BSAMNT Mounting Kit
Bulletin 639834 • Revision A • December 2014 Page 2 of 2
use inclinometer to
adjust antenna angle
Adjusting Antenna Tilt
(Continued from page 1)
Loosen pivot bolts . (do
not remove)
• Remove adjuster bolts.
• Adjust antenna angle.
(use inclinometer)
• Reinstall adjuster bolts.
Middle Bracket First
• Retighten all bolts.
M10 pivot bolt
(loosen only)
M10 pivot bolt
(loosen only)
The installation, maintenance, or removal of an antenna
requires qualified, experienced personnel. CommScope
installation instructions are written for such installation
personnel. Antenna systems should be inspected once a
year by qualified personnel to verify proper installation,
maintenance, and condition of equipment.
CommScope disclaims any liability or responsibility for the
results of improper or unsafe installation practices.
It is recommended that transmit power be turned off
when the field installation is performed. Follow all
applicable safety precautions as shown on this page.
Do not install on a wet or windy
day or when lightning or thunder
is in the area. Do not use metal
Do not install near power lines.
Power lines, telephone lines,
and guy wires look the same.
Assume any wire or line can
electrocute you.
Wear shoes with rubber soles and
heels. Wear protective clothing
including a long-sleeved shirt and
rubber gloves.
M8 adjuster bolt
perimeter location
(remove to adjust tilt)
M10 pivot bolt
(loosen only)
M10 pivot bolt
(loosen only)
Customer Service 24 hours
1100 CommScope Place SE P.O. Box 339, Hickory, NC 28603-0339 North America: +1-800-255-1479 (toll free)
(828) 324-2200 (800) 982-1708 Any country: +1-779-435-6500 email:
Notice: CommScope disclaims any liability or responsibility for the results of improper or unsafe installation, inspection, maintenance, or removal practices.
Aviso: CommScope no acepta ninguna obligación ni responsabilidad como resultado de prácticas incorrectas o peligrosas de instalación, inspección, mantenimiento o retiro.
Avis : CommScope décline toute responsabilité pour les conséquences de procédures d’installation, d’inspection, d’entretien ou de retrait incorrectes ou dangereuses.
Hinweis: CommScope lehnt jede Haftung oder Verantwortung für Schäden ab, die aufgrund unsachgemäßer Installation, Überprüfung, Wartung oder Demontage auftreten.
Atenção: A CommScope abdica do direito de toda responsabilidade pelos resultados de práticas inadequadas e sem segurança de instalação, inspeção, manutenção ou remoção.
Avvertenza: CommScope declina eventuali responsabilità derivanti dell’esecuzione di procedure di installazione, ispezione, manutenzione e smontaggio improprie o poco sicure.
注意: CommScope 公司申明对于不恰当或不安全的安装、检验、维修或拆卸操作所导致的后果不负任何义务和责任。
© 2014 CommScope Bulletin 639834
M8 pivot bolt
center location
(loosen only)
15N.m (11ft.lbs)
37N.m (27ft.lbs)
58N.m (43ft.lbs)