ClearCube Public Technical Document
Document Code: TB0182JS
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TB0182.fm — R2100 BIOS Version 2.5 Shows Incorrect Version Number
R2100 BIOS Version 2.5 Shows Incorrect Version Number
R2100 Blade
February 8, 2005
The first BIOS splash screen for the R2100 BIOS version 2.5 shows an incorrect version number.
After version 2.5 of the R2100 BIOS is successfully installed (please see TB0116JS, R2100 BIOS Update
Version 2.5), the first BIOS splash screen after startup displays the following strings:
BIOS:Phoenix Technologies LTD 6.00(F2.1)
Press <F2> to enter SETUP <F10> for Boot Options
The BIOS version is incorrectly reported in this screen.
The next screen displays these strings:
Initializing Intel(R) Boot Agent GE v.1.2.16
PXE 2.1 Build 083 (WfM 2.0)
This represents the PXE version and not the BIOS version.
The next BIOS splash screen is titled
version number (2.5) and shows the correct BIOS date as
PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility R2100 F2.5 and displays the correct
This reflects the correct version number and date.
When F2 is pressed to enter the BIOS utility, the BIOS setup utility screens display the title
Setup Utility R2100 F2.5
which bears the correct version number of 2.5.
Only the initial splash screen shows the incorrect version number. This version number should be disregarded. Use the version number on the actual setup utility screens.
For more information, please contact ClearCube technical support.
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TB0182 rev 2/08/2006