AC variable speed drive for 3
phase induction motors from
0.25kW to 4kW, 0.33hp to 5hp
Part Number: 0472-0078-01
Issue: 1
General Information
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect
installation or adjustment of the optional parameters of the eq uipment or from mismatching the var iable speed drive with
the motor.
The contents of this guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of commitment to a policy of
continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product
or its performance, or the content of the guide without notice.
All rights reserved. No parts of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or
mechanical including, photocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
Drive software version
This product is supplied with the latest version of user-interface and machine control software. If this product is to be
used in a new or existing system with other drives, there may be some differences between their software and the
software in this product. These differences may cause the product to function differently. This may also apply to drives
returned from the Control Techniques Service Centre.
If there is any doubt, please contact your local Control Techniques Drive Centre or Distributor.
Environmental Statement
Control Techniques is committed to minimising the environmental impacts of its manufacturing operations and of its
products throughout their life cycle. To this end, we operate an Environmental Management System (EMS) which is
certified to the International Standard ISO 14001. Further information on the EMS, our Environment Policy and other
relevant information is available on request, or can be found at
The electronic variable speed drives manufactured by Control Techniques have the potential to save energy and
(through increased machine/process efficiency) reduce raw materia l consumption and scrap throughout their long
working lifetime. In typical applications, these positive environmental effects far outweigh the negative impacts of product
manufacture and end-of-life disposal.
Nevertheless, when the products eventually reach the end of their useful life, they can very easily be dismantled into their
major component parts for efficient recycling. Many parts snap together and can be separated without the use of tools,
while other parts are secured with conventional screws. Virtually all parts of the product are suitable for recycling.
Product packaging is of good quality and can be re-used. Large products are packed in wooden crates, while smaller
products come in strong cardboard cartons which themselves have a high-recycled fibre content. If not re-used, these
containers can be recycled. Polythene, used on the protective film a nd bag s fr om wrap ping pr oduct, can be re cycled in
the same way. Control Techniques' packaging strategy favours easily recyclable materials of low environmental impact,
and regular reviews identify opportunities for improvement.
When preparing to recycle or dispose of any pr od uc t or pa ck ag ing , ple a se ob se rv e loca l leg islation and best practice.
Commander SL Advanced User Guide 3
Issue Number: 1
IntroductionDefault parametersParameter description formatKeypad and displayMenu 0
1 Introduction
This Advanced User Guide provides detailed information on the following features of Commander SL:
•Parameter types
•Keypad and display information
•Full parameter descriptions
The Commander SL
The Commander SL is an open loop AC variable speed inverter drive used to control the speed of an AC induction motor.
As default the Commander SL is set up in fixed boost mode (see Pr 41 on page 24). The drive produces a linear voltage to frequency profile to be
applied to the motor. At low speed, a voltage boost can be applied to the motor to increase starting torque in high starting torque application (see
Pr 42 on page 24).
The Commander SL can also be set up in open loop vector mode (see Pr 41 on page 24). In open loop vector mode, the drive uses an open loop
vector control strategy to maintain almost constant flux in the motor by dynamically adjusting the motor voltage according to the load on the motor. At
low speed, the drive will automatically increase the motor voltage to increase starting torque in high starting torque applications.
The AC supply is rectified through a bridge rectifier and then smoothed across high voltage capacitors to produce a constant voltage DC bus. The DC
bus is then switched through an IGBT bridge to produce AC at a variable voltage and a variable frequency. This AC output is synthesized by a pattern
of on-off switching applied to the gates of the IGBTs. This method of switching the IGBTs is known as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).
Software Structure
The Commander SL's keypad and display can be used to change and monitor parameter values and also to change the terminal settings of the drive.
The parameter menu is structured to give an extreme ease of set-up for a simple drive for simple applications.
4 Commander SL Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 1
IntroductionDefault parametersParameter description formatKeypad and displayMenu 0
2 Default parameters
Setting default parameters sets all parameters back to their factory setting.
To set default parameters, set Pr 29 to Eur or USA. Eur sets 50Hz defaults, USA sets 60Hz defaults. See Pr 29 on page 19 for further details.
When default parameters are set, these parameters are automatically saved to the drives EEPROM.
Eur/USA parameter set differences
The following table gives the differences between Eur and USA default parameter sets:
PrDescriptionEur defaultUSA defaultDrive voltage rating
02Maximum set speed50.0 Hz60.0HzAll
Commander SL Advanced User Guide 5
Issue Number: 1
IntroductionDefault parameters
Parameter description format
Keypad and displayMenu 0
3 Parameter description format
3.1 Software variable maximum term definitions
Table 3-1
The values given in square brackets indicate the maximum value allowed for the variable maximum.
Maximum frequency reference
FREQ_MAX = Pr 02
Maximum motor rated current
RATED_CURRENT_MAX ≤ 1.36 x Rated drive current
Maximum drive current
The maximum drive current is the current at the over current trip level and is given by:
DRIVE_CURRENT_MAX = rated drive current x 2
Maximum current limit settings
This maximum current limit setting is the maximum applied to the current limit.
Maximum output voltage set-point
Defines the maximum motor voltage that can be selected.
200V drives: 240V
400V drives: 480V
Maximum DC bus voltage
The maximum measurable DC bus voltage.
200V drives: 415V
400V drives: 830V
Maximum power in kW
The maximum power has been chosen to allow for the maximum power that can be output by the drive
with maximum AC output voltage, maximum controlled current and unity power factor. Therefore
3.2 Parameter information
3.2.1 Parameter types
There are two fundamental types of parameters in the drive, read only (RO) and read/write (RW). The read only parameters cannot be changed by
the user and are there to give the user useful information about the state of the drive. Read/write parameters are for the user to set up the way in
which the drive operates.
Parameters can be further broken down into Bit parameters and Non-bit parameters. Bit parameters are two state only (0 or 1) and if RW are used as
switches or two state input variables to the drive logic, or if RO indicate various drive conditions which are either true (1) or false (0). Non-bit
parameters have more than two values the range of each being given in the following descriptions.
3.2.2 Drive reset
A drive reset is required for a number of reasons:
•To reset the drive from a tripped state
•To initiate loading of default parameters
•To implement a change in the value of certain parameters
•To initiate the saving of parameters in EEPROM
The later two of these can be done while the drive is running.
The drive can be reset in one of four ways:
1. The drive will be reset with a 0 to 1 transition of the enable input when the drive is tripped, such that a dedicated reset terminal is not required.
2. The Stop/Reset key. If the drive is not in keypad mode, then the key has a drive reset function only. In keypad mode a drive reset can be done
while the drive is running by holding the Run key while the Stop/Reset key is activated. When the drive is not running the Stop/Reset key will
always reset the drive.
3.2.3 Storing drive parameters
When the keypad is used to edit a parameter, the parameter is stored when the mode key is pressed after adjustment has been made.
6 Commander SL Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 1
IntroductionDefault parameters
Parameter description format
Keypad and displayMenu 0
3.3 Key to parameter codes
With each parameter the following information block is given.
40Number of motor poles
RangeAuto 2P, 4P, 6P, 8P
Update rateBackground
The top row gives the parameter number and the parameter name. The other rows give the following information.
3.3.1 Coding
The coding defines the attributes of the parameter as follows.
Bit1 bit parameter
SPSpare: not used
TxtText: the parameter uses text strings instead of numbers.
VMVariable maximum: the maximum of this parameter can vary.
DPDecimal place: indicates the number of decimal places used by this parameter.
RARating dependant: this parameter is likely to have different values and ranges with drives of different voltage and current ratings.
NVNot visible: not visible on the keypad.
RWRead/write: can be written by the user.
PSPower-down save: automatically saved in drive EEPROM at power-down.
Filtered: some parameters which can have rapidly changing values are filtered when displayed on the drive keypad for easy
No default: when defaults are loaded (except when the drive is manufactured or on EEPROM failure) this parameter is not
Bit default one/unsigned: Bit parameters with this flag set to one have a default of one (all other bit parameters have a default of
zero. Non-bit parameters are unipolar if this flag is one.
3.3.2 Term definitions
This gives the range of the parameter and the values it can be adjusted to.
The default values given are the standard drive defaults.
Update rate
Defines the rate at which the parameter data is written by the drive or read and acted upon by the drive. Where background update rate is specified,
the update time depends on the drive processor load. Generally the update time is between 10ms and 100ms, however, the update time is
significantly extended when loading defaults.
3.4 Sample/update times
The sample/update times shown in the control terminal specification within the Commander SL Technical Guide are the default sample/update times
for the default terminal set-up.
These sample/update times are the sample or update times for the control microprocessor. The actual sample/update time maybe slightly longer due
to the design of the Commander SL.
3.4.1 Task routine times
There is a single line parameter description and this contains the update rate for each parameter. This time signifies the task routine time in the
software that the parameter is updated on. For a background task, the time depends on processor loading i.e. what functions the drive is carrying out.
Update rateMicroprocessor update timeComments
2ms2ms Updated every 2ms
5ms5msUpdated every 5ms
21ms21msUpdated every 21ms
128ms128msUpdated every 128ms
ResetN/ADestination/source parameter changed on a Reset
BRBackground read
BWBackground write
Edit mode exitN/A
Updated as a background task. Update rate
depends on processor loading.
Parameter change actioned on exit of edit mode.
Parameter change automation saved.
Commander SL Advanced User Guide 7
Issue Number: 1
IntroductionDefault parameters
From practical tests carried out:
Time for drive to respond to a run command4.1ms5.62ms5.02ms
Time for the drive to respond to a stop command2.82ms3.94ms3.31ms
Time for the drive to respond to a step change in analogue input voltage
Parameter description format
Keypad and displayMenu 0
8 Commander SL Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 1
IntroductionDefault parametersParameter description formatKeypad and displayMenu 0
4 Keypad and display
The keypad and display are used for the following:
•Displaying the operating status of the drive
•Displaying a fault or trip code
•Reading and changing parameter values
•Stopping, starting and resetting the drive
Figure 4-1 Keypad and display
4.1Programming keys
The MODE key is used to change the mode of operation of the drive.
The UP and DOWN keys are used to select parameters and edit their values. In keypad mode, they are used to increase and decrease the
speed of the motor.
4.2Control keys
The START key is used to start the drive in keypad mode.
The STOP/RESET key is used to stop and reset the drive in keypad mode. It can also be used to reset the drive in terminal mode.
4.3 Selecting and changing parameters
Press and
Press and
Select parameter to view
Parameter number and parameter
value flashing alternately
Change parameter value
Parameter value flashing
Press and
Press and
4 mins
This procedure is written from the first power up of the drive and assumes no terminals have been connected, no parameters have been changed and
no security has been set.
Figure 4-2 Display modes
for 2s
Commander SL Advanced User Guide 9
Issue Number: 1
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