Bimetal, bayonet style thermometers are not suitable for
accurately measuring the temperature of thin foods such as
hamburger pattie
Why take a chance?
Use a Comark Digital Thermometer to fully
comply with the FDA Food Code*
All these Comark digitals have a 1.5mm Thin Tip!
Fast * Accurate * Reliable
C28 Kit
* FDA 2009 Food Code 4-302.12 Food Temperature
Measuring Devices. Utensils, Temperature
Measuring Devices and Testing Devices
When determining the temperature of thin foods, those having
a thickness less than 13mm (1/2 inch), it is particularly important
to use a temperature sensing probe designed for that purpos
Bimetal, bayonet style thermometers are not suitable for
accurately measuring the temperature of thin foods such as
hamburger patties because of the large diameter of the probe
and the inability to accurately sense the temperature at the tip
of the probe. However, temperature measurements in thin foods
can be accurately determined using a small diameter probe
1.5mm (0.059 inch) or less.
Comark Instruments • 800-555-6658
sales@comarkUSA.com • www.comarkUSA.com