Craftsman 139.5368 User Manual

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Model 139.53681 8С€ШШТ -4”^

3-Function Remote Control

Model 139,53680 8ЕСиКПТ4»


Compact 3-Funrtfnn

The Securityt* remote control (with blue push buttons) works only with roiling code door openers and light controls (with an orange SRT hutton and yellow Indicator light). The code between the remote control and the receiver changes with each use, randomly accessing over 100 billion new codes.

Instructions are given below for programming your opener to match the remote control's code. The additional remote control buttons can also activate other Security*!* garage door openers and/or light controls. (Instructions for programming light products are included with those accessories.)

SECURITY# Garage Door Openers

Program the Opener to Accept

the Remote Control Code

Select a remote control push button to operate the receiver. The /a/ge button is recommended for use with the garage door opener.

If you have a Premium Control Console:

1; H/Kh Ihe door dosed, press and hold the selected remote push button. See Figure F

2. Press and hold the Light button on the door control,

-Figure 2.

3.Press and hold the door control push button.

4.After the opener light flashes, release all buttons,

if you do not have a Premium Control Console:

1.Press and hold the selected remote push button. See Figure 1.

2.Press and release theSRT (learn) button on the opener panel. See Figure 3, The indicator light on the panel will

begin to blink and the opener light wilt Hash once, 3. Release the remote push button.

Now the opener will operate when that remote control button is pressed. Test it by pressing the remote button to see that the door goes up and down.

To Erase All Remote Control Codes

Press and hold the SRT button on the opener panel until the indicator light turns off (about 6 seconds). All remote codes are now erased. Then follow the steps above to re­ program each remote control.

Children operating or playing with a garage door opener can Injure themselves or others. The

garage door could dose and cause serious Injury or death. Do not allow children to operate the door push button(s) or remote control(s).

A moving garage door could Injure or kill someone

under it Activate the opener only when you can

see the door dearly, it is free of obstructions, and


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Figure 1

Figure 2

Setad a remote conlro! push bunon

Door Contro!

^ush button

to operate opener ■


3-Fu notion



Remote Control

Remote Control



Control Console

Figure 3 SECURITY*!* Garage Door Opener


SRT (¡earn)





Code programming instructions are also located on the opener panel.

To Control the Opener Light (Premium Consoles)

With SECUR1TY+ remote controls, a push button can be programmed to operate the opener light without opening the door.

1. With the door closed, press and hold the remote button that you want to control the light

2.Press and hold the Light button on the door control.

3.Press and hold the Lock button on the door control,

4.After the opener light flashes, release all buttons.

Test by pressing the remote push button. The opener light should turn on or off but the door should not move.

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