Corsair Ultimate Bootable User Manual

Performance Hardware
User’s Guide
T h e U l t i m a t e B o o t a b l e
U S B F l a s h D r i v e
A d v a n c e d F e a t u r e s
A guide for adding advanced functionality to the Ulti­mate Bootable USB Flash Drive.
Version 1.0 May, 2010
Corsair has provided a utility that helps users create the Ultimate Bootable USB
Flash Drive . One outstanding feature of this tool is that it is very simple for end
users to add advanced functionality to the tool once the basic installation is com­plete.
A drive like the Flash Survivor GTR, pictured below, can become a wonderful tool in a few easy steps. An ISO image is an image of an optical disk and this tool has the ability to boot from a bootable ISO image thus eliminating the need to burn a CD or DVD. Following the directions in this guide, the user simply downloads the desired ISO file, extracts it to the USB drive, edits three lines of text, and the tool is ready to use.
There are many options that an user can add to the basic version of this tool. Most Linux distributions can be downloaded as ISO files. With this tool, users can boot to Linux from their drive which amounts to a pocket sized portable operating sys­tem.
Also, many tools and utilities such as Parted Magic from our example here, can be found in ISO form. This means no more burning CDs or DVDs using ISO images if
you don’t want to. And, those ISO based tools and utilities can be more conven-
iently used, stored, updated, manipulated, and transported using a USB flash drive. Multiple ISOs can be added to the drive and the capacity is limited only by the drive size.
If you can find the program, application, or utility you wish to use in a bootable ISO form, you can add it to your USB flash drive using this tool. The process is simple and takes only a few minutes.
Download and Extract the Needed
Download the Ultimate Bootable USB Flash Drive Tool and the How To Guide for it here:
Download the Parted Magic ISO file here:
In addition to the 2 files above, you will need a text editor. Notepad, included with Windows, is sufficient. Notepad ++ is another excellent option and can be found here:
Our example uses Parted Magic, a very helpful formatting tool. This tool is fre­quently recommended by Corsair Technical Support and is especially useful for SSD owners.
After you have completed the basic creation of the Ultimate USB Flash Drive,
you’ll need extract Parted Magic and save it to your flash drive.
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