SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide1
show interfaces access-lists62
Chapter 4: ARP Inspection Commands 64
ip arp inspection64
ip arp inspection vlan65
ip arp inspection trust66
ip arp inspection validate67
ip arp inspection list create68
ip mac69
ip arp inspection list assign70
ip arp inspection logging interval71
show ip arp inspection72
show ip arp inspection list73
Chapter 5: Address Table Commands 75
bridge address75
bridge multicast filtering76
bridge multicast address77
bridge multicast forbidden address79
bridge multicast forward-all80
bridge multicast forbidden forward-all82
bridge aging time83
clear bridge84
port security85
port security mode86
port security max87
show bridge address-table88
show bridge address-table static89
show bridge address-table count91
show bridge multicast address-table92
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide2
show bridge multicast address-table static94
show bridge multicast filtering95
show ports security96
show ports security addresses98
Chapter 6: Clock Commands 100
clock set100
clock source101
clock timezone102
clock summer-time103
sntp authentication-key105
sntp authenticate106
sntp port107
sntp trusted-key108
sntp client poll timer109
sntp broadcast client enable110
sntp anycast client enable111
sntp client enable112
sntp client enable (Interface)113
sntp unicast client enable114
sntp unicast client poll115
sntp server116
show clock117
show sntp configuration119
show sntp status120
Chapter 7: Configuration and Image File Commands 122
delete startup-config125
show running-config126
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide3
show startup-config127
Chapter 8: DHCP Commands 129
ip dhcp snooping129
ip dhcp snooping vlan130
ip dhcp snooping trust131
ip dhcp information option allowed-untrusted132
ip dhcp snooping verify133
ip dhcp snooping database134
ip dhcp snooping database update-freq135
ip dhcp snooping binding136
clear ip dhcp snooping database137
show ip dhcp snooping138
show ip dhcp snooping binding139
Chapter 9: DHCP Relay Commands 141
ip dhcp relay enable (global)141
ip dhcp relay enable (interface)142
ip dhcp relay address143
show ip dhcp relay144
Chapter 10: DHCP Option 82 Commands 145
ip dhcp information option145
show ip dhcp information option146
Chapter 11: DHCP Auto-configuration 147
ip dhcp autoconfig147
ip dhcp autoconfig file148
show ip dhcp autoconfig149
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide4
Chapter 12: Ethernet Configuration Commands 150
interface ethernet150
interface range ethernet151
port jumbo-frame157
show system flowcontrol158
port jumbo-frame162
sfp speed163
clear counters164
set interface active165
show interfaces configuration166
show interfaces status167
show interfaces advertise169
show interfaces description170
show interfaces counters171
show ports jumbo-frame174
port storm-control broadcast enable175
port storm-control broadcast rate176
port storm-control include-multicast177
port storm-control unknown-unicast fastethernet enable178
port storm-control unknown-unicast fastethernet rate179
show ports storm-control180
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide5
Chapter 13: GVRP Commands 182
gvrp enable (Global)182
gvrp enable (Interface)183
garp timer184
gvrp vlan-creation-forbid185
gvrp registration-forbid186
clear gvrp statistics187
show gvrp configuration188
show gvrp statistics189
show gvrp error-statistics190
Chapter 14: IGMP Snooping Commands 192
ip igmp snooping (global)192
ip igmp snooping (Interface)193
ip igmp snooping mrouter194
ip igmp snooping querier enable195
ip igmp snooping host-time-out196
ip igmp snooping mrouter-time-out197
ip igmp snooping leave-time-out198
ip igmp snooping multicast-tv199
ip igmp snooping map cpe vlan200
show ip igmp snooping mrouter201
show ip igmp snooping interface202
show ip igmp snooping groups203
show ip igmp snooping multicast-tv205
show ip igmp snooping cpe vlans206
Chapter 15: IP Address Commands 208
ip address208
ip address dhcp209
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide6
renew dhcp211
ip default-gateway212
show ip interface213
arp timeout215
clear arp-cache216
show arp217
ip domain-lookup218
ip domain-name219
ip name-server220
ip host221
clear host222
clear host dhcp223
show hosts224
Chapter 16: IP Source Guard Commands 226
ip source-guard (global)226
ip source-guard (interface)227
ip source-guard binding228
ip source-guard tcam retries-freq229
show ip source-guard configuration230
show ip source-guard status231
show ip source-guard inactive233
Chapter 17: LACP Commands 235
lacp system-priority235
lacp port-priority236
lacp timeout237
show lacp ethernet238
show lacp port-channel240
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide7
Chapter 18: Line Commands 242
show line245
Chapter 19: Management ACL Commands 247
management access-list247
management access-class248
permit (management)249
deny (management)251
show management access-list252
show management access-class253
Chapter 20: PHY Diagnostics Commands 254
test copper-port tdr254
show copper-ports tdr255
show copper-ports cable-length256
show fiber-ports optical-transceiver257
Chapter 21: Port Channel Commands 260
interface port-channel260
interface range port-channel261
show interfaces port-channel263
Chapter 22: Port Monitor Commands 265
port monitor265
show ports monitor266
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide8
Chapter 23: QoS Commands 268
show qos269
show class-map271
show policy-map276
qos aggregate-policer281
show qos aggregate-policer283
police aggregate284
wrr-queue bandwidth285
wrr-queue cos-map286
priority-queue out num-of-queues288
rate-limit (Ethernet)290
show qos interface291
qos wrr-queue threshold293
qos map policed-dscp295
qos map dscp-queue296
qos map dscp-dp297
qos trust (Global)298
qos trust (Interface)299
qos cos300
qos dscp-mutation301
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide9
qos map dscp-mutation302
show qos map303
Chapter 24: RADIUS Commands 306
radius-server host306
radius-server key308
radius-server retransmit309
radius-server source-ip310
radius-server timeout311
radius-server deadtime312
show radius-servers313
Chapter 25: RMON Commands 314
show rmon statistics314
rmon collection history317
show rmon collection history318
show rmon history319
rmon alarm323
show rmon alarm-table325
show rmon alarm326
rmon event329
show rmon events330
show rmon log331
rmon table-size333
Chapter 26: SNMP Commands 334
snmp-server community334
snmp-server view336
snmp-server group337
snmp-server user339
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide10
snmp-server filter341
snmp-server host342
snmp-server v3-host344
snmp-server engineID local346
snmp-server enable traps348
snmp-server trap authentication349
snmp-server contact350
snmp-server location351
snmp-server set352
show snmp353
show snmp engineID355
show snmp views355
show snmp groups356
show snmp filters358
show snmp users359
Chapter 27: RSA and Certificate Commands 361
crypto certificate generate361
crypto key generate dsa363
crypto key generate rsa364
Chapter 28: Spanning Tree Commands 365
spanning-tree mode366
spanning-tree forward-time367
spanning-tree hello-time368
spanning-tree max-age369
spanning-tree priority370
spanning-tree disable371
spanning-tree cost372
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide11
spanning-tree port-priority373
spanning-tree portfast374
spanning-tree link-type375
spanning-tree pathcost method376
spanning-tree bpdu377
spanning-tree guard root378
clear spanning-tree detected-protocols379
spanning-tree mst priority380
spanning-tree mst max-hops381
spanning-tree mst port-priority382
spanning-tree mst cost383
spanning-tree mst configuration385
instance (mst)386
name (mst)387
revision (mst)388
show (mst)389
exit (mst)390
abort (mst)391
show spanning-tree392
Chapter 29: SSH Commands 403
ip ssh port403
ip ssh server404
ip ssh pubkey-auth405
crypto key pubkey-chain ssh406
show ip ssh410
show crypto key pubkey-chain ssh411
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide12
show crypto key mypubkey412
crypto certificate request413
crypto certificate import415
crypto certificate export417
show crypto certificate mycertificate418
Chapter 30: Syslog Commands 420
logging on420
logging console422
logging buffered423
logging buffered size424
clear logging425
logging file426
clear logging file427
aaa logging428
file-system logging429
management logging430
show logging431
show logging file432
show syslog-servers434
Chapter 31: System Management Commands 436
service cpu-utilization448
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide13
show cpu utilization449
show users450
show sessions451
show system452
show version454
show system tcam utilization455
Chapter 32: TACACS+ Commands 456
tacacs-server host456
tacacs-server key458
tacacs-server timeout459
tacacs-server source-ip460
show tacacs461
Chapter 33: User Interface Commands 463
exit (configuration)464
history size469
terminal history470
terminal history size471
terminal datadump472
show history474
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide14
Chapter 34: VLAN Commands 477
switchport protected477
switchport protected-port478
switchport protected-port fastethernet479
vlan database480
default-vlan vlan482
interface vlan483
interface range vlan484
switchport mode486
switchport protected487
switchport access vlan488
switchport access multicast-tv vlan489
switchport trunk allowed vlan490
switchport trunk native vlan491
switchport general allowed vlan492
switchport general pvid494
switchport general ingress-filtering disable495
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only496
switchport customer vlan497
switchport customer multicast-tv vlan498
switchport forbidden vlan499
show interfaces protected-ports500
show protected-ports fastethernet501
show vlan502
show vlan multicast-tv503
show interfaces switchport504
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide15
Chapter 35: Web Server Commands 506
ip http server506
ip http port507
ip http exec-timeout508
ip https server509
ip https port510
ip https exec-timeout511
ip https certificate512
show ip http513
show ip https514
Chapter 36: 802.1x Commands 516
aaa authentication dot1x516
dot1x system-auth-control517
dot1x port-control518
dot1x re-authentication519
dot1x timeout re-authperiod520
dot1x re-authenticate521
dot1x timeout quiet-period522
dot1x timeout tx-period523
dot1x max-req524
dot1x timeout supp-timeout525
dot1x timeout server-timeout527
show dot1x528
show dot1x users531
show dot1x statistics532
Advanced Features535
dot1x auth-not-req535
dot1x multiple-hosts536
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide16
dot1x radius-attributes vlan537
dot1x single-host-violation538
dot1x bpdu539
show dot1x bpdu541
dot1x guest-vlan542
dot1x guest-vlan enable543
dot1x mac-authentication544
show dot1x advanced545
Appendix A: Alias Names547
Alias Name Support547
Appendix B: Where to Go From Here548
Product Resources548
Related Documentation548
Appendix C: Additional Information549
Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information549
End User License Agreement (EULA)549
Appendix D: Support Contacts550
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide17
This document describes the Command Line Interface (CLI) used to manage the
Linksys SPS208G, SPS224G4, and SPS2024 switches. Unless noted otherwise,
all of the CLI commands in this document apply to all three switches.
This chapter describes the CLI command modes, how to access the CLI, and the
CLI command editing features.
CLI Command Modes
For greater ease of use, the Command Line Interface (CLI) is divided into four
command modes arranged hierarchically by privilege level. The command modes
are (in the order in which they are accessed):
•User EXEC mode (lowest privilege)
•Privileged EXEC mode
•Global Configuration mode
•Interface Configuration mode (highest privilege)
Each command mode has its own unique console prompt and set of CLI
commands. Entering a question mark at the console prompt displays a list of
available commands for the current mode. Specific commands are used to switch
from one mode to another.
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide18
CLI Command Modes
User EXEC Mode
This is the initial mode after system login (except for users who are defined as
privileged users; refer to “
tasks that do not change the configuration, such as performing basic tests and
listing system information.
The user-level prompt consists of the Switch host name followed by the angle
bracket >:
The default host name is Console unless it is changed via the hostname command
in Global Configuration mode.
To access the next higher mode (Privileged EXEC mode), use the enable
command and enter a password when prompted.
Privileged EXEC Mode
”). User EXEC mode is used for
Privileged EXEC Mode
Privileged EXEC mode is password-protected to prevent unauthorized use, as
many of its commands set operating system parameters. The password is not
displayed on the screen and is case-sensitive.
Privileged users start in Privileged EXEC mode. To enter this mode from User
EXEC mode, follow these steps:
STEP 1At the prompt enter the enable command and press Enter. A password prompt is
STEP 2Enter the password and press Enter. (For security purposes, each character in the
password is replaced by *). The Privileged EXEC mode prompt, consisting of the
Switch host name followed by, is displayed.
To return from the Privileged EXEC mode to the User EXEC mode, use the disable
The following example illustrates how to access Privileged EXEC mode and then
return to User EXEC mode:
Console> enable
Enter Password: ******
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide19
CLI Command Modes
Console# disable
Global Configuration Mode
The Global Configuration mode is used to configure features at the system level,
and not at the interface level.
To access Global Configuration mode from Privileged EXEC mode, enter the
configure command at the Privileged EXEC mode prompt and press Enter. The
Global Configuration mode prompt, consisting of the device host name followed
by (config)#, is displayed:
Use any of the following commands to return from Global Configuration mode to
the Privileged EXEC mode:
The following example shows how to access Global Configuration mode and
return to Privileged EXEC mode:
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide20
CLI Command Modes
Interface Configuration Mode
Interface Configuration mode commands perform operations on specific
interfaces. This mode is divided into the following submodes, each with a specific
•Line Interface — Contains commands used to configure the management
connections. These include commands such as line timeout settings, etc.
The line Global Configuration mode command is used to enter the Line
Configuration command mode.
•VLAN Database — Contains commands used to create a VLAN as a whole.
The vlan database Global Configuration mode command is used to enter
the VLAN Database Interface Configuration mode.
•Management Access List — Contains commands used to define
management access-lists. The management access-list Global
Configuration mode command is used to enter the Management Access
List Configuration mode.
•Ethernet — Contains commands used to manage port configuration. The
interface ethernet Global Configuration mode command is used to enter the
Interface Configuration mode.
•Port Channel — Contains commands used to configure port-channels; for
example, assigning ports to a port-channel. Most of these commands are
the same as the commands in the Ethernet interface mode, and are used to
manage the member ports as a single entity. The interface port-channel
Global Configuration mode command is used to enter the Port Channel
Interface Configuration mode.
•SSH Public Key-chain — Contains commands used to manually specify
other device SSH public keys. The crypto key pubkey-chain ssh Global
Configuration mode command is used to enter the SSH Public Key-chain
Configuration mode.
•QoS — Contains commands related to service definitions. The qos Global
Configuration mode command is used to enter the QoS services
configuration mode.
•MAC Access-List — Configures conditions required to allow traffic based
on MAC addresses. The mac access-list Global Configuration mode
command is used to enter the MAC access-list configuration mode.
To return from any Interface Configuration mode to the Global Configuration mode,
use the exit command.
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide21
Accessing the Command Line Interface
Accessing the Command Line Interface
The Command Line Interface (CLI) can be accessed from a terminal or computer
by performing one of the following tasks:
•Running a terminal application, such as HyperTerminal, on a computer that is
directly connected to the Switch’s console port,
•Running a telnet session from a command prompt on a computer with a
network connection to the Switch.
If access is via a telnet connection, ensure that the following conditions are met
before using CLI commands:
•The Switch has a defined IP address.
•Corresponding management access is granted.
•The workstation used to access the Switch is connected to the Switch.
Using HyperTerminal over the Console Interface
NOTE When using HyperTerminal with Microsoft® Windows® 2000, ensure that
Windows® 2000 Service Pack 2 or later is installed on your computer. The arrow
keys will not function properly using HyperTerminal’s VT100 emulation in
Windows® 2000 prior to Service Pack 2. For information on Windows® 2000
service packs, go to www.microsoft.com.
The Switch’s RS-232 serial console port provides a direct connection to a
computer’s serial port using a standard DB-9 null-modem or crossover cable.
Once the computer and Switch are connected, run a terminal application such as
HyperTerminal to access the Command Line Interface.
To access the Command Line Interface using the HyperTerminal application,
perform the following steps:
STEP 1Click the Start button.
STEP 2Select All Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal.
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide22
Accessing the Command Line Interface
Figure1Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications >
STEP 3Enter a name for this connection. Select an icon for the application, then click OK.
STEP 4Select a port to communicate with the switch. Select COM1 or COM2.
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide23
Accessing the Command Line Interface
Fig ure 3H yp er Term in al Co nn ec t To Sc re en
STEP 5Set the serial port settings as follows, then click OK.
•Bits per Second: 38400
•Databits: 8
•Parity: one
•Stop bits: 1
•Flow control: None
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide24
Accessing the Command Line Interface
Figure 4HyperTerminal Properties Screen
STEP 6When the
and press Enter.
Figure 5Command Line User Name Prompt
The console# prompt is displayed. This prompt is where you enter CLI commands.
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide25
Command Line Interface
appears, enter admin at the
User Name
Accessing the Command Line Interface
Figure 6Command Line
You can now enter CLI commands to manage the Switch. For detailed information
on CLI commands, refer to the appropriate chapter(s) of this Reference Guide.
Using Telnet over an Ethernet Interface
Telnet provides a method of connecting to the Command Line Interface using TCP/
IP over a standard Ethernet connection. A telnet session can be established in
HyperTerminal or from a command prompt.
To establish a telnet session from the command prompt, perform the following
STEP 1Click Start, then select All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt to open a
command prompt.
Figure 7Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
STEP 2At the prompt, enter telnet, then press Enter.
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide26
Accessing the Command Line Interface
Figure 8Command Prompt
STEP 4The console# prompt is displayed. This prompt is where you enter CLI commands.
Command Line Interface
prompt and press Enter.
Figure 9Command Line User Name Prompt
Figure 10Command Line
will be displayed. Enter admin at the
User Name
You can now enter CLI commands to manage the Switch. For detailed information
on CLI commands, refer to the appropriate chapter(s) of this Reference Guide.
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide27
Editing Features
Editing Features
Entering Commands
A CLI command is a series of keywords and arguments. Keywords identify a
command, and arguments specify configuration parameters. For example, in the
command show interfaces status ethernet e11,
specifies the port.
To enter commands that require parameters, enter the required parameters after
the command keyword. For example, to set a password for the administrator,
is an argument that specifies the interface type, and
e1 1
When working with the CLI, the command options are not displayed. The
command is not selected from a menu, but is manually entered. To see what
commands are available in each mode or within an Interface Configuration, the CLI
does provide a method of displaying the available commands, the command
syntax requirements and in some instances parameters required to complete the
command. The standard command to request help is ?.
There are two instances where help information can be displayed:
•Keyword lookup — The character ? is entered in place of a command. A list
of all valid commands and corresponding help messages are is displayed.
•Partial keyword lookup — If a command is incomplete and or the character
? is entered in place of a parameter, the matched keyword or parameters
for this command are displayed.
To assist in using the CLI, there is an assortment of editing features. The following
features are described:
•Terminal Command Buffer
•Command Completion
•Keyboard Shortcuts
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide28
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