The following changes provide updated information for Section 1.4.3, Table 1-4, Figures
1-6 and 1-7. This information will be incorporated into the next revision.
Change Specifics:
Added 8PSK and 16QAM information
June 6, 2000
SDM-9000 Satellite Modem Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number MN/SDM9000.IOM Rev. 4 dated May 5, 1997
Attach this page to page 1-16
1.4.3 8PSK and 16QAM (Viterbi Decoder and Reed-Solomon Codec)
The 8PSK and 16QAM specifications for the Eb/N0 required to achieve 10-6 to
BER with the Viterbi decoder and Reed-Solomon Codec are shown in
Table 1-4. Refer to Figures 1-6 (8PSK) and 1-7 (16QAM) for the BER curves
with the Reed-Solomon option.
10-6 6.1 dB 8.2 dB 8.3 dB 9.8 dB 6.5 dB 8.6 dB 8.7 dB 10.2 dB
10-7 6.4 dB 8.5 dB 8.5 dB 10.0 dB 6.9 dB 8.9 dB 8.9 dB 10.4 dB
10-8 6.6 dB 8.9 dB 8.7 dB 10.3 dB 7.1 dB 9.3 dB 9.1 dB 10.7 dB
10-9 6.9 dB 9.3 dB 8.9 dB 10.5 dB 7.4 dB 9.7 dB 9.4 dB 10.9 dB
10-6 5.6 dB 7.7 dB 7.8 dB 9.4 dB 5.9 dB 8.1 dB 8.2 dB 9.8 dB
10-7 5.8 dB 7.9 dB 8.1 dB 9.7 dB 6.2 dB 8.3 dB 8.5 dB 10.1 dB
10-8 6.1 dB 8.4 dB 8.3 dB 9.9 dB 6.5 dB 8.9 dB 8.7 dB 10.3 dB
10-9 6.3 dB 8.7 dB 8.6 dB 10.2 dB 6.7 dB 9.1 dB 9.0 dB 10.6 dB
Note: Reed-Solomon parameters differ from open network and closed network. Open network
meets IESS-308 QPSK operation, using a 4-deep interleaver. Closed networks run different
Reed-Solomon parameters. A longer code word and an 8-deep interleaver is used, resulting in
better performance.
8 Mbit/s,
2/3 RATE
8 Mbit/s,
5/6 RATE
Figure 1-6. 8PSK BER Performance Curves (with Reed-Solomon)
Filename: T_ERRATA 2
8 Mbit/s,
w/ IDR
Figure 1-7. 16QAM BER Performance Curves (with Reed-Solomon)
Filename: T_ERRATA 3
Errata B
Comtech EFData Documentation Update
Part Number:
Collating Instructions:
The following changes provide updated information for page 2-15. This information will be
incorporated into the next revision.
Change Specifics:
2.4.10 Alarms (J10)
Changes to Note in Section 2.4.10, Alarms
January 19, 2001
SDM-9000 Satellite Data Modem Installation and Operation
Manual, Rev. 4, dated May 5, 1997
Attach this page to page 2-15
The alarms connector is used to provide three Form C contact closures for alarm
reporting, as follows:
• Alarm 1 = Not used
• Alarm 2 = TX
• Alarm 3 = RX
The two Form C summary fault contacts currently used are:
• Transmit alarm (Alarm 2)
• Receive alarm (Alarm 3)
Refer to Chapter 4 for a discussion of alarms monitored. To obtain a system summary
alarm, connect all the Form C contacts in parallel.
The alarms connection is a 9-pin female D connector located on the rear panel of the
modem. Screw locks are provided for mechanical security on the mating connector.
Pin # Signal Function Name
1 NO
2 Alarm 1 COM
3 NC
4 NO
5 Alarm 2 COM
6 NC
7 NO
8 Alarm 3 COM
9 NC
Note: A connection between the common (COM) and normally closed (NC) contacts
indicates no alarm.
Filename: T_ERRATA 1
Errata C
Comtech EFData Documentation Update
Part Number:
Collating Instructions:
The following changes provide updated information for Table 3-2. This information will be
incorporated into the next revision.
Changes to Table 3-2 (Modulator PCB Jumper Settings)
January 23, 2002
SDM-9000 Satellite Modem Installation and Operation Manual,
Rev. 4, dated May 5, 1997
Attach this page to page 3-3
Change Specifics:
3.2 Modulator
The modulator PCB (AS/3969) is located in the top slot of the modem chassis. The jumper settings are
listed in Table 3-2. Figure 3-2 shows the modulator card and the jumper locations.
Table 3-2. Modulator PCB Jumper Settings
Jumper Position Function
J7 1 to 2
2 to 3
(EEPROM size select)
Note: The modulator PCB jumpers in Table 3-2 are factory set.
1 to 2
2 to 3
Output forced ON, test mode
Normal, processor control
27C512 (64K EEPROM)
27C256 (32K EEPROM)
Filename: T_ERRATA 1
Comtech EFData is an ISO 9001
Registered Company.
Satellite Modem
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number MN/SDM9000.IOM
Revision 4
May 5, 1997
Comtech EFData, 2114 West 7th Street, Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA, (480) 333-2200, FAX: (480) 333-2161. Direct Broadcast Satellite.......................................................................................................................... 1–7
1.4 BER Performance Specifications.......................................................................................................................... 1–12
1.4.1 Viterbi Decoder BER (QPSK).......................................................................................................................... 1–12
1.4.2 Reed-Solomon Codec BER (QPSK)................................................................................................................. 1–14
1.4.3 8PSK and 16QAM (Viterbi Decoder and Reed-Solomon Codec).................................................................... 1–16
2.2 System Options....................................................................................................................................................... 2–2
2.3 System Installation................................................................................................................................................. 2–3
2.4.3 Receive Data (CP3).......................................................................................................................................... 2–6
2.4.4 Send Data (CP4)............................................................................................................................................... 2–6
2.4.9 AUX 1 (J9)....................................................................................................................................................... 2–14
2.4.11 AC Power ....................................................................................................................................................... 2–16
2.4.12 DC Power ....................................................................................................................................................... 2–16
4.1 Front Panel............................................................................................................................................................. 4–1
4.1.1 LED Indicators ................................................................................................................................................. 4–2
4.1.2 Front Panel Controls......................................................................................................................................... 4–3
4.2 Menu System .......................................................................................................................................................... 4–4 Common Equipment Faults....................................................................................................................... 4–30
5.1.2 Theory of Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 5–2
5.2.3 Theory of Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 5–7
5.2.4 Theory of Modulation Types............................................................................................................................ 5–9
5.3.3 Theory of Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 5–13
5.4.3 Theory of Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 5–17
5.5.3 Theory of Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 5–21 Transmit Data Path.................................................................................................................................... 5–23 Receive Data Path ..................................................................................................................................... 5–24 Engineering Service Channel (ESC)......................................................................................................... 5–27
5.6 Backward Alarm Theory and Connections......................................................................................................... 5–28
6.1 System Checkout.................................................................................................................................................... 6–1
6.1.4 Test Points ........................................................................................................................................................ 6–10
6.2.2 System Faults/Alarms....................................................................................................................................... 6–14 Fault/Alarm Display and Description........................................................................................................ 6–18
6.5 Repacking for Shipment........................................................................................................................................ 6–27
APPENDIX A. OPTIONS ..................................................................................................A–1
A.1.2 Theory of Operation......................................................................................................................................... A–2
A.2 Direct Broadcast Satellite..................................................................................................................................... A–10
A.2.9.2 Signal Space Mapping .............................................................................................................................. A–27
B.2.1 Start Character ................................................................................................................................................. B–2
B.2.4 End Character................................................................................................................................................... B–3
B.4 Status Commands/Responses............................................................................................................................... B–10
Figure 4-1. SDM-9000 Front Panel View.................................................................................................................. 4–1
Figure 4-2. Main Menu.............................................................................................................................................. 4–4
Figure 4-18. IF Loopback.......................................................................................................................................... 4–51
Table 1-2. Viterbi Decoder BER Data........................................................................................................................... 1–12
Table 1-3. Reed-Solomon BER Data............................................................................................................................. 1–14
Table 1-4. 8PSK and 16QAM BER Data....................................................................................................................... 1–16
Table 6-1. Conversion to S/N and Eb/N0 Chart (QPSK)............................................................................................... 6–5
Table 6-2. Conversion to S/N and Eb/N0 Chart (8PSK)................................................................................................ 6–6
Table 6-3. Conversion to S/N and Eb/N0 Chart (16QAM)............................................................................................ 6–7
Table 6-4. SDM-9000 Modem Fault Tree ..................................................................................................................... 6–15
Table A-1. Electrical Characteristics of ECL and PECL Interface Types ..................................................................... A–13
Table A-4. Rate Exchange Ratios for DVB Puncturing................................................................................................. A–26
Table A-5. Reed-Solomon BER Data.............................................................................................. .............................. A–29
Rev. 4ix
PrefaceSDM-9000 Satelite Modem
Overview of Changes to Previous Edition
Changes made to Rev. 3 include:
Added metric conversion paragraph to Preface.
Incorporated comment column to table on Page 1-3.
Revised table reflecting SDM-9000 part numbers.
Relocated reference to Figure 1-8 to Page 1-21.
Rearranged Chapter 2 paragraphing as follows:
Changed 2.5 to 2.2
Changed 2.2 to 2.3
Changed 2.4 to 2.5
Added second step to Note on Page 2-3.
Rearranged Table 2-1 to reflect a alpha/numeric sequence.
Rearranged paragraphing to agree with Table 2-1.
Deleted the notes following,,, and
Chapter 2.4.8 note references are to the notes listed in 2.4.8.
Incorporated tool reference in, step (1)
Incorporated tool reference in, step (1).
Revised section 3.6.1 to reflect history of software versions.
Revised table in to agree with Figure 4-3.
Revised Figure 4-4 to reflect to reflect Test Mode Configuration conditions.
Revised table to agree with Figure 4-4.
Revised table to agree with Figure 4-5.
Added Reed Solomon to table specified in 5.5.1.
Added section A.3 ESC 64 kbit/s Data Option to Appendix A.
Added metric conversion table to inside of back cover.
xRev. 4
SDM-9000 Satelite ModemPreface
About this Manual
This manual provides installation and oper at ion info rm ation for the EFData SDM- 9000
satellite modem. This is a technical document intended for earth station engineers,
technicians, and operators responsible for the operation and maintenance of the
Related Documents
The following documents are referenced in this manual:
Department of Defense (DOD) MIL-STD-188-114A, “
Digital Interface Circuits
Comtech EFData Specification SP/3965
INTELSAT Earth Station Standards (IESS) 308/309
Electrical Characteristics of
Sonnet Specifications STS-1
International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee (CCITT) V.35
European Broadcasting Union (EBU) DVB SB 5 (94) 5
EBU ETS 300 421
ISO/IEC 13818
Comtech EFData B141-1 Breakout Panel Installation and Operation Manual
Conventions and References
Cautions and Warnings
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in
minor or moderate injury. CAUTION may also be used to indicate other
unsafe practices or risks of property damage.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Rev. 4xi
PrefaceSDM-9000 Satelite Modem
Metric Conversion
Metric conversion information is located on the inside back cover of this manual. This
information is provided to assist the operator in cross-referencing English to Metric
Recommended Standard Designations
Recommended Standard (RS) Designations have been superseded by the new designation
of the Electronic Industries Association (EIA). References to the old designations are
shown only when depicting actual text displayed on the screen of the unit (RS-232, RS485, etc.). All other references in the manual will be shown with the EIA designations
(EIA-232, EIA-485, etc.) only.
Military Standards
References to “MIL-STD-188” apply to the 114A series (i.e., MIL-STD-188-114A),
which provides electrical and functional characteristics of the unbalanced and balanced
voltage digital interface circuits applicable to both long haul and tactical
communications. Specifically, these references apply to the MIL-STD-188-114A
electrical characteristics for a balanced voltage digital interface circuit, Type 1 generator,
for the full range of data rates. For more information, refer to the Department of Defense
(DOD) MIL-STD-188-114A, “
Electrical Characteristics of Digital Interface Circuits
Product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
xiiRev. 4
SDM-9000 Satelite ModemPreface
European EMC Directive
In order to meet the European Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
(EN55022, EN50082-1), properly shielded cables for DATA I/O are required. More
specifically, these cables must be double-shielded from end-to-end, ensuring a continuous
ground shield.
The following information is applicable for the European Low Voltage Directive
<HAR>Type of power cord required for use in the European Community.
CAUTION: Double-pole/Neutral Fusing
International Symbols:
ACHTUNG: Zweipolige bzw. Neutralleiter-Sicherung
Alternating Current.
Safety Ground.
Chassis Ground.
For additional symbols, refer to “Cautions and Warnings” listed earlier in this
Reporting Comments or Suggestions Concerning this Manual
Comments and suggestions regarding the content and design of this manual will be
appreciated. To submit comments, please contact the Comtech EFData Customer Support
Rev. 4xiii
PrefaceSDM-9000 Satelite Modem
Warranty Policy
This Comtech EFData product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship
for a period of one year from the date of shipment. During the warranty period, Comtech
EFData will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective.
For equipment under warranty, the customer is responsible for freight to Comtech
EFData and all related custom, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. Comtech EFData is
responsible for the freight charges
the customer. Comtech EFData will return the equipment by the same method (i.e., Air,
Express, Surface) as the equipment was sent to Comtech EFData.
for return of the equipment from the factory to
Limitations of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper installation or
maintenance, abuse, unauthorized modification, or operation outside of environmental
specifications for the product, or, for damages that occur due to improper repack ag ing of
equipment for return to Comtech EFData.
No other warranty is expressed or implied. Comtech EFData specifically disclaims the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose.
Exclusive Remedies
The remedies provided herein are the buyer's sole and exclusive remedies. Comtech
EFData shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.
Comtech EFData has reviewed this manual thoroughly in order that it will be an easy-touse guide to your equipment. All statements, technical information, and
recommendations in this manual and in any guides or related documents are believed
reliable, but the accuracy and completeness thereof are not guaranteed or warranted, and
they are not intended to be, nor should they be understood to be, representations or
warranties concerning the products described. Further, Comtech EFData reserves the
right to make changes in the specifications of the products described in this manual at any
time without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
If you have any questions regarding your equipment or the information in this manual,
please contact the Comtech EFData Customer Support Department.
xivRev. 4
Chapter 1.
This chapter describes the options and provides an overview, description, and
specifications for the SDM-9000 satellite modem, referred to in this manual as
“the modem” (Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1. SDM-9000
IntroductionSDM-9000 Satellite Modem
1.1 Overview
The modem is a high performance, full-duplex, digital-vector modulator/demodulator
that meets the open network requirements of the IESS-308 specifications for
Intermediate Data Rate (IDR). The modem can also be used for any closed network and
satellite communication system applications. Refer to Section 1.1.3 for additional
applications data.
Module types that are compatible with each application are as follows:
ConfigurationInterface TypeFEC OptionOptions
70/140 MHz Duplex (AC)MIL188/144 with BufferQPSK
70/140 MHz TX (AC)MIL188/144 with ESC8PSSK/16QAM
70/140 MHz RX (AC)MIL188/144 with Buffer /RSDigital Video Broadcast
70/140 MHz Duplex (DC )MIL188/144 with ESC/RS
70/140 MHz TX (DC )ECL w ith Buffer
70/140 MHz RX (DC)ECL with ESC
ECL with Buffer/RS
PECL with Buffer
PECL with Buffer/RS
G.703 with Buffer
G.703 with ESC
G.703 Buffer/RS
G.703 with ESC/RS
G.703 with ESC/64 kbit/s
G.703 with ESC/64 kbit/s /RS
H/S 10
H/S 10
with DVB
1. 75Ω, QPSK, and +5 dBm output are standard with the SDM-9000.
2. The standard Reed-Solomon is in accordance with IESS-308 (IDR).
The modem operates with IF converter equipment operating within a 50 to 180 MHz
band. An internal channel unit, conforming to the IESS-308 specification, provides
overhead designated for Engineering Service Circuits (ESC).
The modem contains:
•Built-in scramblers/descramblers
•Differential encoder/decoder
•Transmit and receive frequency synthesizers
•Multi–rate Forward Error Correction (FEC) convolutional encoder and Viterbi
1–2Rev. 4
SDM-9000 Satellite ModemIntroduction
The modem provides high performance with:
•Narrow occupied bandwidth
•Automatic signal acquisition
•High flexibility
•Extensive online monitoring circuits
The modem interfaces between Single Channel Per Carrier (SCPC) fixed-rate terminal
equipment that operates within the following specifications:
•Data rate of 6.0 to 51.84 Mbit/s
•Symbol rate of 1.7 to 37.5 Ms/s
•Configured to add overhead and framing to the data
The 51.84 Mbit/s data rate is defined by STS-1 (Sonnet specifications).
1.1.1 Nyquist Filter Printed Circuit Boards
The modem features include a Nyquist filter Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for enabling
the user to change data rates at the modulator or demodulator. The modem supports up to
four channels at the following data rate and modulation type combinations:
Data rate information is automatically recovered from the filter module upon system
power-up or initialization. The installed interface, modulator, and demodulator must be
compatible with the installed filters for proper modem operation. The filters can be
installed in the factory or field.
Refer to Chapter 3 for information about modem configuration.
Rev. 41–3
IntroductionSDM-9000 Satellite Modem
1.1.2 Description
The modem is a complete, self-contained unit in a standard 2 unit (2U) 19”
rack-mountable enclosure weighing approximately 19 lbs. The unit is of modular
construction consisting of five PCB assemblies:
•Display/Monitor & Control (M&C) (front panel)
•Backplane (rear panel)
The backplane PCB is mounted on the chassis assembly and contains receptacles for
three plug-in PCBs:
Test points are located on the front edges of the three PCBs. Figure 1-2 shows the front
view of the modem (without the front panel).
All M&C functions and indicators for operation of the modem are located on the
display/M&C. The chassis also contains a fan (on the rear panel) and a power supply.
Refer to Figure 1-3 for a system block diagram.
Figure 1-2. Modular Construction
1–4Rev. 4
SDM-9000 Satellite ModemIntroduction
Figure 1-3. SDM-9000 Block Diagram
Rev. 41–5
IntroductionSDM-9000 Satellite Modem
1.1.3 Options Reed-Solomon Codec
The Reed-Solomon Codec works in conjunction with the Viterbi decoder, and includes
additional framing, interleaving, and Codec.
This option can be factory or user installed. Refer to the following table for modem
compatibility requirements.
The 8PSK modulation type is a PSK encoding method for providing a modulated carrier
at 6.0 to 51.84 Mbit/s by pragmatic trellis encoding at 2/3 and 5/6 code rates. This option
is installed at the factory.
The 16QAM is an encoding method for providing a modulated carrier at 6.0 to
51.84 Mbit/s in 3/4 and 7/8 rates.
Interface PCBType 2 and 3 (or greater)
Display/M&C PCBAS/2305 Rev. C4 (or greater)
Modulator PCBAS/3969-1, -2, -5, and -6
Demodulator PCBAS/3970-1 and -2
Reed-Solomon Codec PCBAS/4080
The Reed-Solomon option is required for 8PSK/16QAM operation.
1–6Rev. 4
SDM-9000 Satellite ModemIntroduction Direct Broadcast Satellite
As implemented in the SDM-9000, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) mode supports data
rates up to 44.736 Mbit/s using a single FEC channel. Single channel implementation
differs significantly from the International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation
(INTELSAT) specifications (for carriers greater than 10 Mbit/s) for communicating the
data across three channels.
Refer to Appendix A for more information.
Rev. 41–7
IntroductionSDM-9000 Satellite Modem
1.2 Modem Assemblies
The following table reflects the possible configurations available for the SDM-9000:
The current main assemblies, options, and alternates for the modem are listed in the table
AS/3965Assy, Top SDM-9000
PL/3966-1Assy, Chassis, ACCE Mark
PL/3966-2Assy, Chassis, DC
PL/2305Display/M onitor & C ontrolNo FW/ included
PL/4124-1Filter, Nyquist TX
PL/4124-2Filter, Nyquist RX
PL/4109Supply, Power ACAlternate
PL/4110Supply, Power ACPreferred
The following table outlines the options available for a specific SDM-9000
HI StabilityQPSK
HI StabilityQPSK
HI StabilityQPSK3969-73995-373970-34401-31
HI StabilityQPSK3969-83995-383970-44401-32
Mod P/NRF Mod
RF Demod
1–8Rev. 4
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