Introducing high-quality Clarion monitors that deliver superior cost performance in
a sophisticated original design with dual camera connectivity.
Large 7-inch screen delivers sharp, clear images in a sleek, stylish
design that fi ts attractively in your vehicle interior.
7" Wide Color LCD Monitor (Compatible with
both DC 12V and 24V)
• Camera power supplies and a two-camera
switcher are built in.
• Convenient true/mirror image switching function.
• Automatic video switching with reverse
gear and turn signal link.
• Manual dimmer function.
• Image sources other than those from a camera
can be displayed via video input and audio input.
• Seven language display selection.
• Wireless remote control is included.
Good cost-to-performance ratio from a practical 5.6-inch
color LCD monitor.
5.6" Color LCD Monitor (Compatible with
both DC 12V and 24V)
• Camera power supplies and a two-camera
switcher are built in.
• Convenient true/mirror image switching function.
• Automatic video switching with reverse
gear and turn signal link.
• Seven language display selection.
CCD CAMERAS CC2001F CC2000E /CC2003E CC2002E CC1030E
Dual ch amber d esign Y Y Y N N N
Motorized lens shutter Y N N N N N
Digit al zoom ( x 1.4) Y Y Y N N N
Microphone NNNNNY
Low light r ating (l ux) 1 1 1 3 or less 3 or less 0.01 ( 6 LED ON)
Iris function YYYNNN
CCD pixels 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000
View angle(horiz./vert.) 118/97 118/97 40/30 115/88 130/97 95/70
Operating temperature range
CCD s ize 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/3"
Power volt age (ca mera) 9Vdc.neg co nnectio n 9Vdc.neg con nectio n 9Vdc.neg connection 9Vdc.neg connection 9Vdc.neg connection 12Vdc.neg connection
Curre nt consu mption ( camera ) Less tha n 150mA Less tha n 150mA Less tha n 150mA Less tha n 150mA Less th an 120mA Less than 20 0mA
Power voltage (sh utter) DC12V N/A N/A N /A N/A N /A
Current consumpti on (shutter) Less than 300mA N/A N/A N /A N/A N /A
Vibration rating (G-force)101010106.86.8
True/Mirror image select Mirror
Size (W x H x D m m ) 80 x 40.5 x 57.4 80 x 40.5 x 53 80 x 40.5 x 53 48 x 35 x 32.5 27 x 25 x 28.3 70 x 44 x 57
Weight 300g 260g 260g 100g
30°C to +70°C
30°C to +70°C
30°C to +70°C
Tru e Mi rro r
30°C to +70°C
30°C to +70°C
Mirr or( CC2011/CC 2015)/ True (CC2012)
72g (CC 2011/CC2012) , 86g (CC2015)
10°C to +60°C
Diagon al scree n size (i nches ) 5.6 7 6.5
Power supply DC12V/24V DC12V/24V DC12V/24V (requires power box)
Power con sumptio n 550mA (DC12V, monito r set only ) 450mA ( DC12V, monitor se t only) Le ss than 2 A (with E A1246A)
Picture e lemen t pixel 320 ( W) x 3 (RG B) x 234 ( H) 480 (W ) x 3 (RGB ) x 234 (H) 112,320 pixe ls (234 x 48 0)
Built-in speaker N Y Y
Volu me co ntrol N/A Y N
Day/Night dimming MAN MAN AUTO (requires power box) / MAN
Image:True/Mirror Selectable Selectable True
Reverse gear on trigger Y Y Y ( requires power box)
Camera s witche r Y (2 cam eras) Y (2 cam eras) Y (3 cam eras wi th EA1246)
Auto trig gerin g for 2nd cam era Y Y Y (with E A1246A)
Auto trig gerin g for 3rd ca mera N N Y (with E A1246A)
Separ ate video i nput N Y Y ( requir es power b ox)
Separa te video o utput N N Y (req uires po wer box)
Separa te audio in put N Y (MONO INP UT) N
Separa te audio ou tput N N N
Electronic distance markers N N Y
Operating temperature range
Size (W x H x D m m ) 163 x 112 x 30 187 x 113.5 x 26.6 194 x 116 x 28.3
Weight 300g 450 g 500g
Signa l system NTSC (sw itch bet ween NTS C/PAL) NTSC (swi tch betwe en NTSC /PAL) NTSC (switch b etwee n NTSC/ PAL)
10°C to +60°C
10°C to +60°C
20°C to +6 0°C
Camera input 1 3
AV In terminal (RCA) 1 (video) 1 (video)
AV Out terminal (RCA) 1 (video) 1 (video)
RGB conn ection te rmina l N (DIN 13P ) 1
Power con sumptio n Less than 2A (w ith CJ9 81E) Less th an 2A (w ith CJ981E)
Power supply DC12V/24V DC12V/24V
Temperature range
Size (W x H x D m m) 155 x 37.5 x 115 200 x 37.5 x 100
Weight 580g 660 g
Speci ficati ons and d esign ar e subjec t to chang e withou t notice.
20°C to +6 0°C
20°C to +6 0°C
A New Vision of Safety and Security
Note: The CJ7100E and CJ5600E are not provided with marker, camera zoom, IRIS and timer functions.
Clarion Corporation of America
6200 G ateway Drive, Cypre ss, CA 90 630, U.S.A .
TEL +1-310-327-9100
FAX +1-310-327-1999
Clarion Canada Inc.
2239 Winston Par k Drive, Oakville,
Ontario, L6H 5R1, Canada
7205 Corporate Center Dr ive,
Suite 30 3, Miami, F lorida 3 3126, U.S. A.
TEL +1-305-406-0999
FAX +1-305-40 6-0 964

Protect your investment with advanced in-car
surveillance equipment from the world’s leading
provider of automotive media systems
As a world leader in the development and production of in-car media equipment,
Clarion has always been at the forefront of technological evolution. Our years of
experience — including more than four decades of development of in-vehicle camera
systems — have given us an expertise that none can match. And nowhere is that
expertise more important than in designing safety camera and monitor systems.
Headquarters and Technical center
Our reliability is backed up by one of the world’s most rigorous production line quality
assurance systems because we know that our in-vehicle equipment must perform
consistently and reliably no matter where it’s being used — whether it’s the hot
tropics, a parched desert, a wet rainforest, or the freezing cold of the far north.
Waterproof test
Assuming vehic les are wa shed
by a car was h and expo sed to
the weather, we check for water
penetration i nside the camera
and dete rmine h ow water tight
the equipment i s.
Vibration test
Assuming our products are
used in commercial vehi cles, we
confirm durability by subjecting
them to severe vibrations.
Tem p e ratu re t e st
Reliability under rapid
temperature change is c hecked,
including performance
confirmation under high and low
Repetition durability test (to check camera’s shutter
release and monitor’s controls)
We check the durability of movable parts such as shutter
opening/closin g and monitor controls by conducting more than
50,000 operation tests.
Our state-of-the-art computer design system simulates various climatic conditions and every product goes through a
wide range of quality control tests. Only when products pass these tests, are they entitled to bear the Clarion insignia
and be delivered to our customers around the world. And thanks to advanced automation, our factories produce
50,000 in-vehicle CCD cameras for both commercial and private vehicles in countries around the world each and
every month. So when it comes to in-car surveillance — leave it to Clarion. Because if it’s “in-car,” it’s Clarion.
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