the trimmer head
and muffler when the engine is running
9 Use only forjobs explained in this manual
I Maintain the tool according to recommended pro-
cedures. Keep the trimmer line at the proper length,
2 Disconnect the spark plug before performing mainte-
nance except for carburetor' adjustments
3 Make carburetor adjustments with thedrive shafxhous-
ing supported to prevent the trimmer line fiom contac-
ting any object Hold thetool byhand Do not use the
optional shoulder strap for support
Keep others awaywhenmaking carburetor adjustments
Use only genuine replacement parts asrecommended
by Sears
l Hand carry the tool with the engine stopped, and the
muffler away from your body
2 A_low the engine to cool, empty the fuel tank, and
secure the tool before transporting in a vehicle or
3 Empty the fuel tank betbre storing the tool Use up fuel tef_in
the carburetor bystarting the engine and letting the engine mn
until it stops
4 Store tool and fuel in an area where fuel vapors cannot
reach sparks or open flames from water heaters, elec-
tric motors or switches, furnaces, etc
5 Store the too! so the tine limiter cannot accidentally
cause injury The tool can be hung by the drive shaft
6. Store tool out of reach of children
If situations occur which are not covered in this manual,
use care and goodjudgmento Contact.your Sears Service
Center if you need assistance,