Close door end disconnect power to the garage door
opener before proceeding.
The trolley muBt be In down (¢l_ed door) pos/t/on dutt_l
•_m#/y _d It_//at/_t. If you have a completatyinstalled
garage door opener, the rail/opener assembly must be taken
down, UP and DOWN Limitsmust be readjustedafter
Opener hangingbracketswill requirerepositioningdue to
increased railfength.
H¢_/s/s a new/ltmtM/_ use the front (header) rail section,
chain/cable assembly, end longer emergency release rope in
this kitin place of those packagedwith your garage door
opener. Complete the assembly,installation,and adjustment of
your opener accordingto yourOwner's Manual.
/f th/s/s an eJdcUng/ns_//affon, oon#nue as fo//o w_-
1. Pull downon the emergency release handle, then
disconnectthe trolleyfrom the door arm,
2. Disconnectthe rail/opener assembly from the header
bracket and hanging brackets,and place iton the floor.
3. Remove the sprocketcover from the powerheedand set
4. Remove the outer nut (Figure 1) from the trolleyshaft and
set aside.
5, Disconnectthetwo master link assembliesfrom the trolley
(F_'e 2) and discard,
6, Remove idler putleyassembly and set aside.
7. Remove the chain/cable assembly and discard,
8, Remove the 1/4'-20xl-3/4 boltand lock nutfrom the trolley
stop hole inthe front railand set aside.
9. Pushthe trolleybacktowardthe opener head. Disconnect
the front rail sectionby usinga screwdrivertip to pry up the
outer tab on each side of the rail (Figure 3), then slideit off
the canter rail, Discard the front rail.
10, Alignthe new front railwith the existingrail assembly,
keeping the small holes along the same edge, and the cut
cut =window*at the front (header) end. Be sureto keep it
fightside up:/he/_'erpu/lay bcCthole above/he m'ndowis
larger on topof/he nutthen on the bottom.Slide the front
railonto the assembly; tabs alongthe side willlock into
11. As a temporarytrolleystop, clamp a Iocldngpliersonto the
rail, 8"fromthe center of theidler pulley hdle, as shown in
Figure4. Slide the trolleyassembly to this point.
12. Refer to yourowner's manualto completethe assembly,re-
installationand adjustmentof youropener
13. Replsce the old emergency ralsese rope with the new,
longerreplacement rope.
14. Reconnect power and operate the door in the UP direction.
15. Increase the UP travel limitby turningthe UP limit
adjustment screw in a clockwisedirectionas shown on
label, One tum equals 2* oftravel.
Figure 4
Model 139.53724
Eight-Foot Rail Extension Kit
Muir Link
Header rail extension
8' ChakVCablaAssemb/y
Master Lk_k/at
114A2383 All RIQtttsReMrv_d Pdrtt_dinMlJxt¢o
O1_, Sears, Roebuck& Co.