Pony graphic is an electrical medical device designed to perform
pulmonary function tests.
It is to be used by physicians or by trained personnel on a physician responsibility.
This equipment has been conceived to be used as an auxiliary
instrument in order to:
•formulate lung pathology diagnosis;
•perform studies concerning human physiology;
•get information in sport medicine.
No responsibility attaches COSMED srl for any accident hap-
pened after wrong use of the device, such as:
•use by non qualified people;
•non respect of the device intended use;
•non respect of all the following precautions and instructions.
8 Pony graphic
The device, the programme algorithms and the presentation of
measured data have been developed according to the specifications of ATS (American Thoracic Society) and ERS (European
Respiratory Society). Other international references have been
followed when these were not available All bibliography references are reported in manual Appendix.
The present handbook has been developed following the 93/42
CEE requirements, according to which Pony graphic is to be
considered Class IIa device.
It is recommended to read carefully the following precautions
before putting the device into operation.
The precautions reported below are of fundamental importance to
assure the safety of all COSMED equipment users.
1. This user manual is to be considered as a part of the medical
device and should always be kept on hand.
2. Safety, measure accuracy and precision can be assured only
·are used the accessories described in the manual or given
with the device. Actually non recommended accessories can
affect safety unfavourable. Before using non recommended
accessories is necessary to get in touch with the manufacturer;
·ordinary equipment maintenance, inspections, disinfection
and cleaning are performed in the way and with the frequency
·any modification or fixing is carried out by qualified personnel;
·the environmental conditions and the electrical plants where
the device operates are in compliance with the specifications
of the manual and the present regulations concerning electrical plants.
3. This device is not suitable for use in presence of flammable
anesthetics. It is not an AP nor an APG device (according to
the EN 60 601-1 definitions).
4. Keep the device away from heat and flame source, flammable or inflammable liquids or gases and explosive atmospheres.
5. We recommend to use only the provided battery charger
(P/N C00766-0X-30). Any other charger could damage the
6. According to the intended use of this device, Pony graphic is
not to be used together with other medical devices unless it is
clearly declared by the manufacturer itself.
7. In case the device is to be used with a PC, is recommended to
use a computer with electromagnetic compatibility CE marking and with low radiation emission displays.
8. It is necessary to make the PC, connected to the Pony
graphic, compliants with EEN 60601-1 by mean of an isolation
Chapter 1Foreword 9
9. Graphical symbols used in accordance to present specifications are described here below:
Equipment type B (EN60601-1)
Danger: high temperature
Protective Earth Ground
Alternating Current
10Pony graphic
The physical strain to execute the respiratory manoeuvre is contraindicated in case of some symptoms or pathology. The following list is not complete and must be considered as a piece of mere
For FVC, VC and MVV tests:
•Post-operating state from thoracic surgery
For FVC tests:
•Severe instability of the airways (such as a destructive bronchial emphysema)
•Bronchial no-specific marked hypersensitivity
•Serious problems for the gas exchange (total or partial respiratory insufficiency)
For FVC tests:
•spontaneous post-pneumothorax state
•arterial-venous aneurysm
•strong arterial hypertension
•pregnancy with complications at the 3 mouth.
For MVV test:
•hyperventilation syndrome
The bronchial provocation tests must be executed according to
the doctor’s discretion. There are not data that reveal specific
contraindication for the bronchial provocation test through inhalation.
Chapter 1 Foreword11
The modern standard processes have been revealing secure in
several clinical studies. However it is recommendable to respect
the following contraindications:
•Serious bronchial obstruction (FEV1 in adults)
•Recent myocardium infarct
•Recent vascular-cerebral accident
•Known arterial aneurysm
•incapacity for understanding the provocation test procedures
and its implications.
•Bronchial obstruction caused by the respiratory manoeuvre.
•Moderate or serious bronchial obstruction. For ex. Predicted
value FEV1 less than 1.51 in men and predicted value FEV1
in women less than 1.21.
•Recent infection in the superior air tracts
•During the asthmatic re- acuting
•A pharmacology treatment epilepsy
12Pony graphic
The Pony graphic is composed by a Main unit and by some other
Make sure that the packing box contains the instruments listed
below. In case of missing or damaged parts, please contact your
nearest COSMED technical assistance.
The Pony graphic contains the following instruments:
DescriptionPart numberQuantity
Turbine L89C00292-01-051
Optoelectronic readerC00095-01-051
Mouthpiece adapter for childrenC00214-01-201
Carrying caseC00109-01-301
Paper mouthpiece for adultsC00136-01-2050
Paper mouthpiece for childrenC00137-01-2050
Nose clipsA6621000012
Roll of paperC00643-01-982
Printer ribbonA 666 905 0012
Power supply 220V 12V 1AC00766-01-301
Batteries charger adapter in carC00297-01-121
Serial cable RS232C00150-01-121
SW_PC Win Pony GraphicC01335-02-351
User manualC00296-02-911
Registration cardC00067-02-941
Turbine attention paperC00169-01-92
Chapter 1 Foreword13
14Pony graphic
Chapter 1 Foreword15
Before operating the system, please fill in the registration form
and send it to COSMED.
To be registered means being entitled to customer’s assistance.
For further information concerning the benefits, please refer to
the registration form.
For further information you may contact the manufacturer directly at the following address:
COSMED units have been conceived for operating in medically
utilized rooms without potential explosion hazards.
The units should not be installed in vicinity of x-ray equipment,
motors or transformers with high installed power rating since
electric or magnetic interferences may falsify the result of measurements or make them impossible. Due to this the vicinity of
power lines is to be avoided as well.
Cosmed equipment are not AP not APG devices (according to
EN 60601-1): they are not suitable for use in presence of flammable anaesthetic mixtures with air, oxygen or nitrogen protoxide.
If not otherwise stated in the shipping documents, Cosmed equipment have been conceived for operating under normal environmental temperatures and conditions [IEC 601-1(1988)/EN 60
601-1 (1990)].
•Temperature range 10°C (50°F) and 40°C (104°F).
•Relative humidity range 20% to 80%
•Atmospheric Pressure range 700 to 1060 mBar
•Avoid to use it in presence of noxious fumes or dusty environment and near heat sources.
•Do not place near heat sources.
Noti ce: if accidentally droppings, exposure to heat source and
excessive humidity may compromise the validity of the system, we
recommend you a calibration check or ask for a technical assistance.
Chapter 1 Foreword17
Here are the conventions used for its draft.
The following typographic conventions are used in this manual:
BoldIt indicates an item to be selected or a key to be
pressed, in this last opportunity the beginner letter is
always a capital letter.
"italic"It indicates, if it is in inverted commas”, the message
showed on the Pony display.
The following Graphic conventions are used in this manual:
Symbol Description
KeyIt represents the key to be pressed to execute the pre-
dicted function.
DisplayIt represents prompts and messages on the Pony dis-
play during the execution of corresponding functions.
18Pony graphic
The wide display allows to show in real time the flow/volume
loop during the Forced Vital Capacity manoeuvre and the volume/time loop during Slow Vital Capacity and Maximum Voluntary Ventilation manoeuvre. The back-lighting gives a better
visibility even in conditions of poor lighting.
Pony graphic, which is represented in the figure below, is a spirometric system to evaluate static and dynamic lung functionality.
Pony graphic allows to download data to a PC through a serial
RS232 connection.
Chapter 1 Foreword19
Due to new helicoidal conveyers, it offers very low resistance to
the flow (< 0.7 cmH2O/l/s at 12 l/s of flow).
The new High speed Epson printer (2.5 lin/s). Pony graphic provides a complete print out report in few seconds. Pony graphic
enables to print a wide print out meeting the ATS 1987 requirements through an external printer. This feature is compatible with
printers having HP PCL3 printer language and with a serial port.
It is possible to display and print out tests stored in the archive
even afterwards.
With the Pony graphic it is possible to display and print out the
fall of FEV1 at the end of each Post test choosing Fall Fev1
command at the end of every FVC post.
By means of the Predicted command of the Configuration menu
it is possible to select the following predicted values:
ERS 93Zapletal
Knudson 83Knudson83
MC BarcelonaMC Barcelona
20Pony graphic
The calibration process is completely managed by the keyboard.
The automatic diagnosis can now be enabled or disabled by user.
The new Ni-Cd batteries (without memory effect) and rapid batteries charger allow to use the Pony graphic even during the batteries charging.
Here following the list of the main accessories consumables for
Pony graphic.
DescriptionPart Number
Calibration syringe (3 litres)C00600-01-11
Paper mouthpiece for children (500pcs)C01814-01-98
Paper mouthpiece for adults (500pcs)C01805-01-98
Roll of paper (10pcs)C00643-01-98
Printer ribbon (5 pcs)A666 905 001
Nose clips (5 pcs)C00441-01-98
Flow meterDigital bidirectional turbine
Flow range0.03 - 20 l/s
Volume range10 l
Accuracy F/V± 3% or ± 50 ml
Dynamic res at 12 l/s< 0.7 cm H2O/l/s
MouthpiecesØ 31 and 22 mm
Graphic displayBack lighting LCD 70x80 mm
PrinterGraphic, 24 char/lin, 2,5 lines/s
Keyboard12 multifunction keys
Serial cableRS 232 bidirectional 4800 baud.
Power supplyBatteries Ni-Cd 5V, 1,2 Ah
Battery autonomy200 tests including prints out
Battery charge12V dc - 1,2 A
Dimensions237x127x46 mm
Weight1,2 kg
•Pentium 133 MMz.
•Windows 95, 98, NT.
•16 Mb RAM .
Chapter 1 Foreword21
•3.5 drive.
•VGA, SVGA monitor.
•Serial Port RS 232 available ( two serial ports available in
case of Ergometer control).
•Any Mouse and Printer compatible with the MS Windows™
operative system.
•PC conform to European Directive 89/336 EMC
FVClForced Vital Capacity
Best FVClBest Forced Vital Capacity
FEV1lVolume exhaled after 1s of the FVC
PEFl/sPeak Expiratory Flow
PIFl/sPeak Inspiratory Flow
Vmax 25%l/sExpiratory flow at 25% of FVC
Vmax 50%l/sExpiratory flow at 50% of FVC
Vmax 75%l/sExpiratory flow at 75% of FVC
FEF25-75%l/sAverage expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of
FEV1/FVC% %FEV1/FVC x 100
FET 100 %sForced expiration time (100% FV)
TesDuration of expiratory
TisDuration of inspiratory
Tto tsecDuration of Total breathing cycle
Vt/til/sVt/ti ratio
Ti /Tt otlTi/T tot
MVVl/mMaximum Voluntary Ventilation
FallFEV1%Fall in FEV1 from baseline or post diluent
Fall Vmax50% %Fall in Vmax from baseline or post diluent
P1 0%Provocative dose (or concentrat.) causing FEV1 to
P1 5%Provocative dose (or concentrat.) causing FEV1 to
P20%Provocative dose (or concentrat.) causing FEV1 to
The pony graphic archive can store data from tests conducted on
over 200 patients. Its actual capacity depends on the width (volume axis) of the flow volume loops stored: the flatter the loops,
the greater the number of tests that can be stored.
Pony graphic assigns a progressive number to each new chart
(i.e. paper archive), in which all the data and test results relative
to the new patient are stored. The Pony graphic also assigns an
ID Code number for each patient.
For each patient’s ID code, the best FVC, VC, IVC, MVV and
Post FVC tests can be stored.
The criteria to choose the best tests are:
FVCthe greatest summation value FVC + FEV1
VC the greatest VC value
IVCthe greatest IVC value
MVVthe greatest MVV value.
The parameters calculated during the entire test session are
grouped in two categories:
LASTdata and loop of the last test executed
BESTdata and loop of the best test executed.
fall 10% baseline
fall 15% baseline
fall 20% baseline
Chapter 1 Foreword23
These data are stored until you enter data on a new patient with
New command.
For each patient, only the group of parameters calculated based
on the best tests, is transferred to the archive memory by means
of the key Enter as soon as the execution test is completed.
Noti ce: all the stored data are saved even when the Pony
graphic is turned off (power switch off) so long as the Ni-Cd
batteries are sufficiently charged.
Patient’s ID Code
24Pony graphic
Chapter 1 Foreword25
Pony graphic is provided with a multifuction keyboard, whose
keys have different meanings in relation to the kind of executing
The main function/keys list is the following.
Newinserts anthropometric data and ID Code of a new
Sexmodification of the sex value in the anthropometric
Patientdisplays and modifies the last inserted patient’s data.
Utilityaccesses the utility menu.
Printprints out patient’s data or test.
FVCcarries out the Forced Vital Capacity test.
VCcarries out the Slow Vital Capacity test.
MVVcarries out the Maximum Voluntary Ventilation test.
Lastdisplays the last test.
Bestdisplays the best test.
Paperadvancing roll of printer paper.
The following commands are active during every Pony graphic
Cancelcancels the last operation
Enterconfirms the operation in progress
Some commands, like the utility and configuration commands,
allow to access other functions.
Pressing the utility key , the keyboard is structured as follows:
Post testselects a reference Pre test for the
execution of the post tests.
Test listprintouts or displays the patients’
contents of the archive.
Test searchsearches for an archived test to dis-
play or print out of the test data or
Transmit Dataallows the data transferring to a PC
or modem.
Erase Archiveallows to erase all data of the ar-
Configuredisplays the utility menu.
Pressing the configuration key, the key board is structured as
Calibrate F/Vallows the turbine calibration .
Predicted valuesallows the predicted value selection.
Diagnosisallows to disable or enable the auto-
matic diagnosis.
Unitsallows the selection of the unity of
BTPSallows to calculate the BTPS factor
26Pony graphic
Chapter 2 Setting up the Pony graphic27
Before using the Pony graphic it's necessary:
•set up the turbine Flow Meter
•check the paper in the printer
•check the ribbon in the printer
•make sure the batteries are charged
To install the turbine:
1. Connect the turbine flow meter to the Main Unit, by inserting
the 4-pin turbine Flow Meter plug in the slotted jack.
2. Insert the disposable mouthpiece on the turbine flow. Use the
proper mouthpiece adapter for children.
Pony graphic28
Chapter 2 Setting up the Pony graphic29
1. Remove the printer cover.
2. Press the ribbon cartridge down where it says Push.
3. Insert the new ribbon cartridge.
4. Replace the printer cover introducing the paper roll in the
opening on the printer front.
1. Remove the printer cover.
2. Remove the empty roll.
3. Turn on the system until the message “select a function"
appears on the screen.
4. Insert the roll of paper through the opening towards the rear
of the printer.
5. Press the paper key to advance the roll of paper.
6. Replace the printer cover.
Pony graphic30
Chapter 2 Setting up the Pony graphic31
Once the batteries are fully charged, they allow the execution of
about 200 tests.
When the batteries reaches a lower level, the Pony graphic shows
it with the "Battery" sign on the screen. In this case you can still
use the unit but it's suggested to recharge the batteries.
Connection to the "car lighterplug"
The Pony graphic can be supplied by the following ways:
•NI- Cd recharging batteries.
•Connection to 110-220v plug by the proper batteries charger-
•Connection to the “car lighter ”plug.
If the Pony graphic is used when it is connected to the main the
recharging time will be longer.
power supply.
Pony graphic32
Noti ce: In case of complete battery discharge, the Pony graphic
will lose all data
1. Connect the batteries charger or the lighter adapter to a power
supply connector.
2. Connect the batteries charger to a socket, as it is specified on
the batteries charge itself and check that the “charge “ indicator is on.
Maximum recharging time is 1 hour and 30 minutes and if the
batteries are not fully discharged the time is shorter. Leaving the
batteries charger connected longer than the maximum charging
time not damage will occur.
Noti ce: It's suggested not to use the pony graphic during the
first minutes of charging.
When the green led indicator of the charger batteries is flashing,
the batteries are charged.
Chapter 2 Setting up the Pony graphic33
Pony graphic34
Chapter 3Using the Pony graphic35
After having connected the turbine Flow Meter, checked if there
is any paper and ribbon in the printer, turn the Pony graphic on:
1. Set the power switch on “I” and the display should show
information about the tests in archive, the free memory and
the message “insert date”.
2. Confirm or modify the date on the display pressing the keys
corresponding to the number to type. For example if you
want to insert the date “ 12.- 07- 1994 “ it is necessary to type
sequential the keys 1, 2, 0, 7, 9 ,4 and press Enter to confirm.
3. Once the date is confirmed with Enter, the main pattern appears on the display.
Pony graphic36
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