Model No.
For Resldentla Use
Read and follow aH safety
rutes and operating
instructions _fore first
use of this product_
Fasten the manuat near
the garage door after
E Safety Precautions
m Assembly
m Installation
H Adjustment
Care and Maintenance
s Troubleshooting
PaRs List
Complies with UL 325
_egulati_s effe_ve
January 1, 1_3
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 UoS.A.

A review of safety"a_e4symbols 2
Youll need tools 3
Safety information regarding garage deer k_ks
and ropes .............................................................. 3
Testing your garage door for sticking, binding
and balance .................................................................3
H_ustrationd _ion@ d_r instaIla_on .....................4
/l/usl_tio, n of one@i_e @_r inst_tation .................. 5
CP_on inventory ............... :......................................... 6
H_-dware inventory ................................................... 7
Assembly se_on opages 8 - 11
Assemble T--raii................................................... 8
A_ch c,_Ie pulley bracket ...................................... 8
Instil trolley ........................................................... g
P_ten T_r_l }o o_ner ............................................ 9
Inst_sl/cha_r{(_ble ................................................ 10
A_ach sprr_ket _ver ................................................10
_ghten fl_echainemd _e ..................................11
installation section - pages 11 --27
tns*alia_on sdety instr_adJons........................... 11
Detem_ine header bracket I_tion
Se_ionai @y_r...................................................12
One@i_e door.......................................................13
InsteJ/the header b_cket ........................................14
Attd_chf.heTorail to header bracket .........................15
PesitJon_e opener, ..............................................16
H_ng _e opener .....................................................17
hsta_I the _ightand lens ..............................................19
Attach emergency reles_sere;)e and h_dle ..............19
Eiectdoat requirememts ................................................20
Safety reversing _nsor infom_afon ..............................21
tn.sta_l_'_esdety reversing sensor ..........................._, 23
F_ten d_r bracket (se@ona_ d_O ..............................24
Fasten dear bracket (_e@i_ dc_0 ........................... 25
Conne_stdoor _q to #oHe¥ (sedJonat d<_O.................26
_nn¢_ d_r a_ to troliey (on_i_ d_aO .............. 27
Adjustment sc_ion -pages 28 - 30
Force adjustments ...........................................................29
Test the _fe_, reve_ing sensor ......................................3,0
Test U_e_fety _eve_e _ystem ....................................._O
O_raflon _#etyinstm_ions...................................31
Care of your opene_ ...........................................................31
M@n_en_ce _hedule ......................................................3'I
O_ra,_on of your o_ner ................................................ 32
Re_eiver _d remote control pr_mming .................. 33
Ha_ng a premiere? ...................................................._, 35
Rep_r p_ta, rail as_mb_y ............................................... 36
Rep_r parts, instJation ......................................................_3
R_a_r pan.s, e_ner as_rnbly ..........................................37
A_ssor_es ........................................................................_S
Index ..................................................................................39
How to order repair pa_ ..................................................40
M_ntenance agreement ...................................................
Warranty ..........................................................................40
S_M by review!.ng these im_nt safeb_ aleM symbols
When you see th_s Safety Symbol on the following pages, it will aIeA you to the possibility of damage
to your garage door anNor the garage door opener if you do eot comply with the corresponding
instruct_onso Read the instpacdons carefu#y.
This garage door opener is designed and tested to offer safe service provided it Is Installed, operated_
mainta_ned and tested tn strict accordance with the safety Instructions contained tn this manual

You'll Need Tools
Dudng assembly, installation and adjustment of the opener, instructions will call for hand too_sshown befowo
_16_ 9'16% y
Uaves de caja
An unbalanced garage door might not reverse
when required and someone under the door
could be seriously injured or killed,
If your garage door binds, sticks or ts oat of
balance, call for professional garage door
service, Garage doors, door springs, cablea,
pulleys, brackets and their hardware are under
extreme tension and can cause serious inJuc¢
or death, Do not try to loosen, move or adjust
them yourselft
Ropes left on a garage door could cause
someone to become entangled and killed.
Remove all ropes connected to the door before
installing and operating the opener.
Identify the type and height of your door and any
speeia_ conditions that exist and any additional
matedais that may be required by referring to the
lists on page 4 or page 5
To avoid damage to the garage door and
opener, disable locks before installing and
ope_ttng the opener, U_ a w_d screw or nail
to ho_d locke in _he "O_n" (unlike) _sttion,
Operation at other tha_ 120V 60 Ha wiil cause
o_eer maffunct_om and damage,
Before you begin, complete the following test to
make sure your door is balanced, and }s not
sticking or binding;
- Lift the door about hatfway as shown, Re_ease the
door, _tsho@d stay in place, sup_ded entire_y by
its spdngs,
, Raise and _ower the door to see if there is any

Before you begin, su_ey your garage area to
see whether any of the conditions below apply
Based on your particular requirements, there are
severaI installation steps which might call for
materials and!or hardware not included in the carton.
,_Step 1 page ! 2 - Look at the wail or ceiling above
the garage door. The header bracket must be
securety fastened to stn3ctura_sup_rts.
,, Step 5, page 17 - Do you have a finished ceiling in
your garage? if so, a suppo_ bracket and
additional fastening hardware may be required.
Safety* reve_ing sensor, page 21 _Depending
upon gauge constructioe, wo¢_ blocks may need
to be fastened to mounting locations before
sensors are installed.
, Step 10, page 22 _Alternate floor mounting of the
safety reversing sensor will require hardware not
, Step 11, page 24 oDo you have a steel, aluminum,
fiberglass or g!_ss panel dood* if so, hodzontai
and recital reinforcement is required.
, Look at the garage door where it meets the fioor.
it must close o# the floor sit the way across.
Other_wlse, the safety reverse system may _ot
work properlyo See page 30. Floor or d_r should
be repaired.
oThe opener c_ be installed within 2 feet of the ieR
or dght of the door _e_er if there is a torsion spnng
or center bearing plate in the way d the header
bracket or d_r bracket area_ if.your door has
the opener must be insta#ed
in the center of the d_ See pages 12 &qd 24.
• Do you have _q a_ess door in addition to the
garage d_ if not, Model 53702 Emergency
Key Re_ease is required, See page 38.
, If your door is more than 7 feet high, see the longer
raiis available on page 38,
You may find it helpful to refer back to this page as you proceed with the _nstaitatton of your opener:

Based on your particular requirements, there are
several insIailation steps which might _l br
materials @qS_orhardware not included in _e _&£on
Step I, page 13 oLook at the wafl o{ ceiiing above
the garage door. 'The header bracket must be
securely fastened to structural suppo_ls
* Step 5_page t7 oDo you have a finished ceiling in
your garage? If so, a suppo£ bracket and
add tiona! fastening hardware (riot supplied) may
be required.
, Safety reversing sensor, page 21 Depending on
garage construction, wood blocks may need to be
securety fastened to mounting Iocations before
senso_ are installed.
Step 10, page 22 - Alternate floor mounting of the
safety reversing sensor will require hardware that
is not provided.
Step 11, page 25 _Generally, a one pie_ door
does not require reinforcemenL tf your door is
lightweight, you _e refer to the information
relating to section_ doors on page 24.
,,Step 11, page 25 _Depending on your dooCs
construction, you might need additional mounting
hardware for the door brackeL
oDo you have an a_ess door in addition to the
garage dc_r? if not, Model 53702 Emergency
Key Release is required. See page 38
, The gap between the bo_om of the garage
door and the floor cannot exceed 1/4".
Otherwise, the safety reverse system may not
work properly. See page 30. The floor or the door
should be repaired
One-Piece Door With Track
You may find it helpful to refer back to this page as
you proceed with the installation of your o_ner.

Opener CaAon Inventory
Your garage door o2_ner is packaged in two ca_ons which contain at_pa_s illustrated b@[ow,_fanylhing is
missing_ carefu!!y check the packing matedaL PaAs may be "stuck" in Me foam_ Hardware for assembly and
installation is shown on page 7
5_25 ('9, 5_5 (1)
Ugh_ed C4_
M_x_ieb 93225
Model 5_ e¢_y
Compa_ R_o{e C_tt_
M_¢_ S[_24 or'4y
S4sfe_yRevergr_ £s_50{
_@ua_ng Bta_
V_4_hSquare H_@_ (2}
Safety Revers_g Sen_
Wth S_ (2)
_4ea_r Bt_ke_
C_'_aimar_8 C@lm
Arm _

Separate all hardware from the packages in the rail carton and the opener carton, as
shown below, for the assembly and installation procedures.
AssembLy Hardware
T_o_ey ThCe_d_ Sh_ (1}
_16 _ {4} I/4 _ 20 _ 7/16 _ (4}
Installation Hardware
,,.-'_1¢*_8 _ _o;b__ (4)
H_,_d_ R_t Gte_
NL4 _ _8i6t
Safety Reversing Sensor
Installation Hardware
Hex _¢_w
i/_-20 _ 11_" (2)
Ca_ge _Rs Lo_ N_ _,/i#gN_ (2)
_/4"- 20× 1_" (4) _/4" _ (4)

Assembly Section: Pages 8- 11
To avoid installation d:mcu[ties, do not run the gauge d_r opener until :nst_ to do so.
Ma_ sure _ n_ks are
tig_en i_k nuts {_
, Align _e 3 Torai_se_ons on a fiat suRace exactty
as shown° The end sections are identical Make
sure the "arrow labet° on the center se_ion is
pointing toward the door..
, Inse_ the carnage bolts so the square bolt necks
seat in the square holes in the T-rai! end sections
and pass through the round holes in T_rait center
section. Assemble lock nuts, ensure alignment and
o_ratJon, nef_ anddOr
aa_n_ d_ re_r_lm
Hardware Shown Actual S:ze
END of "T _a_l
, Pos_on #_e_ble putiey bracket on #_efront end:of the
T_raiias shown Fasten s_cure_yv_4th_e hardware,
_16 _ 18×;7/8" Sd!6_ 18 _1_
Whe_ t_ghte_ing
_e sorews_
tO t_herail
Otherwise, the
whe_ o_aer _s

Assembly Step 2
Install the Trolley on the T_ra#
Hardware Shown
Actua_ Size
- Attach the threaded sha_ to the trotley wi_ the
I_xckwasher and nuts as shown
L¢_k W_;_t Nut
_'16" _1_ _ ,, 18
As a tem_rary stop. insed a screwdnver into the
hole in the front end d the %rait.
Slide the trolley assembly _ong the rail to the
screwdriver stop
if trolley hits against any nuts on the T_rai_,the
bolts and Ruts were attached from the wrong
side and must _ reposittoned. Review Step 1.
Assembly Step 3
Fasten the T-rail to the Opener
Place the opener on packing material to protect
the cover. For coevenience, pat a support under
the came pui_ey brackeL
Remove the (2) 5/I6_18×1/2 _ washered _rews
mounted in the top d the opener_
- Atign the holes in the back seGion of the %r'ai_with
the holes in the opener.
* Fasten the rail with _e (2) washer_J screws
previously remove& Tighten securely.
Remember to use only these screwsf Any other
screws wil! cause serious damage to the opener.
lnse_ a 5/16"-18x7/8" hex screw
stop hole in the T.-rail as shown. Tighten securely
with a 5116_lock washer and nuL This screw limits
trolley travel in the UP direction.
Hardware Shown Actual Size
To fasten rail, use only those screws mounted
in the top of the opener. Any other screws will
cause serious damage to the opener.
Was_e_e_J _¢ew
Hex _tew Nut L¢_ Wa#_e_

Assembly Step 4
Install the Chain/Cab@ &
Attach the Sprocket Cover
Detach the came loop from the capon and fasten it
to the tro!fey with a master link from #Behardware
bag See master link procedure, Figure 'I,
WiShthe trolley against the serewdnvec dispense
the c_>_e around the pu_tey,
, Pro@_edback around the opener sprockeL
Figure 2. Be sure sprocket teeth engage t}he
chain, Continue forward to the trolley
thresd_ shaft, Figure 3.
Use the se_:md master _nk to connect
the chain to the flat end of the shaft.
Check to make sure the chain is
not twtsted,
, Remove the screwdriver
Figure 2 o_
F_gure 3
Ma$_er Unk
n The Oit_a
Master LJ_k Pr_r_;
P_sh pins of r_3_stet link bar
through _b_e k_p a_ hole in
#on_ end d t_liey, Push _p
over pins_nd into risk;hoe
Stag c_po_ spdng over_ep
a_ into _yotchee unti_ _t_h
pins are s_ure_y i_kedo
To a_ach the sprocket cover:
InseA the back t_ inthe opener sbt. Squeeze the
cover slightly and inseA the front tab in the s/st on
the mounting plate,

shown.As you turn the nut, keep the chain
from Misting.
- When the chain is appm×imate_y 1/2" above the
base of the T-rail at its midpoint, re-tighten the
inner nut to secure the adjustment.
Sprocket noise can result if chain is either too
When installation }s compete, you may notice some
chain droop with the door ciosed This is normal if
the chain returns to the position shown when the
door is open, do not re-adjust the chain.
NOTE: During future maintenance, ALWAYS
pulI the emergency reiease handle to disconnect
trolley before adiusting chain.
You have now finished assembling your garage door opener. Please read the following
warnings before proceeding to the installation section:
To reduce the risk of severe or death to persons:
2. install only on a properly balanced and lubricated garage door. An improperly balanced door
may not reverse and could reautt in severe tnju_ or death. Repairs to cables, .spring assemblies
and other hardware must be made by a professional service person before installing opener_
3. Disable aii iocks and remove all ropes connected to the garage door before ins:tailing the opener._
Ropes connected to a garage doer can cause entanglement and death.
4. _fpossible, install door opener 7 feet or more above floor with the emergency release handle
mounted 6 feet above the floor_
5_ Do not connect the opener to power source until instructed to do so,
6. Locate the Wall Control within sight of the door at a minimum height of 5 feet where small
children cannot reach and away from all moving pa_s of the door.
7. Install the User Safe_ instruction Label on the wall adjacent to the control bu_on and the
Maintenance instruction Labei in a prominent location on the inside of the garage door.
8. Upon completion of the installation, the door must reverse when it comes in contact with a
oneqnch high object or a 2x4 laid fiat on the floor,
i "U
9. Do not wear watches, rings or loose clothing whRe installing or servicing an opener. Jewelq or
loose clothing can be caught in the mechanism of the garage door or the opener.

installation Section:
installation Step 1
Determine Header Bracket Location
installation procedures van/according to
garage door bjpes_ Follow the instructions
which appty to your door,
Pages 12- 27
if the header bracket ts not rigtdiy fasten_ to
a structural support on the header watt or
cet[tng_ the safety reverse system may not
work property (see page 30) The door might
not reverse when required, and could cause
The garage door springs, cables, putteys,
brackets and theft hardware are under extreme
tension, Do not attempt to loosen_ move or
adjust them yoursef£ Serious personal inju_
or death could result, Call for protessior_aI
garage door servfceo
_(y_p_.s ............ _Ciose the door and mark the inside
...... _.............. veAieal centertine of the garage door
_ilt * E£end the line onto the header wall
_:_ above the de_:)r
_ Remember, you can fasten the
header bracket within 2 feet of the
left or right of the door center only tf
a torsion spring or center bearing
p_ate is in the way; or' you can a_ach
it to the ceiling (refer to page 14)
when clearance ts m_nimaL (It may
be mounted on the wall upstde down
if necessary, to gain appro×imate_y
1/2 j
If you need to install the header b_acket
o,_a 2x4 (on wall or ceiling), use lag
......... screws (not supplied) to securely @sten
the 2x4 to structu£d sqppof_s as shown
here and on page t&
Open your door to the highest
point of travel as shown Draw
an intersecting hodzanta_ line
on the header wat/2 above
the high point. This height wi_/
provide traw_t clearance for the
top edge of the door.
Door clearance brackets are
available for sectional doors
when headroom clearance is
_essthan 2°_See accessory
page 38
Proceed to Step 2_ page 14o
ocH,) f ...........
Sectiona! door
wtth curved track
of Trav_
One,_p_ece door
with horizontal track