ClearCube Public Technical Document
Document Code: TB0096JS
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TB0096.fm — Summary of I8800 I/Port Security Updates
Summary of I8800 I/Port Security Updates
I8800 I/Ports, Windows XPe
August 23, 2005
November 10, 2005
Several new I/Port update files have been developed to improve security on the I8800 I/Port. These
updates comprise the latest Microsoft Security Updates for Windows XPe that apply to ClearCube I8800 I/
Port devices. Each update can be referenced by its MS update number (e.g., MS05-014) on the Microsoft
website at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/default.mspx
This Technical Bulletin lists those updates and provides general instructions for their installation. Users can
download these updates from the ClearCube support website at http://support.clearcube.com/
Technical Bulletins listed for each update provide more detailed information about the Security Updates as
applicable to I/Ports. This Technical Bulletin is updated as new Security Updates are released.
The mapping between Microsoft security updates, ClearCube Technical Bulletins, and the update files provided with those Technical Bulletins is as follows:
MS Security Update Tech Bulletin Update Filename
MS04-011 TB0097JS
MS04-022 TB0098JS MS04-022_XPe_CCT.zip
. The
MS04-024 TB0099JS MS04-024_XPe_CCT.zip
MS04-028 TB0100JS MS04-028_XPe_CCT.zip
MS04-032 TB0101JS MS04-032_XPe_CCT.zip
MS04-034/038 combo TB0102JS MS04-034_038_combo_XPe_CCT.zip
MS04-037 TB0103JS MS04-037_XPe_CCT.zip
MS04-044 TB0104JS MS04-044_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-001/002 combo TB0105JS MS05-001_002_combo_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-007/008 combo TB0106JS MS05-007_008_combo_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-011/012/013/015 combo TB0107JS MS05-011_012_013_015_combo_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-014 TB0108JS MS05-014_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-016 TB0127JS MS05-016_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-018/019 combo TB0128JS MS05-018_019_combo_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-020 TB0129JS MS05-020_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-025 TB0154JS MS05-025_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-026/027/028 combo TB0155JS MS05-026_027_028_combo_XPe_CCT.zip
ClearCube Technology 8834 Capital of Texas Hwy N Suite 140 Austin, Texas 78759 voice 512 652 3500 www.clearcube.com
TB0096 rev 11/10/2005
ClearCube Public Technical Document
Document Code: TB0096JS
MS Security Update Tech Bulletin Update Filename
MS05-036/037 combo TB0156JS MS05-036_037_combo_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-038 TB0157JS MS05-038_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-039/040/041/042/043 combo TB0158JS MS05-039__043_combo_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-044/045/047/050 combo TB0168JS MS05-045_047_048_050_combo_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-049 TB0169JS MS05-049_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-051 TB0170JS MS05-051_XPe_CCT.zip
MS05-052 TB0171JS MS05-052_XPe_CCT.zip
Note: These updates apply to the I8800 I/Port only. For a summary of Microsoft security updates for Eon
e100 I/Ports, please see Technical Bulletin TB0159, Summary of Eon e100 XPe Security Updates.
For summaries of other I/Port updates, please see Technical Bulletin TB0161, Cumulative List of Updates
for Eon e100 and Technical Bulletin TB0162, Cumulative List of Updates for I8800 I/Ports.
Attention: These updates require the use of the Microsoft xcopy.exe command file. If you are updating an
I/Port with the 1715 image, you may have to take additional steps. Please see Note 1 at the end of this
document for steps to determine which I/Port image you are updating, and if you need to take any extra
steps to install your updates.
This information is gathered from the following sources:
• Microsoft Corporation — Microsoft develops and distributes security updates for its software products. Updates listed in this Technical Bulletin are prepared from those updates specifically for
ClearCube I8800 I/Ports running Windows XP Embedded and Windows applications.
• Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) — CVE is a list of standardized names for vulnerabilities and other information about security exposures. The CVE Web site is hosted by the MITRE
Corporation (http://www.cve.mitre.org/about/), and funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security (
ities and security exposures.
• United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) — US-CERT is part of the
Department of Homeland Security. The CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) has become a major
reporting center for incidents and vulnerabilities since its inception in 1988. The US-CERT Vulnerability
Notes Database contains descriptions of vulnerabilities, their impacts, and solutions. The Vulnerability
Notes Database is fully indexed and CVE compliant.
Microsoft describes its ratings for security updates as follows:
• Critical — A vulnerability whose exploitation could allow the propagation of an Internet worm without
user action.
• Important — A vulnerability whose exploitation could result in compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of users data, or of the integrity or availability of processing resources.
• Moderate — Exploitability is mitigated to a significant degree by factors such as default configuration,
auditing, or difficulty of exploitation.
• Low — A vulnerability whose exploitation is extremely difficult, or whose impact is minimal.
(source: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/rating.mspx)
http://www.dhs.gov/). CVE aims to standardize the names for all publicly known vulnerabil-
ClearCube Technology 8834 Capital of Texas Hwy N Suite 140 Austin, Texas 78759 voice 512 652 3500 www.clearcube.com