CommScope CMAX-DM60-Series, CMAX-DM20, CMAX-DM30, CMAX-DM22S Installation Instruction

Installation Instruction for CMAX Antennas
Tools required: Wrench, width: 13 mm
Spring washer
Installation Guide for CMAX-DM20/DM22S/DM30/
DM60-xxx Antennas
Note: Please read the complete description be for e starting the instal l ati on . Be s ur e t hat
connectors are properly sealed from water if no cables are connected to them after installation.

1. Assembly

Fit the 3 parts together and fasten with screws M8 x 16, washers, and spring washers (M8 torque: 27 N-m)

2. W al l Mounting

Installation Instruction for CMAX Antennas
1. Mark 4 holes onto the wall as shown in the drawing above.
2. Drill 4 holes into the wall and insert appropriate dowels into holes.
3. Attach the antenna pedestal.
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