Operator's Manual
Variable Speed / Reversible
Double Insulated
Model Nos.
Save this manual for
future reference.
A, CAUTION: Read and follow
all Safety Rules and Operating
Instructions before first use of
this product.
Customer Help Line: 1o800-932-3188
Sears, Roebuck and Co., 3333 Beverly Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
Visit the Craftsman web page: www.sears.com/craftsman
• Safety
• Features
• OperaUon
• Maintenance
• Parts List
0( us

• Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
• General Safety Rules ............................................................................................................................................ 2-3
• Specific Safety Rules ............................................................................................................................................... 4
• Symbols .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
• Features ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
• Operation ............................................................................................................................................................. 7-10
• Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
• Accessories ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
• Warranty .......................................................... ;...,.L................................................................................................ 12
• Exploded View and Repair Parts List ..................................................................................................................... 13
• PartsOrdering/Service ......................................................................................................................................... 14
WARNING: Reed and understand all
Instructions. Failureto followall instructions
listed below may result in electricshock,fire,
and/or seriouspersonalinjury.
Work Area
• Keep yourwork area clccn and well lit. Cluttered
benches and dark areas inviteaccidents.
• Do not operate power tools in an(plosive atmo-
spheres, such as In the presence of flammable
liquids, gases, or dust. Power tools create s_arks
which may ignite the dust or fumes.
• Keep bystanders, children, and visitors away
white operating a power tool. Distractions can
cause you to lose control.
Electrical Safety
• Double Insulated tools are equipped with a
polarized plug (one blade Is wider than the other).
This plug will fit In a polerlzed outlet only one
way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet,
reverse the plug. If It STIlldoes notfit, contact a
qualified electrlolan to Install a polerlzed outlet.
Do not change the plug In any way. Double
insulation[] eliminatesthe need for the three-wire
groundedpower cordand groundedpower supply
• Avoid body contact with grounded surfaces,
such as pipes, radiators, ranges, and refrigera-
tors. There is an increasedriskof electricshockif
your body is grounded. ,_
• Don't expose power tools to rain or wet condi-
tions. Water entenng a powertool will increasethe
riskof electricshock.
• Donot abuse the cord. Never usethe cord to
carw the tools or pull the plug from an outlet.
Keep cord away from heat, o11,sharp edges, or
moving pads. Replace damaged cords immedi-
ately. Damagedcordsincreasethe risk of electric
• When operating apower tool outside, use an
outdoor extension cord marked "W-A" or "W."
These cords are ratedfor outdooruse and reducethe
risk ofelectric shoci_
Personal Safety
• Stayalert, watch what you are doing, and use
common sense when operating a power tool. Do
not use tool white tired or under the influence of
drugs, alcohol, or mndicatlon. A momentof inatten-
tion while operatingpower toolsmay resultinserious
• Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or
JawstW.Contain long hair. Keepyour hair, cloth-
Ing, and gloves away from moving pads. Loose
clothes, jewelry,orlong haircan be caught in moving
• Avoid accidental starUng. Be sure switch is off
before plugging In. Carryingtools with yourfinger
on the switchor pluggingintools that have the switch
on invitesaccidents.
• Remove adjusting keys or wrenches before
tumlng the tool on. Awrenchor a keythat islef_
attachedto a rotating part ofthe tool mayresult in
personal injury.
• Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and
balance at alltimes. Properfootingand balance
enables better controlofthe toolin unexpected
• Use setstyequipment.Alwayswccraye protec-
tion.Dustmask, nonskidsafety shoes,hardhat, or
hearingprotectionmustbe usedfor appropriate

• Use clamps or other practical way to secure and
support the workpiece to a stable platform.
Holding the work by hand or against your body is
unstable and may lead to loss of control.
• Do not forcetool. Uso the correct tool for your
application. The correct tool will do the job better
and safer at the rate for which it is designed.
• Do not use tool if switch does not turn it on or off.
Any tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is
dangerous and must be repaired.
• Disconnect the plug from the power source
before making any adjustments, changing accee-
sorles, or storing the tool. Such preventive safety
measures reduce the risk of starting the tool acciden-
• Store Idle tools out of the reach of children and
other untrained persons. Tools are dangerous in
the hands of untrained users.
• Mslntatn tools wifh sere, Keep cutUng tools sherp
and clean. Properly maintained tools withsharp
cuttingedges are lesslikelyto bindand are easierto
II1 Check for mlsallgnment or binding of moving
parts, breakage of parts, and any other condition
that may affect thetoors operation, if damaged,
have the tool son/Iced before using. Many acci-
dents are caused by poorly maintained tools,
• Use only accessories that are recommended by
the manufacturer for your model. Accessories that
may be suitable for one tool may become hazardous
when used on another tool.
• Tool service must be performed only by qualified
repair personnel. Service or maintenanceperformed
by unqualifiedpersonnelcouldresultin a riskof
• When servicing a tool, use only identical replace-
merit parts. Follow Instructions in the Mainte-
nance section of this manual, Use of unauthorized
partsorfailureto followMaintenance Instructions
may create a riskofelectricshockor injury.

Hold tool by Insulated gripping surfaces when performing an operation where the cutting tool may contact
hidden wiring or its cord. ContaCt with a "live" wire will make exposed metal parts of the tool "live" and shock the
Additional Rules for Safe Operation
• Know your power tool. Read operator's manual
carefully. Learn Its appllcafions end limitations, as
well as the specific potential hazards related to this
tool. Followingthis rule will reducethe riskofelectric
shock,fire, or sedous injury.
• Always wear safety glasses. Everyday eyeglasses
have only Impact-resistant lenses; they are NOT
safety glasses. Followingthisrule will reducet_e risk
ofseriouspersonal injury.
• Proteof your lungs.Wear a faoeor duaf mask If the
operation Is dusty. Followingthis rulewill reducethe
riskof seriouspersonal injury.
• Protect your hearing. Wear hearieg protectioo dur-
ing extended periods of operation. Followingthis
rulewillreduce the riskof seriouspersonalinjury.
• Inspect tool cords periodically end, if damaged,
have repaired at your nearest Factory Service
Center or other Authorized Service Organiza-
tion. Constantly stay aware of cord location.
Followingthis rulewill reducethe riskof electric
• Check damaged parts. Bofore further use of the
tool, a guard or other part thai Is damaged should
be carefully checked to daterrnlne that Itwill
operate properly and perform Its Intended func-
tion. Check for alignment of moving parts, I_nding
of moving pads, breakage of parts, mounting, end
any other conditions that may affect Its operation.
A guard or other part that is damaged should be
properly repaired or replaced by an authorized
senrlce center. Followingthis rule will reduce the
risk of electric shock, fire, orserious injury.
• Don't abuse cord. Never carry the tool by the
cord or yank it to disconnect It from the recep-
tacle. Keep cord away from heat, o11,and sharp
edges. Followingthis rulewill reducethe riskof
electricshock orfire.
• Make sure your extension cord is In good condi-
tlon. When using an e=tenslon cord, be sure to
use one heavy enough to carry the current your
product will draw. A wire gage size (A.W.G,) of at
least 16 is recommended for an extension cord
100 feet or less In length. A cord e_caeding 100
feat Is not recommended. If In doubt, use the
next heavier gage. The smaller the gage number,
the heavier the cord. An undersized cordwill cause
a drop in line voltageresultingin lossof powerand
• Inspact for and remove all naifs from lumber belore
drilling. Following this rule will reduce the risk of
• Drugs, alcohol, medlcafion. Do not operate tool
whife under the Influence of drugs, alcohol, or any
medioetlon. Followingthisrule will reduce the riskof
electricshock,fire, or seriouspersonal injury
• Save these Inelruofions. Refer to them frequently
and use them to instruct others who may use this
tool. Ifyou loansomeonethls tool, loanthem these
Inafruoflons also.
WARNING: Some dust created by power
sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling,and other
constructionactivities contains chemicals known
to cause cancer, birth defects or other
reproductive harm. Some examples of these
chemicals are:
lead fromlead-based paints,
crystallinesilica from bricks and cement and
other masonry products, and
arsenic and chromiumfrom chemically-
treated lumber.
Your risk from these exposures varies,
depending on how often you dothis type of work.
To reduce your exposure to these chemicals:
work in a well ventilated area, and work with
approved safety equipment, such as those dust
masks that are specially designed to filter out
microscopic particles.

Important: Some of the following symbols may be used on your tool. Please study them and learn their meaning.
Proper interpretation of these symbols will allow you to operate the tool better and safer.
V Volts Voltage
A Amperes Current
Hz Hertz Frequency (cycles per second)
W Watt Power
min Minutes Time
Alternating Current Type or a characteristic of current
no No Load Speed Rotational speed, at no load
[] Class II Construction Designates Double Insulated
.../rain Revolutions or Reciprocation Per Minute Revolutions, strokes, surface speed,
,_ Safety A(ert Symbol It means safe_y
Construction tools
orbits etc. per minute
Indicates danger, warning or caution.
attention!![ Your is
The purpose of safety symbols isto attract your attentionto possibledangers. The safety symbols, and the
explanations with them, deserve your careful attention and understanding.The safety warnings do not by
themselves eliminate any danger. The instructionsorwarningsthey giveare notsubstitutesfor properaccident
_k DANGER: Failureto obeyasafetywarningwillresultinsedousinjurytoyoumelfortoothem.Always
._ WARNING: Failure to obey a safety warning can result in serious injury to yourself or to others.
Indicatesdanger,warning,orcaution. Maybe usedinconjun_on withothersymbolsor pictographs.
follow the safetyprecautionsto reducethe riskoffire,electricshockand personalinjury.
Always follow the safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury.
CAUTION: Failureto obey a safety warningmay resultin propertydamage or personalinjuryto
,_k otto others, follow the reducethe riskof electricshockand
yourself Always safetyprecautionsto
NOTE: Advises youof informationorinstructionsvitaltothe operationor maintenanceofthe equipment.