Control Techniques Commander S100 User Guide

Control User Guide
Commander S100
Variable Speed AC drive for induction motors
Part Number: 0478-0650-00 Issue: 0
Original Instructions
User Guides in other languages are Translations of the Original Instructions.
The information contained in this User Guide is believed to be correct at the time of printing and does not form part of any contract. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product and its performance, and the contents of the User Guide, without notice.
Documentation & User Software Tools
User Guides, datasheets and software are available to download from:
Marshal (Mobile App) is available to download from the Google Play store and the App Store.
Warranty and Liability
In no event and under no circumstances shall the manufacturer be liable for damages and failures due to misuse, abuse, improper installation, or abnormal conditions of temperature, dust, or corrosion, or failures due to operation outside the published ratings. The manufacturer is not liable for consequential and incidental damages. Contact the supplier of the drive for full details of the warranty terms.
Environmental policy
Control Techniques operates an Environmental Management System (EMS) that conforms to the International Standard ISO 14001. Further information on our Environmental Policy can be found at:
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
The products covered by this User Guide comply with European and International regulations on the Restriction of Hazardous Substances including EU directive 2011/65/EU and the Chinese Administrative Measures for Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products.
Disposal and Recycling (WEEE)
When electronic products reach the end of their useful life, they must not be disposed of along with domestic waste but should be recycled by a specialist recycler of electronic equipment. Control Techniques products are designed to be easily dismantled into their major component parts for efficient recycling. The majority of materials used in the product are suitable for recycling.
Product packaging is of good quality and can be re-used. Smaller products are packaged in strong cardboard cartons which have a high recycled fibre content. Cartons can be re-used and recycled. Polythene, used in protective film and bags for wrapping the product, can be recycled. When preparing to recycle or dispose of any product or packaging, please observe local legislation and best practice..
REACH legislation
EC Regulation 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) requires the supplier of an article to inform the recipient if it contains more than a specified proportion of any substance which is considered by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to be a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) and is therefore listed by them as a candidate for compulsory authorisation.
Further information on our compliance with REACH can be found at:
Registered Office
Nidec Control Techniques Ltd
The Gro
SY16 3BE
Registered in England and Wales. Company Reg. No. 01236886.
The contents of this publication are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of a commitment to a policy of continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product or its performance, or the contents of the User Guide, without notice.
All rights reserved. No parts of this User Guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Copyright © February 2021 Nidec Control Techniques Ltd
1 Safety information .................................4
1.1 Important Safety Information .................................4
1.2 Responsibility ........................................................4
1.3 Compliance with regulations .................................4
1.4 Electrical hazards ..................................................4
1.5 Mechanical hazards ..............................................5
1.6 Access to equipment .............................................5
1.7 Environmental limits ..............................................5
1.8 Hazardous environments ......................................5
1.9 Motor .....................................................................5
1.10 Adjusting parameters ............................................5
1.11 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ....................5
1.12 Repairs ..................................................................5
1.13 Maintenance .........................................................5
2 Electrical installation ............................6
2.1 Control connections ..............................................6
3 Drive Parameters ...................................9
3.1 Parameter Groups ................................................9
3.2 Menu 0 - Quick Start ...........................................10
3.3 Full Parameter List ..............................................10
3.4 Menu 1 - Status & Monitoring .............................11
3.5 Menu 2 - Reference & Ramps ...........................12
3.6 Menu 3 – Motor Setup ........................................13
3.7 Menu 4 - General ................................................13
3.8 Menu 5 - PID Controller ......................................14
3.9 Menu 6 - IO Configuration ...................................15
3.10 Parameter Descriptions ......................................16
Commander S100 User Guide 3
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters

1 Safety information

1.1 Important Safety Information

Specific warnings are given at the relevant places in this User Guide as follows:
A Warning contains information which is essential for avoiding a safety hazard.
A Caution contains information which is necessary for avoiding a risk of damage to the product or other equipment.
A Note contains information which helps to ensure correct operation of the product.

1.1.1 Hazards

This User Guide applies to the Commander S100 and auxiliary equipment. In all cases the hazards associated with powerful electrical drives are present, and all safety information relating to drives and associated equipment must be observed.

1.1.2 Competence of Designers and Installers

Drives and controllers are intended as components for professional incorporation into complete systems. If installed incorrectly they may present a safety hazard. The drive uses high voltages and currents, carries a high level of stored electrical energy, and is used to control equipment which can cause injury. Close attention is required to the electrical installation and the system design to avoid hazards either in normal operation or in the event of equipment malfunction. System design, installation, commissioning and maintenance must be carried out by personnel who have the necessary training and competence. They must read all of the safety information and instructions in this User Guide carefully

1.2 Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the equipment is installed correctly with regard to all instructions given in this User Guide. They must give due consideration to the safety of the complete system, so as to avoid the risk of injury both in normal operation and in the event of a fault or of reasonably foreseeable misuse.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation of the equipment.

1.3 Compliance with regulations

The installer is responsible for complying with all relevant regulations, such as national wiring regulations, accident prevention regulations and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations. Particular attention must be given to the cross-sectional areas of conductors, the selection of fuses or other protection, and protective ground (earth) connections.
This guide contains instructions for achieving compliance with specific EMC standards.
All machinery to be supplied within the European Union in which this product is used must comply with the following directives:
2006/42/EC Safety of machinery.
2014/30/EU: Electromagnetic Compatibility.

1.4 Electrical hazards

The voltages used in the drive can cause severe electrical shock and/or burns, and could be lethal. Extreme care is necessary at all times when working with or adjacent to the drive. Hazardous voltage may be present in any of the following locations:
AC and DC supply cables and connections
Output cables and connections
Control terminals and cables
Many internal parts of the drive, and external option units
The drive must be installed in accordance with the instructions given in this User Guide. Failure to observe the instructions could result in a fire hazard

1.4.1 Isolating the Drive

The drive contains capacitors that remain charged to a potentially lethal voltage after the AC supply has been disconnected. If the drive has been energized, the AC supply must be isolated by an approved electrical isolation at least five minutes before work may continue. Ensure the motor is not able to be driven by another part of the system as this could produce a regenerating current which could cause unsafe voltages on the drive terminals.

1.4.2 Stored Charge

Normally, the capacitors are discharged by an internal resistor. Under certain, unusual fault conditions, it is possible that the capacitors may fail to discharge or be prevented from being discharged by a voltage applied to the output terminals. If the drive has failed in a manner that causes the display to go blank immediately, it is possible the capacitors will not be discharged. In this case, contact the supplier of the drive.

1.4.3 Products Connected by Plug and Socket

A special hazard may exist where the drive is incorporated into a product which is connected to the supply by a plug and socket. When unplugged, the pins of the plug may be connected to the drive input, which is separated from the charge stored in the capacitor only by semiconductor devices. To avoid any possibility of electric shock from the pins, if they are accessible, a means must be provided for automatically isolating the plug from the drive - e.g. a latching contactor.

1.4.4 Grounding / Earthing

The drive must be grounded by a conductor sufficient to carry the prospective fault current in the event of a fault and in a zone of equipotential bonding. The ground loop impedance must conform to the requirements of local safety regulations. The ground connections must be inspected and tested at appropriate intervals.
Ground conductor size:- Either a single copper 10 mm² conductor or two conductors of the same cross-sectional area and material as the input conductors so long as the size of each conductor is 2.5 mm2. For location of ground connections refer to Figure 1-1 in the Step by Step guide.
Each ground connection requires an individual terminal or connection point. If using two conductors for the input and the cable management bracket, the motor ground should be connected to the grounding bracket.

1.4.5 Fuses and Circuit Breakers

The AC supply to the drive must be installed with suitable protection against overload. Failure to observe this requirement will cause risk of fire. Integral solid-state short circuit protection does not provide branch circuit protection. Branch circuit protection must be provided in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC), The Canadian Electrical Code, and any additional local codes. Opening of the branch­circuit protective device may be an indication that a fault has been interrupted. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, the equipment should be examined and replaced if damaged. If burnout of the current element of an overload relay occurs, the complete overload relay must be replaced. If opting to use a residual current device, only type B should be used with the drive.
4 Commander S100 User Guide
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters

1.4.6 Over-Current Protection

The devices incorporate solid state overload protection for the motor load. The protection levels are expressed as a percentage of full-load current. For the motor protection to work properly, Motor Rated Current (P0.06) must be set correctly. The protection level may be adjusted below 150 % if required using Motor Output Current Limit (P3.17). All models are provided with thermal memory retention.

1.4.7 Isolation of control circuits

Unless otherwise indicated, control terminals and the EIA-485 Communications port are isolated from the power circuits in the drive by double/reinforced insulation. The installer must ensure that the external control circuits do not compromise this insulation barrier. If the control circuits are to be connected to circuits classified as Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) - for example, to a personal computer - an additional basic barrier must be included in order to maintain the SELV classification.

1.4.8 Terminal Connections and Torque Settings

Loose power connections are a fire risk. Always ensure that terminals are tightened to the specified torques. Refer to the tables in chapter 4 Electrical Installation.

1.5 Mechanical hazards

Careful consideration must be given to the functions of the drive or controller which might result in a hazard, either through their intended behaviour or through incorrect operation due to a fault. In any application where a malfunction of the drive or its control system could lead to or allow damage, loss or injury, a risk analysis must be carried out, and where necessary, further measures taken to reduce the risk - for example, an over-speed protection device in case of failure of the speed control, or a fail-safe mechanical brake in case of loss of motor braking.
None of the drive functions must be used to ensure safety of personnel. i.e. they must not be used for safety-related functions.
The system designer is responsible for ensuring that the complete system is safe and designed correctly according to the relevant safety standards.
The design of safety-related control systems must only be done by personnel with the required training and experience. The system must be subject to a risk assessment to confirm that the residual risk of an unsafe event is at an acceptable level for the application.
The values of the motor parameters set in the drive affect the protection of the motor. The default values in the drive must not be relied upon. It is essential that the correct value is entered in the Motor Rated Current (P3.01).

1.9.1 Motor Sizing

The motor rated current should not exceed the maximum continuous output current of the drive. The maximum output voltage of the drive is not able to exceed the input voltage and the rated voltage of the motor should therefore be less than this value. Typical overloads are 150% for 60 s (from cold) or 150% for 8 s (from hot). The drive will initiate an error if the drive output current exceeds the over-current threshold which could occur in the event of a short circuit of the motor output cables. The over-current threshold is the maximum current the drive can measure.

1.10 Adjusting parameters

It is essential that changes to the drive parameters are given careful consideration. Depending on the application, a change could result in unexpected motor behaviour. Appropriate precautions must be taken against inadvertent changes or tampering. Some specific parameters which require particular care are: parameters in IO Configuration (Menu
6) (the drive may start unexpectedly if the logic or functions are changed); Restore Factory Defaults (P4.01) (depending on the application this may cause unpredictable or hazardous operation); parameters in Motor Setup (Menu 3) (overheating and possible fire risk could result from seriously incorrect settings).

1.11 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Installation instructions for a range of EMC environments are provided in
section 4.5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). If the installation is
poorly designed or other equipment does not comply with suitable standards for EMC, the product might cause or suffer from disturbance due to electromagnetic interaction with other equipment. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the equipment or system into which the product is incorporated complies with the relevant EMC legislation in the place of use.

1.12 Repairs

Users must not attempt to repair a drive if it is faulty. It must be returned to the supplier of the drive. Users must not make any attempt at removing drive plastics to inspect the internal parts of the drive.

1.6 Access to equipment

Access must be restricted to authorized personnel only. Safety regulations which apply at the place of use must be complied with.

1.7 Environmental limits

Instructions in this guide regarding transport, storage, installation and use of the equipment must be complied with, including the specified environmental limits. This includes temperature, humidity, contamination, shock and vibration. Drives must not be subjected to excessive physical force.

1.13 Maintenance

Regular inspections and maintenance should be carried out to ensure drive's reliability is maximized. See detailed information in the in section
3.11 Routine Maintenance.

1.8 Hazardous environments

The equipment must not be installed in a hazardous environment (i.e. a potentially explosive environment).

1.9 Motor

The safety of the motor under variable speed conditions must be ensured.
To avoid the risk of physical injury, do not exceed the maximum specified speed of the motor.
Low speeds may cause the motor to overheat because the cooling fan becomes less effective, causing a fire hazard. If possible, the motor should be installed with a protection thermistor. If necessary, an electric forced vent fan should be used.
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Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters

2 Electrical installation

2.1 Control connections

2.1.1 General Warnings

If any of the digital inputs are connected in parallel with an inductive load (i.e. contactor or motor brake) then suitable suppression (i.e. diode or varistor) should be used on the coil of the load. If no suppression is used, then over voltage spikes can cause damage to the digital inputs and outputs on the drive.
The control 0 V terminals are connected to earth but must not be used for protective purposes.
Any signal cables which are carried inside the motor cable (i.e. motor thermistor, motor brake) will pick up large pulse currents via the cable capacitance. The shield of these signal cables must be connected to ground close to the point of exit of the motor cable, to avoid this noise current spreading through the control system.

2.1.2 Control Terminal Connections

The default connections are suitable for basic motor speed control using analog inputs to define a frequency reference.
Figure 2-1 Default Control Terminal Connections

2.1.3 Control Terminal Specification

Control and relay terminals maximum cable size is 1.5 mm
T1 +10 V User Output
Supply for external analog devices
Nominal voltage 10.2 V
Voltage tolerance ±3 %
T2 Analog Input 1
Unipolar single-ended analog voltage or unipolar current input
Default function Remote Frequency Reference
Default Type 4 to 20 mA
Type Select Parameter T2 Analog Input 1 Type (P6.01)
As a Voltage Input (Default)
Full scale voltage range 0 V to +10 V ±3 %
Maximum offset ±30 mV
Absolute maximum voltage range
Input resistance 100k Ω
As a Current Input
-18 V to +30 V relative to 0V
Current ranges 0 to 20 mA ±5 %, 4 to 20 mA ±5 %
Maximum offset 250 µA
Absolute maximum voltage (reverse bias)
Absolute maximum current 25 mA
-18 V to +30 V relative to 0V
T2 Analog Input 1 (Continued)
As a Digital Input
Digital Function Select Parameter
Switching Threshold as a Voltage Input
Switching Threshold as a Current Input
Common to all modes
Resolution 11 bits
Sample rate 4 ms
T2 Analog Input 1 Digital Function Select (P6.14)
70 to 80 % *
45 to 55 %
T3,T5, T10 0 V Common
Unipolar single-ended analog voltage or unipolar current input
6 Commander S100 User Guide
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters
T4 Analog Input 2
Unipolar single-ended analog voltage or unipolar current input
Default function Ramp Output
Default Type 0 to 10 V
Type Select Parameter T4 Analog Input 2 Type (P6.02)
As a Voltage Input (Default)
Full scale voltage range 0 V to +10 V ±3 %
Maximum offset ±30 mV
Absolute maximum voltage range
Input resistance 100k Ω
-18 V to +30 V relative to 0V
As a Current Input
Current ranges 0 to 20 mA ±5 %, 4 to 20 mA ±5 %
Maximum offset 250 µA
Absolute maximum voltage (reverse bias)
Absolute maximum current 25 mA
-18 V to +30 V relative to 0V
As a Digital Input
Digital Function Select Parameter
Switching Threshold as a Voltage Input
Switching Threshold as a Current Input
T4 Analog Input 2 Digital Function Select (P6.15)
70 to 80 % *1
45 to 55 %
Common to all modes
Resolution 11 bits
Sample rate 4 ms
T6 Analog Output
Unipolar single-ended analog voltage or unipolar current output
Default function Ramp Output
Function Select Parameter T6 Analog Output Function Select
Default type 0 to 10 V
Type Select Parameter T6 Analog Output Type (P6.03)
Voltage Range 0 to 10 V
Current Range 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA
Maximum offset 15 mV Load resistance ± 2k Ω
Protection Short circuit relative to 0 V
Resolution 0.1 %
Sample rate 4 ms
T9 +24 V User Output
Supply for external analog devices
Voltage tolerance ±20 %
Maximum output current 100 mA (Shared with T11 Digital Output)
T11 Digital Input/Output 1
Multi-functional digital input or output
Default Function None
Function Select Parameters T11 Digital Input 1 Function (P6.16)
T11 Digital Output Function Select (P6.09)
Default type Digital Input (Positive Logic)
Type Select Parameter
T11 Digital IO 1 Type (P6.04)
As a digital input (default)
Lower Threshold < 5 V
Upper Threshold > 11 V
T11 Digital Input/Output 1 (Continued)
Absolute maximum applied voltage range -8 V to +30 V relative to 0V
Impedance 6.8 kΩ
Input threshold 10 V ±0.8 V (IEC 61131-2)
As a digital output
Maximum Source Current 50 mA (100 mA total limit on T9 and T11)
As a Frequency or PWM Output
Maximum Output
PWM Output
Resolution at Maximum Output
Resolution at Minimum Input
Common to all output types
Voltage Range 0 V to +24 V
Sample rate 4 ms
T12 Digital Input 2
T13 Digital Input 3
T14 Digital Input 4
Programmable Digital Inputs
T12 Default Function Enable
T13 Default Function Run Forward
T14 Default Function Run Reverse
Function Select Parameters
Default Logic Positive Logic
Lower Threshold < 5 V
Upper Threshold > 11 V
Absolute maximum applied voltage range
Impedance 6.8 kΩ
Input threshold 10 V ±0.8 V (IEC 61131-2)
Voltage Range 0 V to +24 V
Sample rate 4 ms
T12 Digital Input 2 Function (P6.17) T13 Digital Input 3 Function (P6.18) T14 Digital Input 4 Function (P6.19)
-8 V to +30 V relative to 0V
T15 Digital Input 5
Programmable Digital Input or Frequency Input
T15 Default Function Enable
Function Select Parameter T15 Digital Input 5 Function (P6.20)
Default Logic Positive Logic
Lower Threshold < 5 V
Upper Threshold > 11 V
Absolute maximum applied voltage range
Impedance 6.8 kΩ
Input threshold 10 V ±0.8 V (IEC 61131-2)
Voltage Range 0 V to +24 V
Sample rate 4 ms
-8 V to +30 V relative to 0V
As a Frequency Input
Maximum Frequency 100 kHz
Commander S100 User Guide 7
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters
T41 Relay Normally Open
T42 Relay Common
T43 Relay Normally Closed
Programmable Relay
Relay Default Function Drive Healthy
Function Select Parameter T12 Digital Input 2 Function (P6.17)
Default Logic Positive Logic
Lower Threshold
Upper Threshold > 11 V
Absolute maximum applied voltage range
Impedance 6.8 kΩ
Input threshold 10 V ±0.8 V (IEC 61131-2)
Voltage Range 0 V to +24 V
Sample rate 4 ms
< 5 V
-8 V to +30 V relative to 0V
8 Commander S100 User Guide
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters

3 Drive Parameters

Parameters are variables within the drive that can be used to monitor output levels and drive statuses or to control the settings within the drive. Parameters are divided into six menus based on their function which are:.
Menu 1 - Status & Monitoring (All read-only parameters)
Menu 2 - References and Ramps
Menu 3 - Motor Setup
Menu 4 - General
Menu 5 - PID Controller
Menu 6 - IO Configuration
There is also a quick start menu (Menu 0) that contains shortcuts to ten parameters used for basic drive setup. Because parameters in menu 0 are shortcuts, changing the value of the parameter in menu 0 will also change the value in its original menu and vice versa.

3.1 Parameter Groups

The parameter groups listed below are parameters that behave in the same way.
Configuration Parameters
Automatically adjust settings of multiple parameters to quickly setup a certain function.
Frequency Reference Configuration (P0.05)
Enable/Run Configuration (P0.10)
Selector Parameters
Select an analog value to be used as an input.
Reference Selector 1 (P2.21)
Reference Selector 2 (P2.22)
Reference Selector 3 (P2.23)
Reference Selector 4 (P2.24)
PID Reference Selector (P5.02)
PID Feedback Selector (P5.03)
PID Feedforward Selector (P5.04)
PID Enable Selector (P5.10)
Threshold Detector Selector (P5.11)
Input Function Select Parameters
Define the function of an input
Keypad Run/Stop Key Function Select (P4.07)
T2 Analog Input 1 Digital Function Select (P6.14)
T4 Analog Input 2 Digital Function Select (P6.15)
T11 Digital Input 1 Function Select (P6.16)
T12 Digital Input 2 Function Select (P6.17)
T13 Digital Input 3 Function Select (P6.18)
T14 Digital Input 4 Function Select (P6.19)
T15 Digital Input 5 Function Select (P6.20)
Output Function Select Parameters
Define the function of an output
T6 Analog Output Function Select (P6.06)
T11 Digital Output 1 Function Select (P6.09)
T11 Frequency/PWM Output Function Select (P6.10)
Commander S100 User Guide 9
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters

3.2 Menu 0 - Quick Start

For a description of a parameter in menu 0, refer to the alternative location of the parameter in the section 7.4 Parameter Descriptions.
P0.01 Minimum Frequency Clamp 0.0 to 300.0 Hz (50 Hz: -50.0 Hz, 60 Hz: -60.0 Hz) P2.01
P0.02 Maximum Frequency Clamp 0.0 to 300.0 Hz (50 Hz: 50.0 Hz, 60 Hz: 60.0 Hz) P2.02
P0.03 Acceleration Rate 1 0.0 to 6000.0 s/Hz(max) (5.0 s/Hz(max)) P2.07
P0.04 Deceleration Rate 1 0.0 to 6000.0 s/Hz(max) (10.0 s/Hz(max)) P2.08
P0.05 Frequency Reference Configuration
P0.06 Motor Rated Current 0.00 to Drive Rated Current A (Rating Dependent) P3.01
P0.07 Motor Rated Speed 0 to 18000 rpm (50 Hz: 1500 rpm, 60 Hz: 1800 rpm) P3.02
P0.08 Motor Rated Voltage 0 to Drive Rated Voltage (Rating Dependent) P3.03
P0.09 Motor Rated Power Factor 0.00 to 1.00 (0.80) P3.04
P0.10 Run/Stop Configuration
Range (Default)
Custom (0), Local/Remote (1), Voltage/Preset Input (2), Current/Preset Input (3), Presets (4), Keypad (5), Terminal Up/Down (6), Frequency Input (7), PID Voltage Ref. (8), PID + Feed Forward (9)
Custom (0), Enable + Run Forward + Run Reverse (1), Run Forward + Run Reverse (3 Wire) (2), Enable + Run + Reverse (3), Run + Reverse (4), Run + Jog (5), Run Forward + Run Reverse (6), Run + Reverse (7), Keypad (8), Keypad With Enable (9), Keypad Jog (10)
Alternative Location

3.3 Full Parameter List

The list below contains all parameters within the drive and states the possible settings of the parameter with the default value outlined in bold where applicable. For further description of the parameters refer to section 7.4 Parameter Descriptions or the help within the Marshal App that contain useful
The lists in this table are for reference only and do not include sufficient information for adjusting these parameters. Incorrect adjustment can affect the safety of the system and damage the drive and or external equipment. Before attempting to adjust any of these parameters, refer to section 7.4 Parameter Descriptions.
10 Commander S100 USer Guide
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters

3.4 Menu 1 - Status & Monitoring

P1.01 Output Frequency - Maximum Frequency Reference (P2.02) to Maximum Frequency Reference (P2.02) Hz
Output Voltage
P1.03 Output Power Drive Rating Dependent kW
P1.04 Motor RPM ±18000 rpm
P1.05 Drive State
P1.06 Output Current - Drive Rated Current to Drive Rated Current A
P1.07 Torque Producing Current - Drive Rated Current to Drive Rated Current A
P1.08 Percentage Load - Motor Output Current Limit (Max) to Motor Output Current Limit (Max) %
P1.09 Alarm Indicators 00000000 to 11111111
P1.10 Drive Status Indicators 00000000 to 11111111
P1.11 Sequencer Input and Output Indicators 00000000 to 11111111
P1.12 Run & Direction Indicators 00000000 to 11111111
P1.13 Ramp Input ± Maximum Frequency Reference (P2.02) Hz
P1.14 Ramp Output ± Maximum Frequency Reference (P2.02) Hz
P1.15 T2 Analog Input 1 Percentage ±100.00 %
P1.16 T4 Analog Input 2 Percentage ±100.00 %
P1.17 T15 Frequency Input Percentage ±100.00 %
P1.18 Up/Down Percentage 0.00 to 100.00 %
P1.19 PID Percentage ±100.00 %
P1.20 PID Status Indicators 00000000 to 11111111
P1.21 PID Error ±100.00 %
P1.22 Motor Thermal Percentage 0 to 100 %
P1.23 Drive Thermal Percentage 0 to 100 %
P1.24 DC Bus Voltage
P1.25 Digital IO Indicators 00000000 to 11111111
P1.26 Parameter 1 Saved Value on Error -32768 to 32767
P1.27 Parameter 2 Saved Value on Error -32768 to 32767
P1.28 Parameter 3 Saved Value on Error -32768 to 32767
P1.29 Error 0to255
P1.30 Error History 1 0to255
P1.31 Error History 2 0to255
P1.32 Error History 3 0to255
P1.33 Drive Diagnostic 0to15
Inhibited (0), Ready (1), NA (2), NA (3), Running (4), Supply Loss (5), Deceleration (6), Injecting DC (7),
NA (8), Error (9), NA (10), NA (11), NA (12), NA (13), NA (14), Under Voltage (15)
(110 V, 200 V Drives = 240 V, 400 V Drives = 480 V)
(110 V, 200 V Drives = 415 V, 400 V Drives = 830 V)
0 to Maximum Output Voltage V
0 to Maximum D.C. Link Voltage V
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Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters

3.5 Menu 2 - Reference & Ramps

P2.01 Minimum Frequency Limit 0.0 to 300.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
Maximum Frequency Limit
P2.03 Frequency Reference Configuration
P2.04 Stopping Mode Selector
P2.05 S-Ramp Percentage 0.0 to 50.0 0.0
P2.06 Acceleration Rate 1 0.0 to 6000.0 s 5.0 s
P2.07 Deceleration Rate 1 0.0 to 6000.0 s 10.0 s
P2.08 Acceleration Rate 2 0.0 to 6000.0 s 5.0 s
P2.09 Deceleration Rate 2 0.0 to 6000.0 s 10.0 s
P2.10 Ramp Rate Selector 0 to 2 0
P2.11 Deceleration Ramp Type Fast (0), Standard Ramp (1), Standard Ramp + Motor (2) Standard Ramp (1)
P2.12 Standard Ramp Voltage 0 to DC Link Voltage (Max) V
P2.13 Jog Frequency ± Maximum Frequency Reference (P2.02) Hz 1.5 Hz
P2.14 Up/Down Percent Configuration
P2.15 Up/Down Percentage Time to Max 0 to 250 s 20 s
P2.16 Preset Frequency 1
P2.17 Preset Frequency 2 10.0 Hz
P2.18 Preset Frequency 3 25.0 Hz
P2.19 Preset Frequency 4 50.0 Hz
P2.20 Frequency Reference 1 to 4 Selector
P2.21 Frequency Reference 1 Selector
P2.22 Frequency Reference 2 Selector Analog 2 Percent (7)
P2.23 Frequency Reference 3 Selector None (0)
P2.24 Frequency Reference 4 Selector None (0)
P2.25 Skip Frequency
P2.26 Skip Frequency Band 0.0 to 25.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
Custom (0), Local/Remote (1), Voltage/Preset Input (2), Current/Preset Input (3),
Presets (4), Keypad (5), Terminal Up/Down (6), Frequency Input (7),
PID Voltage Ref. (8), PID + Feed Forward (9)
Coast (0), Ramp (1), Ramp & Brake (2), DC Brake, 0Hz detect (3),
Reset (0), Last (1), Preset 1 (2), Keypad and Reset (3), Keypad and Last (4),
± Maximum Frequency Reference (P2.02) Hz
Binary (0), Freq. Reference 1 (1), Freq. Reference 2 (2), Freq. Reference 3 (3),
None (0), Preset 1 (1), Preset 2 (2), Preset 3 (3), Preset 4 (4), Up/
Down Percent (5), Analog 1 Percent (6), Analog 2 Percent (7),
Frequency Input % (8), PID Percent (9)
- Maximum Frequency Reference (P2.02) to Maximum Frequency Reference
Range Default
0.0 to 300.0 Hz
Timed DC Brake (4)
Keypad and Preset 1 (5)
Freq. Reference 4 (4)
(P2.02) Hz
50Hz: 50.0 Hz
60Hz: 60.0 Hz
Local/Remote (1)
Ramp (1)
400V drive 50Hz: 375
400V drive: 750 V
400V drive 60Hz: 775
Reset (0)
5.0 Hz
Binary (0)
Analog 1 Percent (6)
0.0 Hz
12 Commander S100 USer Guide
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters

3.6 Menu 3 – Motor Setup

P3.01 Motor Rated Current VM_RATED_CURRENT[MIN] to VM_RATED_CURRENT[MAX] A 6.80 A
Motor Rated Speed
P3.03 Motor Rated Voltage 0 to Drive Rated Voltage V
P3.04 Motor Rated Power Factor 0.00 to 1.00 0.80
P3.05 Motor Control Mode Resistance Comp (0), Linear V to F (1), Square V to F (2) Linear V to F (1)
P3.06 Motor Starting Boost 0.0 to 25.0 5.0
P3.07 Motor Starting Boost End Voltage 0.0 to 100.0 50.0
P3.08 Motor Starting Boost End Frequency 0.0 to 100.0 50.0
P3.09 Perform Auto-tune Off (0) or On (1) Off (0)
P3.10 Energy Optimiser Off (0) or On (1) Off (0)
P3.11 Catch An Already Spinning Motor Disabled (0), Enabled (1), Forwards Only (2), Reverse Only (3) Disabled (0)
P3.12 PWM Switching Frequency Off (0) or On (1) Off (0)
P3.13 DC Braking Current Level 0.0 to 150.0 100.0
P3.14 DC Braking Time 0.0 to 100.0 s 1.0 s
P3.15 Motor Rated Frequency 0.0 to 300.0 Hz
P3.16 Number Of Motor Poles 0 to 8 0
P3.17 Motor Output Current Limit VM_MOTOR_CURRENT[MIN] to VM_MOTOR_CURRENT[MAX] 171.0 P3.18 Stator Resistance 0.00 to 199.99 2.00
P3.19 Motor Stability Optimiser Off (0) or On (1) Off (0)
P3.20 Reverse Motor Direction Off (0) or On (1) Off (0)
P3.21 Thermal Protection Action Disabled (0), Error with Save (1), Error (2), Limit with Save (3), Limit (4) Limit with Save (3)
P3.22 Low Frequency Thermal Protection Off (0) or On (1) On (1)
P3.23 Current Controller Gain 0 to 250 40
Range Default
0 to 18000 rpm
50 Hz: 1500 rpm
60 Hz: 1800 rpm
400 V drive 50
400 V drive: 400 V
400 V drive 60
50 Hz: 50.0 Hz
60 Hz: 60.0 Hz
Hz: 230 V
Hz: 460 V

3.7 Menu 4 - General

P4.01 Restore Factory Defaults None (0), 50Hz (1), 60Hz (2) None (0)
P4.02 Security Pin 0 to 9999 0
P4.03 Serial Node Address 1 to 247 1
P4.04 Serial Mode 8.2NP (0), 8.1NP (1), 8.1EP (2), 8.1OP (3) 8.2NP (0)
P4.05 Serial Baud Rate
Minimum Serial Comms Transmit
P4.07 Keypad Run and Stop Function Select 0 to 2 0
P4.08 Supply Loss Action Disable (0), Ramp Stop (1), Ride Through (2) Disable (0)
P4.09 Parameter 1 Save on Error Selector None (0), Output Frequency (1), Output Voltage (2), Output Power (3),
P4.10 Parameter 2 Save on Error Selector Motor RPM (4)
P4.11 Parameter 3 Save on Error Selector Drive State (5)
P4.12 Number of Auto Reset Attempts None (0), One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Continuous (6) None (0)
Hold Drive Healthy on Auto Reset Atte
Drive Reset When Enable or Run Appli
P4.15 Motor Phase Loss Detection Off (0) or On (1) Off (0)
P4.16 User Error 0 to 255 0
P4.17 Drive Enable Off (0) or On (1) On (1)
P4.18 Binary Control Word 0000000000000000 to 1111111111111111 0000000000000000
P4.19 Save Parameters Off (0) or On (1) Off (0)
P4.20 Near Field Communication (NFC) Disabled (0), Read Only (1), Read & Write (2) Read & Write (2)
Disabled (0), 600 (1), 1200 (2), 2400 (3), 4800 (4), 9600 (5), 19200 (6), 38400 (7),
57600 (8), 76800 (9), 115200 (10)
Motor RPM (4), Drive State (5), Output Current (6), Torque Prod. Current (7),
Percentage Load (8), Alarm Indicators (9), Drive Status Indica. (10),
Sequ. In and Out (11), Run and Direction (12), Ramp Input (13),
Ramp Output (14), T2 Analog 1 Percent (15), T4 Analog 2 Percent (16),
T15 Freq. Input % (17), Up/Down Percentage (18), PID Percentage (19),
PID Status Indica. (20), PID Error (21), Motor Therm. Percent (22),
Drive Therm. Percent (23), DC Bus Voltage (24), Digital IO Indica. (25)
Range Default
115200 (10)
0to250ms 0ms
Output Power (3)
Off (0) or On (1) Off (0)
Off (0) or On (1) On (1)
Commander S100 User Guide 13
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3.8 Menu 5 - PID Controller

ParameterParameter RangeRange DDefaultefault
P5.01 PID Fixed Reference Set-Point 1 ±100.00 % 0.00 %
P5.02 PID Fixed Reference Set-Point 2 ±100.00 % 0.00 %
None (0), Analog 1 Percent (1), Analog 2 Percent (2),
P5.03 PID Reference Selector
P5.04 PID Feedback Selector
P5.05 PID Feed Forward Selector
P5.06 PID Reference Slew Rate Limit 0.0 to 3200.0 s 0.0 s
P5.07 PID Proportional Gain 0.000 to 4.000 1.000
P5.08 PID Integral Gain 0.000 to 4.000 0.500
P5.09 PID Output Lower Limit ±100.00 % 0.00 %
P5.10 PID Output Upper Limit 0.00 to 100.00 % 100.00 %
P5.11 PID Enable Selector
P5.12 Threshold Detector Selector
P5.13 Threshold Detector Level 0.00 to 100.00 % 0.00 %
P5.14 Threshold Detector Hysteresis 0.00 to 25.00 % 0.00 %
P5.15 Threshold Detector Delay ±25.0 s 0.0 s
P5.16 Threshold Detector Output Invert Off (0) or On (1) Off (0)
P5.17 Threshold Detector Function Select
P5.18 PID Lower Limit Off (0) or On (1) Off (0)
Frequency Input % (3), Up/Down Percent (4), Fixed Reference 1 (5),
Fixed Reference 2 (6)
None (0), Analog 1 Percent (1), Analog 2 Percent (2),
Frequency Input % (3)
None (0), Analog 1 Percent (1), Analog 2 Percent (2),
Frequency Input % (3), Up/Down Percent (4), Fixed Reference 1 (5),
Fixed Reference 2 (6)
None (0), Drive Active Running (1), At Speed (2), At Zero (3),
Under Voltage (4), External Error (5), Drive Ready (6), Drive Healthy (7),
Current Limit Active (8), Reverse Selected (9), An In Current Loss (10),
Threshold Detector (11)
None (0), Ramp Input (1), Ramp Output (2), Output Frequency (3),
Output Current (4), Torque Prod Current (5), Output Voltage (6),
DC Bus Voltage (7), Analog 1 Percentage (8), Analog 2 Percentage (9),
Freq. input Percent (10), Output Power (11), Motor RPM (12),
Percentage Load (13), PID Percentage (14), PID Error (15)
None (0), Hardware Enable (1), Run Forward (2), Run Reverse (3),
Run Permit (/Stop) (4), Forward Limit Switch (5), Reverse Limit Switch (6),
Up/Down % Increase (7), Up/Down % Decrease (8), Up/Down % Reset (9),
Ref Sel Bit 0 (10), Ref Sel Bit 1 (11), Ramp Select (12),
PID Hardware Enable (13), External Error (14), Drive Reset (15), Run (16),
Reverse(17), JogForward(18), JogReverse(19)
Fixed Reference 2 (6)
None (0)
None (0)
None (0)
None (0)
None (0)
14 Commander S100 USer Guide
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3.9 Menu 6 - IO Configuration

Parameter Range Default
P6.01 T2 Analog Input 1 Type
P6.02 T4 Analog Input 2 Type 0-10V (0)
P6.03 T6 Analog Output Type 0-10V (0), 0-20mA (1), 4-20mA (2) 0-10V (0)
P6.04 T11 Digital IO 1 Type
P6.05 T15 Digital Input 5 Type Digital Input (0), Frequency Input (1) Digital Input (0)
P6.06 T6 Analog Output Function Select
P6.07 T6 Analog Output Scaling 0.000 to 40.000 1.000
P6.08 T41-T43 Relay Function Select
P6.09 T11 Digital Output 1 Function Select None (0)
P6.11 T11 Frequency/PWM Output Scaling 0.000 to 40.000 1.000
P6.12 Negative Logic (NPN Sensor) Select Off (0) or On (1) Off (0)
P6.13 Run/Stop Configuration
P6.16 T11 Digital Input 1 Function Select None (0)
P6.17 T12 Digital Input 2 Function Select Hardware Enable (1)
P6.18 T13 Digital Input 3 Function Select Run Forward (2)
P6.19 T14 Digital Input 4 Function Select Run Reverse (3)
P6.20 T15 Digital Input 5 Function Select Ref Sel Bit 0 (10)
P6.21 T2 Analog Input 1 Minimum Input 0.00 to 100.00 % 0.00 %
P6.23 T2 Analog Input 1 Maximum Input 0.00 to 100.00 % 100.00 %
P6.25 T4 Analog Input 2 Minimum Input 0.00 to 100.00 % 0.00 %
P6.27 T4 Analog Input 2 Maximum Input 0.00 to 100.00 % 100.00 %
P6.29 T15 Frequency Input Minimum Input 0.00 to 100.00 % 0.00 %
P6.31 T15 Frequency Input Maximum Input 0.00 to 100.00 % 100.00 %
T11 Frequency/ PWM Output Function Select
T2 Analog Input 1 Digital Function Select T4 Analog Input 2 Digital Function Select
T2 Analog Input 1 Percentage at Minimum Input
T2 Analog Input 1 Percentage at Maximum Input
T4 Analog Input 2 Percentage at Minimum Input
T4 Analog Input 2 Percentage at Maximum Input
T15 Frequency Input Percentage at Minimum Input
T15 Frequency Input Percentage at Maximum Input
0-10V (0), 0-20mA (1), 4-20mA (2), 4-20mA Hold (3), 4-20mA Stop (4),
4-20mA Error (5)
Digital Input (0), Digital Output (1), Frequency Output (2), PWM Output (3),
Digital Out Inverted (4)
None (0), Ramp Input (1), Ramp Output (2), Output Frequency (3),
Output Current (4), Torque Prod Current (5), Output Voltage (6),
DC Bus Voltage (7), Analog 1 Percentage (8), Analog 2 Percentage (9),
Freq. input Percent (10), Output Power (11), Motor RPM (12),
Percentage Load (13), PID Percentage (14), PID Error (15), Motor Thermal % (16),
Drive Thermal % (17)
None (0), Drive Active Running (1), At Speed (2), At Zero (3), Under Voltage (4),
External Error (5), Drive Ready (6), Drive Healthy (7), Current Limit Active (8),
Reverse Selected (9), An In Current Loss (10), Threshold Detector (11)
None (0), Ramp Input (1), Ramp Output (2), Output Frequency (3),
Output Current (4), Torque Prod Current (5), Output Voltage (6),
DC Bus Voltage (7), Analog 1 Percentage (8), Analog 2 Percentage (9),
Freq. input Percent (10), Output Power (11), Motor RPM (12),
Percentage Load (13), PID Percentage (14), PID Error (15), Motor Thermal % (16),
Drive Thermal % (17)
Custom (0), Enable + Run Forward + Run Reverse (1),
Run Forward + Run Reverse (3 Wire) (2), Enable + Run + Reverse (3),
Run + Reverse (4), Run + Jog (5), Run Forward + Run Reverse (6),
Run + Reverse (7), Keypad (8), Keypad With Enable (9), Keypad Jog (10)
None (0), Hardware Enable (1), Run Forward (2), Run Reverse (3), Run Permit (/
Stop) (4), Forward Limit Switch (5), Reverse Limit Switch (6), Up/
Down % Increase (7), Up/Down % Decrease (8), Up/Down % Reset (9),
Ref Sel Bit 0 (10), Ref Sel Bit 1 (11), Ramp Select (12), PID Hardware Enable (13),
External Error (14), Drive Reset (15), Run (16), Reverse (17), Jog Forward (18),
Jog Reverse (19)
±100.00 % 0.00 %
±100.00 % 100.00 %
±100.00 % 0.00 %
±100.00 % 100.00 %
±100.00 % 0.00 %
±100.00 % 100.00 %
4-20mA (2)
Digital Input (0)
Ramp Output (2)
Drive Healthy (7)
None (0)
Enable + Run Forward
+ Run Reverse (1)
None (0)
None (0)
Commander S100 User Guide 15
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters

3.10 Parameter Descriptions

This section provides detailed descriptions on the functions of all parameters within the drive. Not all parameters of the parameters listed can be
accessed via the keypad as they are intended for use via Modbus RTU and are therefore marked Communication. The table below shows a list of
additional attributes a parameter may have.
Tab le 3- 1
Coding Attribute
RW Read/Write: can be written by the user
RO Read only: can only be read by the user
Bit 1 bit parameter. ‘On’ or ‘Off’ on the display
Num Number: can be uni-polar or bi-polar
Txt Text: the parameter uses text strings instead of numbers.
Bin Binary parameter
IP IP Address parameter
Mac Mac Address parameter
Date Date parameter
Time Time parameter
Chr Character parameter
FI Filtered: Some parameters which can have rapidly changing values are filtered when displayed on the drive keypad for easy viewing
DE Destination: This parameter selects the destination of an input or logic function
Rating dependent: this parameter is likely to have different values and ranges with drives of different voltage and current ratings. Parameters
ND No default: The parameter is not modified when defaults are loaded
NC Not copied: not transferred to or from non-volatile media during copying.
PT Protected: Cannot be used as a destination
with this attribute will be transferred to the destination drive by non-volatile storage media when the rating of the destination drive is different from the source drive and the file is a parameter file.
However, the values will be transferred if only the current rating is different and the file is a difference from default type file.

3.10.1 Menu 1 – Status & Monitoring

This menu contains all parameters that show an output variable of the drive for status and monitoring purposes. All parameters are read-only.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
Displays the drive output frequency in Hz. This can be higher than motor rotation frequency and Ramp Output compensation. A positive value is used for forward rotation, a negative value is used for reverse rotation.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
Displays the r.m.s. line to line voltage at the output terminals of the drive. (U to V; V to W; W to U.)
P1.01 Output Frequency
The output frequency of the drive
Maximum Frequency Limit (P2.02)
16 Bit Volatile
P1.02 Output Voltage
The r.m.s. line to line voltage at the output of the drive
-Drive Rated Voltage
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Maximum Frequency Limit (P2.02)
 (P1.13) due to motor slip
Drive Rated Voltage
16 Commander S100 USer Guide
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Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.03 Output Power
Displays the power flowing through the output terminals of the drive
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Displays the power flowing through the output terminals of the drive. This parameter should be used for indication purposes only. A positive value indicates power flowing from the drive to the motor.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.04 Motor RPM
The drive output in terms of motor rpm
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
The drive output frequency is converted to the equivalent RPM using the number of motor poles. The actual motor RPM could be lower due to the load and slip frequency if motor rated speed is not set correctly.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.05 Drive State
Displays the current state of the drive
8 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
This parameter shows the present state of the drive as described below.
Value Text Description
0 Inhibited The drive is not enabled
1 Ready The drive is enabled but has not received a run command
4 Running The drive is running
5 Supply Loss Supply loss has been detected
6 Deceleration The drive is stopping the motor with a decelerating ramp
7 Injecting DC The drive is injecting DC braking current into the motor
9 Error The drive in an error state, check the error log for more information
10 NA
11 NA
12 NA
13 NA
14 NA
15 Under Voltage The drive is in the under-voltage state
Commander S100 User Guide 17
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.06 Output Current
The total output current to the motor
Drive Rated Current
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Drive Rated Current
Displays the total r.m.s phase current being delivered to the motor. This is made up of two components, motor magnetising current and motor TorqueProducingCurrent (P1.07).
This is an equivalent r.m.s. current at 0 Hz or low output frequency.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.07 Torque Producing Current
The output current that produces torque in the motor
Drive Rated Current
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Drive Rated Current
This parameter displays the component of the OutputCurrent (P1.06) that is in phase with the voltage and does not include the magnetising current of the motor. The value is proportional to the torque produced by the motor provided the frequency applied to the motor is at or below the motor rated frequency.   This torque includes the load torque and acceleration torque.
If the Output Frequency is positive (forward), a positive value of Torque Producing Current would hold the motor load or cause the motor to accelerate, a negative value would decelerate the motor.
If the Output Frequency is negative (reverse), a negative value of torque producing current would hold the motor load or cause the motor to accelerate, a positive value would decelerate the motor.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.08 Percentage Load
The load as a percentage of motor rated torque
Motor Output Current Limit (Max)
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Motor Output Current Limit (Max)
PercentageLoad (P1.08) indicates the load on the motor as a percentage of the rated load of the motor. For forward rotation, this value is positive for a motoring load and negative for a regenerating load. For reverse rotation this value is negative for a motoring load and positive for a regenerating load. PercentageLoad (P1.08) = TorqueProducingCurrent (P1.07) / I
 = Rated Torque Current = Motor Rated Current (P3.01) x Motor Rated Power Factor (P3.04)
  x 100
See MotorOutputCurrentLimit (P3.17)
18 Commander S100 USer Guide
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Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.09 Alarm Indicators
A set of indicators that represent the drive alarms
(Display: 00000000)
8 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
(Display: 11111111)
Bit Alarm How to remove the alarm
Bit 0 Motor Overload Reduce the load on the motor
Bit 1 Drive Overload Reduce the load on the motor or ambient temperature of the drive
Bit 2 Auto-tune Active Will be reset when Autotune complete
Bit 3 Limit Switch Active Rotate the motor away from the limit switch
Bit 4 Input Phase Loss or Imbalance Check input fuses to the drive
Bit 5 Analog Input Current Loop Loss Check current loop master is powered and the integrity of the wiring is good
Bit 6 Current Limit Active Reduce the load on the motor
Bit 7 I/O Overload Check 24 V output and digital output for an overload condition
An alarm is used by the drive to give an early warning of a problem which could lead to a drive error. In some alarm conditions, the drive may take action to prevent an error for example reducing the motor current or speed.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.10 Drive Status Indicators
A set of indicators that represent the drive status
(Display: 00000000)
8 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
(Display: 11111111
Bit Alarm How to remove the alarm
Bit 0 Supply Loss
Bit 1 Limit Switch Active Indicates at least one limit switch is active.
Bit 2Thermal Limit Active
Bit 3 Current Limit Active
Bit 4 Drive Active Indicates the drive is applying voltage to the motor.
Bit 5 Healthy Indicates the drive is healthy and there are no errors.
Bit 6At Speed ± 1 Hz Indicates the output frequency of the drive is within 1 Hz of the demand.
Bit 7 At Zero ± 2 Hz Indicates the output frequency of the drive is within 2 Hz of 0Hz
Indicates supply loss has been detected. The behaviour in this situation is controlled
by SupplyLossAction (P4.08).
Indicates the output current is being limited further than that defined by MotorOutputCurrentLimit (P3.17) for thermal protection.
Indicates the output current is being limited by the current limit defined by MotorOutputCurrentLimit (P3.17) or Bit 2 above.
Commander S100 User Guide 19
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Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.11 Sequencer Input and Output Indicators
A set of indicators that represent the enable inputs, the Limit Switch inputs, and the sequencer outputs
(Display: 00000000)
8 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
(Display: 11111111)
Displays a set of indicators that represent the enable inputs, the Limit Switch inputs, and the sequencer outputs.
Bit 0 Hardware Enable
Bit 1 Software Enable
Bit 2
Bit 3
Bit 4 Reference On
Limit Switch Forwards
Limit Switch Reverse
Set to 1 if an active digital input has been configured as the Hardware Enable function (1), or if no digital input has been configured as a Hardware Enable
If the Binary Control Word (P4.18) is enabled this is set to 1 when the enable bit of the control word is set otherwise this is
set to 1 if Drive Enable (P4.17) is set to true
Set to 1 if an active digital input has been configured as the Forward Limit Switch function (5). The drive will stop if there is with a positive reference
Set to 1 if an active digital input has been configured as the Forward Limit Switch function (6). The drive will stop if there is a negative reference
Set to 1 by the sequencer to switch the selected reference through to the Ramps when a start command is detected. See References & Ramps
Bit 5 Reverse
Bit 6 Jog Set to 1 by the sequencer to select the Jog reference when a Jog command is detected. See References & Ramps
Bit 7 Under Voltage Set to 1 by the sequencer if the drive is in an under voltage state
Set to 1 by the sequencer to reverse the selected reference when a Reverse command is detected. See References & Ramps
Bits 0, 2 & 3 shown here can be set by any of the digital inputs using their function selector parameters such as T11 Digital Input 1 Function Select (P6.16) or by selecting an appropriate Run/Stop Configuration (P6.13).
Before the drive can run the motor, it must check that certain conditions are met. These are handled by the drive sequencer. The drive sequencer monitors all drive inputs and compares them to the drive's configuration, set by the user, to ensure the motor only runs when it should.
For example:
1. If a drive input is configured as a Hardware Enabled (1), the drive will not be able to run the motor, even if a Run Forward (2) signal is provided, until the enable signal is given on that input.
2. If Limit Switch Forward is active, only a Run Reverse signal would allow the motor to run.
3. If a drive input is configured as a Run Permit (4), the drive will not be able to run the motor while a Run Permit (4) signal is not provided.
20 Commander S100 USer Guide
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Short description
Typ e
Display Format
Bit 0 Run Forward Set to 1 if a digital input has been configured as the Run Forward function (2) and is active.
Bit 1 Run Reverse Set to 1 if a digital input has been configured as the Run Reverse function (3) and is active.
Bit 2 Run Set to 1 if a digital input has been configured as the Run function (16) and is active.
Bit 3 Reverse Set to 1 if a digital input has been configured as the Reverse function (17) and is active.
Bit 4 Jog Forward Set to 1 if a digital input has been configured as the Jog Forward function (18) and is active.
Bit 5 Jog Reverse Set to 1 if a digital input has been configured as the Jog Reverse function (19) and is active.
Bit 6 Run Permit (Not Stop) Set to 1 if a digital input has been configured as the Run Permit (Not Stop) function (4) and is active.
P1.12 Run & Direction Indicators
A set of indicators that represent the sequencer run and direction inputs
(Display: 00000000)
8 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
(Display: 11111111)
The Indicators that are shown here can be set by any of the digital inputs using their function selector parameters such as T11 Digital Input 1 Function Select (P6.16) or by selecting an appropriate Run / Stop Config in Run/Stop Configuration (P6.13) .
Before the drive can run the motor, it must check that certain conditions are met. These are handled by the drive sequencer. The drive sequencer monitors all drive inputs and compares them to the drive's configuration, set by the user, to ensure the motor only runs when it should.
For example:
4. If a drive input is configured as a Hardware Enabled (1), the drive will not be able to run the motor, even if a Run Forward (2) signal is provided,
until the enable signal is given on that input.
5. If Limit Switch Forward is active, only a Run Reverse signal would allow the motor to run.
6. If a drive input is configured as a Run Permit (4), the drive will not be able to run the motor if a Run Permit (4) signal is not provided.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.13 Ramp Input
The selected reference fed into the Ramp System
8 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
1 ms
Displays the reference frequency after the skip band and frequency limits have been applied but before it is fed into the ramp system. See References & Ramps .
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.14 Ramp Output
The frequency output from the Ramp System
8 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Displays the reference frequency after the skip band and frequency limits have been applied but before it is fed into the ramp system. See References & Ramps .
Commander S100 User Guide 21
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Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.15 T2 Analog Input 1 Percentage
The input level of analog input 1 as a percentage after it has been scaled
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Displays the input level of analog input 1 as a percentage after it has been scaled according to the terminal's scaling parameters. See T2 Analog Input 1 Minimum Input (P6.21).
This can be configured to set the motor frequency by selecting it as one of the 4 references (P2.21 - P2.24). See Frequency Reference 1 Selector (P2.21). This value can then be used as a frequency reference, where 0% is the Minimum Frequency Limit (P2.01) and 100% is the Maximum
Frequency Limit (P2.02).
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.16 T4 Analog Input 2 Percentage
The input level of analog input 2 as a percentage after it has been scaled
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Displays the input level of analog input 2 as a percentage after it has been scaled according to the terminal's scaling parameters. See T4 Analog Input 2 Minimum Input (P6.25).
This can be configured to set the motor frequency by selecting it as one of the 4 references (P2.21 - P2.24). See Frequency Reference 1 Selector (P2.21). This value can then be used as a frequency reference, where 0% is the Minimum Frequency Limit (P2.01) and 100% is the Maximum Frequency Limit (P2.02).
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.17 T15 Frequency Input Percentage
The input level of T15 Frequency Input as a percentage after it has been scaled
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Displays the input level of T15 Frequency Input as a percentage after it has been scaled according to the frequency input's scaling parameters. See T15 Frequency Input Minimum Input (P6.29).
This can be configured to set the motor frequency by selecting it as one of the 4 references (P2.21 - P2.24). See Frequency Reference 1 Selector (P2.21). This value can then be used as a frequency reference, where 0% is the Minimum Frequency Limit (P2.01) and 100% is the Maximum Frequency Limit (P2.02).
22 Commander S100 USer Guide
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Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.18 Up/Down Percentage
The value of the Up/Down reference as a percentage which can be increased or decreased by the keypad or drive control terminals
16 Bit Power Down Save
Update Rate
Decimal Places
This can be configured to set the motor frequency by selecting it as one of the 4 references (P2.21 - P2.24). See Frequency Reference 1 Selector (P2.21). This value can then be used as a frequency reference, where 0% is the Minimum Frequency Limit (P2.01) and 100% is the Maximum Frequency Limit (P2.02). The value can be increased or decreased using the UP and DOWN keys on the keypad (when in Status View) or, if selected, by the drive control terminals.
See Up/Down Percent Configuration (P2.14) and Up/Down Percentage Time to Max (P2.15) for information on Up/Down control configuration.
This parameter is unidirectional with motor direction set by run forward / run reverse.
This feature is sometimes referred to as a Motorised Pot.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.19 PID Percentage
The percentage output for the PID controller including the Feed Forward
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
This is derived from the output of the PID controller plus the Feed Forward term selected by PID Feed Forward Selector (P5.05).
The derivative term in the PID controller is fixed to 0.
This can be configured to set the motor frequency by selecting it as one of the 4 references (P2.21 - P2.24). See Frequency Reference 1 Selector (P2.21). This value can then be used as a frequency reference, where 0% is the Minimum Frequency Limit (P2.01) and 100% is the Maximum Frequency Limit (P2.02).
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.20 PID Status Indicators
A set of indicators that represent the status of the PID and Threshold Detector
0 (Display: 00000000)
8 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
255 (D i spla y : 11111111)
If a source has been set at PID Enable Selector (P5.11) or Threshold Detector Selector (P5.12) they must be true to enable the PID controller. If an
input has been routed to PID Hardware Enable (13) this must also be true to enable the PID controller.
Bit 0 PID Enabled Indicates that the PID is enabled and active
Bit 1 PID limit applied
Bit 2
Threshold Detector Output
Indicates that the PID output is being limited by PID Output Lower Limit (P5.09) or PID Output Upper Limit (P5.10), or a limit following the addition of the Feed Forward is being applied
Indicates that the Threshold Detector output is active
Commander S100 User Guide 23
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.21 PID Error
The error the PID controller is operating on
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
The PID Error is the difference between the PID reference and PID feedback which are selected by PID Reference Selector (P5.03) and PID Feedback Selector (P5.04).
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.22 Motor Thermal Percentage
The percentage of the maximum allowed temperature for the motor
8 Bit Power Down Save
Update Rate
Decimal Places
The drive estimates the percentage of the motor maximum temperature from the output current and uses this to limit the overload period to protect the motor. This function allows a longer overload period when the motor is cool and reduces the allowable overload period as the motor heats.
The overload period depends on the percentage overload current and motor starting temperature.
The action taken by the drive can be set in Thermal Protection Action (P3.21). If Thermal Protection Action (P3.21) is set to Limit, the output current will be limited if this parameter > 90%. If Thermal Protection Action (P3.21) is set to Error, the error will occur when this parameter = 100%.
An alarm is indicated if this percentage is >95% and cleared when <75% (Alarm Indicators (P1.09)).
24 Commander S100 USer Guide
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.23 Drive Thermal Percentage
The percentage of the maximum allowed temperature in the drive
8 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
The drive measures its internal temperature which changes depending on the output current. This is displayed as a percentage of the maximum allowed drive temperature.
The action taken by the drive can be set in Thermal Protection Action (P3.21). If Thermal Protection Action (P3.21) is set to Limit, the output current will be limited if this parameter > 90%. If Thermal Protection Action (P3.21) is set to Error, the error will occur when this parameter = 100%.
An alarm is indicated if this percentage is >95% and cleared when <75% (Alarm Indicators (P1.09)).
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.24 DC Bus Voltage
The voltage on the DC Bus of the drive
16 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Maximum D.C. Link Voltage (110 V, 200 V Drives = 415 V, 400 V Drives = 830 V)
Displays the voltage on the DC Bus of the drive. This is the Supply Voltage x 2. This voltage must exceed the under-voltage (UV) level for the drive to run. 100 V and 200 V drives (UV) = 175 V 400 V UV = 330 V
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
Bit 0 T11 Digital IO 1 Set to 1 if the input or output is active
Bit 1 T12 Digital Input 2 Set to 1 if the input is active
Bit 2 T13 Digital Input 3 Set to 1 if the input is active
Bit 3 T14 Digital Input 4 Set to 1 if the input is active
Bit 4 T15 Digital Input 5 Set to 1 if the input is active when a digital input, otherwise 0
Bit 5 T2 Analog Input 1 Set to 1 if the input is active
P1.25 Digital IO Indicators
A set of indicators that represent the status of the digital I/O
(Display: 00000000)
8 Bit Volatile
Update Rate
Decimal Places
(D i spla y : 11111111)
Bit 6 T4 Analog Input 2 Set to 1 if the input is active
Bit 7 T41 Relay Set to 1 if the relay is active
Commander S100 User Guide 25
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.26 Parameter 1 Saved Value on Error
The value of a designated parameter when the latest error occurred
16 Bit Power Down Save
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Write on Error
If an error occurs the drive will save the value of the parameter selected by Parameter 1 Save on Error Selector (P4.09). There are two other saved parameters that behave in the same way, Parameter 2 Saved Value on Error (P1.27) & Parameter 3 Saved Value on Error (P1.28) . All of these parameters are saved at the point when an Error (P1.29) occurs.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.27 Parameter 2 Saved Value on Error
The value of a designated parameter when the latest error occurred
16 Bit Power Down Save
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Write on Error
See Parameter 1 Saved Value on Error (P1.26).
Short description
P1.28 Parameter 3 Saved Value on Error
The value of a designated parameter when the latest error occurred
Typ e
Display Format
16 Bit Power Down Save
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Write on Error
See Parameter 1 Saved Value on Error (P1.26).
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.29 Error
The active or last error to have occurred
8 Bit Power Down Save
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Write on Error
Displays the active error, or if there is no error currently active this is the last error to have occurred.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.30 Error History 1
The previous error to P1.29
8 Bit Power Down Save
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Write on Error
Displays the second from last error to have occurred.
26 Commander S100 USer Guide
Safety information Electrical installation Drive Parameters
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.31 Error History 2
The previous error to P1.30
8 Bit Power Down Save
Displays the third from last error to have occurred.
Short description
Typ e
Display Format
P1.32 Error History 3
The previous error to P1.31
8 Bit Power Down Save
Displays the fourth from last error to have occurred.
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Update Rate
Decimal Places
Write on Error
Write on Error
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