Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction
Communicating with Another Person
To talk to another person:
1. Press and hold the Talk button.
2. With the microphone about two inches
(five cm) from your mouth, speak in a
normal voice.
3. Release the Talk button when you are
finished talking and listen for a response.
You cannot receive incoming calls while
pressing the Talk button.
Both radios must be tuned to the
same channel to communicate.
To select a channel:
– With the radio on, select any of the
22 channels by pressing the Channel Up
or Channel Down button.
Both radios must be tuned to the
same channel to communicate.
Channels 1 through 7 are shared with FRS/
GMRS. Channels 8 through 14 are FRS only.
Channels 15 through 22 are GMRS only.
See page 14 for FRS/GMRS frequency
allocations and compatibility charts.
CChhaannnneell BBuuttttoonn
CChhaannnneell NNuummbbeerr
TTaallkk BBuuttttoonn
TTwwoo IInncchheess ((ffiivvee
ccmm)) ffrroomm MMoouutthh
Turning on Your microTALK®Radio
To turn on your radio:
– Press and hold the Mode/Power button until
you hear a series of audible tones indicating
the radio is on.
Your microTALK
radio is now in Standby mode,
ready to receive transmissions. The radio is
always in Standby mode except when the Talk,
Call or Mode/Power buttons are pressed.
Battery Low
When battery power is low, the Battery Low icon
will blink. Your batteries should be replaced or
recharged, if using rechargeable batteries.
Auto Battery Save
Your microTALK
radio has a unique circuit
designed to extend battery life. If there are no
transmissions within 10 seconds, the radio will
automatically switch to Battery Save mode and
the Power Saver icon will flash in the display.
This will not affect the radio’s ability to receive
incoming transmissions.
UUssiinngg YYoouurr RRaaddiioo
MMooddee//PPoowweerr BBuuttttoonn
BBaatttteerryy LLooww
BBaatttteerryy SSaavvee MMooddee
Comes Close to a Cobra
The Basics to Get You Started
Your microTALK
radio is easy to use.
To get started, simply:
1. Press and hold the Mode/Power button
to turn on your radio.
2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Down
button to select a channel.
Both radios must be tuned to the
same channel to communicate.
3. Press and hold the Talk button while
speaking into the microphone.
4. When finished talking, release the Talk
button and listen for a response.