These two conditions will continue until the call is answered, or until the answerback, time-out period lapses and the caller’s label is automatically removed. To
answer the call, push the “Ans Back” button. The button will turn bright red,
indicating an active talk path to the caller. The talk path is active for as long as
the button is held down.
Note: The “Ans Back” button cannot be latched; it is a momentary-only function.
To manually remove the caller’s label from the “Ans Back” button, push the
“Clear” button. The label assignment will be removed automatically after the
answer-back, time-out period lapses. If another call (or calls) comes in while
answering a call using the “Ans Back” button:
The user will hear the caller’s voice.
The calling panel’s label will be placed in the panel’s answer-back stack.
To answer the next caller:
1) Release the “Ans Back” button.
2) Push the “Clear” button to remove the current caller’s label.
3) Push the “Ans Back” button to talk to the next caller.
Removing Labels From the Answer-Back Stack
Any label will be automatically removed from the stack if it is not answered within
a certain time interval, which is set by the answer-back, auto-clear time in the
configuration program.
To manually remove a label from the answer-back stack press the “Clear” button.
Clear Button
The “Clear” button, located on the far left in the first row, removes the current
caller’s label from the “Ans Back” button.
Function Buttons
The function buttons are located on the right-hand side of the front panel.
This button activates the panel or headset microphone, whichever has been
selected with the “Panel Mic” button. The button will be bright yellow when the