Commax CIOT-1020M2 User Manual

User Manual
Thank you for purchasing COMMAX products.
Thank you for purchasing COMMAX products.
Please carefully read this Users Guide (in particular, precautions for safety) before using a product and follow
Please carefully read this User’s Guide (in particular, precautions for safety) before using a product and follow
instructions to use a product exactly.
instructions to use a product exactly.
The company is not responsible for any safety accidents caused by abnormal operation of the product.
Table of Contents
Safety Warnong & Caution ·············································2
1. Main funciton ·························································4 Basic Screen Conguration ········································7
2. Home Screen ·························································9 Home Area ····························································9
2.1. Editing a space list ·········································· 10
2.2. Registering a device ········································ 11
2.3. Placing device (move / delete) ···························· 14
2.4. Controlling devices ·········································· 17
2.5. Widget area ··················································· 17
3. House Reporter ····················································· 19
3.1.Edit house reporter ··········································· 19
3.2. Setting the weather area ···································· 20
4. Control ······························································· 22
4.1. Control lighting ··············································· 22
4.2. Multi-sensor ·················································· 23
4.3. Magnetic sensor ·············································· 24
4.4. Adding devices ··············································· 24
4.5. Edit device ···················································· 25
5. Application ·························································· 33
5.1. Interphone ····················································· 33
5.2. Door entrance ················································ 34
5.3. Call log ························································· 36
5.4. security ························································· 36
5.5. Checking visitor ·············································· 39
5.6. Etc App ························································ 41
5.7. Setting the Wall Pad ········································· 44
6. Scene / Booking Control ········································· 55
Safety Warning & Caution
Please follow the things described below in order to prevent any danger or property damage.
It may cause a serious damage or injury if violated.
It may cause a minor damage or injury if violated.
No disassembly
No touch
Must follow strictly.
Shows plugging out the power cord without an exception
Shows the warning and caution for an electric shock.
Shows the warning and caution for a fire.
Pl ea se don t use seve ral products at the same time on one power socket.
·It may cause a fire due to an
abnormal overheating.
Pl ea se do nt i ns ta ll the pro duc t in the place whe re there is much oil, smoke or humidity.
·It may ca us e an elec tric
shock or fire.
Power & Installation
Please dont bend the power cabl e excessi vely or it may cause an electric shock.
·fire when using a damaged
power cable.
Pl ea se do nt i ns ta ll the prod uct with the lig hten ing and thunder.
·It may ca us e an elec tric
shock or fire.
Pl ea se d on t hand le the power cable with a wet hand.
·It may ca us e an elec tric
Please don’t use and connect th is pr od uc t w it h o th er products with differ ent rated voltage
·It may cause a disorder or
Pl ea se pl ug ou t the pow er cable from the socket when not using it for a long period of time.
·It may shorten the product
lifespan or cause a fire.
When installing the product tha t g ene rates heat , plea se install the product away from th e wa ll ( 10 cm) fo r th e ventilation.
·It may cause a fire due to
th e in cr ea se d in te rn al temperature.
Please dont disas sem ble , repair or rebuild this product arbitrarily (please contact the serv ice cen ter if a r epa ir is needed.
·It may ca us e an elec tric
shock or fire.
Cleaning & UsePower & Installation
Please plug the power cable firmly into the inner end
·It may cause a fire.
Please be careful when using an AC ci rcui t breaker since the re i s a pos sibil ity of an electric shock.
If an abnormal sound, burning smell or smoke is coming out of the product, please plug out the power cable and contact a service center.
·It may ca us e an elec tric
shock or fire.
Pleas e hold t he plug tigh tly when unpluggin g the power cab le (a part of the copp er wire may be disconnected if the grabbing is only made on the cord when pulling out the cable).
·It may ca us e an elec tric
shock or fire
Please check the use voltage and current for the DC-only pr od uc ts an d us e th e appropriate rectifier.
·It may cause a fire.
Pl ea se do nt i nser t a ny metallic or burnable materials into the ventilation hole.
·It may ca us e an elec tric
shock or fire.
When connecting the power cables after cutting the cable, please install the product with power off
·It may ca us e an elec tric
shock or fire
Please avoid direct rays of the sun or heati ng devi ces at a time of installation.
·It may cause a fire.
Please use only the designated batteries for th e produ cts of using DC power.
·It may ca us e an elec tric
shock or fire.
When installing the product, please fix it firmly while using the wall- mou nti ng unit and screws.
·It may cause an injury from
the falling object.
Pl ea se do nt i ns ta ll the product on an unstable place or small support board.
·It may cause an injury if it
falls down while in use.
When cleani ng the p rodu ct, please rub it with a soft and dry cloth after plugg ing out th e pow er ca bl e. (Ple as e do nt us e an y ch emic al pr od uc ts su ch as wa x, benzene, alcohol or cleanser.)
Cleaning & Use
Pl ea se do nt d rop t he pro duct on the groun d and dont apply a shock .
·It may cause a failure.
Pl ea se use t he d es igna te d conne ctio n cable with in the maximu m call in g d is ta nc e designated for the product
·It may reduce th e product
1 Main function
Function Description
Login Membership
My Reporter
Scene control
My house coach Offer various lifestyle tips to users by apps Device control Funciton to control a wireless device that works with wall-pad
Apps Show all apps that are registered in the wall-pad
Door call / recording
House to call
Lobby call / recording Guard call Voice call to guard station by IP network
Call list
CCTVlive view / recording
CCTV video
recording vi ew
Security fuction
Scenario Control Multi-control function for device by user condition
System management
Automatic device registration
COMMAX Setting
Display of widget type such as today's weather, indoor temperature and humidity, smart plug electricity amount, absence information
User subscription and login to use UC and Cloud
To view and set the integrated value information provided by the app Support for space control / editing / addition to the main screen and main functions (weather, quick menu, household device information, individual device control) It is main functions that can display basic values (away, burglar), appear user-specified scenes, and register new scenes and delete
Video call with IP door and recording function through IP network Call between household and another household through IP network
Video call to lobby and recording function by IP network
Checking the call list and recorded video of lobby phone and IP Door Real-time and CCTV video monitoring service Fucntion to display and record multiple images on two or more monitors
Check recorded CCTV images by date
Using wireless IoT sensor (magnetic, PIR) to away, burglar, emergency handling
Manual setting of the basic environment (IP setting, etc.) by the user
User can register interlock device (IP Door, CCTV, IoT device, etc.)
IP and various environce setting for lobby call and system operation
Mobile call Calls to mobile phones login ID same as wallpad
Video streaming server
Cloud server Wall pad control by smartphone through cloud server
x Interlocked mobile phone
(Smart devices are compatible with Android OS (4.4.1 or later), iOS (8.0 or
OS Resolution Mobile phone
Format reset function to send CCTV / Door image to external (UC)
Fuction to notify emergency from your house to mobile phone
1136x640 iPhone5s
1920x1080 iPhone6
1334x750 iPhone6s
1920x1080 iPhone6 Plus
1334x750 iPhone7
1920x1080 Nexus5x
2048x1536 Nexus9
2560x1440 Galaxy Note 4
2560x1440 GalaxyS5 edge
1920x1080 GalaxyS4
2560 x 1440 LG G3 cat6
To ta l 11ea
z CIOT-1020M2
0Q %106'065 0Q %106'065
1 Touch screen 8 Dial
2 SPK 9 Mic
3 CMOS 10 Home
4 POWER LED 11 Power S/W
5 Emgergency 12 Wired sensor
6 Guard call 13 PoE
7 Door release 14 RS-485
15 Micro SD Slot 16
10 GND
J1 J6 J3 J4 J5
Basic Screen Configuration
The moving of screen for using scrolling
The screen change
The navigation bar of home screen bottom
Go to home screen Go back
Volume control
Go to Setting
Home screen bottom setting bar
Wifi setting
Internet status
Door registration
User registration
IoT Device
Wall pad settings
Go to system wireless Wifi setting
Go to wired network IP setting
Check the status of external Internet connection
Go to IP Door Camera registration
Go to user registration
Go to IoTt device registration
Go to wall pad setting
OS setting
Go to OS setting
Home Area
2 Home Screen
View the door
Device status
all Apps
Scene contorl
Emergency button
View the door camera
Dial key for call
Door, network, membership status display
* Icons is displayed during abnormal operation
All App list
Scene and Reservation control
User Emergency button
2.1. Editing a space list
1) Press an empty space on background screen for one second.
2) Press a Space background.
3) Press the "X" button to delete the space.
4) Press "+" button to add space
5) Press the Cancel button to cancel editing
6) Press the 'complete ' button to save the space list.
Adding Space
1) Enter the name of the space.
2) Press "Enter" on the keyboard.
3) Select a space image .
4) ‘Press 'OK' button to add space.
5) Previous' button will move to previous screen
* You can link smart phone and space image through the QR code.
2.2. Registering a device
Method 1.
1) Press an empty space on background screen for one second.
2) Press register IoT Device
3) Connect the device according to the device pairing method
4) The device can be paired for up to 60 seconds.
5) Press Cancel 'button to cancel the device pairing method.
6) When a device is registered, the device is automatically placed on the screen
Method 2.
1) Drag or click IoT Device ICON leftside on screen
Click IoT Pairing ICON on upside and drag center on screen.
3) Connect the device by using device pairing method.
2.3. Placing device (move / delete)
1) Press an empty space on background screen for one second
2) Press ‘Device icon placement’.
3) You can move to the desired location by pressing the device you want to
4) Drag the device, move it to the desired location, and release the device
5) To delete a device, press the corresponding icon longer to move to the
desired location
6) To delete a device, press the icon longer and move it to the upper trash...
Method 2.
1) Drag or click IoT Device ICON leftside on screen
You can move to the desired location by pressing the device you want to move.
2.4. Controlling devices
1) Move to the space to control.
2) You can turn the device on / off by pressing the device you want to control
[The device control sreen]
2.5. Widget Area
1) Provide a summary of our home environment and external environment
information at present
2) Press empty space on background screen for one second.
3) Press widget .
4) Select and drag the widget you want to display on the background
5) To delete a widget, press the widge tlonger and move it to the upper trash.
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