Cisco SOHO 77H ADSL Router
Affordable Secure ADSL Router with the Power
of Cisco IOS
Manageability and Reliability
The Cisco SOHO 77H Router providesanaffordable, secure,multiuserdigital
subscriber line (DSL) access solution to small office/home office customers
while reducing deployment and operational costs for service providers.
Through the power of Cisco IOS
ADSL router provides superior manageability and reliability.
software technology, the Cisco SOHO 77H
Data Sheet
Figure 1
The Cisco SOHO 77H
ADSL Router
SOHO customers need affordable,
multiuser access on a single asymmetric
DSL (ADSL) line as well as business class
firewall security and reliability. Services
providers need to deploy and manage
intelligent customer premise equipment
(CPE) that supports SOHO customer’s
needs while keeping operational costs low.
The Cisco SOHO 77H router is ideal for
small offices or home offices and allows
userstosharea singleDSL lineand singleIP
address, providing:
• Affordable,multiuser accesswith 4port
Ethernet Hub
• Business Class Security with Stateful
Inspection Firewall
• Easy set up and deployment with
Web-based configuration
Because the Cisco SOHO 77H router is
based on Cisco IOS technology, service
providers can leverage their training and
investmentsin Cisco IOSsoftware toreduce
overall costs of doing business. With key
management and troubleshooting features,
serviceproviders cancost-effectively deploy
andremotely manage theCisco SOHO 77H
Router with the following advantages:
• Cisco IOS manageability, including
interactive diagnostics/debug features
• Familiar Cisco IOS command-line
interface (CLI)
• Proven reliability and industry leading
Benefits of Cisco SOHO 77H
ADSL Router
Affordable, Multiuser Access with a
Single DSL Line
The Cisco SOHO 77H ADSLrouter enables
service providersor businesses todeploy an
affordable, multiuser router thatis ideal for
sites that need fast, reliable access to the
Internet. Network Address Translation
(NAT) allows multiple users to share one
DSL line with a single IP address, and NAT
eliminates the need to readdress all PCs
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with private network addresses. Unlike a DSL modem, which allows only a single PC to connect to the Internet at a
time, theCisco SOHO 77HADSL routere allows multiplePCs to connect to the Internet simultaneously.The SOHO
77H router includes anintegrated four portEthernet hub toallow up tofour devices to connect directly to the router.
Figure 2
Cisco SOHO 77H Rear View
Figure 3
The Cisco SOHO 77H ADSL router is ideal for small office/home office environment, providing basic secure and reliable access to the Internet.
Small Office-Cisco SOHO 77H Home Office-Cisco SOHO 77H
Packet Filtering
Stateful Inspection
Firewall (ACLs)
Packet Filtering
Stateful Inspection
Firewall (ACLs)
Business Class Security with Stateful Inspection Firewall
With DSL’s always-on connection network security is essential. The Cisco SOHO 77H ADSL router enables service
providers to offer true business class security with a stateful inspection firewall that helps protect users from
unauthorized access from hackers allowing friendly traffic to pass through while stopping unwanted traffic at the
firewall. A stateful firewall denies or permits WAN traffic based on a session’s state, so requests from users behind
the firewall can be received, while preventing unauthorized access.
If an intruder attempts to gain access to the network through the SOHO 77H Router and is rejected the firewall
tracks the user through an audit trail. This audit trail can then help identify an attack in progress and locate an
intruder to prevent future attempts. In addition, the firewall uses NATto hide internal IP addresses from the outside
world to further keep the network secure.
Easy Set Up and Deployment
The Cisco SOHO 77H Router includes the Cisco Router Web Set up tool (CRWS), a web based configuration tool
that allows users to quickly self-install the router without knowledge of Cisco IOS software. Because CRWS is web
based, no additional software needs to be installed on a user’s PC. They simply point a browser to the router and
follow a few simple sets to quickly get the router up and running.
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Cisco Configuration Express allows service providers to order pre-configured SOHO 77H routers and have them
shipped directly to the customer site. End users simply enter user name and password to complete the installation.
The Power of Cisco IOS Software
Remote Management
The Cisco SOHO 77H Router incorporates the same Cisco IOS technologies used by service providers and
enterprises, allowing service providersto use existingknowledge of Cisco IOS softwareto reduce trainingcosts when
configuring, installing, and deploying Cisco SOHO 77H ADSL routers.
Additionally, Cisco IOS software provides many debug features that allow a service provider to remotely diagnose
network problems. For example, the ADSL loop analysis feature provides information gathered remotely to analyze
line quality and data transfer rates, including train speeds for upstream and downstream, bit error rate, margin,
chipset status, as well bits per frequency bin.
The Cisco SOHO 77H Series routers support centralized administration and management via Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP), HTTP,Telnet,or local management throughthe router consoleport. In addition, the
world-class support offered by the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) provides unparalleled support services.
Managed Network Services with Cisco IOS Software
Service providers can offersmall business andenterprise telecommuters managed network orInternet access withthe
Cisco SOHO 77H Router, providing service level agreement (SLAs) and guaranteed response times. SLAs can be a
critical requirementin serving the business market that isaccustomed to uninterrupted service with traditional WAN
services suchas T1 linesor Frame Relay. When deploying business serviceswith multiple Cisco SOHO77H Routers,
service providers can use tools to provision and monitor these services. The Cisco SOHO 77H Router supports the
SA Agent feature in Cisco IOS Software that enables the monitoring of SLAs all the way to the customer site.
Proven Reliability
Because Cisco SOHO 77H ADSL router is based on the same proven Cisco IOS technology used on 80 percent of
the Internet and because Cisco IOS software is the industry standard application for mission-critical enterprise
networks, SOHO customers can depend on them well into the future.
Table 1 Key Product Features and Benefits
Key Features Benefits
Affordable, Multiuser Access
NAT/PAT • Allows multiple users to share a single DSL line and one IP address
• Lets businesses and service providers conserve valuable IP address space
• Reduces time and costs by reducing IP address management
Integrated four port Ethernet Hub • Allows up to four devices to be connected directly to the router
Business Class Security
Statfeul Inspection Firewall • Offers internal users secure, per-application dynamic access control
(stateful inspection) for all traffic across perimeters
• Defends and protects router resources against denial-of-service attacks
• Checks packet headers, dropping suspicious packets
• Details transactions for reporting on a per-application, per-feature basis
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