Information furnished by Control Techniques Americas is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is
assumed by Control Techniques Americas. Control Techniques Americas reserves the right to change the design or operation of the
equipment described herein and any associated motion products without notice. Control Techniques Americas also assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Control Techniques
Control Techniques Americas is part of the Control Techniques global organization, a Nidec Corporation business.
The following are trademarks of Control Techniques Americas and may not be reproduced in any fashion without written approval
of Control Techniques Americas: PowerTools, AXIMA, “Motion Made Easy”®.
Control Techniques Americas is not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation, owner of the Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.
Schaffner is a registered trademark of Schaffner.
This document has been prepared to conform to the current released version of the product. Because of our extensive development
efforts and our desire to further improve and enhance the product, inconsistencies may exist between the product and documentation
in some instances. Call your customer support representative if you encounter an inconsistency.
Customer Support
Epsilon Only
Control Techniques Americas
7078 Shady Oak Rd.
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344
Telephone: (952) 995-8000 or (800) 893-2321
It is Control Techniques’ goal to ensure your greatest possible satisfaction with the operation of our products. We are
dedicated to providing fast, friendly, and accurate assistance. That is why we offer you so many ways to get the support you
need. Whether it’s by phone, fax or email found on our website, you can access Control Techniques support information 24
hours a day, seven days a week.
FAX (952) 995-8129
You can FAX questions and comments to Control Techniques. Just send a FAX to the number listed above.
Website and
If you have Internet capabilities, you also have access to technical support using our website. The website includes technical
notes, frequently asked questions, release notes and other technical documentation. This direct technical support connection
lets you request assistance and exchange software files electronically.
Document Conventions
Manual conventions have been established to help you learn to use this manual quickly and easily. As much as possible, these
conventions correspond to those found in other Microsoft® Windows® compatible software documentation.
Menu names and options are printed in bold type: the File menu.
Dialog box names begin with uppercase letters: the Axis Limits dialog box.
Dialog box field names are in quotes: “Field Name.”
Button names are in italic: OK button.
Source code is printed in Courier font: Case ERMS.
In addition, you will find the following typographic conventions throughout this manual.
ALL CAPITALSDirectory names, file names, key names, and acronyms.
SMALL CAPSNon-printable ASCII control characters.
example: (Alt+F)
example: (Alt,F)
Characters that you must type exactly as they appear. For example, if you are directed to type
a:setup, you should type all the bold characters exactly as they are printed.
Placeholders for information you must provide. For example, if you are directed to type
filename, you should type the actual name for a file instead of the word shown in italic type.
A plus sign (+) between key names means to press and hold down the first key while you press
the second key.
A comma (,) between key names means to press and release the keys one after the other.
For the purpose of this manual and product, “Note” indicates essential information about the product or the respective part
of the manual.
For the purpose of this manual and product, the “Epsilon” symbol indicates information about the Epsilon drive
Throughout this manual, the word “drive” refers to an Epsilon EP-I and the word “base drive” refers to an MDS drive module.
“Warning” indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
“Caution” indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
“Caution” used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result
in property damage.
Safety Instructions
General Warning
Failure to follow safe installation guidelines can cause death or serious injury. The voltages used in the product can cause
severe electric shock and/or burns and could be lethal. Extreme care is necessary at all times when working with or adjacent
to the product. The installation must comply with all relevant safety legislation in the country of use.
Qualified Person
For the purpose of this manual and product, a “qualified person” is one who is familiar with the installation, construction and
operation of the equipment and the hazards involved. In addition, this individual has the following qualifications:
•Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear and ground and tag circuits and equipment in accordance with
established safety practices.
•Is trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment in accordance with established safety practices.
•Is trained in rendering first aid.
Reference Materials
The following related reference and installation manuals may be useful with your particular system.
•All Function Modules Installation Manual (P/N 400506-03)
•Epsilon Ei Indexing Drive Installation Manual (P/N 400501-06)
•Epsilon EP Drive Installation Manual (P/N 400518-01)
•Modular Drive System Reference Manual (P/N 400525-01)
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module
Safety Precautions
This product is intended for professional incorporation into a complete system by qualified persons. If you install the product
incorrectly, it may present a safety hazard. The product and system may use high voltages and currents, carry a high level of
stored electrical energy, or are used to control mechanical equipment that can cause injury.
You must give close attention to the electrical installation and system design to avoid hazards either in normal operation or
in the event of equipment malfunction. System design, installation, commissioning and maintenance must be carried out by
personnel who have the necessary training and experience. Read and follow this safety information and this instruction
manual carefully.
Qualified Person
For the purpose of this manual and product, a “qualified person” is one who is familiar with the installation, construction and
operation of the equipment and the hazards involved. In addition, this individual has the following qualifications:
Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear and ground and tag circuits and equipment in accordance with
established safety practices.
Is trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment in accordance with established safety practices.
Is trained in rendering first aid.
Reference Manual
Safety Considerations
This product is intended to be mounted in an enclosure that prevents access except by qualified persons and that prevents the
ingress of contamination. This product is designed for use in an environment classified as pollution degree 2 in accordance
with IEC664-1. This means that only dry, non-conducting contamination is acceptable.
Setup, Commissioning and Maintenance
It is essential that you give careful consideration to changes to drive settings. Depending on the application, a change could
have an impact on safety. You must take appropriate precautions against inadvertent changes or tampering. Restoring default
parameters in certain applications may cause unpredictable or hazardous operation.
Safety of Machinery
Within the European Union all machinery in which this product is used must comply with Directive 89/392/EEC, Safety of
The product has been designed and tested to a high standard, and failures are very unlikely. However the level of integrity
offered by the product’s control function – for example stop/start, forward/reverse and maximum speed – is not sufficient for
use in safety-critical applications without additional independent channels of protection. All applications where malfunction
could cause injury or loss of life must be subject to a risk assessment, and further protection provided where needed.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
General warning
Failure to follow safe installation guidelines can cause death or serious injury. The voltages used in this unit can
cause severe electric shock and/or burns, and could be lethal. Extreme care is necessary at all times when
working with or adjacent to this equipment. The installation must comply with all relevant safety legislation in the
country of use.
Supply isolation device
The AC supply or high voltage DC supply must be removed from the drive using an approved isolation device or
disconnect before any servicing work is performed, other than adjustments to the settings or parameters
specified in the manual. The drive contains capacitors which remain charged to a potentially lethal voltage after
the supply has been removed. Allow at least 6 minutes for Epsilon EP206 and 3 minutes for Epsilon EP202/204
after removing the supply before carrying out any work which may involve contact with electrical connections to
the drive.
Products connected by plug and socket
A special hazard may exist where the drive is incorporated into a product which is connected to the AC supply by
a plug and socket. When unplugged, the pins of the plug may be connected to the drive input, which is only
separated from the charge stored in the bus capacitor by semiconductor devices. To avoid any possibility of
electric shock from the pins, if they are accessible, a means must be provided for automatically disconnecting the
plug from the drive (e.g., a latching contactor).
Grounding (Earthing, equipotential bonding) - High Leakage Current
The drive must be grounded by a conductor sufficient to carry all possible fault current in the event of a fault. This
equipment has high earth leakage current. You must comply with local safety regulations with respect to
minimum size and special installation requirements on the protective earth conductor for high leakage current
equipment. The ground connections shown in the manual must be followed.
Fuses or over-current protection must be provided at the input in accordance with the instructions in the manual.
Isolation of control circuits
The installer must ensure that the external control circuits are isolated from human contact by at least one layer
of insulation rated for use at the applied AC supply voltage. External control circuits identified as PELV circuits do
not need this isolation when they are completely within a zone of equipotential bonding, generally within a single
enclosure or group of enclosures bonded together.
Identification of Safety Information
Safety related information through out this manual is identified with the following markings.
“Warning” indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
“Caution” indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
“Caution” used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result
in property damage.
For the purpose of this manual and product, “Note” indicates essential information about the product or the respective part
of the manual.
Throughout this manual, the word “drive” refers to an Epsilon EP-I and the word “base drive” refers to an MDS drive module.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module
Epsilon Indexing Drives
The Epsilon EP-I drives are stand-alone, fully digital brushless servo drives designed and built to reliably provide high
performance and flexibility without sacrificing ease of use.
The use of State-Space algorithms make tuning very simple and forgiving. The drives are designed to operate with up to a
10:1 inertia mismatch right out of the box. Higher (50:1 and more) inertial mismatches are possible with two simple parameter
The Epsilon drives can be quickly configured to many applications in less than 5 minutes with PowerTools Pro v4.0
on a PC running Windows® 98, NT 4.0, 2000, ME or XP.
Complete diagnostics are provided for quick troubleshooting. A status/diagnostic display on the front of the drive informs the
user of the operational or fault status. The last 10 faults are stored in non-volatile memory along with a time stamp for easy
Shunt Connector (J8)
Status/Diagnostic Display
Reset Button
Reference Manual
AC Power Connections (J1)
Motor Connections (J1)
24 Vdc Logic Power Supply Connections (J1)
Connectors (J2)
Sync Input Connector (J10)
Analog/Sync Output
Connector (J5)
DeviceNet Connector (J9)
(EP-IDN only)
Digital I/O Connctor (J3)
SN 0610E014
Encoder Feedback Connector (J6)
Figure 1: Epsilon EP-IDN Drive Feature Location
Epsilon EP drives are rated at 90 Vac to 264 Vac input voltage. Epsilon EP drives are available in three current ratings.
Drive ModelContinuous CurrentPeak Current
EP202-Ixx-EN002.2 A RMS4.4 A RMS
EP204-Ixx-EN004 A RMS8 A RMS
EP206-Ixx-EN006.5 A RMS13 A RMS
The NT and MG motors that are matched to the Epsilon drive provide low inertia, high power to size ratios, and encoder
feedback for accurate positioning.
FM-2 Indexing Module
The FM-2 Module is a compact and rugged indexing module that attaches to the front of the base drive (MDS drive module).
It enables the user to initiate up to 16 different indexes, jogging and a single home routine. It also provides eight digital input
lines and four digital output lines in addition to the four input and three output lines available on the base drive. The FM-2
1.In this manual PowerTools Pro v4.0 will be referred to as PowerTools Pro.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
Locking Latch
Aligning Tabs
100-Pin Connector
Indexing Module
10-30 VDC
10-30 VDC
Module is setup using PowerTools Pro v4.0 software. PowerTools Pro v4.0 is an easy-to-use Microsoft® Windows® based
setup and diagnostics tool.
Figure 2:FM-2 Indexing Module Feature Location
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module
Graph View
Reference Manual
Setting Up Parameters
Figure 3:Graph View
Data Capture Group
Graph State
There are three graph state conditions in the following order: Filling Buffer, Filled. Waiting for Trigger, and Filled and
The Run button commands the drive to begin a high speed data capture of the parameters as selected in each of the four data
channels. After the Run command button is activated the buffer will fill up to the trigger offset while the words “Filling
Buffer” appear indicating this Graph State. Once the trigger offset level is reached the words “Waiting Trigger” will appear
next to the Graph State indicating that graphical monitor is now ready to be triggered based on the trigger level selected. The
Run command button may be activated by the letter “R” on the keyboard.
Upload and Plot
The Upload and Plot button will upload captured data from the drive and display this data in the Graph window. The user
should wait for the Graph State to read “Filled and Triggered” before the data is uploaded.
The Stop button stops the data capture with the data captured at that point. You can upload and plot that data. If the buffer is
only partially filled you will get a combination of good and bad data. Stop works well as a manual trigger, in place of the
configured trigger.
Automatically Re-trigger and Plot Check Box
Select the check box and the Automatically Re-trigger and Plot tells PowerTools to monitor the graph state for the triggered
condition. When this condition occurs, it automatically initiates the UploadPlot command, waits for a brief time then initiates
the Run button to repeat the cycle. Initial the user must press the Run button to start the auto cycle.
This mechanism is only active when the graph view is displayed, If the user enters a different PowerTools view the auto
update will stop and it will restart when returning to the Graph view.
The Print button is used to print the graph in the Graph window.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
Timing Group
The sliders can be moved in several different ways.
1. With the mouse pointer over the slider, left click and hold while dragging the slider back or forth to the desire setting.
2. With the mouse pointer over the slider, left click on the slider and then the arrow keys on the PC keyboard can be used to
move the slider in fine increments. The Page Up and Page Down keys move the slider in course increments. The Home key
will move the slider all the way to the left and the End key will all the way to the right.
Sample Rate
The Sample Rate slider gives the user control of time spacing for the captured date. To give the user a better idea of what this
number means, the total number of samples and total capture time is displayed on the bottom of the “Timing” group box.
Trigger Offset
The Trigger Offset slider corresponds to the number of samples that will be included on the graph display and data capture
prior to the actual trigger. If the Trigger offset slider is completely to the left (min samples), the data capture and graphing
will start at the trigger location. If the slider is completely to the right (max samples) the graph will capture data until the
trigger point.
Buffer Upload Size
The buffer upload size slider truncates the drive captured data. If the slider is completely to the right (max) the complete buffer
will be uploaded. If the slider is completely to the left, only 1% of the buffer will be uploaded. This parameter does not effect
the data capture size, it only defines how much of the buffer will be uploaded.
Data Group
Data Channel 1 - 4 Select List Boxes
The Channel 1 through Channel 4 list boxes give the user options for parameter display. If parameters with the same units
are mapped on adjacent channels then the graphical display will show these two parameters overlapped on the same x/y axis.
If it is desirable to have two adjacent Channels with the same units mapped to separate axis on the graph then the selection
(none) should be used on the channel in between these two parameters.
Trigger Radio Buttons
Selecting the radio button will cause the graphical capture to trigger the capture off the selected Channel. The “Trigger Level”
text box on the bottom of the display will change units to the selected channel's parameter units. This trigger level may be
changed at any time but the change must be sent to the drive via the Update to RAM or Download button. If a manual trigger
is desired, set the channel to None and select the corresponding trigger radio button. If no trigger is selected the capture will
begin when the Run button is clicked and end at the end of the Sample Rate.
Module Parameter
A Module parameter text box is only available once the user has selected Module Parameter from the Select list box. This
field is used to define what parameter will be plotted on that channel. The module parameter can be entered two ways: by just
typing any module parameter using the program format for the variable, or click the Popup Variables button and the variable
window will open. Then select the variable and drag it over to the channel module parameter text box.
Trigger Mask List Box
This list box is only available when Drive Inputs, Drive Outputs, Module Inputs or Module Outputs is selected in the channel
select list box and the Trigger radio button is selected for that channel. The Trigger Mask list box will only list the inputs or
outputs for the selected channel parameter.
Trigger Falling Edge Check Box
When the Trigger Falling Edge check box is selected, the trigger is detected when the data transitions below the trigger level.
When the Trigger Falling Edge check box is clear, the trigger is detected when the data transitions above the trigger level.
Trigger Level
This is the level at which the graph is triggered. The “Trigger Level” text box will change units to the selected channel's
parameter unit. This trigger level may be changed at any time but the change must be sent to the drive via the Update to RAM
or Download button.
Setup View
The Setup View contains all of the primary system setup parameters. These parameters must be setup prior to using your
By selecting Setup in the Hierarchy Tree, the Setup view will appear on the right side of the view (see Figure 4). The Setup
view is divided into four groups for Epsilons and five groups for FM-2 modules. The groups are Identification, Configuration,
Drive Encoder Output, Positive Direction, and Switching Frequency with an explanation of each function.
Setting Up Parameters
Figure 4:Epsilon EP-I Setup View
Identification Group
The identification group consists of the Axis and the Axis Address.
Enter a 24 character alpha/numeric name for the device you are currently setting up. Assigning a unique name for each device
in your system allows you to quickly identify a device when downloading, editing and troubleshooting. All keyboard
characters are valid.
Axis Address
Enter the “Axis Address” to which you wish to download the configuration file information. Unless you have changed the
Modbus address of your device, leave this parameter set to the default value of 1.
Configuration Group
Drive Type
Select the drive model for the application you are currently setting up.
Motor Type
Select the motor type for the application. PowerTools Pro software will display all the motor models that are available and
any user defined motors.
Selecting the wrong motor type can cause poor performance and may even damage the motor and/or drive.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
Switching Frequency Group (FM-2 only)
Switching Frequency (FM-2 Only)
“Switching Frequency” is used to select the Drive Module switching frequency. There are two switching frequencies, 5 KHz
(default) and 10 KHz. When using 10 KHz the Drive Module current rating will be derated.
Drive Encoder Output Group
Encoder Output Scaling Check Box
Select this check box to enable the Encoder Scaling parameter of the Drive Encoder Output.
Encoder Scaling
This parameter defines the encoder resolution (lines per revolution) of the drive’s encoder output. This feature allows the user
to change the drive encoder output resolution in increments of 1 line per revolution up to the density of the encoder in the
motor. If the Encoder Output Scaling parameter is set to a value higher than the motor encoder density, the drive encoder
output density will equal that of the motor encoder. The default is to the motor encoder density.
Positive Direction Group
The Positive Direction group consists of a CW (clockwise) Motor Rotation radio button and a CCW (counter-clockwise)
Motor Rotation radio button.
Positive motion will move in either a CW direction or CCW direction depending on which direction is selected. Perspective
of rotation is defined as you face the motor shaft from the front of the motor.
Figure 5:Motor Rotation Perspective
CW Motor Rotation Option Button
Select this option button for applications in which CW motor rotation is considered to be motion in the positive direction
(increasing absolute position).
CCW Motor Rotation Option Button
Select this option button for applications in which CCW motor rotation is considered to be motion in the positive direction
(increasing absolute position).
Motor View
The Motor view under Setup view is used for many different functions:
1.To see/verify the motor data for a standard motor that had been selected
2. To create a new motor entry in the .ddf file
3. To Run the Auto-Tune feature
4.To store Auto-Tune results into an existing configuration
The primary function of this view is to define the parameters for the given motor that is to be connected to the drive.
Following is a description of all the different functions on the Motor view.
Setting Up Parameters
Figure 6:Motor View
Motor Type List Box
Use this list box to select the motor type. PowerTools Pro software will display all the standard motor models and any user
defined motors.
Selecting the wrong motor type can cause instability and may cause property damage to the motor and/or drive.
Use Motor Data From .ddf File Check box
When selecting a motor for use with the Epsilon drive or a MDS/FM-2 module combination, the user has two basic options:
1.Use a motor that already exists in the standard motor definition file (StdMotor.ddf) or custom motor definition file
2. Create a custom motor that has not been used before.
When selecting option 1 from above (use an existing motor), the user simply selects one of the motors from the Motor Type
list at the top of the Motor view. Once the user selects a motor from the Motor Type list, the data for that motor is read from
the pertinent .ddf file and then is displayed in the Motor Parameters column on the Motor view (see Figure 6). The parameters
in this column will be dimmed and unavailable because the motor information comes directly from the .ddf file.
If the user wishes to edit one or more of the parameters read from the .ddf file, it is necessary to clear the “User Motor Data
From .ddf File” check box. Clearing the check box will break the “link” between the motor data displayed on this view, and
the motor data in the .ddf file. This is necessary because as soon as the user changes any of the values, it no longer matches
the .ddf file, and is now in effect a “custom motor”. When the “User Motor Data From .ddf File” check box is cleared, all of
the values in the Motor Parameters column will become available, and the Motor Name will be changed to “New Motor” so
that there is no association with the existing motor that was previously selected. The user can now change any of the values
as desired and give the motor a new name. Once the values have been changed, the motor data only exists within the active
configuration. To save the new values into the .ddf file, the user must click on the Save .ddf Values button on the right side
of the view.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
Motor Parameters Column
Motor Parameters column is a column of data displayed on the Motor view under the Setup view (See Figure 6). This column
of data contains the values for each of the motor data parameters. The values in this column are unavailable for edit if the
“Use Motor Data From .ddf File” check box is selected. This means that since the data is associated with the .ddf file, it cannot
be changed. The values in this column become available when the “Use Motor Data From .ddf File” check box is cleared.
The user can then change one or more of the parameter values because there no longer is a link to the data in the .ddf file.
If the user does edit motor parameter values on this view, those values are only stored within that particular configuration file.
In order to save the values to the .ddf file, the user must click the “Save .ddf Values” button on the right side of the view.
Below are the motor parameter with a brief description.
Motor Name
The motor name is limited to 12 characters and must begin with an alpha character (non-numeric character). This is the motor
name that will appear in the “Motor Type” list box above.
Peak Current
Specifies the peak current allowed by the motor. The motor manufacturer typically provides the peak current data.
If a system is “drive limited” (meaning that the motor can handle more current than the drive can deliver), the peak current
actually used by the system may be lower than the value specified here.
Continuous Current Rating
Specifies the continuous current allowed by the motor. It is used to determine the drive continuous current and peak current
limits. The drive can also limit the continuous current to the motor based on the drive capacity. The motor manufacturer
typically provides the continuous current data.
If a system is “drive limited” (meaning that the motor can handle more current than the drive can deliver), the continuous
current actually used by the system may be lower than the value specified here.
Motor Poles
Specifies the number of magnetic pole pairs (N-S) on the motor. The supported values are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 poles.
The motor manufacturer typically provides the motor pole information.
Rotor Inertia
This parameter specifies the inertia of the motor rotor. The drive uses this parameter to interpret the “Inertia Ratio” parameter.
“Inertia Ratio” is specified as a ratio of reflected load inertia to motor inertia.
Motor KE
Specifies the Ke of the motor. The units are Vrms/ kRPM. The line-to-line voltage will have this RMS value when the motor
is rotated at 1000 RPM. The range is 5.0 to 500.0 Vrms/ kRPM. The motor manufacturer will typically provide the Ke data.
Phase Resistance
Specifies the phase-to-phase resistance of the motor. This value is determined by measuring the resistance between any two
motor stator terminals with an ohm meter. The range is.1 to 50 ohms.
Phase Inductance
Specifies the phase-to-phase inductance of the motor.
Max Operating Speed
This parameter specifies the maximum speed of the motor when used with a variable speed drive to achieve velocities over
the rated base speed of the motor.
Encoder Lines/Rev
Specifies a coefficient for determining the number of encoder lines per mechanical revolution. The supported values are 1 to
16383. The equation for determining the total number of encoder lines per revolutions is:
nLines = n*10x
Setting Up Parameters
nLines = Total number of Encoder Lines
n = Motor Encoder Lines per Rev Coefficient
x = Motor Encoder Exponent
The total number of encoder lines is used both for commutation and for position/velocity control. To properly commutate the
motor, the drive must know the electrical angle (the angle between the motor magnetic field and stator coils).
Encoder Lines/Rev Exponent
Specifies a coefficient for determining the number of encoder lines per mechanical revolution. The supported values are 1 to
16383. The equation for determining the total number of encoder lines per revolutions is:
nLines = n*10x
nLines = Total number of Encoder Lines
n = Motor Encoder Lines per Rev Coefficient
x = Motor Encoder Exponent
The total number of encoder lines is used both for commutation and for position/velocity control. To properly commutate the
motor, the drive must know the electrical angle (the angle between the motor magnetic field and stator coils).
Encoder Marker Angle
Specifies the electrical angle at which the marker (Z) pulse occurs with reference to VTS when the motor is spun in the encoder
reference direction. At power-up the drive obtains an initial estimate of the electrical angle from the status of the U, V and W
commutation tracks. This estimate can be off by as much as 30 °.
When the drive receives the marker pulse, the drive will, within one second, gradually shift the commutation to the more
accurate electrical angle specified by this parameter. The system will then operate more efficiently.
Encoder U-track Angle
Specifies the electrical angle at which the rising edge of the U commutation track will occur with reference to VTS when the
motor is spun in the encoder reference direction.
At power-up the drive looks at the status of the U, V and W commutation tracks and, using this parameter, obtains a crude (±
30 °) estimate of the electrical angle.
Encoder Reference Motion
Specifies the direction of motion assumed in phase plots of the encoder’s quadrature and summation signals. The supported
values are CW(1) and CCW(0). Your encoder may have the same phase plot but is generated from a different direction of
rotation. This parameter affects the way the drive interprets the quadrature and commutation signals.
Encoder Type
The supported values for this parameter are 1 and 0. If set to a 1 the drive uses the Encoder Marker angle as well as the
Encoder U Angle for commutation. If this parameter is set to a 0, the drive uses only the Encoder U Angle.
Values from Drive Column
The Values from Drive column is a group of parameters that are constantly being read from the drive. The theory of operation
is that the user will often perform an Auto-Tune function that reads/measures/calculates data. The results of those
measurements are read from the drive and displayed in the Values from Drive column. Once they are displayed in PowerTools
Pro (in the Values From Drive column) the user can apply those values to the Motor Parameters column by clicking on the
Apply to Config. button, in the middle of the Motor view (this button looks like a series of arrows pointing from the Values
from Drive column towards the Motor Parameters column).
The values in the Values from Drive column are not saved as part of the configuration file. To save these values, the user
must use the “Apply to Config” button to save them.
This column is only functional when online with the device. When offline, the values in the Values from Drive column will
all read zero.
Apply to Config. Button
When the user runs the Auto-Tune feature PowerTools Pro reads the results of the Auto-Tune and displays them in the Values
from Drive column of the Motor view. After the Auto-Tune, the measured values are only saved in the Drive NVM, and not
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
in the FM3/4 module. Therefore, in order to store the values in the FM module, the Auto-Tune values must be applied to the
configuration file. When the user presses “Apply to Config.”, the values in the “Values From Drive” column are transferred
into the Motor Parameters column. Then the values must be downloaded by downloading the entire configuration file using
Device > Download.
Run Auto-Tune Button
The drive has the ability to run an Auto-Tune operation thereby measuring several different motor parameters. Doing so
allows the drive to obtain certain parameters that are not typically provided by the motor manufacturer, and also optimizes
other drive parameters to work properly with the connected motor/load.
PowerTools Pro allows the user to initiate the Auto-Tune feature from the Motor view.
The following table shows which parameters must be entered in order to run the Auto-Tune feature, and which parameters
are measured by the Auto-Tune.
Motor ParametersNeeded to Run Auto-Tune Measured by Auto-Tune Mode #
Motor Name
Peak Current•
Continuous Current Rating•
Motor Poles•
Rotor Inertia3
Motor Ke3
Phase Resistance2,3
Phase Inductance2,3
Max Operation Speed•
Encoder Lines/Rev•1,2,3
Encoder Lines/Rev Exponent•1,2,3
Encoder Marker Angle1,2,3
Encoder U-Marker1,2,3
Encoder Reference Motion1,2,3
Encoder Type
Some Auto-Tunes cause motion while others do not. It is important to read and understand the warnings and instructions on
the Auto-Tune windows. It is strongly recommended to unload the motor if Auto-Tune Mode #3 is commanded.
When online with the drive, to initiate an Auto-Tune, click RunAuto-Tune button. The Auto-Tune dialog box opens and
contains warnings and instructions related to the Auto-Tune procedure, as well as selection of the Auto-Tune mode. An
example of one of the Auto-Tune windows is shown in Figure 7.
Setting Up Parameters
Figure 7:Auto-Tune Dialog Box - Auto-Tune Mode 3
After the Auto-Tune Mode has been selected, click Proceed, to start the Auto-Tune. When the Auto-Tune is completed the
results will be in the Values from Drive column on the Motor view.
Save .ddf Values Button
Once the user has entered the data for the motor they are using, they may or may not wish to save the motor data to the
Motor.ddf file so it can be easily recalled at a later time. If the user does not save the motor data to the Motor.ddf file, then
the motor data will only reside in the specific application configuration file that it has been entered into.
In order to save the motor data to the Motor.ddf file, click the Save .ddf Values button. This takes all the parameter values
and writes them to the Motor.ddf file.
When saving to the .ddf file, if PowerTools Pro finds that a motor already exists with the same name, the User Defined Motor
Name Conflict dialog box will appear. The user must then decide how to proceed with saving the motor data .ddf file.
User Defined Motor Name Conflict Dialog Box
The purpose of this dialog box is to resolve conflicts between the application’s motor settings and those defined in the .ddf
The User Defined Motor Name Conflict dialog box opens during the following conditions:
1. From the Motor view, click the Save .ddf values button and the motor already exists with the same name but has different
motor parameters
2.Opening an application (or uploading a application), where the Use Motor data from the .ddf file check box is select but
the data in the application no longer matches the .ddf file.
This occasionally occurs when a newer version of PowerTools Pro is installed and the parameters for the standard motors
has been updated in the .ddf file.
If the motor name does not exist in the .ddf file, it will be written into the file.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
Figure 8:The User Defined Motor Name Conflict Dialog Box
The User Defined Motor Name Conflict dialog box presents the user with four options on how to proceed with saving the
motor data. Those four options are:
Create new motor entry In .ddf File
The user can select to keep the existing data and create a new entry into the motor.ddf file with a different name. After
selecting this option, the user simply enters a new name in the Please enter a new motor name text box. Then click OK, the
data will be written to the .ddf file using the new motor name.
Overwrite existing .ddf file motor entry
The user can select to overwrite the existing data in the .ddf file with the current data in the Motor Parameters column. If this
option is selected, the data in the .ddf file will be overwritten and the overwritten data will be lost forever. The overwritten
data cannot be recovered.
If the user attempts to overwrite data for a Standard Motor (in the stdmotor.ddf file), the operation will be canceled and the
user will be notified that they cannot proceed. The figure below shows the error message that will be produced when the user
attempts to overwrite a standard motor. In this case, the user would need to change the motor name before saving to the .ddf
Load and use motor parameters from matching motor in .ddf file
If this option is selected, the motor data in the Motor.ddf or stdmotor.ddf file for the matching Motor Name will overwrite
the data in the Motor Parameters column. After this option is selected, the “Use Motor Data From .ddf File” check box will
be selected, and all the parameter values will be unavailable.
Retain existing Motor Parameters without saving to .ddf
If the user selects this option, the values in the Motor Parameters column will not be written to the motor.ddf file, and the
values will only reside within the configuration file. The specific motor data values will not be available for selection in the
Motor Type list box because they are not saved to the .ddf file. The “Save .ddf Values” operation is in effect canceled.
Existing Motor Names List Box
This list box is part of the User Defined Motor Name Conflict dialog box and contains all the names of the motors that exist
in the motor.ddf and stdmotor.ddf files. When selecting a new name, it is important to select a name that is not already
displayed in this list box.
Parameters Not Matching List
This list is part of the User Defined Motor Name Conflict dialog box and displays the parameter value(s) from the Motor
Parameters column that do not match the equivalent parameter value in either the motor.ddf or stdmotor.ddf files, for the
motor with the matching name.
This helps the user to determine whether they wish to overwrite, cancel, or create a new motor with this Save .ddf Values
User Units View
The User Units View is used to scale the desired application units into known values. All information for distance, velocity,
and accel/decel units are set up here and used throughout the system setup.
By selecting User Units in the Hierarchy Tree, the User Units View will appear on the right (see Figure 9).
Setting Up Parameters
Figure 9:User Units View
Distance Group
Units Name
Select the type of units to be used throughout the configuration for all Position/Distance parameters. The default units are
Decimal Places
This will specify the number of digits after the decimal place to be used in all distance/position parameters for the entire
Distance Scaling
This will specify the number of user units in 1.0000 motor revolution. This parameter also determines the resolution of
distance/position parameters for the entire configuration. The number of decimal places specified here sets the maximum
For Example: If the user has a leadscrew with a 0.5" lead and wishes to perform indexes of 0.025", the Units Scaling must be
set to 0.500. By specifying three digits after the decimal place, the user will be able to enter the three digits necessary for the
index distance.
Velocity Group
Decimal Places
This will specify the number of digits after the decimal place to be used in all Velocity parameters.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
Time Scale Group
Time Base
Select either minute or second as the time scale for the configuration. The default time scale is minutes. If the selected time
scale is seconds, then the velocity units will appear as
user units/sec. If the selected time scale is minutes, the velocity units will appear as
user units/minute.
If the selected time scale is seconds, then the accel/decel units will appear as user units/sec
minutes, the accel/decel units will appear as
msec/(1000 (user units)/min) or msec/(k (user units)/min). Therefore, for accel/decel units, the default is msec/kRPM (the
same as previous versions of the FM-2 module).
Acceleration Group
Decimal Places
This will specify the number of digits after the decimal place to be used in all Acceleration/Deceleration parameters.
Position View
The Position View allows you to set up and view the parameters related to drive positioning. In, Position has been selected
in the Hierarchy Tree. The right side of the view is divided into groups. An explanation of the groups and their functions is
provided below.
. If the selected time scale is
Figure 10:Position View
Index In Position Group
In Position
The In Position (InPosn) source will activate at the end of a move if the absolute value of following error is less than or equal
to the In Position Window for the In Position Time.
In Position Window
The absolute value of the Following Error must be less than or equal to this value at the end of an index in order for the InPosn
source to activate. This window is set in units specified in the User Units View.
For example:
The In Position window is set to 0.0025 revs. At the end of an index, the following error is calculated to be 0.0012
revolutions. Therefore, the InPosn output will activate.
Or the In Position window is set to 0.001 inches. If at the end of an index, the following error is calculated to be 0.0015
inches, then the InPosn output will not activate.
In Position Time
This is the amount of time in seconds that commanded motion must be complete and the absolute value of the following error
must be less than the In Position Window parameter for the InPosn output to activate. If set to zero (default), then the InPosn
output will activate as soon as motion stops and the following error is less than the In Position Window parameter.
Following Error Group
Following Error Limit Enable Check Box
Select this check box to enable (or clear this check box to disable) the Following Error Limit. If enabled, a fault will be
generated if the absolute value of the following error ever exceeds the value in the following error parameter. If disabled, a
fault will never be generated.
Following Error Limit
Following Error is the difference between the Position Command and the Position Feedback. It is positive when the Position
Command is greater than the Position Feedback. If the absolute value of the following error exceeds the value entered here,
the drive will generate a Following Error Fault (F). All accumulated Following Error will be cleared when the drive is
The Following Error Limit is defined in user units.
Setting Up Parameters
Rotary Group
Rotary Rollover Enable Check Box
Select this check box to enable (or disable if check box is clear) the rotary rollover feature.
Rollover Position
This parameter is used in rotary applications and determines the position at which the internal position counter will be reset
to zero.
The user has a rotary table application with distance user units of degrees, 360.00 degrees/1 rev. The Rotary Rollover would
be set to a value of 360°.
The motor is traveling in the positive direction. As the feedback position reaches 359.999 and continues on, the feedback
position will reset (or roll-over) to zero. If the motor changes direction and travels in the negative direction, the position will
rollover at 0 to 359.999 degrees and count down. The resolution of the rotary rollover point is determined by the Distance
Units Decimal Places parameter on the User Units view in the PowerTools Pro software.
If an absolute index is used with a non-zero rotary rollover point, the FM-3/4 module will calculate the shortest path to its
destination and move in the required direction.
To force the motor to run a certain direction, use the Rotary Plus or Rotary Minus type of indexes.
Online Tab
While online with the device, the lower half of the view is the Online tab and the following real-time data will be displayed.
Motor Position Group
Position Command
This is the commanded position in user units generated by the device. This is set to zero when the Absolute Position Valid
output function is activated. The Position Command is specified in user units.
Position Feedback
This is the feedback position of the motor. It is set to zero when the Absolute Position Valid output function is activated.
Position Feedback is specified in user units.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
Following Error
The Following Error is the difference (in user units) between the Position Command and the Position Feedback. It is positive
when the Position Command is greater than the Position Feedback.
Encoder Position
The motor position in encoder counts since power up when the value was set to zero. This is a signed 32 bit value. This is set
to zero when the Absolute Position Valid output function is activated.
Pulse Input Posn
This parameter returns the total number of actual pulses received on the pulse input hardware. This value is active in all
operating modes.
Velocity View
This view allows the user to set the drive limits, and if online, view the velocity feedback parameters.
Setting Up Parameters
Figure 11:Velocity View - Online
Limits Group
Overspeed Velocity
This parameter specifies the maximum allowable speed. If the Velocity Feedback exceeds either the drive’s internal
overspeed fault limit or the value of the Overspeed Velocity, an Overspeed Fault will be generated. The internal overspeed
fault limit is equal to 150 percent of the Motor Maximum Operating Speed.
Trigger Group
In Motion Velocity
This parameter sets the activation point for both the In + Motion and In - Motion output functions. The output function will
deactivate when the motor velocity slows to half of this value.
Online Tab
Velocity Group
All parameters in this group are only available when online with the device.
Velocity Command
The Velocity Command is the actual command received by the velocity loop.
Velocity Feedback
This parameter is the actual feedback motor velocity.
Analog Command Velocity
The drive is in Analog Velocity mode this parameter gives the current velocity commanded due to the Analog input function.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
Ramps View
Ramps Group
Stop Deceleration
The value you enter here defines the rate of velocity change to zero speed when a Stop input function is activated.
Travel Limit Deceleration
The value you enter here defines the rate of velocity change to zero speed when a Travel Limit input function is activated.
Limits Group
Analog Accel/Decel Limit
This feature allows you to limit the accel and decel rate when using the analog input for velocity control. This makes it very
simple to use the drive in high performance, variable speed, start-stop applications such as Clutch-Brake replacements
without requiring a sophisticated controller to control the acceleration ramps. In applications which do not require the drive
to limit the ramps such as when using an external position controller, the parameter can be set to “0” (its default value). If the
Analog Accel/Decel Limit parameter value is changed during a ramp, the new ramp limit is imposed within the next servo
loop update.
Torque View
This view allows the user to edit the Torque Limit and when online with the device view the torque parameters.
Figure 12:Torque View - Online
The Torque Limit value takes effect only when the Torque Limit Enable input function is active.
These parameters are continuously updated while online with the drive.
Settings Group
Torque Limit
This value is the level which the Torque Command will be limited to when the Torque Limit Enable input function is active.
To make the Torque Limit always active, set the Torque Limit Enable Input function to be Always Active.
Torque Level 1 and 2
This parameter sets the activation level for the Torque Level 1 Active and Torque Level 2 Active output functions.
Peak Torque Available
This displays the maximum torque available from the selected drive and motor combination. This is calculated by
PowerTools Pro and is not a drive parameter.
Online Tab
Torque Group
Torque Command
The torque available from the particular drive and motor combination.
This parameter returns the torque command value before it is limited. The torque command may be limited by either the
Torque Limit (if the Torque Limit Enable input function is active) or Current Foldback.
Torque Cmd Limited
This displays the percent of torque being commanded to the motor. This value is the result of the Torque Command after
being limited by the current foldback and the Torque Limit value (if active).
Foldback RMS
Setting Up Parameters
This parameter accurately models the thermal heating and cooling of the drive and motor. When it reaches 100 percent,
current foldback will be activated.
Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
Tuning View
All parameters on the Tuning view are related to the load on the motor and application requirements.
The load on the motor is specified by two parameters: Inertia Ratio and Friction. Typical application requirements are
specified by the response adjustment and Feedforward Gains. Position Error Integral is provided to compensate for systems
with high friction or vertical loads. Low Pass Filter is provided to filter machine resonance that are present in some
Figure 13:Tuning View
Load Group
Inertia Ratio
Inertia Ratio specifies the load to motor inertia ratio and has a range of 0.0 to 50.0. If the exact inertia is unknown, a
conservative approximate value should be used. If you enter an inertia value higher than the actual inertia, the resultant motor
response will tend to be more oscillatory.
This parameter is characterized in terms of the rate of friction increase per 100 motor RPM. If estimated, always use a
conservative (less than or equal to actual) estimate. If the friction is completely unknown, a value of zero should be used. A
typical value used here is less than one percent.
Tuning Group
Velocity Response
The Velocity Response parameter adjusts the velocity loop bandwidth with a range of 1 to 500 Hertz. In general, it affects
how quickly the drive will respond to commands, load disturbances and velocity corrections. A good value to start with (the
default) is 50 Hz. The maximum value recommended is 80 Hz.
Feedforwards Enable Check Box
When this check box is selected feedforwards are enabled, the accuracy of the Inertia and Friction parameters is very
important. If the Inertia parameter is larger than the actual inertia, the result could be a significant overshoot during ramping.
If the Inertia parameter is smaller than the actual inertia, following error during ramping will be reduced but not eliminated.
If the Friction parameter is greater than the actual friction, it may result in velocity error or instability. If the Friction
parameter is less than the actual friction, velocity error will be reduced but not eliminated.
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