Owner's Manual
9 Horse Power
28" Two-Stage Track Drive
Snow Thrower
Model No.
usingthis product,
read this manual and
follow all safety rules
and operating
Sears, Roebuck And Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A.
Visit ourSears website: www.sears.condcraftsman
PdntedJnU.S.A. (6/99)
• Safety
• Assembly
• Operation
• Service
• Maintenance
• Espafiol

Content Page
Warranty Information......................................... 2
Safe OperationPractices................................... 3
Hardware Pack .................................................. 5
Assembly........................................................... 6
Operation............... ............................................ 12
Content Page
Service & Adjustment......................................... 20
Off*Season Storage ........................................... 24
Trouble-Shooting............................................... 25
PartsList............................................................ 26
Espanbl.............................................................. 40
Maintenance ...................................................... 17
Two -Year Warranty on Craftsman Snow Thrower
Fortwoyearsfrom the date ofpurchase, when this CraftsmanSnow Thrower ismaintained,lubricatedand tuned
up accordingto the instructionsinthe owner'smanual, Sears will repair,free ofcharge, any defect in material
and workmanship.
Ifthis Craftsman snow throwerisused for commercialor rental purposes, thiswarrantyapplies for only30 days
from the date of purchase.
This warranty does not cover:
Expendable items which become worn duringnormal use, suchas skidshoes, shave plate and spark
Repairs nec•ssary because of operatorabuse or negligence, includingbent crankshaftsand the failure to
maintainthe equipment accordingto the instructionscontainedin theowner's manual.
This warranty applies only while this product Is In use in the United States.
Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegal rightsandyou mayalsohaveotherdghtswhichmayvary fromstatetostate.
Horsepower: 9
EngineOil SAE 5W30 oil
FuelCapacity: 1 gallon
Spark Plug: RJ-19LM
Engine: 143.999005
Model Number 247.888550
Serial Number ...........................................................
Date of Purchase ......................................................
Record both serial number and date of purchase and
keep in a safe place for future reference.

This symbol points out important safety instructions which, ifnotfollowed, could endanger the
personalsafetyand/or propertyofyourselfand others. Read and followall instructions in this manual
beforeattemptingto operate your snow thrower. Failure to complywiththese instructionsmay resultin
personal injury.When yousee thissymbol--heed its warning.
,_ Your snowthrower was builttobe operated accordingtothe rulesfor safe operation inthis manual. As
DANGER" withany type of power equipment carelessness or erroron the partofthe operator canresultin serious
in ury. f you vo ate anyofthese rules, you may cause serious njuryto yourselfor others.
forest-covered, brush-coveredorgrass-coveredlandunlessthe engine'sexhaustsystemis equippedwitha
Thisunitisequippedwithan internalcombustionengineandshouldnotbe usedonornearany unimproved
sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalorstate laws(ifany). Ifa sparkarresterisused,itshouldbe
In theStateofCaliforniathe aboveisrequiredby law(Section4442 ofthe CaliforniaPublicResources
Code).Otherstatesmayhavesimilarlaws.Federallawsapplyonfederal lands.Asparkarresterfor the
mufflerisavailablethroughyournearestSearsAuthorizedServiceCenter(See theREPAIR PARTS section
Read thisowner'sguide carefullyin itsentirety before
attemptingtoassemble oroperate this machine. Be
completelyfamiliar withthe controlsand the proper
useof this machine before operating it. Keep this
manual ina safe place for future and regular
reference and for orderingreplacement parts.
Never allowchildrenunder 14 years old to operate a
snowthrower. Children 14 years oldandover should
onlyoperate a snow throwerunderclose parental
supervision.Onlypersonswell acquainted with these
rulesof safe operationshould be allowed to use your
No one should operate thisunitwhileintoxicated or
whiletaking medicationthat impairsthe senses or
Keepthe area ofoperationclear ofall persons,
especially smallchildrenand pets.
Exercise caution to avoid slippingor falling,especially
when operatinginreverse.
Thoroughlyinspectthe area where the equipment is
to be usedand remove alldoor mats, sleds,boards,
wiresand other foreign objects.
Donot operate equipmentwithoutwearing adequate
outergarments for winter. Do not wear jewelry, long
scarfsor otherlooseclothingwhich couldbecome
entangled inmoving parts. Wear footwear which will
improvefootingon slipperysurfaces.
Before workingwithgasoline,extinguishalt cigarettes
and othersourcesofignition.Check the fuel before
startingthe engine. Gasolineis an extremely
flammable fuel. Do not fillthe gasolinetank indoors,
while the engine is running,or untilengine has been
allowed to cool at least twominutes. Replace
gasolinecap securelyand wipe off any spilled
gasolinebefore startingthe engine as itmay cause a
fireor explosion.
Use a grounded threewire plug-in for all unitswith
electricdrive motors or electricstarting motors.
Adjustcollector housingheightto clear gravel or
crushed rocksurface.
Never attempttomake any adjustmentswhile engine
is running(except where specificallyrecommended
by manufacturer).
Letengine and machineadjust tooutdoor
temperature beforestartingto clear snow.
Always wear safety glasses oreye shields during
operationor whileperformingan adjustmentor repair,
to protecteyes from foreign objectsthat may be
thrownfrom the machine in any direction.
Do not puthands orfeet near or underrotatingparts.
Keep clear ofdischargeopening and auger at all
Exercise extremecaution when operatingon or
crossinggravel drives, walks,or roads. Stay alert for
hidden hazardsor traffic.
Do not carry passengers.
Afterstrikinga foreign object, stopthe engine, remove
wire from the sparkplug and thoroughlyinspect the
snowthrower for any damage. Repair the damage
before restartingand operating the snowthrower.
Ifthe snow thrower startsto vibrate abnormally,stop
the engineand check immediatelyfor the cause.
Vibrationis generallya warningof trouble.
Stopthe engine whenever you leave the operating
position,before uncloggingthe collector/impeller
housingor dischargeguide andbefore making any
repairs,adjustments,or inspections.Never placeyour

hand inthe discharge or collectoropenings. Use a
stickor woodenbroom handle to unclogthe
discharge opening.
Take allpossibleprecautionswhen leaving the unit
unattended. Disengage the collector/impeller,stop
the engine and removethe key.
When cleaning, repairing,or inspecting,makecertain
collector/impellerand all moving parts have stopped.
Disconnectsparkplug wire and keep away from plug
to prevent accidentalstarting.
• Do notrunthe engine indoors,except when startingit
and/ortransportingthe snowthrower in orout of
building.Open doors beforestartingtheengine inthat
case. Exhaust fumes are dangerous.
Do not clearsnow across theface ofslopes.Exercise
extreme caution whenchanging directionon slopes.
Do not attemptto clear steep slopes.
Never operate the snowthrower withoutguards,
plates or othersafetyprotectiondevices in place,
• Never operate the snow throwernear glass
enclosure, automobiles,window wells, drop off,etc.,
withoutproper adjustmentsofsnow thrower
dischargeangle. Keep childrenand pets away.
Do notoverload machine capacity by attemptingto
clear snow at toofast a rate. Never operate the
machine at hightransportspeeds onslippery
surfaces. Lookbehindand use care when backing.
Never direct dischargeat bystanders or allow anyone
in front of unitwhilethrowing snow.
• Disengagepower to collector/impellerofthe srx)w
throwerwhentransportingitorwhenthe unitisnotin use.
Use only attachments andaccessories (suchas
wheel weights,counterweights, cabs, etc.)approved
by the snow thrower manufacturer.
Never operatethe snowthrowerwithoutgood visibility
or light.Alwaysbe sure ofyourfooting and keep afirm
holdonthe handles. Walk, never run.
Mufflerand engine become hotandcan cause severe
bum injury.Do not touchthe mufflerorthe engine
whilestarting or operatingthe snowthrower.
Check shear bolts, enginemountingbolts,etc., at
frequent intervalsfor propertightness,thusensuring
thatthe equipment isinsafe workingcondition.
Never storethe machine withfuel in the fuel tank
insidea buildingwhere ignitionscumes are present,
suchas hot water heaters,space heaters, clothes
dryersand the like. Allowengine to cool beforestoring
in anyenclosure.
Alwaysrefer to owner'sguide instructionsfor
importantdetails ifthesnowthrower isto be storedfor
an extended period.
Runmachine a few minutesafterthrowingsnow to
preventfreeze-up ofthe collector/impeller.
Check clutchcontrolsperiodicallytoverifythat these
engage and disengageproperlyand readjust if
necessary. Refer to Service and Adjustmentssection
page ofthis owner'sguide.
Restrictthe useof this powermachine to personswho
read, understandand follow the warnings and
instructionsinthis manualand on the machine.
Following are representationsof some of thesafety labels on yourCraftsman snowthrower.Please follow the
instructiononthese labels and maintain safety while usingor servicingthe equipment.

Lay the hardware pieces from the hardware pack on top of the figure here and youwill haveautomatically soded these
aCCordingtothe steps of the assembly procedure described later. (Only one unit ofeach hardware has been shown per group.
The numberin parenthesis indicatesthe total number of the hardware needed in that group.)
Hex Bolt (2) /_
5/16-18 x 1.75
Hex Bolt (2)
LockWasher (4)
Tab (2)
E_ Hex Bolt (6) Nut (6)
- 'N "--"
_/Flanged _;
1/4-20 x .75 1/4-20
5/16-18 x .75
_5/16-18 x 1,50 Carriage Bolt
(_ Helrp_ ]
-_fi_ilrpln Clip (2)
Cupped Washer (4)
_\ (4)
HexNut (4)
Chute Flange Keeper (3)
:-_"exBolt(2) _) Hex_, (2)
1/4-20 X .75" Cup_ped Washer (2) G
Upper Chute
'_/ Crank Bracket
Hairpin Clip (1) Flat
3/8 I.D.
Flat Washer (2) _ ! (1)
3pare Part
"ShearBolt*(2) 5/16-18 x 1.5
*Used on auger; **Used on clutch lever
I Ferrule
Nut (2)*
Hot (2)*
,1024x,375"/F "__
TurnTr_r_//// _" Cable Tie (2)_
_,/ Rat Weld Nut (2)

iMPORTANT: This unitisshippedwithengine oil, but
without gasoline, in the engine.Afterassembly, see
OPERATION sectionof thismanLJalfor fuel selection
and fill-up.
NOTE: Todetermineright andlefthand sidesofyour
snow thrower,standbehind the unitin the operator's
position.See Figure I inset,
Your snowthrowerhas been assembledat the
factory, exceptthe handle and thehandle panel, the
dischargechute assembly,the chute crank assembly
and the shiftrod.These partsare shippedloose inthe
Removing From Carton
• Cut the comersof thecarton and lay the sides
fiaton the ground.Remove all packinginserts.
• Remove all looseparts, For a complete listof
the looseparts, referto the following section.
• Move thesnow throweroutof the carton.
• Make certain all partsand literaturehave been
removedbefore discardingthe carton.
Loose Parts
(See Figure 1.)
a. Handle Panel & ChuteAssembly
b. Right Hand & Left Hand Handles
Figure I
, Left
Start Cord
c. Electric StartCord
d. Two-Piece Chute Crank Assembly
e. Shift Rod
f. Hardware Pack
Assembly Tips: For easier assembly purposes,
remove thechute from the carton and lay iton top of
the engine. Do not unwrapthe chute tillyou have
installedthe handlepanel and the clutchcables.
Tools Required
1. 1/2", 7/16",3/8" wrenchesor a set of adjustable
2. Set ofstandardhead screw drivers
3. Set ofphilipshead screw drivers
4. Funnelto fill up gasoline
wire Is disconnected and movedaway from
WARNING: Make certainthe spark plug
the spark plugbefore assemblingthe snow
Attaching Handle Assembly
• Stretchout controlcables and place on the floor.
Placethe righthandle in positionwiththeflat
side againstthe snow thrower. Youcan identify
the right handleby the traction drive control label
on it and the left handle by the auger clutch
control label on it.

washerfrom the hardware pack (groupA on
page 5 ). Donottightenatthistime.See Figure2.
Lock Washer &
He]( Bolt (1-3/4")
• Attachhandle panelto the handle withtwo
carriagebolts,cupped washers (cuppedside
againstthe handle panel) and hex nutson each
side.See Figure3. You willfind these fasteners
ingroupB ofthe hardware pack.Aligncontourof
thecarriage bolt head withthe handle. Tighten
thehardware. Repeat on otherside.
• Align the hole on thecurved partofthe right
handle withthecorrespondinghole on the right
side ofhandlepanel makingsure thatthisend of
the handle isfirmly placedinthe sloton the
handlepanel. See Figure3.
• Inserta hex bolt, cuppedwasherandflange nut
from Group F of the hardware pack through
these holes as shown in Figure 3.Tighten to
secure, Do notattach the left side now.
Right Handle
Tab Hex Bolt (.75")
Figure 2
• Place a handle tab, includedinthe hardware
pack (groupA ), overthe upperhole inhandle so
thatthe contourof the handle tab matchesthat
of the handle. See Figure2.
• Secure handletab to the snow throwerusing
hexbolt (5/16 x 1.75" long)and lockwasher
from the same groupinthe hardware pack. Do
nottightenat thistime.
• Attachthe left handle inthe same manner. Do
nottightenat this time.
• Placethe handle panelin positionbetween the
handles sothe ends ofthe curvedpart of the
handlesgo throughtheslotsinthe handlepanel.
While placingthe handle panel, make sure to
routechute andchute cable between the handle
and thepanel keepingthe cable on top of the
engine. Align the holesinthe handlewiththe
holesonthe two sides ofthe handlepanel. See
RightHandle 1
Attaching Chute
• Place the chute assemblyover thechute
openingwiththe chutefacing front ofthe unit.
NOTE: Make sure that thechute cables are
straightened while assembling thechute.
Placethe chuteflange keeper (flat side down)
beneath lipof chute assembly asshownin
Figure 4.You will find the chute flange keepers in
group E of the hardware pack.
Insert 1/4-20 x .75" hex bolt and flange nut
(group Eof the hardware pack) up through chute
flange keeper and chute assembly asshown in
Figure 4. Do not tighten at this time. Rotate
chute to instal! all the flange keepers.
Carriage Bolt
Figure 3
Figure 4
Afterassembling allthree chuteflange keepers,
tighten,then back off 1/4 turnto alloweasier
movementofthe chute.Use (2) 7/16" wrenches.
Attaching Chute Crank
• Onthe leftside of the handle panel, placethe
upperchute crankbracket ontothe insideofthe
handle panelsupport.Locate thisbracketand
associatedhardware ingroup F of hardware
pack. See Figure 5.

Inserthexboltthroughthe upper chutecrank
bracket,handle panel support,and upper left
handle.Secure the bracketusingcupped
washer and hex nut. Make surethat thecupped
side ofthe washer isset against the contourof
the handle.
Handle Panel l
\ "<
Hex Bolt
Crank Bracket
Placethe other3/8 ID flat washer (fromthe
same groupof hardware)on theend of thechute
crank and inserthairpinclip intoeye hole at the
end ofthe chutecrank. See Figure 7.
Slidethe upperchute crank throughtheplastic
bushinginthe upperchute crank bracketand
then intothe lowerchutecrank. See Figure8.
Alignthe holeson the two piecesof the chute
crank,and securewith hairpinclip from groupC
ofthe hardwarepack.
Adjustthe chutebracketso thatthe spiralon the
chutecrankfully engages the teeth onthe chute
Using a wrench, tightenthe hex boltand the hex
nut onthe upperchutecrank bracket.
Fullyrotatethechute, usingthe chute crank, to
make surethat it movesfreely. Tightenthe nuts
on the lower chutecrank bracketsecurely.
Tilt Upper
Chute Chute
* This part isalready attached inside the handle panel
Figure 5
You may have to loosenthe carriage boltsand
hex locknutswhich securethe lower chute
crank brackettothe extensionon theleft side of
the chute assembly. See Figure6.
L rrlage Bolt,
CrankBracket Itex LockNut
Figure 6
Place one 3/8 ID flat washer (fromgroupG of
the hardware pack) on the end ofthe chute
crank,then insertthe end of thecrank intothe
eye holeinthe plasticbushinginthe chute crank
bracket.See Figure 7.
Cotter Pin
Flat Washer
Chute Crank
Flgure 8
Slipthe cables thatrunfrom the handle panelto
thechute intothecable guidelocated on topof
theengine. See Figure9.
Cable Guide
Flat Rasher
Lower Chute /
Crank Bracl_t
Figure 7
Figure 9

Tightenallloose hardware on the handle
assemblyin thefollowingorder-- firstthe hex
boltsat the bottomof the handle, then the
carriagebolts and lastlythe hex boltsonthe rear
ofthe handle panel.
Attaching Clutch Cables
The clutchcontrolcables are attachedto the snow
thrower.If the cables ere attachedto the top ofthe
engine withcable ties, cutthe cable tiesnow. The Z
ends of the clutchcables are hooked intothe clutch
gripson each handle.
• Ensure there is a hexjam nutthreaded allthe
way upthe threaded portion ofthe Z fitting;
extras are supplied in the hardware pack. See
Figure 10.
• Place the clutch grip in the raised (up) position.
Z Fitting
\ Nut
WARNING: There mustnotbe any tension
on eitherclutchcable withthe driveor auger
clutchgripinthe disengaged (up) position.
These clutchesare a safety feature. Do not
override theirfunction by allowingtension
on eithercablewiththe clutchesdisengaged.
Attaching Shift Rod
• Placethe shiftlever inthesixth(6) speed.
• Placethe bentendofthe shiftrodintotheholein
theshiftarmassembly.See Figuret 1.Securewith
5/16 flatwasherandhairpinclipfromthe hardware
pack(groupDon page 5).
• Startthreadingthe ferrule(includedinthe same
groupinthe hardware pack)ontothe otherendof
the shiftrod. It has to lineup withthe upper hole
inthe shiftlever(beneath thehandle panel).
While aligningthe ferrule,push downon the shift
rodand the shiftarmassemblyas far as itwillgo.
• Once the ferrule slidesintothe hole, turn it
counter-clockwiseonemore ful!turn and insertit
inthe hole inthe shiftlever.
(Viewed from the underside of the controlpanel)
Figure 10
• Swingthe leftauger upmaking surethe cable is
routed correctlyin the cable rollerguideslocated
at thelower rear of the unit.
• Hold theend of the cable at the barrel sothe
ferrule turnsfreely withouttwistingthe cable.
Thread theferrule on to theZ fitting.You may
have to pullon the cable slightlyto relieve
tension.Keepthe ferrule turningwithout twisting
• You willreachcorrectadjustmentwhenthere is
minimalslackinthe cable butit isnottight.Hold
theflats on theferrule withpliersandtightenthe
jam nutagainsttheferrule.
CAUTION: Cables willbecome looseifyoudo not
tighten thejam nut.
Shift Chute Distance
Lever Control
Drive Auger
Figure 11
NOTE: It may be necessary topull theshiftlever outof
thesixthspeed positionand move it towardsthe fifth
speedpositio n untiltheferruleslides intothe hole
Secure theferrule to the shift leverwithanother
5/16 flat washer and hairpin clipfrom group D of
the hardware pack. See Figure 11.
Make certain tocheck for correctadjustmentof
the shiftrodas instructedinthe Adjustment
sectionbefore operatingthesnow thrower.

Attaching Turn Triggers
Make surethat the righthand triggercable is
routedinfrontof thetractiondrive cable.
• Feedthetriggercableupthroughthe outersideof
theslotinthe handlepanel.Donotfeedthe cable
throughthe samesideofthe slotastheZ fitting.
• Placethe cablebarrelfitting intothe holeinthe
trigger.You canfindthetriggersandassociated
hardwareingroupH ofthe hardwarepack(on
page5). Pullonthe cable and rotateitaroundthe
bottomofthetrigger,withthe innercable inthe
slot,untilthecable endcan be pushedintothe
triggerhousingandsnappedtight.See Figure 12.
Inner Cable
hardware pack. Make sure to routethe cable tie
over thedrive cable. See Figure 14.
Figure 14
Secure the leftturntriggercable to the lower
handle usingthe othercable tie. Make sureto
route the cable tie below the auger drive cable
sothat when the trigger cable is securedby the
cable tie, the auger drive cable is left outside the
cable tie.Trim excess ends from each cable tie.
NOTE: The right sidecable tiemust be used tokeep
cable from comingin contact withthe moving shift
armfromthe transmission.
Barrel Slot
Figure 12
Note: When the cable is installed correctly, it should
not be possibleto pullcable out ofthe trigger housing.
Place the rightturntrigger inposition
underneaththe righthandle. Secure withscrew
and weld nutfrom group H of the hardware
pack. See Figure 13. You willneed a phillips
screwdriverfor tighteningthe screw. Repeat on
Lamp Wiring
• Wrapthe wirefrom thelampdownthe right
handle.Plugwireintothe aitemator leadwire
underthefuel tank. See Figure15.
I _ Hsn le
S_ot ,Trigger
Figure 13
• Secure therightturn triggercable to the right
lowerhandle, usingcable tieprovidedinthe
Figure 15
IMPORTANT: Assembleyour snowthrower, then
checkthe adjustmentsas instructedand make any
final adjustmentsnecessarybefore operatingthe unit.
Failureto follow the instructionsmaycause damage
tothe snowthrower.

Final Adjustments
Adjusting Auger Control
• To checkthe adjustment ofthe auger control,
pushforward the left handclutchgrip untilthe
rubberbumper is compressed,There shouldbe
slackinthe clutchcable.
• Release the clutchgrip.The cable should be
straight. Make certain you can depress the
auger controlgripagainst the lefthandle
• If adjustmentis necessary,loosen the hexjam
nutand thread the cable in(for lessslack) or out
(for more slack),
• Recheck theadjustment. Tightenthe jam nut
againstthe cablewhen correctadjustmentis
Adjusting Traction Drive Control
To checkthe adjustmentofthe tractiondrive
controland shiftlever, move the weighttransfer
levertothe transportposition(shownin Figure
18 on page 13) and theshiftlever allthe way
forward to sixth(6) position.
• Withthe tractiondrivecontrol released, pullthe
triggersupto the handleand then pushthesnow
throwerforward to checkthat the tracks turn.
• Squeeze tractiondrivecontrolagainstthe handle
and pullthestarter.The tracksshouldturn.
• Now release the tractiondrivecontroland pull
the starteragain. The unitshouldnot move.
• Beforeproceedingwith adjustment,make sure
thatthe spark plug is disconnected.
• Ifthe tractiondrivecontrolneeds adjustment,
loosen the jam nut on the tractiondrivecable
and threadthe cable one turn. Recheck
adjustmentand repeat as necessary.
• Tightenthe jam nutto secure thecable when
correctadjustment is reached.
NOTE: Cables are outof adjustmentifaugers
continueto turnwhenauger clutchis releasedand/or
machine continuestorun when driveclutchis
released. For more details,refer to theService and
Adjusting Skid Shoe
The space between the shave plate and theground
canbe changed byadjustingthe skidshoe.
• Returnweighttransferlever to normalposition
before adjustingskidshoes.
• For closesnow removal,adjust skidshoes
higher to minimizegap between the shaveplate
and the ground.
• For snow removalfrom uneven groundlike
gravel, adjustskidshoes downwardtocreate
sufficientclearancebetween the bottomedge of
the shave plate andthe ground. See Figure16.
NOTE: It isnot recommendedthat you operate this
snow throweron gravelas loose gravelcan be easily
pickedup and thrownby theauger causingan injury
or damage tothe snowthrower.However, if you do
have to usethe snow throwerongravel,put the weight
transfer lever to transport position.
• Adjustskidshoesby loosening the four hex nuts
and carriage bolts and moving skidshoes to
desired position. Make certain the entire bottom
surface of skidshoe is against the ground to
avoid uneven wear on the skid shoes. See
Figure 16.
• Retightennuts and bolts securely.
Skid Shoe_ _HeXNa_t" Bolt
Figure 16

Knowing Your Snow Thrower
Read thisowner's manual and safety rules before operatingyoursnowthrower. Compare
withyoursnowthrowerto familiarize yourselfwiththe location of variouscontrols and
adjustments.Save this manual for future reference.
The operationof any snow throwercan resultin foreign objectsbeing thrownintothe eyes,
whichcan resultinsevere eye damage. Alwayswear safety glasses for operating the snow
thrower,or while performingany adjustmentsor repairson it.
Traction Drive
Shift Distance
Lever Lever
Chute Crank
Spark Fill
Skid Shoe
Figure 17
Meets ANSI Safety Standards
Sears snowthrowersconformto the safety standardsB71,3 of the AmericanNational StandardsInstitute(ANSI),

Operating Controls
(See Figure 17.)
Chute Crank
The chute crankis located on the left sideof the snow
thrower. To change the direction in which snow is
thrown, turn chute crank as follows:
turn clockwise to discharge to the left;
turn counterclockwiseto discharge to the right.
Chute Distance Control
The distance that snow is thrown can be adjusted by
adjusting the angle of the chute assembly. Push the
chute distance control lever forward to move the
upper chute down and decrease the distance. Pull the
lever back toward the rear to move the upper chute
up and increase the distance.
Left And Right Turn Trigger
The leftand rightturntriggers are located onthe
undersideofthe handles and are used toassist in
steeringyoursnow thrower. Squeeze the rightturn
triggerwhenturningright,squeeze the leftturntrigger
when turningleft. Operate yoursnowthrower inopen
areas untilyou become familiar withthesecontrols.
Shift Lever
The shift lever is located inthe center ofthe handle
panel. It may be moved into one of eight positions:
a. Forward--oneofsixspoeds;po,v_onone(1)
isthe slowest and position six (6) isthe
b. Reverse--two reverse (R) speeds; R2is
Use the shift lever to determine ground speed. Do not
shiftto different speed while the unit is moving.
Auger Control
The auger controlis locatedon the left handle.
Squeeze the auger controlagainstthe handle to
engage the augers; release to disengagethe augers.
(Tractiondrive controlmust also be released.)
Traction Drive Control
The tractiondrive controlislocated onthe right
handle. Squeeze the tractiondrive controltoengage
thetrack drive;release to stop.
This same lever also locks the auger control so
thatyou can turn the chutecrank withoutinterrupting
the snowthrowingprocess.If the auger controlis
engaged withthetractiondrive controlengaged, you
can release the auger control(onthe lefthandle) and
the augers willremainengaged. Release the traction
drivecontrolto stopboth theaugers andthe track
drive. (Auger controlmust alsobe released).
Weight Transfer Lever
The weighttransfer lever is locatedonthe rightside of
thesnow throwerand is used toselect the positionof
the housingand the methodoftrack operation. See
Figure 18. Move the lever tothe right,then forward or
backwardto one ofthe three positions.
Figure 18
a. Transport--Raises the front end of the
snowthrowerfor easytransport. Using
propercaution, thispositionmay also be
used on manygravel drivewaysto clear
snowwhileleaving gravel undisturbed.
b. Normal Snow--Allows thetracks to be
suspendedindependently for continuous
c. Packed Snow.--Locksthe frontend of the
snowthrowerdownto the groundforhard-
packed or icysnow conditions.
Throttle Control
The throttlecontrolis locatedonthe engine. It
regulatesthe speed of the engine.
Safety Ignition Switch
The ignitionkey must be insertedintothe switchfor
the unitto start. Remove the ignitionkeywhen the
snow thrower is not in use.
To Stop The Snow Thrower
• To stopthetrack, release the tractiondrivelever
ofthe snowthrower.
• To stopthrowingsnow,releasethe augerdrive
leverand the drive leverifengaged.
• To stopthe engine, pushthe throttlecontrol
leverto OFF and pulloutthe ignitionkey. Do not