Computer Interface Setup
Control System
Proper installation procedures must be followed when installing and operating RET equipment. Failure to assure
installations are done properly by trained installation personnel and to follow procedures discussed in this bulletin
may cause warranty for such products to be void.
Andrew requires that all RET installations be pre-tested and con f gured prior to installation. Failure to conduct
pre-test and pre-installation procedures def ned by Andrew will void warranty.
The installation, maintenance, or removal of an antenna requires quali f ed, experienced personnel. Andrew
installation instructions are written for such installation personnel. Antenna systems should be inspected once a
year by qualif ed personnel to verify proper installation, maintenance, and condition of equipment.
Andrew disclaims any liability or responsibility for the results of improper or unsafe installation practices.
Do not install near power lines.
Power lines, telephone lines,
and guy wires look the same.
Assume any wire or line can
electrocute you.
Do not install on a wet or
windy day or when
lightning or thunder is
in the area. Do not use
metal ladder.
Wear shoes with rubber soles
and heels. Wear protective
clothing including a
long-sleeved shirt and rubber
Installation Training Available at Andrew Institute
Bulletin 639561 • Revision B • August 2008

This bulletin provides a quick reference approach to establishing
communication between the ATC200-1000 Teletilt® controller and a local PC/
laptop (see Bulletin 639514 for the complete user guide). Generally, the IP
address is temporarily confi gured on the PC/laptop to be compatible with
the ATC200-1000 controller. Andrew Wireless Services has developed an IP
confi guration tool to provide a safe and easy method for confi guring the IP
addressing on the PC/laptop. This bulletin covers setup using the Andrew IP
Confi g Tool program.
Pre-Installation Notes:
• The Andrew IP Confi g Tool is compatible with Windows® 2000 and Windows® XP.
• Andrew recommends that you register online to receive notifi cations for updates
made to the software and antenna defi nition fi le. It is also recommended that the
CommScope web site be checked every 30 days for updated software or
If using the 48V power connection, ensure wires are properly connected.
Reversal of wire connection can cause permanent damage to the controller.
• Before installing antennas equipped with actuators to the tower, each actuator should
be connected to the controller and tested for proper operation.
guide is included with the ATC200-1000 controller or Teletilt antenna.
• It is recommended that prior to antenna installation on the tower, the serial number,
antenna type, and location where the antenna will be installed on the tower be recorded on the Site Confi guration Worksheet provided.
A quick reference
Using Andrew IP Confi g Tool to Access Controller
1. Download Andrew IP Confi g Tool.
• From the Andrew Products tab on www.commscope.com, click on Antennas→
Base Station Antenna Systems→Teletilt RET System→Downloads→Teletilt
Software, Firmware, Tools, and Manuals as seen on the screen below. The
ATC200-1000 software, IP Confi guration Software Tool, and Antenna Defi nition fi les
can be downloaded from the links provided.
• Unzip the ipconfi gtool.exe fi le. Double click this fi le and follow the on-screen
prompts to complete the Andrew IP Confi g Tool installation.
Click on Teletilt Software, Firmware,
Tools, and Manuals.