Control Techniques Commander SK User Guide

Advanced User Guide
Commander SK
AC variable speed drive for 3 phase induction motors from
0.25kW to 110kW, 0.33hp to 150hp
Part Number: 0472-0001-09 Issue: 9
General Information
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of the optional operating parameters of the equipment or from mismatching the variable speed drive with the motor.
The contents of this guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of a commitment to a policy of continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product or its performance, or the contents of the guide, without notice.
All rights reserved. No parts of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Drive software version
This product is supplied with the latest software version. If this drive is to be connected to an existing system or machine, all drive software versions should be verified to confirm the same functionality as drives of the same model already present. This may also apply to drives returned from a Control Techniques Service Centre or Repair Centre. If there is any doubt please contact the supplier of the product.
The software version of the drive can be checked by looking at Pr 11.29 and Pr 11.34. This takes the form of xx.yy.zz where Pr 11.29 displays xx.yy and Pr 11.34 displays zz. (e.g. for software version 01.01.00, Pr 11.29 = 1.01 and Pr 11.34 displays 0).
Environmental statement
Control Techniques is committed to minimising the environmental impacts of its manufacturing operations and of its products throughout their life cycle. To this end, we operate an Environmental Management System (EMS) which is certified to the International Standard ISO 14001. Further information on the EMS, our Environmental Policy and other relevant information is available on request, or can be found at
The electronic variable-speed drives manufactured by Control Techniques have the potential to save energy and (through increased machine/process efficiency) reduce raw material consumption and scrap throughout their long working lifetime. In typical applications, these positive environmental effects far outweigh the negative impacts of product manufacture and end-of-life disposal.
Nevertheless, when the products eventually reach the end of their useful life, they must not be discarded but should instead be recycled by a specialist recycler of electronic equipment. Recyclers will find the products easy to dismantle into their major component parts for efficient recycling. Many parts snap together and can be separated without the use of tools, whilst other parts are secured with conventional fasteners. Virtually all parts of the product are suitable for recycling.
Product packaging is of good quality and can be re-used. Large products are packed in wooden crates, while smaller products come in strong cardboard cartons which themselves have a high recycled fibre content. If not re-used, these containers can be recycled. Polythene, used on the protective film and bags for wrapping product, can be recycled in the same way. Control Techniques' packaging strategy prefers easily-recyclable materials of low environmental impact, and regular reviews identify opportunities for improvement.
When preparing to recycle or dispose of any product or packaging, please observe local legislation and best practice.
REACH legislation
EC Regulation 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) requires the supplier of an article to inform the recipient if it contains more than a specified proportion of any substance which is considered by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to be a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) and is therefore listed by them as a candidate for compulsory authorisation.
For current information on how this requirement applies in relation to specific Control Techniques products, please approach your usual contact in the first instance. Control Techniques position statement can be viewed at:
Copyright © August 2013 Control Techniques Ltd.
Issue Number: 9
Software: 01.08.00 (Size A to D)
01.08.06 (Size 2 to 6)
1 Introduction....................................................................................................................4
2 Parameter x.00 ...............................................................................................................5
2.1 Saving parameters .................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Loading default parameters ...................................................................................................................5
2.3 Eur/USA parameter set differences .......................................................................................................5
3 Parameter description format.......................................................................................6
3.1 Software variable maximum term definitions .........................................................................................6
3.2 Parameter information ...........................................................................................................................7
3.3 Key to parameter codes .........................................................................................................................8
3.4 Sources and destinations ......................................................................................................................9
3.5 Sample/update times .............................................................................................................................9
4 Keypad and display .....................................................................................................10
4.1 Programming keys ...............................................................................................................................10
4.2 Control keys .........................................................................................................................................10
4.3 Selecting and changing parameters ....................................................................................................10
5 Serial communications ...............................................................................................12
5.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................12
5.2 EIA232 to EIA485 communications .....................................................................................................12
5.3 Serial communications connections ....................................................................................................14
6 CT Modbus RTU...........................................................................................................16
6.1 CT Modbus RTU specification .............................................................................................................16
7 PLC Ladder programming .........................................................................................24
8 CTSoft ...........................................................................................................................26
9 Menu 0 ..........................................................................................................................30
10 Advanced parameter descriptions.............................................................................33
10.1 Overview ..............................................................................................................................................33
10.2 Menu 1: Speed reference selection, limits and filters ..........................................................................34
10.3 Menu 2: Ramps ...................................................................................................................................46
10.4 Menu 3: Speed sensing thresholds and frequency input and output ...................................................55
10.5 Menu 4: Current control .......................................................................................................................61
10.6 Menu 5: Motor control ..........................................................................................................................72
10.7 Menu 6: Drive sequencer and clock ....................................................................................................84
10.8 Menu 7: Analog inputs and outputs ...................................................................................................101
10.9 Menu 8: Digital inputs and outputs ....................................................................................................109
10.10 Menu 9: Programmable logic, motorized pot and binary sum ...........................................................118
10.11 Menu 10: Status logic and diagnostic information .............................................................................128
10.12 Menu 11: General drive set-up ..........................................................................................................138
10.13 Menu 12: Programmable threshold and variable selector .................................................................152
10.14 Menu 14: PID controller .....................................................................................................................165
10.15 Menu 15: Solutions Module set-up ....................................................................................................171
10.16 Menu 18: Application menu 1 ............................................................................................................185
10.17 Menu 20: Application menu 2 ............................................................................................................187
10.18 Menu 21: Second motor map ............................................................................................................188
Comma nder SK A dvanced User Gui de 3 Issue Number: 9
Introduction Parameter x.00
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
CT Modbus
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter

1 Introduction

This Advanced User Guide provides information on the more advanced features and parameters of Commander SK:
Parameter types
Keypad and display information
Modbus RTU serial communications protocol
PLC Ladder logic programming
CTSoft Windows based commissioning and monitoring tool
Advanced parameter logic diagrams and full parameter descriptions
Commander SK Solutions Module logic diagrams and parameter descriptions
Commander SK
The Commander SK is an open loop vector AC variable speed inverter drive used to control the speed of an AC induction motor. The drive uses an open loop vector control strategy to maintain almost constant flux in the motor by dynamically adjusting the motor voltage according to the load on the motor.
The AC supply is rectified through a bridge rectifier and then smoothed across high voltage capacitors to produce a constant voltage DC bus. The DC bus is then switched through an IGBT bridge to produce AC at a variable voltage and a variable frequency. This AC output is synthesized by a pattern of on-off switching applied to the gates of the IGBTs. This method of switching the IGBTs is known as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).
Software structure
For the majority of applications, the Commander SK's keypad and display can be used to set up the drive through 'menu 0'. Menu 0 is structured to give an extreme ease of set-up for a simple drive but with the flexibility for more demanding applications. See the Commander SK Getting Started Guide for details.
For applications that require extra functionality, the advanced parameters from menu 1 through to menu 21 can be used. These advanced parameters can be programmed and adjusted using the drives keypad and display or by using CTSoft. Also, the optional LED or LCD keypads can be used to monitor and adjust parameters.
To further enhance the functionality of the Commander SK, a number of Solutions Modules, SmartStick copying option and a LogicStick PLC ladder logic option are also available. Details of these can be found on the CD supplied with the Commander SK or at
4 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter

2 Parameter x.00

Pr x.00 (not Pr 0.00) is available in all menus and has the following functions:
1000 Save parameters 1070 Option reset

2.1 Saving parameters

When parameters are saved, all user save (US) parameters are saved to EEPROM within the drive. Normally Pr x.00 (not Pr 0.00) is set to 1000 and a reset command is given to initiate a parameter save. This can be achieved on the drive by setting Pr 71 to 1.00, then setting Pr 61 to 1000 and a reset command to activate a parameter save. When parameter save is complete, Pr x.00 is reset to zero by the drive. The drive must not be in the under voltage (UU) condition for a save to take place. Saving parameters can take between 400ms and several seconds depending on the number of parameter values that are different from the values already saved in EEPROM. If the power is removed from the drive during a parameter save, it is possible for the EEPROM data to be corrupted giving an EEF failure when the drive is next powered up.

2.2 Loading default parameters

When default parameters are loaded, the new default parameter set is automatically saved to the drive EEPROM.
See Pr 29 in the Commander SK Getting Started Guide or Pr 11.4 3 in this Advanced User Guide.

2.3 Eur/USA parameter set differences

The following table gives the differences between the Eur and USA default parameters sets:
Pr Description Eur default USA default Voltage rating
1.06 Maximum set speed 50.0Hz 60.0Hz All
2.08 Standard ramp voltage 750V 775V 400V
2.11 Acceleration rate 5.00/100Hz 33s/100Hz All
2.21 Deceleration rate 10.0s/100Hz 33s/100Hz All
5.06 Motor rated frequency 50.0Hz 60.0Hz All
5.08 Motor rated full load rpm 1500rpm 1800rpm All
5.09 Motor rated voltage 400V 460V 400V
5.14 Voltage mode select Ur I Fd All
5.15 Low frequency voltage boost 3.0% 1.0% All
6.04 Start/Stop logic select 0 4 All
6.12 Enable stop key OFF (0) On (1) All
8.22 Terminal B4 digital input destination Pr 6.29 Pr 6.29 All
8.23 Terminal B5 digital input destination Pr 6.30 Pr 6.34 All
8.24 Terminal B6 digital input destination Pr 6.32 Pr 6.31 All
11.27 Drive configuration AI.AV PAd All
21.01 Motor 2 maximum set speed 50.0Hz 60.0Hz All
21.06 Motor 2 motor rated frequency 50.0Hz 60.0Hz All
21.08 Motor 2 motor rated full load rpm 1500rpm 1800rpm All
21.09 Motor 2 motor rated voltage 400V 460V 400V
Comma nder SK A dvanced User Gui de 5 Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
Advanced parameter

3 Parameter description format

3.1 Software variable maximum term definitions

Tab le 3- 1
Maximum Definition
[550 Hz]
The values given in square brackets indicate the maximum value allowed for the variable maximum. The term 'rated drive current' is the value used by the software as rated current, which is not always the same as the drive rating specified in Pr 11.32 (see section 10.5 Menu 4: Current control ).
Maximum frequency reference
FREQ_MAX = Pr 1.06 (If the second motor map is selected Pr 21.01 is used instead of Pr 1.06)
Maximum motor rated current
RATED_CURRENT_MAX 1.36 x Rated drive current On drives that offer dual rating, the rated current can be increased above the rated drive current up to a level not exceeding 1.36 x drive rated current. The actual level varies from one drive size to another.
Maximum drive current
The maximum drive current is the current at the over current trip level and is given by: DRIVE_CURRENT_MAX = rated drive current x 2
Maximum current limit settings for motor map 1
This maximum current limit setting is the maximum applied to the current limit parameters in motor map
1. See introduction to section 10.5 Menu 4: Current control for the definition.
Maximum current limit settings for motor map 2
This maximum current limit setting is the maximum applied to the current limit parameters in motor map
2. See introduction to section 10.5 Menu 4: Current control for the definition.
Maximum torque producing current
This is used as a maximum for torque and torque producing current parameters. It is MOTOR1_CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX or MOTOR2_CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX depending on which motor map is currently active.
Current parameter limit selected by the user
The user can select a maximum for Pr 4.08 (torque reference) and Pr 4.20 (percentage load) to give suitable scaling for analog I/O with Pr 4.24. This maximum is subject to a limit of CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX. USER_CURRENT_MAX = Pr 4.24
Maximum output voltage set-point
Defines the maximum motor voltage that can be selected.
110V drives: 240V 200V drives: 240V 400V drives: 480V 575V drives: 575V 690V drives: 690V
Maximum AC output voltage
This maximum has been chosen to allow for maximum AC voltage that can be produced by the drive including trapizoidal operation: AC_VOLTAGE_MAX = 0.7446 x DC_VOLTAGE_MAX
110V drives: 309V 200V drives: 309V 400V drives: 618V 575V drives: 741V 690V drives: 886V
Maximum DC voltage set-point
110V rating drive: 0 to 400V 200V rating drive: 0 to 400V 400V rating drive: 0 to 800V 575V rating drive: 0 to 950V 690V rating drive: 0 to 1150V
Maximum DC bus voltage
The maximum measurable DC bus voltage.
110V drives: 415V 200V drives: 415V 400V drives: 830V 575V drives: 995V 690V drives: 1190V
Maximum power in kW
The maximum power has been chosen to allow for the maximum power that can be output by the drive with maximum AC output voltage, maximum controlled current and unity power factor. Therefore POWER_MAX = 3 x AC_VOLTAGE_MAX x RATED_CURRENT_MAX x 2
6 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter

3.2 Parameter information

3.2.1 Parameter x.00
Pr x.00 (not Pr 0.00) in every menu is used for storing parameters. The range of this parameter is 4000 and the special codes used are as follows:
1000 Save parameters 1070 Option reset
3.2.2 Parameter types
There are two fundamental types of parameters in the drive, read only (RO) and read/write (RW). The read only parameters cannot be changed by the user and are there to give the user useful information about the state of the drive. Read/write parameters are for the user to set up the way in which the drive operates.
Parameters can be further broken down into Bit parameters and Non-bit parameters. Bit parameters are two state only (0 or 1) and if RW are used as switches or two state input variables to the drive logic, or if RO indicate various drive conditions which are either true (1) or false (0). Non-bit parameters have more than two values the range of each being given in the following descriptions.
In the basic parameter set, some parameters are represented as strings rather than numeric values which give a more informative indication of the parameter setting.
Since the parameters in the basic parameter set are copies of extended parameters, the strings are indicated as well as the numeric value. Setting-up via the serial interface requires numeric data.
Most parameters when being adjusted take immediate effect, but destination and source parameters do not. Using these parameter values while they are being adjusted could cause a malfunction in the operation of the drive if an intermediary value were taken during the adjustment. For the new value of one of these parameters to take effect a 'Drive Reset' must be carried out (see section 3.2.4 Drive reset ).
Any changes made to parameters over the serial interface are not stored in the drives EEPROM until a manual store is initiated.
3.2.3 32 bit parameters
Menu 32 bit parameters
Menu 4 Pr 4.01 Pr 4.02 Pr 4.17
Menu 20
Menu 20 parameters cannot be displayed on the drive's LED display. Source and destination parameters cannot be set to 32 bit parameters.
Parameters Pr 4.01, Pr 4.02 and Pr 4.17 are special cases and can be used as a source.All routing within the drive is 16 bit.
If a counter in SyPTLite has a 32 bit output and this output is routed to a drive parameter, for example Pr 1.21, when the count reaches the set range of Pr 1.21, the value in Pr 1.21 will be frozen until the counter value is reset or falls below the set range.
3.2.4 Drive reset
A drive reset is required for a number of reasons:
To reset the drive from a tripped state
To initiate loading of default parameters
To implement a change in the value of certain parameters
To initiate the saving of parameters in EEPROM
The later two of these can be done while the drive is running.
The drive can be reset in one of four ways:
1. The drive will be reset with a 0 to 1 transition of the enable input when the drive is tripped, such that a dedicated reset terminal is not required.
2. The drive will be reset when a 0 to 1 transition of the Drive Reset parameter Pr 10.33. This parameter is provided for control by a programmable digital input such that a terminal can be used to reset the drive.
3. The Stop/Reset key. If the drive is not in keypad mode and the 'always stop' parameter is not set, then the key has a drive reset function only. In keypad mode or if the 'always stop' parameter is set, a drive reset can be done while the drive is running by holding the Run key while the Stop/ Reset key is activated. When the drive is not running the Stop/Reset key will always reset the drive.
4. By the serial interface. This drive reset is triggered by a value of 100 being written to the User trip parameter Pr 10.38.
3.2.5 Storing drive parameters
When the keypad is used to edit a parameter, the parameter is stored when the mode key is pressed after adjustment has been made.
When using the serial interface, parameters are stored by setting Pr x.00 (not Pr 0.00) to a value of 1000 and performing a 'Drive reset'. Because a 'Drive reset' causes the values of certain parameters to be implemented, storing parameters has the effect of implementing all new values as the store takes place.
Pr 20.21 Pr 20.22 Pr 20.23 Pr 20.24 Pr 20.25
Pr 20.26 Pr 20.27 Pr 20.28 Pr 20.29 Pr 20.30
Comma nder SK A dvanced User Gui de 7 Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
Advanced parameter

3.3 Key to parameter codes

In the following sections descriptions are given for the advanced parameter set. With each parameter the following information block is given.
5.11 Number of motor poles
Range Auto(0), 2P(1), 4P(2), 6P(3), 8P(4)
Default Auto(0)
Second motor parameter
Update rate Background
The top row gives the menu:parameter number and the parameter name. The other rows give the following information.
3.3.1 Coding
The coding defines the attributes of the parameter as follows.
Coding Attribute
Bit 1 bit parameter
SP Spare: not used
DE Destination: indicates that this parameter can be a destination parameter.
Txt Text: the parameter uses text strings instead of numbers.
VM Variable maximum: the maximum of this parameter can vary.
DP Decimal place: indicates the number of decimal places used by this parameter.
NC Not copied: not transferred to or from the SmartStick during parameter copying.
NV Not visible: not visible on the keypad.
PT Protected: cannot be used as a destination.
US User save: saved in drive EEPROM when the user initiates a parameter save.
RW Read/write: can be written by the user.
PS Power-down save: automatically saved in drive EEPROM at power-down.
1 111
Pr 21.11
Filtered: some parameters which can have rapidly changing values are filtered when displayed on the drive keypad for easy viewing.
No default: when defaults are loaded (except when the drive is manufactured or on EEPROM failure) this parameter is not modified.
Rating dependant: this parameter is likely to have different values and ranges with drives of different voltage and current ratings. These parameters are not transferred by the SmartStick when the rating of the destination drive is different from the source drive.
Bit default one/unsigned: Bit parameters with this flag set to one have a default of one (all other bit parameters have a default of zero. Non-bit parameters are unipolar if this flag is one.
3.3.2 Term definitions
This gives the range of the parameter and the values it can be adjusted to.
The default values given are the standard drive defaults.
Second motor parameter
Some parameters have an equivalent second motor map value that can be used as an alternative when a second motor is selected with Pr 11.4 5. Menu 21 contains all the second motor map parameters.
Update rate
Defines the rate at which the parameter data is written by the drive or read and acted upon by the drive. Where background update rate is specified, the update time depends on the drive processor load. Generally the update time is between 10ms and 100ms, however, the update time is significantly extended when loading defaults, transferring data to/from a SmartStick, or transferring blocks of parameters to/from the drive via the drive serial communications port.
8 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter

3.4 Sources and destinations

3.4.1 Sources
Some functions have source parameters, i.e. drive outputs, PID controller etc. The source parameter range is Pr 0.00 to Pr 21.51.
1. If the source parameter does not exist the input is taken as zero.
2. The input is given by (source value x 100%) / source parameter maximum.
3.4.2 Destinations
Some functions have destination parameters, i.e. drive inputs, etc. The destination parameter range is Pr 0.00 to Pr 21.51.
1. If the destination parameter does not exist then the output value has no effect.
2. If the destination parameter is protected then the output value has no effect.
3. If the function output is a bit value (i.e. a digital input) the destination value is either 0 or 1 depending on the state of the function output. If the function output is not a bit value (i.e. analog input) the destination value is given by (function output x destination parameter maximum) / 100% rounded down. Pr 1.36 and Pr 1.37 are a special case. The scaling shown in the description of Pr 1.10 is used when any non-bit type quantity is routed to these parameters.
4. If more than one destination selector is routed to the same destination, the value of the destination parameter is undefined. The drive checks for this condition where the destinations are defined in any menu except menu 15. If a conflict occurs a dESt trip occurs that cannot be reset until the conflict is resolved.
Setting a source or destination parameter to Pr 0.00 will disable the parameter.
3.4.3 Sources and destinations
1. Bit and non-bit parameters may be connected to each other as sources or destinations. The maximum for bit parameters is taken as one.
2. All new source and destination routing only changes to new set-up locations when the drive is reset.
3. When a destination is changed, the old destination is written to zero, unless the destination change is the result of loading defaults or transferring parameters from a SmartStick. When defaults are loaded the old destination is set to its default value.
4. Cannot select any of the 32 bit parameters.
3.4.4 Parameters actioned on exit of edit mode and on drive reset
Some parameters (Pr 6.04, Pr 11. 27 , Pr 11.4 2, Pr 11.43 and Pr 12.41) are updated on exit from mode or on a drive reset. Serial access to these parameters must be followed by a reset. Pr 6.04, Pr 11.27 and Pr 12.41 are only actioned on a reset when the value has changed.

3.5 Sample/update times

The sample/update times shown in the control terminal specification within the Commander SK Technical Guide are the default sample/update times for the default terminal set-up. The sample/update time depends on the destination/source parameter of the digital or analog inputs/outputs.
These sample/update times are the sample or update times for the control microprocessor. The actual sample/update time maybe slightly longer due to the design of the Commander SK.
3.5.1 Task routine times
At the beginning of each menu, there is a single line parameter description and this contains the update rate for each parameter. This time signifies the task routine time in the software that the parameter is updated on. For a background task, the time depends on processor loading i.e. what functions the drive is carrying out and what advanced menus are being used.
Update rate Microprocessor update time Comments
2ms 2ms Updated every 2ms
5ms 5ms Updated every 5ms
21ms 21ms Updated every 21ms
128ms 128ms Updated every 128ms
Reset N/A Destination/source parameter changed on a Reset
B Background
BR Background read
BW Background write
Edit mode exit N/A
From practical tests carried out:
Condition Minimum Maximum Average
Time for drive to respond to a run command 4.1ms 5.62ms 5.02ms
Time for the drive to respond to a stop command 2.82ms 3.94ms 3.31ms
Time for the drive to respond to a step change in analog input voltage
Updated as a background task. Update rate depends on processor loading.
Parameter change actioned on exit of edit mode. Parameter change automation saved.
Comma nder SK A dvanced User Gui de 9 Issue Number: 9
Introduction Parameter x.00
Select parameter to view
Parameter number flashing
Change parameter value
Parameter value flashing
Press and hold for 2s
Press and release
Hold for 2s
4 mins timeout
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter

4 Keypad and display

The keypad and display are used for the following:
Displaying the operating status of the drive
Displaying a fault or trip code
Reading and changing parameter values
Stopping, starting and resetting the drive
Figure 4-1 Keypad and display
on the display indicates if motor map 1 or 2 is selected.

4.1 Programming keys

The MODE key is used to change the mode of operation of the drive.
The UP and DOWN keys are used to select parameters and edit their values. In keypad mode, they are used to increase and decrease the speed of the motor.

4.2 Control keys

The START key is used to start the drive in keypad mode.
The STOP/RESET key is used to stop and reset the drive in keypad mode. It can also be used to reset the drive in terminal mode.

4.3 Selecting and changing parameters

This procedure is written from the first power up of the drive and assumes no terminals have been connected, no parameters have been changed and no security has been set.
Figure 4-2 Keypad control
When in Status mode, pressing and holding the MODE key for 2 seconds will change the display from displaying a speed indication to displaying
10 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
Introduction Menu 0
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
Advanced parameter
load indication and vice versa.
Pressing and releasing the MODE key will change the display from status mode to parameter view mode. In parameter view mode, the left hand display flashes the parameter number and the right hand display shows the value of that parameter.
Pressing and releasing the MODE key again will change the display from parameter view mode to parameter edit mode. In parameter edit mode, the right hand display flashes the value in the parameter being shown in the left hand display.
Pressing the MODE key in parameter edit mode will return the drive to the parameter view mode. If the MODE key is pressed again then the
drive will return to status mode, but if either of the UP or DOWN keys are pressed to change the parameter being viewed before the MODE
key is pressed, pressing the MODE key will change the display to the parameter edit mode again. This allows the user to very easily change between parameter view and edit modes while commissioning the drive.
Status Modes
Left hand
Status Explanation
Drive ready The drive is enabled and ready for a start command. The output bridge is inactive.
Drive inhibited
The drive is inhibited because there is no enable command, or a coast to stop is in progress or the drive is inhibited during a trip reset.
Drive has tripped The drive has tripped. The trip code will be displayed in the right hand display.
DC injection braking DC injection braking current is being applied to the motor.
Mains loss When the drive is performing a mains loss stop or ride through.
Speed Indications
Drive output frequency in Hz
Motor speed in rpm
Machine speed in customer define units
Load indications
Load current as a % of motor rated load current
Drive output current per phase in Amps
The operation of the drives keypad and display is explained in the Commander SK Getting Started Guide.
When in parameter edit mode, the UP and DOWN keys are used to change parameter values. This will increase or decrease the parameter value by the minimum unit value on display.
To allow values to be changed more quickly, it is possible to press the MODE and UP or the MODE and DOWN keys together to allow either 1000’s of units, 100’s of units, 10’s of units or units to be adjusted.
It is required that a deceleration ramp of 2500 seconds is required.
Select Pr 04 using the normal procedure.
Press the MODE key to enter parameter edit mode
Press the MODE and UP keys together
Press the UP key to adjust the 100’s of units
Press the MODE and UP keys together again
Press the DOWN key once to adjust the 10’s of units
Press the MODE key to go back to parameter view mode
Press the MODE key again to go back to status mode
Comma nder SK Adva nced Use r Gu ide 11 Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter

5 Serial communications

5.1 Introduction

2-wire EIA RS485 via a RJ45 connector
Modbus RTU protocol supported (see Chapter 6 CT Modbus RTU on page 16 for details).
A serial communications link enables one or more drives to be used in a system controlled by a host controller such as a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) or computer. The communications link uses the EIA, also known as RS485, as standard for the hardware interface. The EIA422 (RS422) hardware interface is also supported.
The Commander SK has a standard 2-wire EIA485 half-duplex interface that enables all drive set-up, operation and monitoring to be accomplished if required. Therefore it is possible to control the drive entirely through the EIA485 interface without the need for other control cabling etc.
A host controller can operate up to 32 EIA485 devices with the use of one line buffer. Further line buffers will increase this number, if necessary. Each transmitter/receiver within the Commander SK loads the EIA485 lines by 2 unit loads (with any termination and pull-up and pull-down resistors disconnected). This means that up to 16 drives can be connected in a single group to one line buffer. When additional line buffers are used, up to 247 drives can be operated by a host controller.

5.2 EIA232 to EIA485 communications

An external EIA232 hardware interface such as a PC can be used with a suitable converter. This converter must have the hardware and software support to tri-state the transmit buffer following the message transmission. Otherwise, the Commander SK EIA485 transmitter will not be successful in transmitting a reply as the host transmitter will cause contention on the 2-wire interface.
Examples of EIA232 to EIA485 converters (one to one)
CT Comms cable (CT part number 4500-0087)
USB Comms cable (CT part number 4500-0096)
Amplicon 485Fi
CT Comms cable is specifically designed to convert EIA232 to EIA485 with Control Techniques products.
These converters are for one to one connection between a PC and the Commander SK drive, they do not have multi-drop capability.
The CT Comms cable is an isolated converter. It has reinforced insulation as defined in IEC60950 for altitudes up to 3,000 metres and has been designed to connect the Commander SK to equipment such as lap-top computers.
5.2.1 CT Comms cable
CT Comms cable enables the use of serial communications with the Commander SK drive using a software package such as CTSoft. This allows access to all of the drives parameters and advanced function menus.
CT Comms cable is only intended for the purpose of commissioning a drive. Therefore:
It is not suitable for permanent installation
It does not provide connectivity to an EIA485 based network
When this converter is used with a Commander SK and a true EIA232 host/master such as a PC, then no external power supply is required. This is because the converter sources its power from both the drive and the EIA232 port. However, if the converter is attached to a host/master device that does not have a standard EIA232 port, then an external power supply may be required.
CT Comms cable does not directly use any of the hand shaking functions that are available on a standard EIA232 port, but does utilise 2 of the hand shaking pins (pins 4 and 7) as a source of power. If these signals are not available, then a +10V supply should be applied to pins 4 and 7 with respect to pin 5 of the 9-way D-type connector.
Table 5-1 CT Comms cable 9 way D-Type pin functions
EIA232 9-way
D-type connector
1 Not connected
6 Not connected
8 Not connected
9 Not connected
Pin function
12 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter
The following table shows the pin functions for the RJ45 connector on the Commander SK control PCB:
Table 5-2 Commander SK RJ45 pin functions
RJ45 connector
Connection for built in EIA485 termination resistor
(120Ω). Connect to pin 8 if termination is required *
Pin function
2 RXTX (2-wire EIA485 +)
30V 4 +24V (±15%) 100mA supply for options
5 Not connected
6 TX Enable
7 RXTX\ (2-wire EIA485 -)
Connection for built in EIA485 termination resistor
(120Ω). Connect to pin 1 if termination is required *
The TX Enable\ is a 0 to +5V output signal from the drive that can be used to control the buffers on an external serial communications converter.
The following table shows the pin functions for the RJ45 connector on the Commander SK Keypad Remote
Table 5-3 Commander SK Keypad Remote RJ45 pin functions
RJ45 connector
Connection for built in EIA485 termination resistor
(120Ω). Connect to pin 8 if termination is required *
Pin function
2 RXTX (2-wire EIA485 +)
4 +24 supply to keypad
6 Not connected
7 RXTX\ (2-wire EIA485 -)
Connection for built in EIA485 termination resistor
(120Ω). Connect to pin 1 if termination is required *
* See Chapter 5.2.3 Terminating resistors on page 14 for information on terminating resistors.
The following table shows the pin functions for the RJ45 connector on the SM-Keypad Plus:
Table 5-4 SM-Keypad Plus RJ45 pin functions
RJ45 connector
Pin function
1 Not connected
2 RXTX (2-wire EIA485 +)
4 +24V supply to keypad
6 TX Enable
7 RXTX\ (2-wire EIA485 -)
8 Not connected
When using CT Comms cable, the available baud rate is limited to 19.2kbaud.
5.2.2 Multi-drop converters
Multi-drop converters are available from the following suppliers:
Amplicon Magic 485F25 or Magic 485F9 (485F25 refers to a 25-way D-type connector and 485F9 refers to a 9-way D-type connector) E-mail:
Westermo MA44 E-mail:
Comma nder SK Adva nced Use r Gu ide 13 Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter
5.2.3 Terminating resistors
When using either of the above converters, or any other suitable converter with Commander SK, it is recommended that no terminating resistors be connected on to the network. This applies to any of the drives on the network and also any converter used. It may be necessary to disable the terminating resistor within the converter depending on which type is used. The information on how to disable the terminating resistor will normally be contained in the user information supplied with the converter. Terminating resistors are of little or no value when used on EIA485 networks operating at or below 38.4kBaud.
5.2.4 Isolation of the communications port
When using the communications port with a personal computer or centralised controller e.g. PLC, an isolation device must be included with rated voltage at least equal to the drive supply voltage. Ensure that the correct fuses are installed at the drive input, and that the drive is connected to the correct supply voltage. If a serial communications converter other than the CT Comms cable is used to be connected to other circuits classified as Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) (e.g. to a personal computer), a safety isolating barrier must be included to maintain the SELV classification.
5.2.5 Isolation devices
Isolation devices are available from the following suppliers:
OP232/B1 Isolator E-mail:
232SPM14 Isolator - 4 channel
95POP2 Isolator - 2 channel
CT Comms cable is also isolated (CT part number 4500-0087)
For users of Commander SE, the serial link for the Commander SK is identical to that of the Commander SE.

5.3 Serial communications connections

If more than one drive is to be connected to a serial link, make the connections as shown in Figure 5-1. (The network should be a daisy chain arrangement and not a star arrangement, although short stubs are allowed.)
Pin 4 of the RJ45 connector (+24V) can be connected together through the RJ45 cables, but there is no power sharing mechanism between drives and therefore the maximum power available is the same as for a single drive. If pin 4 is not linked to the other drives on the network and has an individual load, then the maximum power (100mA) can be taken from pin 4 of each drive.
The serial communications cable must be shielded. The shields must be connected as shown in Figure 5-1.
A data communications cable should not be run parallel to any power cables, especially ones that connect the drive to motors. If parallel runs are unavoidable, ensure a minimum spacing of 300mm (12in.) between the communications cable and the power cables.
Cables crossing one another at right-angles are unlikely to give trouble. The maximum cable length for a EIA485 link is 1,200 metres (4,000 feet).
If the serial communications cable is longer than 30 metres (100ft), the following must be adhered to:
Shielded cable must be used
and either
Do not connect the drive 0V to ground at the drive
Provide isolation from ground at remote / master communications device
If more than one drive is connected to a host computer/PLC etc. each drive must have an unique serial address (see Pr number in the permitted range 0 to 247 may be used but addresses with zero in them should not be used as these are used in drive group addressing.
11. 23
on page 139). Any
14 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
Optional link 2
Serial port
Optional link 2
Serial port connector
Commander SK 1 Commander SK 2
Optional link 1
description format
Keypad and
Figure 5-1 Serial communications connection diagram
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter
Cable shown is shielded, 8 core, twisted pair, one to one, RJ45 to RJ45 standard patch cable with shielded RJ45 connectors/splitters.
Optional link 1
Not required if master communications device is galvanically isolated
Optional link 2
In the event of noise problems, it may be helpful to connect the shield of the cable to 0V at the drive.
T-Bar connector/splitter
Unshielded and shielded T-bar connector/splitters are available from the following suppliers:
Part number: CNX3A02KNW
Part number: 34011 UTP Y adaptor (unshielded twisted pair)
RJ45 female to 2 x female
Part number: 34001 STP Y adaptor (shielded twisted pair) RJ45 connector/splitter (CT part number 3471-0004)
Comma nder SK Adva nced Use r Gu ide 15 Issue Number: 9
Physical layer
RTU framing
Message data
16bit CRC
message data
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter

6 CT Modbus RTU

6.1 CT Modbus RTU specification

This section describes the adaptation of the MODBUS RTU protocol offered on Control Techniques' products. The portable software class which implements this protocol is also defined.
MODBUS RTU is a master slave system with half-duplex message exchange. The Control Techniques (CT) implementation supports the core function codes to read and write registers. A scheme to map between MODBUS registers and CT parameters is defined. The CT implementation also defines a 32bit extension to the standard 16bit register data format.
Physical layer
Attribute Description
Normal physical layer for multi-drop operation RS485 2 wire
Bit stream Standard UART asynchronous symbols with Non Return to Zero (NRZ)
Each symbol consists of:-
Baud rates 2400,4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
1 start bit 8 data bits (transmitted least significant bit first) 2 stop bits
RTU framing
The frame has the following basic format
The frame is terminated with a minimum silent period of 3.5 character times (for example, at 19200 baud the minimum silent period is 2ms). Nodes use the terminating silence period to detect the end of frame and begin frame processing. All frames must therefore be transmitted as a continuous stream without any gaps greater or equal to the silence period. If an erroneous gap is inserted then receiving nodes may start frame processing early in which case the CRC will fail and the frame will be discarded.
MODBUS RTU is a master slave system. All master requests, except broadcast requests, will lead to a response from an individual slave. The slave will respond (i.e. start transmitting the response) within the quoted maximum slave response time (this time is quoted in the data sheet for all Control Techniques products). The minimum slave response time is also quoted but will never be less than the minimum silent period defined by 3.5 character times.
If the master request was a broadcast request then the master may transmit a new request once the maximum slave response time has expired.
16 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
Master request
frame detect
Slave frame
Slave response
Slave response time
Master request
New master request can start here
minimum silence period
minimum silence period
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
Advanced parameter
The master must implement a message time out to handle transmission errors. This time out period must be set to the maximum slave response time + transmission time for the response.
6.1.2 Slave address
The first byte of the frame is the slave node address. Valid slave node addresses are 1 through 247 decimal. In the master request this byte indicates the target slave node; in the slave response this byte indicates the address of the slave sending the response.
Global addressing
Address zero addresses all slave nodes on the network. Slave nodes suppress the response messages for broadcast requests.
6.1.3 MODBUS registers
The MODBUS register address range is 16bit (65536 registers) which at the protocol level is represented by indexes 0 through 65535.
PLC registers
Modicon PLCs typically define 4 register 'files' each containing 65536 registers. Traditionally, the registers are referenced 1 through 65536 rather than 0 through 65535. The register address is therefore decremented on the master device before passing to the protocol.
File type Description
1 Read only bits
2 Read / write bits
3 Read only 16bit register
4 Read / write 16bit register
The register file type code is NOT transmitted by MODBUS and all register files can be considered to map onto a single register address space.
All parameters in the drive are holding registers.
CT parameter mapping
All CT products are parameterized using the menu.param notation. Indexes 'menu' and 'param' are in the range 0 through 99. The menu.param is mapped into the MODBUS register space as menu*100 + param.
To correctly map the parameters at the application layer, the slave device increments the received register address. The consequence of this behaviour is that Pr 0.00 cannot be accessed.
Register address
(protocol level)
Pr 0.00
X.Y 40000 + X x 100 + Y X x 100 + Y - 1
cannot be accessed
Pr 1.02 40102 101
Pr 1.00 40100 99
Pr 0.01 40001 0
Data types
The MODBUS protocol specification defines registers as 16bit signed integers. All CT devices support this data size.
Refer to the section 6.1.8 Extended data types on page 20 for detail on accessing 32bit register data.
6.1.4 Data consistency
All CT devices support a minimum data consistency of one parameter (16bit or 32bit data). Some devices support consistency for a complete multiple register transaction.
Comma nder SK Adva nced Use r Gu ide 17 Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter
6.1.5 Data encoding
MODBUS RTU uses a 'big-endian' representation for addresses and data items (except the CRC, which is 'little-endian'). This means that when a numerical quantity larger than a single byte is transmitted, the MOST significant byte is sent first. So for example
16 - bits 0x1234 would be 0x12 0x34
32 - bits 0x12345678L would be 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78
6.1.6 Function codes
The function code determines the context and format of the message data. Bit 7 of the function code is used in the slave response to indicate an exception.
The following function codes are supported:
Code Description
3 Read multiple 16bit registers
6 Write single register
16 Write multiple 16bit registers
23 Read and write multiple 16bit registers
FC03 Read multiple
Read a contiguous array of registers. The slave imposes an upper limit on the number of registers, which can be read. If this is exceeded the slave will issue an exception code 2.
Table 6-1 Master request
Byte Description
1 Function code 0x03
2 Start register address MSB
3 Start register address LSB
4 Number of 16bit registers MSB
5 Number of 16bit registers LSB
Slave destination node address 1 through 247, 0 is global
Table 6-2 Slave response
Byte Description
0 Slave source node address
1 Function code 0x03
2 Length of register data in read block (in bytes)
3 Register data 0 MSB
4 Register data 0 LSB
3+byte count CRC LSB
4+byte count CRC MSB
FC6 Write single register
Writes a value to a single 16bit register. The normal response is an echo of the request, returned after the register contents have been written. The register address can correspond to a 32bit parameter but only 16 bits of data can be sent.
Table 6-3 Master request
Byte Description
0 Slave node address 1 through 247 0 is global
1 Function code 0x6
2 Register address MSB
3 Register address LSB
4 Register data MSB
5 Register data LSB
18 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
Advanced parameter
Table 6-4 Slave response
Byte Description
0 Slave source node address
1 Function code 0x6
2 Register address MSB
3 Register address LSB
4 Register data MSB
5 Register data LSB
FC16 Write multiple
Writes a contiguous array of registers. The slave imposes an upper limit on the number of registers which can be written. If this is exceeded the slave will discard the request and the master will time out.
Table 6-5 Master request
Byte Description
1 Function code 0x10
2 Start register address MSB
3 Start register address LSB
4 Number of 16bit registers MSB
5 Number of 16bit registers LSB
6 Length of register data to write (in bytes)
7 Register data 0 MSB
8 Register data 0 LSB
7+byte count CRC LSB
8+byte count CRC MSB
Slave node address 1 through 247 0 is global
Table 6-6 Slave response
Byte Description
0 Slave source node address
1 Function code 0x10
2 Start register address MSB
3 Start register address LSB
4 Number of 16bit registers written MSB
5 Number of 16bit registers written LSB
It is not possible to write to 32 Bit parameters using FC16.
Comma nder SK Adva nced Use r Gu ide 19 Issue Number: 9
bit 15 TYP1
bits 0 - 13
Type sele ct Parameter address
X x 100+Y-1
bit 14 TYP0
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter
FC23 Read/Write multiple
Writes and reads two contiguous arrays of registers. The slave imposes an upper limit on the number of registers which can be written. If this is exceeded the slave will discard the request and the master will time out.
Table 6-7 Master request
Byte Description
1 Function code 0x17
2 Start register address to read MSB
3 Start register address to read LSB
4 Number of 16bit registers to read MSB
5 Number of 16bit registers to read LSB
6 Start register address to write MSB
7 Start register address to write LSB
8 Number of 16bit registers to write MSB
9 Number of 16bit registers to write LSB
10 Length of register data to write (in bytes)
11 Register data 0 MSB
12 Register data 0 LSB
11+byte count CRC LSB
Table 6-8 Slave response
Byte Description
0 Slave source node address
1 Function code 0x17
2 Length of register data in read block (in bytes)
3 Register data 0 MSB
4 Register data 0 LSB
3+byte count CRC LSB
4+byte count CRC MSB
Slave node address 1 through 247 0 is global
6.1.7 Communications timeouts
When a CT Modbus RTU master sends a message to a slave, the master should use a timeout to detect a missing response from a slave. Ideally, a variable timeout will be used based on the number of hops a CT Modbus RTU message makes between the master and its eventual destination.
In practice a master may not be able to handle variable timeouts in such a fashion. If this is the case a single timeout should be used which is large enough to cater for the longest route to a destination. The recommended timeouts for use with a specific product are given in the specific product user guides.
6.1.8 Extended data types
Standard MODBUS registers are 16bit and the standard mapping maps a single X.Y parameter to a single MODBUS register. To support 32bit data types (integer and float) the MODBUS multiple read and write services are used to transfer a contiguous array of 16bit registers.
Slave devices typically contain a mixed set of 16bit and 32bit registers. To permit the master to select the desired 16bit or 32bit access the top two bits of the register address are used to indicate the selected data type.
The selection is applied for the whole block access
20 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
Advanced parameter
The 2bit type field selects the data type according to the table below:
Typ e f i eld bits 15-14
Selected data
00 INT16 backward compatible
01 INT32
10 Float32
IEEE754 standard Not supported on all slaves
11 Re ser ved
If a 32bit data type is selected then the slave uses two consecutive 16bit MODBUS registers (in 'big endian'). The master must also set the correct 'number of 16bit registers'.
Example, read Pr 20.21 through Pr 20.24 as 32bit parameters using FC03 from node 8:
Table 6-9 Master request
Byte Value Description
0 0x08 Slave destination node address
1 0x03 FC03 multiple read
Start register address Pr 20.21 (0x4000 + 2021 - 1) = 18404 = 0x47E4
4 0x00 Number of 16bit registers to read
Pr 20.21 through Pr 20.24 is 4x32bit registers = 8x16bit registers
Table 6-10 Slave response
Byte Value Description
0 0x08 Slave destination node address
1 0x03 FC03 multiple read
Length of data (bytes) = 4x32bit registers = 16bytes
3-6 Pr 20.21 data
7-10 Pr 20.22 data
11- 14 P r 20.23 data
15-18 Pr 20.24 data
Reads when actual parameter type is different from selected
The slave will send the least significant word of a 32 bit parameter if that parameter is read as part of a 16 bit access.
The slave will sign extent the least significant word if a 16 bit parameter is accessed as a 32 bit parameter. The number of 16 bit registers must be even during a 32 bit access.
Example, If Pr 20.21 is a 32 bit parameter with a value of 0x12345678, Pr 20.22 is a 16 bit parameter with a value of 0xABCD, and Pr 20.23 is a 16 bit parameter with a value of 0x0123.
Comma nder SK Adva nced Use r Gu ide 21 Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter
of 16bit
Response Comments
Start register address
Standard 16 bit access
Pr 20.21 2020 1 0x5678
to a 32bit register will return low 16bit word of truncated data
Pr 20.21 18404 2 0x12345678 Full 32bit access
Pr 20.21 18404 1 Exception 2
Number of words must be even for 32bit access
Standard 16 bit access
Pr 20.22 2021 1 0xABCD
to a 32bit register will return low 16bit word of data
32bit access to a 16bit
Pr 20.22 18405 2 0xFFFFABCD
register will return 32bit sign extended data
32bit access to a 16bit
Pr 20.23 18406 2 0x00000123
register will return 32bit sign extended data
Standard 16 bit access
Pr 20.21 to
Pr 20.22
2020 2
to a 32bit register will return low 16bit word of truncated data
Pr 20.21 to
Pr 20.22
18404 4
Full 32bit access
Writes when actual parameter type is different from selected
The slave will allow writing a 32 bit value to a 16 bit parameter as long as the 32 bit value is within the normal range of the 16 bit parameter.
The slave will allow a 16 bit write to a 32 bit parameter. The slave will sign extent the written value, therefore, the effective range of this type of write will be ±32767.
Examples, if Pr 20.21 has a range of ±100000, and Pr 20.22 has a range of ±10000.
Start register address
of 16bit
Data Comments
Standard 16 bit write to a
Pr 20.21 2020 1 0x1234
32bit register. Value written = 0x00001234
Standard 16 bit write to a
Pr 20.21 2020 1 0xABCD
32bit register. Value written = 0xFFFFABCD
Pr 20.21 18404 2 0x00001234
Value written = 0x00001234
Pr 20.22 2021 1 0x0123 Value written = 0x0123
Pr 20.22 18405 2 0x00000123
Value written = 0x00000123
6.1.9 Exceptions
The slave will respond with an exception response if an error is detected in the master request. If a message is corrupted and the frame is not received or the CRC fails then the slave will not issue an exception. In this case the master device will time out. If a write multiple (FC16 or FC23) request exceeds the slave maximum buffer size then the slave will discard the message. No exception will be transmitted in this case and the master will time out.
Exception message format
The slave exception message has the following format.
Byte Description
0 Slave source node address
1 Original function code with bit7 set
2 Exception code
22 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
Advanced parameter
Exception codes
The following exception codes are supported.
Code Description
1 Function code not supported
Register address out of range, or request to read too many
Parameter over range during block write FC16
The slave processes the write block in the order the data is received. If a write fails due to an out of range value then the write block is terminated. However, the slave does not raise an exception response, rather the error condition is signalled to the master by the number of successful writes field in the response.
Parameter over range during block read/write FC23
There will be no indication that there has been a value out of range during a FC23 access.
6.1.10 CRC
The CRC is a 16bit cyclic redundancy check using the standard CRC-16 polynomial x16 + x15 + x2 + 1. The 16bit CRC is appended to the message and transmitted LSB first.
The CRC is calculated on ALL the bytes in the frame.
Comma nder SK Adva nced Use r Gu ide 23 Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter

7 PLC Ladder programming

PLC Ladder programming and SYPTLite
The Commander SK has the ability to store and execute a 3kb PLC ladder logic program.
To enable the Commander SK to store and execute a SYPTLite program, a LogicStick must be installed to the drive.
The ladder logic program is written using SYPTLite, a Windows based ladder diagram editor allowing the development of programs for execution in the Commander SK.
SYPTLite is designed to be easy to use and to make program development as simple as possible. SYPTLite programs are developed using ladder logic, a graphical language widely used to program PLCs (IEC 61131-3). SYPTLite allows the user to 'draw' a ladder diagram representing a program.
SYPTLite provides a complete environment for the development of ladder diagrams. Ladder diagrams can be created, compiled into PLC ladder programs and downloaded into the Commander SK for execution via the RJ45 serial communications port on the front of the drive. The run-time operation of the compiled ladder diagram on the target can also be monitored using SYPTLite and facilities are provided to interact with the program on the target by setting new values for target parameters.
SYPTLite is available on the CD which is provided with the drive. The LogicStick can be purchased from your local Control Techniques Drive Centre or Distributor.
The combination of the PLC ladder program and SYPTLite mean that Commander SK can replace nano and some micro PLC’s in many applications. A Commander SK ladder program can contain up to 50 ladder logic rungs, up to 7 function blocks and 10 contacts per rung. The ladder program will be stored on the LogicStick.
In addition to the basic ladder symbols, SYPTLIte contains:
Arithmetic blocks
Comparison blocks
Bit manipulation
Typical applications of the PLC ladder program include:
Ancillary pumps
Fans and control valves
Interlocking logic
Sequences routines
Custom control words
The PLC ladder program has the following limitations:
The maximum program size is 3kbytes including the header and optional source code
The user cannot create user variables. If they are needed, the user must use free registers in menus 18 and 20. The PLC ladder program can manipulate any drive parameter except parameters in menu 0.
The program is only accessible via the drive's RJ45 serial communications port.
There are no real-time tasks i.e. the scheduling rate of the program cannot be guaranteed. The PLC ladder programming should not be used for time critical applications.
The LogicStick is rated for 1,000,000 downloads. The LogicStick can be transferred from one drive to another or a fresh copy of a PLC ladder program can be made on a different LogicStick by downloading the program from SYPTLite.
User program performance
Programs run at a low priority. The Commander SK provides a single background task in which to run the ladder diagram. The drive is prioritised to perform its major functions first e.g. motor control, and will use any remaining processing time to execute the ladder diagram. As the drive's processor becomes more heavily loaded running its major functions, less time is spent executing the program. SYPTLite displays the average execution time calculated over the last 10 scans of the user program.
Getting started and system requirements
SYPTLite can be found on the CD which is supplied with the drive.
Commander SK LogicStick
Windows 2000/XP/Vista 32 required. Windows 95/98/98SE/ME/NT4 are not supported.
Internet explorer V5.0 or later must be installed
Minimum of 800x600 screen resolution with 256 colors
Pentium III 500MHz or better recommended
Adobe Acrobat 5.10 or later (for parameter help)
RS232 to RS485, RJ45 communications lead to connect the PC to the Commander SK
The user must have administrator rights under Windows 2000/XP/Vista 32 to install the software.
24 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter
To install SYPTLite, insert the CD and the auto-run facility should start the front end screen, from which SYPTLite can be selected.
See the SYPTLite help file for more information regarding using SYPTLite, creating ladder diagrams and the function blocks available.
For the associated PLC ladder program parameters, see parameter Pr 11.47, Pr 11.48 and Pr 11.50 in section 10.12.1 PLC ladder programming on page 150.
User program trips
Trip Diagnosis
t090 PLC ladder program attempted divide by zero
t091 PLC ladder program attempted access to non-existent parameter
t092 PLC ladder program attempted to write to a read only parameter
t094 PLC ladder program attempted to write a value to parameter which is out of range
t095 PLC ladder program virtual memory stack overflow
t097 PLC ladder program enabled with no LogicStick inserted or LogicStick removed
t096 PLC ladder program invalid operating system call
t098 PLC ladder program invalid instruction
t099 PLC ladder program invalid function block argument
Comma nder SK Adva nced Use r Gu ide 25 Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter

8 CTSoft

CTSoft is a Windows ™ based software commissioning and monitoring tool for Commander SK and other Control Techniques products.
CTSoft can be used for commissioning and monitoring, drive parameters can be uploaded, downloaded and compared, a simple or custom menu listing can be created. Drive menus can be displayed in standard list format or as live block diagrams. CTSoft is able to communicate with a single drive or a network.
CTSoft contains a wizard that can be used for simple drive set up by new or inexperienced users. CTSoft also can also be used to import a Commander SE Soft ctd file into Commander SK.
CTSoft can be found on the CD supplied with the drive or can be downloaded from
System requirements
Pentium IV 1000MHz or better recommended.
Windows 2000/XP/Vista 32. Windows 95 and 98 are NOT supported.
Internet Explorer V5.0 or later should also be installed.
Minimum of 800x600 screen resolution with 256 colors. 1024x768 is recommended.
Adobe Acrobat 5.1 or later (for parameter help).
256MB RAM.
Administrator rights under Windows 2000/XP/Vista 32 to install and run.
Installing CTSoft
To install CTSoft from the CD, insert the CD and the auto-run facility should start up the front-end screen from which CTSoft can be selected. Otherwise run the SETUP.EXE in the CTSoft folder. Any previous copy of CTSoft should be uninstalled before proceeding with the installation (existing projects will not be lost).
Uninstalling CTSoft
To uninstall CTSoft, go to the Control Panel, select "Add and Remove Programs". Scroll down the list until "CTSoft" is found then click on "Change/ Remove". Uninstalling will not lose any user project or data files.
Communications Overview
CTSoft operates in 2 basic communication modes:
In ONLINE mode CTSoft polls the selected drive to update all displayed parameter values. Any changes made to a parameter value will be displayed within CTSoft.
In OFFLINE mode CTSoft does not require any connection to a drive. Each parameter can be displayed and edited, and these alterations will only affect CTSoft's internal parameter set.
Getting started with CTSoft
Please refer to the Readme file available within the installation directory for the latest information.
During the startup of CTSoft a number of initialisation files are accessed. These files enable CTSoft to store and retrieve system, user specific and parameter data.
On initialisation, the startup dialog is displayed allowing you to create a new project, open a previously saved project, or to work with a drive which automatically creates a project and allows quick access to communicating with a single drive.
Before drive commissioning can proceed, it is necessary to set up the Communications port to enable communication between the host PC and drive. Select the "Drive" menu, and Properties, to open the Drive Properties dialog.
The document server can be downloaded from When help on a particular parameter is requested by the user, CTSoft links to the parameter in the relevant advanced user guide. Double-click the mouse on the required parameter and select parameter help from the displayed box
The following is a brief introduction to the functions available. Reference should be made to the CTSoft and drive Help files for more detailed information.
The drive set-up wizard guides the novice user in entering motor and application data. Help is provided for each step in the set-up wizard and, after the data is downloaded to the drive, a quick motor test can be performed.
CTSoft will automatically update the screen with any read values.
The Navigation Panel allows the user to move between the screens in CTSoft.
The Terminal Configuration screens display graphically the choice of terminal set-up. They enable the quick and effective setting of parameters to achieve the terminal configuration desired, with no knowledge of the parameters being set-up. The Analog References screen also provides the ability to set-up the mode of operation of the analog inputs. The graphical wiring diagram required for basic control dynamical
ly altering with
respect to the user choice.
The monitoring screens show the status motor parameters displayed on panel meters. Drive faults are displayed and the faults log shows the last ten trips with description and time.
The parameter listings are used to display the entire contents of a menu. This allows access to parameters that are not available to the user within the graphical screens or block diagrams. Complete parameter upload and download functions are provided with the ability to save these to disk. Complete compare facilities enable the comparison of CTSoft's memory with a user saved parameter file or database defaults, highlighting any differences.
26 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter
The Custom list enables parameters to be added to a custom list made up of all available drive parameters. This enables the viewing of unrelated
parameters on the same screen. Custom files may be saved by the user for use at a later date.
Many of the menus have associated block diagrams that graphically indicate how all of the related parameters interact. To change a parameter
value simply right-click on a parameter and select "Edit Parameter".
Table 8-1 Feature look up table
Feature Parameter number (Pr)
Acceleration rates 2.10 2.11 to 2.19 2.30 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.39
Allow negative references
Analog I/O Menu 7
Analog output 7.19 7.20 7.33
Analog speed reference 1
Analog speed reference 2
1.36 7.01 7.06 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.28 7.30
1.37 7.02 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.31 1.41
Application menus Menu 18 Menu 20
At speed indicator bit 3.06 10.05 10.06 10.07
Auto reset 10.34 10.35 10.36 10.01
Autotune 5.12 5.17 5.23 5.24 5.10 5.11
Binary sum 9.29 9.30 9.31 9.32 9.33 9.34
Brake control 12.40 to 12.47
Braking 10.11 10.10 10.30 10.31 6.01 2.04 10.12 10.39 10.40
Catch a spinning motor 6.09 5.12 5.17
Copying 11.42
Coast to stop 6.01
Comms 11.23 to 11.26 6.42 6.43
Cost - per kWh electricity
6.16 6.17 6.24 6.25 6.26
Current controller 4.13 4.14
Current feedback 4.01 4.02 4.17 4.04 4.20 4.24 4.26 10.08 10.09 10.17
Current limits 4.07 4.18 4.15 4.16 4.19 5.07 5.10 10.08 10.09 10.17
Current rating 11.32 4.24
DC bus voltage 5.05 2.08
DC injection braking 6.01 6.06 6.07
Deceleration rates 2.20 2.21 to 2.29 2.31 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.39
Defaults 11.43 11.46
Digital I/O Menu 8
Digital I/O read word 8.20
Digital I/O B3 8.01 8.11 8.21 8.31 8.41 12.41 Menu 3
Digital Input B4 8.02 8.12 8.22 6.04
Digital Input B5 8.03 8.13 8.23 6.04
Digital input B6 8.04 8.14 8.24 6.04
Digital input B7 8.05 8.15 8.25 8.35 Menu 3
Direction 1.12 10.13 10.14 6.30 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.37 10.40
Display units 4.21 5.34
Display timeout 11.41
Drive active 1.11 10.02 10.40
Drive ok 10.01 10.36 10.40
Dynamic V/F 5.13
Enable 6.15 6.29 8.02 8.12 8.22
External trip 10.32
Fan speed 6.45
Frequency input 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.43 3.44 3.45 8.25
Frequency output 3.17 3.18 8.21
Frequency reference selection
1.14 1.15
Hard speed reference 3.22 3.23
High stability space vector modulation
Comma nder SK Adva nced Use r Gu ide 27 Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Advanced parameter
Table 8-1 Feature look up table
Feature Parameter number (Pr)
I/O sequencer 6.04 6.30 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.34 6.39 6.40 6.42 6.43
Jog reference 1.05 1.13 2.19 2.29
Keypad reference 1.17 1.14 1.43 1.51 6.12
Limit switches 6.35 6.36
Logic function 1 9.01 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10
Logic function 2 9.02 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.07 9.18 9.19 9.20
Low DC bus operation 6.10
Mains loss 6.03 10.15 5.05
Maximum speed 1.06
Menu 0 set up 11.01 to 11.10 11.27 6.04
Minimum speed 1.07 10.04
Motor map 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11
Motor map 2 Menu 21 11.45
Motorized potentiometer
9.03 9.21 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 9.26 9.27 9.28
Offset speed reference 1.04 1.38 1.09
Onboard PLC 11.47 11.48 11.50
Open loop vector mode 5.14 5.17 5.23
Operating mode 5.14
Output 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04
Over modulation enable 5.20
PID controller Menu 14
Power up parameter 11.22 11.21
Precision reference 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.44
Preset speeds 1.15 1.21 to 1.28 1.14 1.42 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.50
Programmable logic Menu 9
PWM output 3.17 8.21
Ramp (accel / decel) mode
2.04 2.08 6.01 2.03 10.30 10.31 10.39
Regenerating 10.10 10.11 10.30 10.31 6.01 2.04 10.12 10.39 10.40
Relay output 8.07 8.17 8.27 12.41
Reset 10.33 8.02 8.12 8.22 6.14
S ramp 2.06 2.07
Security code 11.30 11.44 5.50
Serial comms 11.23 to 11.26 6.42 6.43
Skip speeds 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35
Slip compensation 5.08 5.27
Software version 11.29 11.34 11.35
Speed reference selection
1.14 1.15 1.49 1.50 1.01 1.02
Status word 10.40
Supply 5.05
Switching frequency 5.18 5.35 5.37
Thermal protection ­drive
Thermal protection ­motor
5.18 5.35 7.04 7.05 7.34 7.35 7.36 10.18
4.15 5.07 4.19 4.16 4.25
Thermistor input 8.35
Threshold detector 1 12.01 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07
Threshold detector 2 12.02 12.23 12.24 12.25 12.26 12.27
Time - run log 6.22 6.23
Torque mode 4.08 4.11
Trip detection 10.37
10.20 to
Trip log 10.20 to 10.29
User trip 10.38
Under voltage 5.05 10.15
28 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder
CTSoft Menu 0
Table 8-1 Feature look up table
Feature Parameter number (Pr)
V/F mode 5.14 5.15
Variable selector 1 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15
Variable selector 2 12.28 12.29 12.30 12.31 12.32 12.33 12.34 12.35
Voltage mode 5.14 5.17 5.23 5.15
Voltage rating 11.33 5.09 5.05
Warning 10.19 10.12 10.17 10.18 10.40
Zero speed indicator bit 3.05 10.03
Advanced parameter
Comma nder SK Adva nced Use r Gu ide 29 Issue Number: 9
description format
Keypad and
CT Modbus
PLC Ladder

9 Menu 0

Table 9-1 Menu 0 parameters: single line descriptions
Par Description
01 Minimum set speed (Hz) 0.0 Pr 1.07
02 Maximum set speed (Hz) 50.0 60.0 Pr 1.06
03 Acceleration rate (s/100Hz) 5.0 33.0 Pr 2.11
04 Deceleration rate (s/100Hz) 10.0 33.0 Pr 2.21
05 Drive configuration AI.AV PAd Pr 11.27
06 Motor rated current (A) Drive rating Pr 5.07
07 Motor rated speed (rpm) 1500 1800 Pr 5.08
08 Motor rated voltage (V)
09 Motor power factor (cos ϕ)0.85Pr 5.10
10 Parameter access L1 Pr 11.44
11 Start/Stop logic select 0 4 Pr 6.04
12 Brake controller enable diS Pr 12.41
15 Jog reference (Hz) 1.5 Pr 1.05
16 Analog input 1 mode (mA) 4-.20 Pr 7.06
17 Enable negative preset speeds OFF (0) Pr 1.10
18 Preset speed 1 (Hz) 0.0 Pr 1.21
19 Preset speed 2 (Hz) 0.0 Pr 1.22
20 Preset speed 3 (Hz) 0.0 Pr 1.23
21 Preset speed 4 (Hz) 0.0 Pr 1.24
22 Load display units Ld Pr 4.21
23 Speed display units Fr Pr 5.34
24 Customer defined scaling 1.000 Pr 11.21
25 User security code 0 Pr 11.3 0
27 Power up keypad reference 0 Pr 1.51
28 Parameter copying no Pr 11.42
29 Load defaults no Pr 11 .43
30 Ramp mode select 1 Pr 2.04
31 Stop mode select 1 Pr 6.01
32 Dynamic V to f select OFF (0) Pr 5.13
33 Catch a spinning motor select 0 Pr 6.09
34 Terminal B7 mode select dig Pr 8.35
35 Digital output control (terminal B3) n=0 Pr 8.41
36 Analog output control (terminal B1) Fr Pr 7.33
37 Maximum switching frequency (kHz) 3 Pr 5.18
38 Autotune 0 Pr 5.12
39 Motor rated frequency (Hz) 50.0 60.0 Pr 5.06
40 Number of motor poles Auto Pr 5.11
41 Voltage mode select Ur I Fd Pr 5.14
42 Low frequency voltage boost (%) 3.0 1.0 Pr 5.15
43 Serial comms baud rate 19.2 Pr 11.25
44 Serial comms address 1 Pr 11.23
45 Software version
46 Brake release current threshold (%) 50 Pr 12.42
47 Brake apply current threshold (%) 10 Pr 12.43
48 Brake release frequency (Hz) 1.0 Pr 12.44
49 Brake apply frequency (Hz) 2.0 Pr 12.45
50 Pre-brake release delay (s) 1.0 Pr 12.46
51 Post brake release delay (s) 1.0 Pr 12.47
52 *Solutions Module dependant
53 *Solutions Module dependant
54 *Solutions Module dependant
55 Last trip
Corresponding extended
menu parameter
Pr 5.09
Pr 11.29
Pr 15.03
Pr 15.04
Pr 15.06
Pr 10.20
Menu 0
Advanced parameter
30 Commander SK Advanced User Guide Issue Number: 9
+ 170 hidden pages