Operator's Manual
2.5 HP (Max. Developed)
10" Blade
4800 R.P.M.
With Laser Trac®
Model 137.212140
Before using this Miter Saw,
read this manual and follow
all its Safety Rules and
Operating Instructions
Customer Neip Line
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates,. 1L60179 U.S.A.
Visit our Craftsman website: _w_w,sears.comlcraftsman
Part No.:137212140001
e Safety Instructions
e Installation
• Operation
e Maintenance
e Pads List

Warranty ................................................ 2
Product Specifications ........................... 2
-Power ToolSafety o............................. 3
Compound Miter Saw Safety ................. 4
Electrical Requirements and Safety ....... 4-5
Accessories and Attachments ............... 6
Tools Needed For Assembly ................... 6
Carton Contents ...................................... 7
i i i iiii, _,,i...... i .........ii, -i i ,:,,ii - ..... i"': .............. ii
Know Your Compound Miter Saw .......... B
Glossary of Terms................................ 9
Assembly and Adjustments:; _._.,, ......... 10
Operation ......... _.................................... 15
Maintenance ............................................ 22
Troubleshooting Guide ............................ 23
Parts List,,,........................................... 24
if this tool fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year ol date of purchase, Sears will
at !ts opt!on repair or replace it free of charge.
Return this tool to a Sears Service Center for repair, or to place of purchase for replacement.
This warranty gives you specific legal dghts, and YOUmay also have other rights which may vary from
state to slate,
Sears, Roebuck an d Co., Dept, 817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
.................... '..... lUU i ii iiin,llli .................. i, 1,1,,11,
Some dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling and other construction activities contains
chemicals known (to the State of California) to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Some
examples of these chemicals are:
Your risk from these exposures varies, depending on how often you do this type of work. To reduce your
exposure to these chemicals, work ina well ventilated area and work with approved Safety equipment such as
dust masks that are specially des}gnarl to filter out microscopic particles.
= Lead from lead-based paints
• Crystalline silica from bricks, cement and other masonry products
o Arsenic and chromiumfrom chemically treated lumber
: MOTOR : Rotating Table;
iPower source.......................... 120V AC; 6OHZIi5 Amp Diamatero_o,,::.,. ........................ t2.S/B"
Horsep0wer.;.L_...........i,... :;. 2,SHP (Max,Devet0ped} MtterDetentStops, ..................... 0, 15, 22o1.,'2,31.6,
ArborShaft Size 5./B" .... .... 45= R. & L
Speed.; ........_.o..o.;......... .,,,_. 4800 RPM(Noload) BeveiP0sitiveStaps_..:,.,,.:o,.,,,;, 0, 45= :
Brake.:.;.;; .............................. Electric Base Dirnensions,.o,i..i.,.;.i=_.... 20-112,x 16..1t4"
: Double Insulated................,:;.... Yes DustCollection........ :L,.;......... Yes
MITER SAW ExlensionWings....................... Yes
:Cutting Capacity: NetWeight................................. 33 Lbs
: :Crosscut......;.,-,, ... ............. 2-5/8' X5-1t2"
:: Miler45 '_R&L ..................... 2_/8' x 3-1/2"
: Bevel 45=L................. :........ t-t/2" x 5_1t2=
450Miler and45" Bevel.............. 1-1/2"X3-1/2"
To avoid electrical hazards, fire hazards Ordamage to the tool, u_e proper¢.Ircuit protection.
This to01 is wired at the factory for 110.120 Volt operation. It must be connected to a 110-120 Volt t 15 Ampere time
delay fuse or circuit breaker. To avoid shock or fire, replace power cord immediately If It is worn, cut or damaged
In any way.
Before using your tool, it is critical that you read and understand these safety rules. Failure to follow these rules
could result In serious injury to you or damage to the tool.

Safety is a combinatio_ of common sense, staying ale_
and knowing how to use your power tool
To avoid mistakes that could cause sedous injury,do not
plug the tool in until you have read and _mderstood the
1. READ and become familiar with the entire Operators
Manual. LEARN the tool's application, limitations and
possible hazards.
2. KEEP GUARDS IN PLACE and in working order,
Form the habit of checking to see that keys and
adjusting wrenches are removed from the tool before
turning ONe
4. KEEP WORK AREA CLEAN. Cluttered areas and
benches invite accidents.
Don't use power tools in damp locations, or expose
them to rain or snow. Keep work area well lighted.
6. KEEP CHILDREN AWAY. All visilors and bystanders
should be kept a safe distance from work area
master switches, or by removing starter keys
8. DON'T FORCE THE TOOL. {t wilt do the job better
and safer at the rate for which it was designed.
9. USE THE R1Gt'rr TOOL. Do not force the tool or an
attachment to do a job for which it was not designed,
your extension cord is in good condition. When using
an extension cord, be sure to use one heavy enough
to carry the current your product will draw, An
undersized cord will result in a drop in line voltage
and in loss of power which will cause the tool to
overheat. The table on page 5 shows the correct size
to use depending on cord length and nameplate
ampere rating_ If in doubt, use the next heavier gauge.
The smaller the gauge number,the heavier the cord.
11,WEAR PROPER APPAREL. Do not wear loose
¢10thihg,gloves, neckties, dngs, bracelets, c rother
jewelry which may get caught in moving parts
Nonslip footwear is recommended Wear Drotective
hair covedng to contain long hair.
can throw foreign objecl_sinto the eyes and
could cause permanent eye damage.
ALWAYS wear Safety Goggias (not
glasses) that comply with ANSI Safety
standard Z87.t Everyday eyeglasses
have onfyimpact -resistance lenses
They ARE NOT safety glasses. Safety Goggles ere
available at Sears, NOTE: Glasses or goggles not in
complianCE with ANS! Z87ol could seriously injure
you wllen they break.
operation produces dust.
14oSECURE WORK. Use clamps or a vise to hold work
when practical. It's safer than using your hand and it
free_ both hands to operate the tool
beIore sewicing, and when changing accessories
sucl_ as blades, bits and cutters,
STARTING. Make sure switch is in the OFF position
before plugging the tool in,
Operators Manual for recommended accessories
The use of improper accessories may cause risk ol
injury to yourself or others
1B_NEVER STAND ON THE TOOL. Serious injury could
occur if ]h_ Iool is tipp@dor il the culling tool is
uninlentfona]ly contacted
19oCHECK FOR DAMAGED PARTS. Before further usa
of the tool, a guard or other part that ]sdamaged
should be carefully checked to determine th_t it will
operate properly and perform its intended funclion -
check for alignment of moving parts, binding of
moving parts, breakage of pans. mounting, and any
other conditions that may affect itsoperalion A guard
orother part that isdamaged should be properly
repaired or replaced
TURN THE POWER "OFF". Don't wa]k away from a
running toot until the blade comes to a complete stop
& unplug Ihe unit
21.DON'T OVERREACH. Keep proper ioo_ing and
balance at all times,
22.MAINTAIN TOOLS WITH CARE. Keep tools sharp
and clean for bes[ and safest par[ormanceoFoIIow
instrucUonsfor lubricating and changing accessories.
23,WARNING: Dust g_nerated from certain mater;als
can be hazardous to your heaith, Always opera[e saw
in well-ventilated area ant provide for _roper dust

SPECIFIC SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR workpiece before the switch is turned ON
18.MAKE SURE the blade is notcontacting the
I. USE ONLY CROSS-CUTTING SAW BLADES. When ....... power switch and wait for the blade to stop before
using carbide tipped blades, make sure they have a
negative hook angle.
they can deflecl and conlacl guard and can cause
possible injuryto the operator.
2. DO NOT operate the miter saw until it iscompletely
assembled and installed according to these
3. IF YOU ARE NOT thoroughly familiar with the
operation o! miter saws, seek guidance from your
supervisor instructor, or other qualified person would cause your hand or fingers to be within 7-t/4"
4. ALWAYS held the work firmly against the fence and
table. DO NOT pedorm any operalion free hand (use
clamp wherever possible)
5. KEEP HANDS out of the path ot the saw b]ade, Ifthe
werkpiece you are cutting would cause your hands to
be within 7-1/4" inches of the saw blade, the
workpieca should be ciamped in place before making
the cut.
6. BE SURE the blade is sharp, runs freely, and is free
of vibration
7. ALLOW the motor Io come up to fu_lspeed before
starting a cut.
chips or dust, 28.MAKE SURE the work area is clean before leaving
9. ALWAYS MAKE SURE all handles are tight before
cutting, even if the table is positioned in one of the
positbe stops,,
10,BE SURE both the blade and the collar are clean and
the arbor bolt istightened securely.
11.USE only blade collars specified for your sew.
19JMPORTANT: After completing the cut, release the
returning the saw to the raised position..
2&MAKE SURE the blade has come to a compfete stop
before removing or securing the workpiece, changing
the workpiece angle, or changing the angle of the
21.NEVER cut metals or masonry products with this tool,
This miter saw is designed for use on wood and
wood-like products,
22.NEVER cut small pieces If the workpiece being cut
inches of the saw blade the workpiece is too small
?_3.PROVIDE adequate support to the sldes of the saw
table far long work pieces.
24,NEVER use the miter saw in an area with fiammabb
liq_Jidsor gases
2&NEVER use solvents to clean plastic parts. Solvents
could possibly dissolve or other,,4se damage the
26.SHUT OFF the power belore servicing or adjusting
the too].
27,DISCONNECT the saw from the power source and
clean the machine when finished using
the machine.
29.SHOULD any pan of your miter saw be missing,
damaged, or fail in any way, or any electrical
component fail te pedorm properly, shut off the switch
and remove the plug from thepower supply oullet.
Replace missing, damaged, or falled parts before
resuming operation.
12. NEVER use blades Iarger or smaller in diameter
than 10-inches.
13. NEVER apply lubricants tc the blade when it is
14. ALWAYS check the blade for cracks or damage
before operation. Replace a cracked or damaged
blade immediately.
15. NEVERuseblades recommendedbr operalional
less than4800RPM.
16.ALWAYS keep the blade guards in place and use at
all times
17.NEVER reach around the saw blade
The AC motor used _n this saw is a uriiverse[.
nonreversible type. See "MOTOR _ in the "PRODUCT
SPECIFICATIONS" seciion on page 2.
To avoid electrical hazards, fire hazard_ or damage 1o
the tool, use proper ,circuit protection. Your saw is wired
at the factory for 120V operatbn Connect to a 120V, 15
Amp circuit and use a I5 amp, time delay lose or circuit
breaker, To avoid shock or fire, if power cord is worn or
cut, or damaged in any way, have it replaced

The power tool is double insulated to provide a double
thickness of insulation beb.veen you and tool,s-electrical
system. All exposed metal parts are isolated from the
internal metal motor components with protecting
Replacement parts - When servicing use only identical
replacement parts.
Polarized plugs-This saw has a plug that looks like
the one shown below:
To reduce the risk of eleclricat shock, this saw has a
polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other] Tllis
plug willfit in a polarized outlet only one way. If|he plug
does not fit fully in the curie! reverse the plug tf it st;tl
does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to install the
proper outlet. DOriot change the plug in any way.
4. FUSES may "blow" or circuit breakers may trip
frequently if:
a. MOTOR is overloaded - ovedoading can occur if
you feed too rapidly or make too many startJstops
in a shod time.
b. LINE VOLTAGE is more than 10% above or below
the nameplate voltage rating For heavy loads, the
voltage at motor terminals must equal the voltage
specified on the nameplate.
c,,IMPROPER or dull saw blades are used,
5.Most motor troubles may be traced to loose or
incorrect connections, overload, low voltage or
inadequate power supply widng, Always check the
connections, the load and supply circuit ifthe motor
doesn't run well. Check minimum gauge for the lenglh
of cord you are using on the chad below,
Use a proper extension cord. Make sure your
exlension cord is in good condition. When using an
ex'lension cord, be sure to use one heavy enough to
carry the current your product will draw, An undersized
cord will cause a drop in line voltage, resulling in loss of
power and cause overheating. The table below shows
the correct size to use depending on cord length and
nameplate ampere rating. II in doubt, use the nexl
heavier gauge The smaller lhe gauge number, the
heavier the cord.
Double insulation does not take the place o! normal
safety precautions when operating this tool
To avoid electrocution:
1.Use only identical replacement parts when servicing a
toolwith double Insulation. Servicing should be
performed by a qualified technician
2, Do not use power tools tn wet or damp locations or
expose them to ra'=nor snow.
Toavoid motor damage, the motor sl_outd be blown out
or vacuumed frequently to keep sawdust from intedefing
with the motor ventilation,
t. CONNECT this saw to a 120V, 15 amp. circuitwith a
15 amp, time delay fuse or circuit breaker. Using the
wrong size fuse can damage the motor..
2 If the motor won't start, release the tdgger swilch
immediately, UNPLUG "THE SAW, Check the saw
blade t.omake sure it turns freely<If the blade is Iree,
try to sled the saw again. If the motor still does not
start, refer to lhe "TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE"
3. If the tool suddenly stalls while cuttingwood, release
the tdgger swltch, unplug the tool, and free the blade
from tile wood. The saw may now be started and the
cut flnisha&
Be sure your extension cord is property wired and in
good condition. Always replace a damaged extension
cord or have it repaired by a qualified person before
using iL Protect your extension cords from sharp objects,
excessive heat and damp or wet areas.
Use a separate electrical circuit for your tools. This
circuit must not be less than # 12 wire and should be
protected with a 15 Amp lime delay fuse. Before
connecting the to01to the power line, make sure the
switch isin the OFF position and the electric current is
raled the same as the current stamped on ti_e motor
nameplate, running at a lower voltage will damage the
......... (When using 120 volts only)
Amper_e Rating Totat lengt_ of cord in feet
i"r,,_ie l_n n_l more lhan 25' 5[t' Ic_3* t50 +
o _ 18 _6 16 _4
l0 18 15 14 ;_
10 12 16 IS '14 12
1i'_"_ 1S 14 12 n_l re_--'_mm-.nded --
CAUTION: In all cases make cedain the receptacle in
question is properly grounded. I{ you are not sure have a
certified electrician, check the receptacle

o Use only sccessories recommended for thismiter
saw. Followinstructions that accompany aocessodes_
Use ot improper accessories may cause hazards
• The use el any cutting toot e×cept 10 inch saw
blades thai meet the requirements under
recommended accessories isprohibited. Do not use
accessories such as shaper cutters or dude sets.
Ferrous metal cutting, the use of abrasive wheels
and the cutting of masonry producL_are prohibited
e Do not attempt to modify this tool or create
accessories not recommended for use with this tool.
Any such alteration or modification is m}suse and
could result in a hazardous condition leading tO
Visit your Sears HardwareDepartmentOrsee [heSears
Powerand HandTootCatalogto purchase
recommendedaccessories forthis powertool.
To avoid the risk el personal injury,do not modify this
power tool or use accessories not recommended by
Phillips screwdriver
Read warnings and conditions on your CARBIDE
TIPPED SAW BLADE. Do not operate the saw without
tile proper saw blade guard in place. Carbide is a very
hard but brittle material Care should be taken while
mounting, using, and storing carbide tipped btades to
prevent accidental damage. Slight shocks, such as
striking the tip while handling, can seriously damage the
bladeo Foreign objects in the workpiece, such as wire or
nails, can also cause tipsto crack or break off. Bo!ero
using, always visually examine the blade and tips tor
bent teeth, cracks, breakage, missing or loose t_ps,or
other damage. Do not use if damage is suspected,
Failure to heed safety instructions and warningscan
resull in serious bodily injury.

'Toavoid injury from unexpected sta_ing or electrical shock,
do not plug the power cord into a source of power dur}ng
unpacking and assembly, This cord must remain
unplugged whenever you are adjusting!assembling the
1. Remove the miter saw from the Carton. IMPORTANT:
Do not lilt the miter saw by the switch handle or miter
table handle.. It may cause misatignmenL Lift only by
the buill-In carry handle located at the topof the
2., Place the saw on a secure siafionary work surface.
3. Separate all parts from the packing material. Check
. each one with the illustration below lo make certain aJl
items are accounted for, before discarding any packing
If any parl is missing or damaged, do not atlempt to
assemble the miler saw, or plug in the power cord until the
missing or damaged par_is correctly replaced, To avoid
electric shock, use only identical replacement pads when
servicing double insulated lools.
Hold-down Cla_
Extension Wings &
Stop Block
Dust Bag

Dust Bag
Upper Blade Guard
Dust chute
Lock off button
Cutting Head Handte
Lower Blade Guard
Miter Scale
" Positive Stop Locking Lever
i;ler handle
Stop lalch
Arbor Lock ,_
Pivot boll
Bevel Scale
: : : Fence
i Ex-lension Wing Mounting

ARBOR LOCK - Allows the user to keep the btade lmm
rotating while tightening or loosening the arbor locking
bolt during blade replacement or removal.
BASE - Supports the fable, holds accessories and
allows for workbench or leg set mounting
BEVEL LOCKING HANDLE - Locks the miter saw at a
desired bevel angle,
BEVEL SCALE - To measure the bevel angle of the saw
blade O"to 45 ° left
COVER PLATE SCREW - Loosen this screw and rotate
the plata for access to the blade arbor locking boil
DUST CHUTE - Exhausts debds away Item the user,
STOP LATCH - Locks the miler saw in the lowered
position for compact sloraga and ttarLsportation.
SWITCH HANDLE - The cutting head handle contains
the tr_gger switchand a safety lock-off Slide switch. The
_lade is lowered into the workpiece by pushing down on
the handle, 'The saw will return to its upright position
when the handle is released,
WARNING LABELS .- Read and understand for your
own safely. Aiways make certain the_e are in place &
WRENCH STORAGE - Convenient storage to prevent
misplacing the blade wrench
ARBOR - The shaft on which a blade is mounted
EXTENSION WING - Exlends the width of the work
table for support while cutting long work pieces, They
can be used with or without a stop block as an additional
side fence,
FENCE - Helps to keep the workpieca trom moving
when sav4ng Scaled to assist with accurate cutting
HAND HOLD -Location of hands for transportation.
handle must be pushed lorward to activate the trigger
LOWER BLADE GUARD - Helps protect your hands
from the blade in the raised position, it refracts as file
blade is lowered,
MITER HANDLE -Used to rotate Ihe sew to the fight or
[eft cuttingposition,
MITER SCALE - To measure the 'niter angle 0_ to 45°
left, 0=to 45° fight.
MITER SPRING LOCK - Used in combination with the
miter handle, it locks the miler saw at a preset positive
stop for the desired miter angle,
MOUNTING HOLES - To mount the miter saw to a
stable surface,
ON/OFF TRIGGER SWITCH - To prevent tile trigger
|rom being accidentally engaged, a lock-off slide switch
is provided. To start the fool, push the lock-off slide
switch Ion,yard and squeeze the thgger Release the
trigger to stop the miter saw.
BEVEL CUT - An angle cut made through the face of
COMPOUND CUT-A simultaneous bevel and miter cuL
CROSS CUT - A cut made across the widthor grain of
the workpiece,
FREEHAND - Performing a cut without using a fence
(guide), hold down or other proper device to prevent the
workpiece from twisting during the cutting operation.
GUM - A sticky sap from wood products,
HEEL - MisaIignmenf of the blade.
KERF-The amount of mater;el removed by blade CUL
MITER CUT - An angle cut made across the width or
grain of the workpiece,
RESIN - A sticky sap that has hardened.
turns completed by a spinning objecl in one minute,
SAW BLADE PATH - The area of the workplace or table
top directly in line with the travel of the blade or the parl
of the workpiece which wil! be cm,
SE'r - The distance between two saw blade tips, bent
oub,,,,ardin opposite directions to each other. The further
apart the tipsare, the greater the set.
WORKPIECE - The item being cut. The surfaces o! a
workpiece are commonly referred to as faces, ends, and