Craftsman 139.53662SRT Owner's Manual

Model No.
For Residential Use
Caution: Read and follow all
safety rules and operating instructions
before first use of this product.
Fasten the manual near the garage door
after installation.
Compffeswith UL325/Ih _ re_lations effective
January 1, I9_3
. ii
1/2 HP
= Safety Precautions
a Assembly
= Installation = Adjustment
[] Care and Maintenance = Operation
,, Troubleshool_y:
= Parts List
Sears, Roebuck and Co, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.SoA.
Contents Page
A review of safety alert syrnboFs........................................2
You'll need tools ...............................................................................3
Safety information regarding garage door
locks and ropes .............................................................3
bindingand baJance...............................................................3
Assembly section - pages 8 - 1'1
Assemble T-rail ............................................................ 8
Attach cable pulley bracket ..............................................8
Install trolley ............................................................... 9
Fasten T-rail to opener ................................................ 9
Install chain/cable ....................................................... 10
Attach sprocket cover .............................................. 10
Tighten the chain and cable ...............................................11
Installation section +pages 11 - 27
Installation safety instrucUons ................................. 11
Determine header bracket IocaUon
Sectional door ....................................................... 12
One-piece door ...................................................... t3
Install the header bracket ....................................... 14
Attach the T-rait to header bracket .............................15
Position the opener ................................................. 16
Hang Me opener ....................................................... 17
Install the door control ............................................. 18
i ill i
Contents Page
lnstalt Me lights and lenses ..................................... !9
Attach emergency release rope and handle ...........19
ElectdcaJ requirements ................................................ 20
Safety reversing sensor information ....................... -21
Install the safety reversing sensor ..........................22, 23
Fasten door bracket (sectional door) .........................+24
Fasten door bracket (one-piece door) .......................25
Connect door arm to trolley (sectional door) .......... .26
Connect door arm to U'otley (one-piece door) ......... -27
Adjustment section - pages 28 - 30
Travel limit adjustments ........................................... 28
Force adjustments ......................................................... 29
Test the safety reversing sensor ............................... 30
Test the safety reverse system ....;............................. 30
Operation safety instructions ...................................... 31
Care of your opener ....................................................... 31
Maintenance schedule .......................................................31
Opera+Jon of your opener ........................................... 32
Receiver and remote control programming .................33
Having a problem? ............................................... 34, 35
Repair parts, rail assembly ........................................... 36
Repair parts, inst_lation ............................................... 36
Repair parts, opener assembly .................................. 37
Accessories .................................................................. 38
Index .............................................................................. 39
How to order repair parts ...............................................40
Maintenance agreement ............................................ 40
Warranty ....................................................................... 40
Start by Reviewing these Important Safety Alert Symbols
i i , , ,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,
When you see these Safety Symbols on the following pages, they'will alert you to the possibility of serious injury or death if you do not comply with the corresponding instructions. The hazard may
come from something mechanical or from electric shock+ Read the insb'uctions carefully+
When you see this Sa'_'WSymbel.-)on,.the following pages, it will a ert you to the possibility of damage,yg__urgarage {]+6+O1" andloi_.-theegarage cIoor opener if you do not comply with the corresponding
mstructton_+ Read+ttte mstruction+_'caretuJly...__
t]:,+ :,+++-+,.+,
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+ + +t .... r ...... .......... i ii + i' iii I ii, ii i * i
This garage door opener is designed and tested to offer safe service provided it is installed, operated,
maintained and tested in strict accordance with the safety instructions contained in this manual.
You'll Need Tools
During assembly, installation and adjustment of the opener, instructions will call for hand tools shown below
Tape Measure
Hac_ Saw
Claw Hammer
A_ustable End Wtenc_
i , i i i i i,i
An unbalanced garage door might not reverse
when required and someone under the door
could be seriously injured or killed.
If your garage door binds, sticks or is out of
balance, call for professional garage door
service. Garage doors, door springs, cables,
pulleys, brackets and their hardware are under
extreme tension and can cause serious injury or death. Do not try to loosen, move or adjust
them yourself!
Ropes left on a garage door could cause someone to become entangled and killed.
Remove all ropes connected to the door before installing and operating the opener.
Identify the type and height of your door and any
special conditions that exist and any additional
materials that may be required by referring to the lists
on page 4 or page 5
To avoid damage to the garage door and
opener, disable locks before installing and operating the opener. Use a wood screw or nail
to hold locks in the "open" (unlocked)
position. Operation at other than 120V 60 Hz will cause
opener malfunction and damage.
=mN ,,,
Before you begin, complete the following test to
make sure your door is balanced, and is not sticldng or binding:
. Uft the door about halfway as shown. Release the
door. It shoul_l stay in place, supported entirely by its spdngs.
Raise and lower the door to see if there is any binding or sticking.
.............. . .. ...........:.,_......... . _
Before you begin, survey your garage area to see whether any of the conditions below apply
to your installation.
Slack in Chain Tension
is No_ When
Garage Door is Clo_ed
Access Door
Safety Reversing Sensor
Based on your particular requirements, there are
several installation steps which might call for
matedaJs and/or hardware not included in the carton.
Step 1, page 12 - Look at the wall or ceiling above the garage door. The header bracket must be securely fastened to structural supports.
. Step 5, page 17 - Do you have a finished ceiling in
your garage? If so, a support bracket and additional fastening hardware may be required.
oSafety reversing sensor, page 2t - Depending
upon garage construction, wood blocks may need to be {astened to mounting locations before
sensors are installed.
Step 10, page 22 - Alternate floor mounting of the safety reversing sensor will require hardware not
° Step 11, page 24 - Do you have a steel, aluminum,
fiberglass or glass panel door? if so, horizontal and vertical reinforcement is required°
Look at the garage door where it meets the floor.,
It must close on the floor al! the way across. Otherwise, the safety reverse system may not work properly. See page 3& Floor or door should be repaired.
Closed Position
Rail A.'_embly
Emerger, cy Release
-- Rope & Handle
. Header Ca_e Pulley
The opener can be installed within 2 feet to the left or dght of the door center if there is a torsion spdng
or center bearing plate in the way of the header bracket or door bracket area. If your door has
extension spdngs, the opener must be installed in the center of the door. See pages 12 and 24.
Do you have an access door in addition to the garage door? If not, Model 53702 Emergency
Key Release is require& See page 38°
- If your door is more than 7 feet high, see the rail
extension kits listed on page 38.
You may find it helpful to refer back to this page as you proceed with the installation of your opener.
Based on your particular requirements, there are several instaJlat_on steps which might call for materiaJs and/or hardware not included in the carton.
'. Step 1, page 13 - Look at the wail or ceiling above
the garage door. The header bracket mustbe securely fastened to structural supports°
Step 5, page 17 - Do you havea finished ceiling in your garage? If so, a support bracket and
additiona! fastening hardware (not supplied) may be required.
Safety reversing sensor, page 21 - Depending on
garage constn_ction, wood blocks may need to be securely fastened to mounting locations before
sensors are installed.
Step 10, page 22 -Altemate floor mounting of the
safety reversing sensor will require hardware that is not provided.
Step 11, page 25 - Generally, a one-piece door does not require reinforcement. If your door is lightweight, you can refer to the information relating to sectional doors on page 24.
Step 11, page 25 - Depending on your door's construction, you might need additional mounting
hardware for the door bracket.
Do you have an access door in addition to the
garage door?. If not, Model 53702 Emergency Key Release is required° See page 38.
The gap between the bottom of the garage
door and the floor cannot exceed 114". Otherwise, the safety reverse system may not work properly. See page 30. The floor or the door
should be repaired.
Safety acrosswidthof door
Closed Position
Cable Trolley
Bracket Door
Door Arm
Rope & Handle
You may find it helpful to refer back to this page as you proceed with the installation of your
Carton Inventory
Your garage door opener is packaged in two cartons which contain aJlparts illustrated below.. If anything is
missing, carefully check the packing matedaJ. Parts may be "stuck = in the foam. Hardware for assembly and installation is shown on page 7o
Model 53675 on{y
Premium Coetr_ Console
Three-Function Retake Conm:_l = ..,._'_
w_ V'_,_r C_lp (2)
Key{ess Entry
Ught Lens (2)
2-Cooduc_r BeLlWire
Wh_e & W'_e/Red
Safety Revering Sensor
W_thSquareHoles (2)
Safety Reversing Sensor
Mounting Bracket
With S{ot (2)
{2) Safety Reversing Sensors
(1 Sendrng Eye and I Receiving Eye)
2_,onductor White & Wh_tefBEack Bell W_re
Arm Section
H_'tging Bt-ackets
oI oI
Straigh_ Door
Ann Section
Separate all hardware from the packages in the rail carton and the opener carton, as shown below, for the assembly and installation procedures.
Assembly Hardware
Waslkei'ed Screw Hex Screw Nut
5/16"-18xl/2" (2) 5/16*-18x7fS" (3) 5./16%18 (5}
{rilotlnted _i opene[)
C_-riage Bolts
1t4"-20×1/2" (4}
Lo_ Wmsher
Loc_ Nut
114"-20x7tt6" (4)
Installation Hardware
L_g Screw
5/16"-18xl-7/8" (2)
Carnage Boll
RaJI Grease
Clevis Pin Clevis Pin ktsu_led
5/16"x1-1t4" (1) 5/16*x1" (I) Stales (10)
i iiiiii ii Hill I II,INIIN.Ill
1/4x1-112" (4)
Hex Screw
114-20x 1-1/'2" (2!
ii i ININ
Safety Reversing Sensor
Installation Hardware
Carriage Bolts
l14"4_0x1,t_ (4)
t/t O-32x3t8 ° (4)
Lock Nut Wing Nut (2)
1/4=-20 (4)
Lock Nut Insulaled
t10x32 (4) Staples (20)
Assembly Section: Pages 8 - 11
To avoid installation difficulties, do not run the garage door opener until instructed to do so.
Assembly Step 1
Assemble the T-raft & Attach the Cable Pulley Bracket
. Place the 3 T-rail sections on a flat surface for
assembly. The end sections are identical. Make
sure the "arrow label" on the center section is
pointing toward the doon
insert the carriage bolts so the square bolt ned_ seat in the square holes in the T-rail end sections
and pass through the round holes in T-rail center
section. Assemble lock nuts, ensure alignment and
Make sure bolt necks are seated In the square
holes and rails are
aligned before you tighten lock nuts, (See right and wrong views). Improper assembly can
cause jerky trolley operation, noise and/or
nuisance door reversals.
Right Wrong
t/4" Lock Nut
IfTrail is not assembled EXACTLY as shown,
!trolley wilt nottravel
smoothly along length of rail or itwill hit against the nuts.
Ca_{e putIeybracket
at_ches Io FRONT
Hardware Shown Actual Size
Lock Nut Carnage Bolts
1/4"-L_xT/16" 114"-20xl _"
Hex $_mv Nut Lc<:kWasher
_I 6"-1BxT/8" _16 %18 _16"
Posi_on the cable puiley bracket on the front end of the T-rail as shown_ Fasten securely with the hardware.
Right Wrong
tightening the screws, be
sure to keep bracket parallel to the rail.
Otherwise, the rail may bow
when opener is operated.
Assembly Step 2
Install the Trolley on the T-rail
Attach the threaded shaft to the trolley with the lock washer and nuts as shown°
Lock Washer
Hardware Shown
Actual Size
Lo_ W_he r
Assembly Step 3 !
Fasten the T-rail to the Opener
Place the opener on packing material to protect the cover,, For convenience, put a support under the cable pulley brackeL
Remove the (2) 5/16"-18xl/2" washered screws mounted in the top of the opener.
Align the holes in the back section of the T-rail with the holes in the opener.
Fasten the rail with the (2) washered screws
previously removed. Tighten securely.
Remember to use only these screws! Any other screws will cause serious damage to the opener.
Insert a 5/16=-18x7/8" hex screw into the cover protection bolt hole in the T-rail as shown° Tighten securely with a 5/16" lock washer and nut.
NOTE: This screw prevents trolley over-travel.
Keep a 2" minimum between the trolley and this
screw when adjusting travel limits (see page 28).
Hardware Shown Actual Size
Hex Screw Nul Lock Washer
5/16""18_718_ 5/16" 5/16"
u UmHHHHmiin=,
- As a temporary stop, insert a screwdriver into the hole in the front end of the T-rail.
Slide the trolley assembly along the rail to the screwdriver stop.
If trolley hits against any nuts on the T-rail, the bolts and nuts were attached from the wrong
side and must be repositioned. Review Step 1.
To fasten rail, use only those screws mounted
in the top of the opener. Any other screws will
c_use seriou_ damage to the opener,
Hex Screw
5/16_-18x7/8 Cover
(Back Section).
Assembly Step 4
Install the Chain/Cable & Attach the Sprocket Cover
Leave Chain and Cable
{nside Dispensing
Carton to Prevec_t K3nking,
Kee_ Cha;n and Cable Taul When Dispensing
Detach the cable loop from the carton and fasten it to the trolley with a master tink from the hardware
bag. See master link procedure, Figure 1.
With the trolley against the screwdriver, dispense
the cable around the putley.
o Proceed back around the opener sprocket,
Figure 2. Be sure sprocket teeth engage the chain. Continue forward to the trolley threaded shaft,
Figure 3.
Use the second master link to connect the chain to the flat end of the shaft. Check to make sure the chain is not twisted.
Remove the screwdriver.
I Serious Injury can result If fingers become I
entangled tn moving opener sprocket. Attach
sprocket cover securely, Never operate opener while your hand is near the opener sprocket.
Figure 2 sp_t
Master U_
Ctip-On Spring ,
Unk Cap
Ra[ End
of Trolley
Threaded Shaft
Figure 3
Master Link Procedure:
Push pins of master link bar
through cable loop and hole tn front end of tce[ley. Push cap
over pins and past notches,.
Slide cJip-on spring over cap and into notches until both
pins are securely" locked.
To attach the sprocket cover:
_nsert the back tab in the opener slot. Squeeze the cover slightly and insert the front tab in the slot on the mounting plate.
Assembly Step 5
_ghten the Chain & Cable
Spfn the inner nut and lock washer down the threaded shaft, away from the trolley.
To tighten the chain, turn outer nut in the direction shown. As you turn the nut, keep the chain
from twisting. When the chain is approximately 1/2" above the
base of the T-rail at its midpoint, re-tighten the inner nut to secure the adjustment
Sprocket noise can result if chain is either too loose or too tight
When installation is complete, you may notice some chain droop with the door closed. This is normal. If the chain returns to the pos_en shown when the door is open, do not re-adjust the chain°
NOTE: During future maintenance, ALWAYS pull the emergency release handle to disconnect trolley before adjusting chain.
Outer Nul Washer lnne'r Nut
To T_ghten O,.er Nut _ --\ /
You have now finished assembling your garage door opener. Please read the following warnings before proceeding to the installation section:
=,luJ,Hl!l ill, ,i
'11 I I I '1 I I'l'l'lllllq I '14 I '! I I -- i ................
To reduce the risk of severe injury or death to persons:
2. Install only on a properly balanced and lubricated garage door. An improperly balanced door may not reverse and could result in severe injury or death. Repairs to cables, spring assemblies and other hardware must be made by a professional service person before installing opener.
3. Disable all locks and remove all ropes connected to the garage door before installing the opener.
Ropes connected to a garage door can cause entanglement and death.
4, If possible, install door opener 7 feet or more above floor with the emergency release handle
mounted 6 feet above the floor.
5. Do not connect the opener to power source until instructed to do so.
6. Locate the Door Control within sight of the door at a minimum height of 5 feet where small children cannot reach, and away from all moving parts of the door.
7. Install the User Safety Instruction Label on the wall adjacent to the door control and the
Maintenance Instruction Label in a prominent location on the inside of the garage door.
8. Upon completion of the installation, the door must reverse when it comes in contact with a
one-inch high object or a 2x4 laid flat on the floor.
9. Do not wear watches, rings or loose clothing while installing or servicing an opener. Jewelry or
loose clothing can be caught in the mechanism of the garage door or the opener°
Installation Section: Pages 12 - 27
=, L ,,,
Installation Step 1
Determine Header Bracket Location
Installation procedures vary according to garage door types. Follow the instructions
which apply to your door.
,= = ,== ........................... , H,
__ FinL_hed__
if the header bracket is not rigidly fastened to
a structural support on the header wall or ceiling, the safety reverse system may not work properly (see page 30). The door might
not reverse when required, and could cause serious iniury or death.
The garage door springs, cables, pulleys, brackets and their hardware are under extreme
tension. Do not attempt to loosen, move or
adjust them yourself. Serious personal injury or death could result. Call for professional
garage door service.
II=I,Hiii= ,,, Hill, = ,ll,=
- Close the door and mark the inside vertical centedine of the garage door.
Extend the line onto the header wail above the door°
Remember, you can fasten the header bracket within 2 feet of the
left or right of the door center only if a torsion spring or center bearing plate is in the way; or you can attach
it to the ceiling (refer to page 14)
when clearance is minimal. (it may
be mounted on the wall upside down if necessary, to gain approximately 1/2".)
ff you need to install the header bracket on a 2x4 (on wall or ceiling), use lag screws (not supplied) to securely fasten
.the 2x4 to structural supports as shown
here and on page l&
Open your door to the highest point of travel as shown. Draw an intersecting horizontal line on the header wall 2" above the high point.This height will
provide travel clearance for the
top edge of the door.
Door clearance brackets are available for sectional doors when headroom clearance is
less than 2"o See accessory
page 38.
Proceed to Step 2, page t4.
Sectional door
with curved track
One-piece door
with horizontal track
+ 28 hidden pages