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The program mar345 is a fully menu driven graphical user interface (GUI) for collecting an
displaying images on a mar345 imaging plate system.
The program is provided as binary executable for several computer platforms and operatin
− Silicon Graphics:IRIX 5.x, 6.x
− Digital:Compaq Tru Unix 4.x, 5.x
− Linux:RedHat 5.x, 6.x, SuSE 6.x
.1 Computer Requirements
− Motif 1.2.x shared libraries (except Linux).
− 8/16/24/32−bit colors X−windows terminal with 1280x1024 pixels.
− Standard Helvetica and Symbol fonts.
− 96 MB RAM memory or more.
.2 Environment
The program relies on definitions of the following environment variables:
− MARTABLEDIRLocation of the scanner specific calibration files mar2300.XXX
and mar3450.XXX and the corresponding configuration file
config.XXX (where XXX = MAR_SCANNER_NO ).
− MAR_SCANNER_NOThree digit serial number, e.g. 049.
− MARLOGDIRLocation of the log output files.
− MARHELPDIRLocation of interactive help files.
The program relies on the correct network setup, i.e. the mar345 scanner must be accessibl
by ping and telnet with IP−address
For a description of the setup of the mar345 software suite, see the "mar345 Installatio
The program mar345 requires the following input files to work properly:
The program continuously saves edited parameters into this file. It is nice to find the progra
in the same state where you left it at startup. However, if mar345.dat cannot be found
program defaults will be used.
XXX is a 3−digit serial number. This file contains essential scanner specific information. Fo
the scanner to produce valid data it is essential to have this file with all entries correspondin
to valid parameters for the scanner. The program mar345 will use program defaults if this fi
is not available.
XXX is a 3−digit serial number. This file contains flat−field corrections and the geometry tab
for transforming spiral images into Cartesian images for all scans at 0.15 mm pixelsize. Th
file is scanner−specific and required to do scans in 0.15 mm pixel modes. The typical size o
this file is 73 MB.
Same as mar23000.XXX but used for all scans at 0.10 mm pixelsize. The typical size of th
file is 103 MB.
See Appendix A and B for more information about input files.
.3 Output Files
The program mar345 writes all relevant messages to standard output but it also produce
several types of log files, depending on the configuration. Since log files can be important t
look at in case of software or hardware problems, the program creates different versions o
log files named:
2.)$MARLOGDIR/spy/mar.spy.X(configuration file entry: USE SPY)
3.)$MARLOGDIR/lp/mar.lp.X(configuration file entry: USE STATS)
where X is a number running from 1 to 99. All log files reside in the subdirectory assigend b
the logical variable MARLOGDIR. In this directory, there is also a file called "last.log" tha
contains only the version number of the latest (i.e. current) log file and a soft link of mar.lo
to the latest mar.log.X file in subdirectory log. Accordingly, soft links are also set to file
mar.spy and mar.lp if configured..Up to 99 copies of the log files will be kept and the
cyclically overwritten.
The contents of the different types of log files are as follows:
1.)mar.log:All messages on the terminal output.
2.)mar.spy:Native mar345 controller messages.
These messages become very important in case of hardware
problems. Therefore, USE SPY should always be set.
Note, that these files can become very large in size, so sufficien
disk space should be available in $MARLOGDIR (up to
100 MB in total).
3.)mar.lp:Some image statistics like minimum, maximum and average
intensity. Normally, these values are not of much interest, so
USE STATS should rather be the exception.
.4 Basic Concepts and Rules
The program has to perform different tasks:
− Allow user input (i.e. change data collection parameters, analyze images, etc.)
− Send commands to the scanner.
− Receive information from the scanner
− Transform spiral images into Cartesian images.
− Display transformed images.
User input is done via the graphical user interface (see chapter 3).
Communication with the scanner is realized through an Ethernet interface. Usually, the ho
computer features a dedicated Ethernet card for communicating with the scanner. Ho
computer and scanner are linked via a so called "cross−over cable", i.e. a special RJ−45 typ
cable that allows for directly connecting 2 computers without the need of a hub.
Transformation and data display requires some memory as well as CPU−time. Typicall
ar345 keeps the equivalent of 2.5 images in memory. When using 3450x3450 pixel image
this corresponds to 75 MB.
Data collection should always have highest priority. However, there is no real protectio
against abuse of the computer by other processes. In particular, memory consuming dat
processing jobs can cause drops in performance of the workstation to such a degree tha
nothing else will work. Also network I/O can severly degrade the host computer performance
e.g. when processing data across NFS−mounted disks!
Create a new window for running the program and type: "mar345". Do not run the program
the background and do not use this window for other purposes. The program will sen
important output to the window and you don’t want to miss it.
At start up, the program will tell you something like:
It will also tell you if it is able to talk to the scanner. If environment variables are not set yo
will be notified. Next, three windows will be created and automatically placed on the screen:
a startup window, the mar345 main window and an empty image display window.
If the scanner is not turned on at all, by invoking program mar345 on the command line, yo
will not get any feed back. This is because the program tries to open a network connection t
the scanner and the program will sit there and wait until the scanner starts talking to it.
When the scanner is turned on, the scanner controller will start very quickly basic netwo
services, so a ping to the address of the scanner (usually will work within 1
seconds after turning the scanner on. However, before starting communication with th
program mar345, the scanner must do first some initialization, i.e. drive the scanning head t
its default position (scan mode 2300) and lock the plate. Only when the plate is successful
locked ("cling!") program mar345 can start talking to the scanner. You may, however, sta
the program first and then turn on the scanner. The program really waits until a connectio
can be established.
ove DistancePops up the mar345−Distance window. Shortcut: F8.
ove PhiPops up the mar345−Phi window. Shortcut: F9.
eset ScannerReboots the scanner reboot. Shortcut: Ctrl+r.
uitQuits program. Shortcut: Ctrl+q.
.3 Scanner Status Area
The status area provides at all times all necessary information about the current status of th
scanner.This part of the user interface changes dynamically according to the current scanne
operation. It features the following items:
arresearch /During data collection, this field shows the time it takes
ime until Endto finish all active or queued data sets.
urrent TimeDisplays local computer time.
rogress BarIf the scanner is performing an operation, the progress of this
operation will be displayed with a colored progress bar and
an appropriate text string.
hutter StatusShows the state of the local X−ray beam shutter (open or
urrent ImageShows the name of the current image leaving out the
directory and file name extension.
urrent ModeShows the current scanmode of the scanner.
urrent DistanceShows the current distance of detector to crystal.
urrent PhiShows the current position of the PHI axis.
ntensityDisplays the current intensity reading of the selected
ionization chamber.
ree disk spaceShows how many MB of disk space are available on the
disk where the current image will be written to.
Under normal conditions, the program retrieves status information from the scanner once
second. The time and the free disk space will be updated less frequently.
ote: Timing is a crucial issue when operating the scanner. If the computer is very bus
doing other computations, the internal clock of the program will work slower. A good check fo
excessive computer activity is if the X−windows server is not able to repaint the user interac
at a reasonable speed.
.4 Scanner Command Area
The buttons in the command area can be used to send commands directly to the scanner o
to pop up further windows, i.e. the mar345−Scan and mar345−Change Paramete
windows. The functions of the individual buttons are:
ollectChanges layout of the button choices, i.e. the Collect Menu buttons are
canPops up the mar345−Scan window.
raseImmediately starts to erase the imaging plate. Erasing is identical to doing
a scan, but no data are taken.
nitializeThe scanner will move to its distance reference position (usually at the far en
of the translation stage). This distance initialization may have to be done if th
scanner looses the information about the distance for some reasons. The re−
ference positions are taken from the configuration file. The detector move−
ment has to be confirmed.
The configuration file will be reread when pressing this button.
pen Shutter Opens (or closes) the local X−ray beam shutter.
And in the Collect Menu there are: