Information furnished by Control Techniques Drives Inc. (Control Techniques) is believed to be
accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Control Techniques for its use.
Control Techniques reserves the right to change the design or operation of the equipment described
herein and any associated motion products without notice. Control Techniques also assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Information in this document is subject
to change without notice.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose,
without the express written permission of Control Techniques.
The following are trademarks of Control Techniques and may not be reproduced in any fashion
without written approval of Control Techniques: EMERSON Motion Control,
EMERSON Motion Control PowerTools, AXIMA, “Motion Made Easy.”
Control Techniques is a division of EMERSON Co.
Control Techniques, Inc. is not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation, owner of the Microsoft,
Windows, and Windows NT trademarks.
This document has been prepared to conform to the current released version of the product. Because
of our extensive development efforts and our desire to further improve and enhance the product,
inconsistencies may exist between the product and documentation in some instances. Call your
customer support representative if you encounter an inconsistency.
Customer Support
Control Techniques
12005 Technology Drive
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344-3620
Telephone: (952) 995-8000 or
It is Control Techniques’ goal to ensure your greatest possible satisfaction with the operation
of our products. We are dedicated to providing fast, friendly, and accurate assistance. That is
why we offer you so many ways to get the support you need. Whether it’s by phone, fax or
modem, you can access Control Techniques support information 24 hours a day, seven days
a week. Our wide range of services include:
FAX (952) 995-8099
You can FAX questions and comments to Control Techniques. Just send a FAX to the number
listed above.
Website and
If you have Internet capabilities, you also have access to technical support using our website.
The website includes technical notes, frequently asked questions, release notes and other
technical documentation. This direct technical support connection lets you request assistance
and exchange software files electronically.
(800) 893-2321
Technical Support(952) 995-8033 or (800) 893-2321
Control Techniques’ “Motion Made Easy” products are backed by a team of professionals
who will service your installation. Our technical support center in Eden Prairie, Minnesota is
ready to help you solve those occasional problems over the telephone. Our technical support
center is available 24 hours a day for emergency service to help speed any problem solving.
Also, all hardware replacement parts, if needed, are available through our customer service
When you call, please be at your computer, with your documentation easily available, and be
prepared to provide the following information:
•Product version number, found by choosing About from the Help menu
•The type of controller or product you are using
•Exact wording of any messages that appear on your screen
•What you were doing when the problem occurred
•How you tried to solve the problem
Need on-site help? Control Techniques provides service, in most cases, the next day. Just call
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Training Services(952) 995-8000 or (800) 893-2321
Control Techniques maintains a highly trained staff of instructors to familiarize customers
with Control Techniques’ “Motion Made Easy” products and their applications. A number of
courses are offered, many of which can be taught in your plant upon request.
Application Engineering(952) 995-8000 or (800) 893-2321
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Document Conventions
Manual conventions have been established to help you learn to use this manual quickly and
easily. As much as possible, these conventions correspond to those found in other Microsoft®
Windows® compatible software documentation.
Menu names and options are printed in bold type: the File menu.
Dialog box names begin with uppercase letters: the Axis Limits dialog box.
Dialog box field names are in quotes: “Field Name.”
Button names are in italic: OK button.
Source code is printed in Courier font: Case ERMS.
In addition, you will find the following typographic conventions throughout this manual.
ALL CAPITALSDirectory names, file names, key names, and acronyms.
SMALL CAPSNon-printable ASCII control characters.
example: (Alt+F)
example: (Alt,F)
Characters that you must type exactly as they appear. For example, if you are directed to type
a:setup, you should type all the bold characters exactly as they are printed.
Placeholders for information you must provide. For example, if you are directed to type
filename, you should type the actual name for a file instead of the word shown in italic type.
A plus sign (+) between key names means to press and hold down the first key while you press
the second key.
A comma (,) between key names means to press and release the keys one after the other.
“Warning” indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
“Caution” indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in
minor or moderate injury.
“Caution” used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation
that, if not avoided, may result in property damage.
For the purpose of this manual and product, “Note” indicates essential information about
the product or the respective part of the manual.
E Series Only
For the purpose of this manual and product, the “EN” symbol indicates information about
the E Series drive specifically.
Throughout this manual, the word “drive” refers to an E Series drive
Safety Instructions
General Warning
Failure to follow safe installation guidelines can cause death or serious injury. The voltages
used in the product can cause severe electric shock and/or burns and could be lethal. Extreme
care is necessary at all times when working with or adjacent to the product. The installation
must comply with all relevant safety legislation in the country of use.
Qualified Person
For the purpose of this manual and product, a “qualified person” is one who is familiar with
the installation, construction and operation of the equipment and the hazards involved. In
addition, this individual has the following qualifications:
•Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear and ground and tag circuits and
equipment in accordance with established safety practices.
•Is trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment in accordance with
established safety practices.
•Is trained in rendering first aid.
Reference Materials
The following related reference and installation manuals may be useful with your particuliar
•Epsilon and E Series Drives Reference Manual (P/N 400501-01)
•PowerTools Software User’s Guide (P/N 400503-01)
•Epsilon and E Series Drive Parameters Reference Manual (P/N 400504-01)
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
Underwriters Laboratories Recognition
The E Series drives are marked with the “UL Recognized” label after passing a rigorous set
of design and testing criteria developed by UL (UL508C). This label indicates that the UL
certifies this product to be safe when installed according to the installation guidelines and
used within the product specifications.
The “conditions of acceptability” required by UL are:
•The drive ambient temperature must be 40° C (104° F) or less.
•This product is suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 5000 RMS
symmetrical amperes, 240 volts maximum.
The “UL Recognized” designation is different than a “UL Listed” designation. The “UL
Listed” designation is generally applicable to stand alone products where the “UL
Recognized” designation is used for components that are part of a system. E Series drives are
usually considered components of a larger control system where the “UL Recognized”
designating is very common and well accepted.
CE Declaration of Conformity
The E Series drives are marked with the “Conformite Europeenne Mark” (CE mark) after
passing a rigorous set of design and testing criteria. This label indicates that this product
meets safety and noise immunity and emmisions (EMC) standards when installed according
to the installation guidelines and used within the product specifications.
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
Declaration of Conformity
Manufacturer ’s Name:
Manufacturer ’s Address:
Declares That The Following Products:
Products Description:
Model Number:
System Options:
Designed and manufactured in accordance with the following European harmonized
EN 55011/1991 Class A Group 1, CISPR 11/1990 Class A Group 1
EN 50082-2/1995:
The products herewith comply with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 73/23/EEC
This electronic drive product is intended to be used with an appropriate motor, electrical protection components and other equipment to form a
complete end product or system. It must only be installed by a professional assembler who is familiar with requirements for safety and
electromagnetic compatibility (“EMC”). The assembler is responsible for ensuring that the end product or system complies with all the
relevant laws in the country where it is to be used. Refer to the product manual for installation guidelines.
national and international standards.
Electomagnetic Compatibility:
Supplementary Information
and EMC Directive 89/336/EEC
ALP-130 Backup Logic Power Supply and ECI-44 Screw Terminal
IEC 1000-4-3/1995; EN 61000-4-3, ENV 50140/1993, 80% AM, 10V/
IEC 1000-4-4/1995; EN 61000-4-4, 2 kV ALL LINES
ENV 50204/1995, Pulse, 900 MHz, 50% DTY, 200 Hz
Control Techniques Drives, Inc.
12005 Technology Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
E Series Digital Servo Drive
EN-204, EN-208, EN-214
This declaration covers the above products with the
IEC 1000-4-2/1995; EN 61000-4-2, 4kV CD
m @ 3 m
IEC 1000-4-8/1993; EN 61000-4-8, 30 A/m
ENV 50141/1993, 80% AM, 10V, .15-80 MHz
Bradley Schwartz/ VP EngineeringDate
European Contact:
December 2, 1997
Sobetra Automation
Langeveldpark Lot 10
P. Dasterleusstraat 2
1600 St. Pieters leeuw, Belguim
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
Safety Precautions
This product is intended for professional incorporation into a complete system. If you install
the product incorrectly, it may present a safety hazard. The product and system may use high
voltages and currents, carries a high level of stored electrical energy, or is used to control
mechanical equipment which can cause injury.
You should give close attention to the electrical installation and system design to avoid
hazards either in normal operation or in the event of equipment malfunction. System design,
installation, commissioning and maintenance must be carried out by personnel who have the
necessary training and experience. Read and follow this safety information and the instruction
manual carefully.
This product is intended to be mounted in an enclosure which prevents access except by
trained and authorized personnel, and which prevents the ingress of contamination. This
product is designed for use in an environment classified as pollution degree 2 in accordance
with IEC664-1. This means that only dry, non-conducting contamination is acceptable.
Safety Considerations
Setup, Commissioning and Maintenance
It is essential that you give careful consideration to changes to drive settings. Depending on
the application, a change could have an impact on safety. You must take appropriate
precautions against inadvertent changes or tampering. Restoring default parameters in certain
applications may cause unpredictable or hazardous operation.
Safety of Machinery
Within the European Union all machinery in which this product is used must comply with
Directive 89/392/EEC, Safety of Machinery.
The product has been designed and tested to a high standard, and failures are very unlikely.
However the level of integrity offered by the product’s control function – for example stop/
start, forward/reverse and maximum speed – is not sufficient for use in safety-critical
applications without additional independent channels of protection. All applications where
malfunction could cause injury or loss of life must be subject to a risk assessment, and further
protection provided where needed.
General warning
Failure to follow safe installation guidelines can cause death or serious injury. The
voltages used in this unit can cause severe electric shock and/or burns, and could be lethal.
Extreme care is necessary at all times when working with or adjacent to this equipment.
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
The installation must comply with all relevant safety legislation in the country of use.
AC supply isolation device
The AC supply must be removed from the drive using an approved isolation device or
disconnect before any servicing work is performed, other than adjustments to the settings
or parameters specified in the manual. The drive contains capacitors which remain
charged to a potentially lethal voltage after the supply has been removed. Allow at least
30 seconds after removing the supply before carrying out any work which may involve
contact with electrical connections to the drive.
Products connected by plug and socket
A special hazard may exist where the drive is incorporated into a product which is
connected to the AC supply by a plug and socket. When unplugged, the pins of the plug
may be connected to the drive input, which is only separated from the charge stored in the
capacitor by semiconductor devices. To avoid any possibility of electric shock from the
pins, if they are accessible, a means must be provided for automatically isolating the plug
from the drive (e.g., a latching contactor).
Grounding (Earthing, equipotential bonding)
The drive must be grounded by a conductor sufficient to carry the prospective fault current
in the event of a fault. The ground connections shown in the manual must be followed.
Fuses or over-current protection must be provided at the input in accordance with the
instructions in the manual.
Isolation of control circuits
The installer must ensure that the external control circuits are isolated from human contact
by at least one layer of insulation rated for use at the applied AC supply voltage.
The FM-1 is a compact and rugged module that attaches to the front of the E Series drive. It
provides eight digital input lines and four digital output lines in addition to the four input and
three output lines available on the E Series drive. The FM-1 is setup using PowerTools-FM
software. PowerTools-FM is an easy-to-use Microsoft® Windows®-based setup and
diagnostics tool.
With the FM-1 installed, the base drive functions normally, with some additional features,
including eight more inputs and four more outputs. The additional major features include;
eight digital Torque presets, two additional Summation modes, plus an Alternate Operating
mode function.
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
Figure 1: E Series Drive with Function Module FM-1
Velocity Presets
The FM-1 offers eight Velocity Presets which operate the same as E Series drives. These
velocity presets are numbered 0 through 7 and are selectable with I/O. Each preset velocity
has a ramp associated with it, which is used whether the drive has to accelerate or decelerate
to achieve the selected speed.
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
Digital Torque Preset Mode
A digital torque submode selection has been added to the Torque mode. This offers eight
torque presets which are selectable with I/O or Modbus, and is in addition to the analog
command torque mode available in the base drive.
Summation Modes
Summation mode in the FM-1 has three summation mode choices:
•Analog Velocity + Preset Velocity
•Pulse mode + Analog Velocity
•Pulse mode + Preset Velocity
The Pulse Summation modes are advantageous in applications that require pulse following
plus the ability to adjust the phase relationship to the master by adding or subtracting velocity
to the ratioed master pulse rate. The Analog + Preset Velocity mode operates the same as it
does in the base drive.
Alternate Operating Mode
The FM-1 permits two different operating modes to be set up. It normally runs according to
the Operating Mode but can be switched to the Alternate Operating Mode by activating an
input function. This provides the user with the flexibility to use a drive with the FM-1 in
applications that previously required a complex controller.
•Three Summation modes; Pulse + Analog Velocity, Pulse + Preset Velocity and Preset
Velocity + Analog Velocity
•Eight Velocity Presets
•Eight Torque Presets
•Eight optically isolated input lines
•Four optically isolated output lines
•Easy to attach and detach
•Easy-to-use Windows-based software
•Extensive fault sensing and diagnostics, including storage and time stamping of the last
10 faults
•No tuning needed for no-load to 10:1 inertia mismatch
•High performance tuning based on inertia, friction and response
•Removable I/O connectors for easy installation
•Scalable Encoder Output
•Travel Limit functions
Locking Latch
Aligning Tabs
Speed Module
10-30 VDC
100-Pin Connector
10-30 VDC
Figure 2:FM-1 Speed Module Features
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
Installing the FM-1
The FM-1 is compatible with all E Series drives with part number 9605xx-05 or higher.
Two aligning tabs, a locking latch and a 100-pin connector are used to attach the FM-1 to the
E Series drive. All electrical connections between the FM-1 and the E Series drive are
accomplished with the single connector located on the rear of the FM-1.
The E Series drive will generate an Invalid Configuration fault (“U” fault) in any of the
following circumstances:
•The first time the FM-1 is installed on an E Series drive and powered up, because it has
not been configured for this drive/motor system.
•Anytime the FM-1 is removed from the E Series drive and the Reset button is pressed then
the FM-1 is reattached to the drive. This is because the drive has been reset and is unaware
of the type of FM that is attached to it.
•When an FM-1 is removed from the drive and another FM-1 is attached to the same drive.
This is because the drive remembers the FM-1’s serial number and will not work with a
different FM-1 until properly reset.
Quick Start
You can remove the FM-1 and reattach it to the same drive without receiving a "U" fault,
only if you do not make any changes to the drive settings.
To reset the fault, create or open a configuration file with the correct drive and motor
selections and download the configuration to the FM-1. If you are certain that the setup data
in the FM-1 matches the drive and motor to which the FM-1 is attached, press and hold the E
Series drive’s Reset button for 10 seconds (until the fault is cleared).
Damage may occur to the drive, motor or both if the fault is cleared using the Reset button
when the setup data in the FM-1 does not match the current drive and motor.
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
Grip the FM
firmly on
each side.
Gently press the
FM against the
drive, aligning the
100-pin connector.
Continue pressing the FM
against the drive until the
latch clicks into the slot
on the top of the drive.
Insert the
aligning tabs
into the slots
on the drive.
Figure 3:Attaching the FM-1 to an E Series Drive
Do not attach or detach the FM-1 when power is applied to the drive.
Electrical Wiring
FM-1’s are equipped with eight optically isolated input lines and four optically isolated
output lines. They are designed to operate from a +10 to 30 VDC source. All outputs are
configured as sourcing and inputs are compatible with sourcing outputs (high = active). You
are responsible for choosing a load that will limit the output current to less than 150 mA each.
The input lines, output lines and I/O power connectors are on removable terminal blocks. 18
to 24 AWG stranded wire is recommended.
A single power supply can be used to power the I/O on both the E Series drive and the FM1, however, it must be wired to both the drive and the FM-1 because I/O power is not passed
through the connector on the back of the FM-1. Alternatively, separate power supplies can be
used to power the I/O on the drive and the FM-1 as long as they share a common ground.
Quick Start
Figure 4:Input/Output Wiring Diagram
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
Installing the PowerTools-FM Software
Installation Requirements
PowerTools will run on any IBM® personal computer (PC) or compatible with Microsoft
Windows® version 95/98 or NT 4.0, at least 8 MB of RAM, 6 MB of available hard disk
space, one serial port (a second port is required if you are using one for a mouse) and a 3.5
inch floppy disk drive. It is recommended, but not necessary, to use a mouse when operating
PowerTools software.
Installation Procedure
Installing PowerTools-FM is easy. You just insert the appropriate disks and follow the
prompts on the screen. (Please be sure to read every screen before advancing.)
1.Insert disk 1 into drive A.
2.Choose the Run command from the Start menu on the Windows 95 Taskbar.
3.Type A:\setup (substitute the appropriate letter for your floppy disk drive).
4.Follow the instructions on the screen.
Installation will take about five minutes. The install program automatically:
•Creates the directory on your hard drive named:
•Creates a new Windows group called "EMERSON Control Techniques".
•Loads the required DLL’s into your Windows system directory.
•Loads PowerTools-FM into the EMERSON\PTOOLSFM directory.
•Loads FM-1 and E Series drive setup files into the EMERSON\APPS directory.
You may be required to restart Windows 95.
Refer to the readme.txt file located on the installation floppy for more information.
Starting and Exiting
Starting the Software
1.Click the Start button on the taskbar at the bottom left of the screen.
Quick Start
2.Click on the Programs selection. The Programs menu appears.
3.Click on the “EMERSON Control Techniques” folder icon.
4.Click on the “PowerTools-FM” folder icon.
5.Click on the PowerTools-FM program icon.
Exiting the Software
Choose File from the menubar, then click Exit. If you are using the keyboard, press the
shortcut key combination Alt+F, X.
If you made changes, PowerTools-FM displays an Alert dialog box asking whether you want
to save your current work. Click the Yes button or press Enter to save your work, or click the
No button to quit without saving.
Using Online Help
PowerTools-FM software provides a way for you to find out what each item does without
interrupting your work. To see a definition of a menu command or a dialog box item, click
the Question Mark button in the toolbar, and then click the command or item. You can also
press the F1 key for Help on the active tab.
Also, each tab and dialog box has a Help button that retrieves online help for that tab or dialog
box. You can also use a index-based help system which can search for help based upon a
Setting Up the FM-1
This section provides you with step-by-step instructions how to set up your drive using
PowerTools-FM software.
Step 1: Opening an Off-line Configuration Window
To open an off-line Configuration Window, click the New icon from the toolbar or select New
from the File pull-down menu.
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
Figure 5:New Dialog Box
When the New dialog box appears, select the FM-1 Drive Setup selection and press the OK
button. A new Configuration Window will be displayed.
Figure 6:Setup Tab
All FM-1 setup parameters are accessible in the twelve tabs of the off-line configuration
This chapter gives an overview of how to setup the four major operation modes and their
You can now proceed to set up the FM-1 parameters as desired.
Step 2: General Setup
The Setup tab contains system data such as drive type, motor type, axis name, etc.
Quick Start
Figure 7:Setup Tab
Entering Identification Parameters:
1.Enter an identifying name in the “Name” box for the FM-1 you are setting up. You can
use up to 24 alpha-numeric characters.
2.Enter the “Target Drive Address(es)” to which you wish to download the setup
information. Unless you have changed the Modbus address of your FM-1, leave this
parameter set to the default value of one.
Entering Configuration Parameters:
1.Click the down arrow of the “Drive Type” list box then select the EN drive model for the
drive you are currently setting up.
2.Click the down arrow of the “Motor Type” list box then select the motor connected to the
drive you are setting up. PowerTools-FM will only display the motor models that are
compatible with the “Drive Type” you selected.
3.Click the down arrow of the “Line Voltage” list box and select the voltage (115 or 230)
with which will be powering the E Series drive.
Entering Positive Direction Selections:
Click which direction, clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW), to be considered as
motion in the positive direction.
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
CW and CCW rotation is determined by viewing the motor from the shaft end.
CW Motor Rotation
Select this radio button for applications in which CW motor rotation is considered to be
motion in the positive direction (increasing absolute position).
Figure 8:Clockwise Motor Rotation
CCW Motor Rotation
Select this radio button for applications in which CCW motor rotation is considered to be
motion in the positive direction (increasing absolute position).
Encoder Output Scaling
When enabled, this parameter allows you to set up the drive simulated encoder output to any
integer number of counts per revolution from 100 lines up to the actual motor encoder density.
(2048 lines per revolution is standard for MG motors).
Step 3: Selecting an Operating Mode
Each of the four main operating modes and their related submodes are explained in detail on
page 51.
Alternate Operating Mode
The FM-1 permits two different operating modes to be set up. The Main Operating mode and
the Alternate Operating mode. The Alternate Operating mode is invoked by activating the
input function “Alternate Operating Mode”. The changeover to the Alternate Operating mode
occurs in less than 400 microseconds. Setup of the Alternate Operating mode is similar to the
setup of the Main Operating mode. The Alternate Operating setup is done by pushing the
Setup button inside the Alternate Operating Mode group box on the Setup tab. This opens up
the Alternate Operating Mode dialog box showing the possible operating modes.
You must be very aware of the command inputs that are active during a mode change.
It is possible that the drive can respond very quickly and seem out of control if procedures
appropriate to that changeover are not followed. It is up to the system designer to design
a safe changeover procedure for any particular machine.
Depending on the mode you select, the software will display related submodes and/or
additional parameters that pertain to the main operating mode you selected.
Velocity Analog Submode Setup
Quick Start
Figure 10:Velocity Mode Selection
The following Velocity mode setup procedures assume that you have connected the proper
analog command wiring as described in the “Hardware Installation” section.
1.Select the “Velocity Mode” radio button from the Operating Mode group.
2.Select the “Analog” submode radio button.
3.Go to the “Velocity” tab.
FM-1 Speed Module Reference Manual
Figure 11:Velocity Tab
4.Enter a “Full Scale Velocity” value (normally left at default value).
5.Enter a “Stop Deceleration” value.
6.Enter a “Travel Limit Deceleration” value.
7.Enter a “Analog Accel/Decel Limit” value (normally left at default value).
8.Enter an “Overspeed Velocity” value.
9.Enter an “In Motion Velocity” value (normally left at default value).
10. Go to the Analog tab.
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